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Emerson Lake & Palmer ~ In Studio rehearsing Karn Evil 9

Neal Peart of RUSH discussing LimeLight and vocal timing

chingalera says...

Peart, Terry Bozzio, Ginger Baker and Kieth Moon have always been my favorites for sheer energy in execution, improvisation, and texture. John Bonham was fun to listen to and watch, too. Surprisingly, I sat mesmerized by Charlie Watts at this show in 79' in Dallas where the band was Page, Clapton, and Beck all jamming with Entwistle on bass and Watts on drums. He looks like a tax collector sitting there but busts out an incredible envelop of rhythm with the precision of a Swiss timepiece on a minimalist kit.

lurgee said:

Neal = God

Jon Stewart on Gun Control

RedSky says...



I don't accept that the US is a more violent country by nature, therefore to me approaching it by cutting down all violence as you say is not plausible.

People can wax lyrically about a gun and violence obsessed culture but as far as I'm concerned the pervasiveness of Western society means you can say that about just about any country nowadays.

Socio-economic conditions determine the rate of murder and all indicators show that despite the US having a high per capita income rate, it has a drastically above average murder rate.

The only logical conclusion I see is that the easy availability of guns empowers the ratio of violent people with a tool designed to liquefy people's insides resulting in this.


I agree that the media focus on mass shootings ignores the wider issue. It is true however that mass shootings are certainly more common in the US that in equally highly developed countries so that mere fact is still newsworthy. The significantly higher murder rate of the US to any other developed country should be the issue but nobody seems to ever talk about it from the snippets I see.

You mention China. Mass murder sprees certainly can happen in any country regardless of gun regulation. Nothing will stop the occasional delusion but resourceful individual from improvising but it stands to reason that looking at the wider trend, despite China being drastically less developed it's murder rate per capita is 20% of the US.

Jon Stewart on Gun Control

Darkhand says...

I think we deffo need to step up stopping people who are mentally disturbed from getting firearms

Also stop the gunshow loophole as well

But banning assault rifles or large capacity magazines won't do anything to stem the violence at all. People will just bring improvised weapons to their place of slaughter.

Next thing you know it'll be people upset about modifying certain glocks to be fully auto with extended clips. Then they'll start banning handguns.

Actual Gun/Violent Crime Statistics - (U.S.A. vs U.K.)

chingalera says...

Dude.....Yer thinkin' too hard.
1, Give the Brits their guns back and let God sort out the rabble, more guns means less brain-dead drunks who are prone to brawl anyway because of life under the decaying crown and their Nazi fucking rich family lineage of bend-over and take it. Hehe, to all you Brits: Now they gave it away and want you to like it? Fuck them.

2. True, so what, false or meaningless, guns are tools and a wedge against the ultimate douchebags...namely, any government gone fallow.

3. No man, live where you want, when you want, and take a gun with you along with your winning fucking personality...lifes' a bitch, and sometimes you need to improvise.

4. Create your own source of infotainment with a view to not listening to ass-magnets babbling about how you should think for yourself in light of such a world-wide ass-fuck.

Now. Breath. See?? Life is better with or without guns!

peter12 said:

What I learned from this video:

1) People in Uk are more violent than in US
2) US have more metropolitan areas
3) Metropolitan Areas a dangerous
4) Media is biased

--> 1 Holly Crap, didn't know that. I'm so glad that there gun possession law are so strict, otherwise... Is it actually possible to be less violent than somebody else and still have worse homicide ratio?
Homicide Worldwide
--> 2 True
--> 3 If this is the case, what should we do to safe our children from psychopaths. Moving to small places; massacre never happened there. Maybe gun possession restrictions. Sounds nice, more wrestling less gunfights and so less lethal injuries. NO, just joking. I need my AK to kill wild boar ruining my lawn. We are fucked!

Cooking Channel Contest (Food Talk Post)

chingalera says...

Recipe #1

-2 Corn Tortillas (get good tortillas from a mexican market)

-1 Egg

-Oil (I used olive oil, but veggie or canola should work fine)

-Pepper Jack Cheese (Use other types of cheese if you like)

-Cajun Seasoning - I used “Slap Ya Mama” seasoning - which is a mix of salt, red pepper, white pepper and garlic. Improvise if you need to.

-Mayo - You can leave this out if you are trying to be healthy

-Gochugang Sauce - This is a mix of pepper paste, brown sugar, rice vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce and honey. Mix to taste, put it in a squeeze bottle in the fridge and it will taste delicious on just about anything. Formal recipe here:

Cooking Channel Contest (Food Talk Post)

chingalera says...

SO here's a taste of the first entry submitted by a stellar fixture and long-winded SO-Cal so-called here, dytopianfurtdy:
Eggadilla - an original dft creation

You will need:

-2 Corn Tortillas (get good tortillas from a mexican market)

-1 Egg

-Oil (I used olive oil, but veggie or canola should work fine)

-Pepper Jack Cheese (Use other types of cheese if you like)

-Cajun Seasoning - I used “Slap Ya Mama” seasoning - which is a mix of salt, red pepper, white pepper and garlic. Improvise if you need to.

-Mayo - You can leave this out if you are trying to be healthy

-Gochugang Sauce - This is a mix of pepper paste, brown sugar, rice vinegar, sesame oil, soy sauce and honey. Mix to taste, put it in a squeeze bottle in the fridge and it will taste delicious on just about anything. Formal recipe here:

DOn't feel bad if you can't cook, your parents raised you so feel free to blame them for your developmental disabilities, of which there are no-doubt tomes on the subject that remain unwritten (That goes double for you, Miss, low-sugar buttery cinnamon toast woman...I'm kidding, your offering sounds may be one of 2 entries which puts you well ahead of 3282 other Hot-Pocket-eaters around heyah!)

Red Dawn Movie Trailer (2012)

CelebrateApathy jokingly says...

Look at all those terrorists, wreaking havoc with inferior weapons and improvised explosive devices. Why won't they just let those friendly soldiers bring freedom to their country? So what if a few of their friends and family die during the freedom bringing. Obviously they were just unavoidable collateral damage and acceptable losses considering the greater good.

Should VideoSift Allow Full-Length Movies? (User Poll by MrFisk)

BoneRemake says...

Your only Yes option is " yes, fuck the laws, we can do what we want without repercussions "

What two hippies clicked on that one. Obviously not your ass and site on the line.

** oh yea those quotes are improvised. not verbatim.

Take Five with the Dave Brubeck Quartet

criticalthud says...

>> ^oblio70:

13 beats to the bar. I LOVE the improvisations of Desmond. Brubeck can only keep up, tho it's his composition. Great find! Beats the Take Five entry.

paul desmond is credited with writing the tune.
it's in 5/4
meaning 5 quarter note beats per bar

Fox News Latest Attack on Obama

VoodooV jokingly says...

They didn't do it alone. God chose to help them and them alone.

>> ^PostalBlowfish:

When I first heard this, I cringed. It sounds like he's sort of improvising and the line they pulled out was indelicately delivered. However, anyone who actually thinks that their success is completely independent of the rest of us is a classic ingrate. One person's success depends on interaction with others. If you have a product, you need people to buy it. That means you need people to have access to money and to the product, which means you need banks and bankers, roads and truckers, rails and train operators, boats and boat crews. In order to convince people to buy it, you need advertising space - billboards, newspapers, websites, television programs and all of them are staffed by still more people. Without security, your success is meaningless, so that's police and firefighters, the entire judicial branch of government. A lot of this infrastructure is subsidized by the public.
No one does it alone. You have to be a special kind of disconnected to convince yourself that's not true. If we govern with the attitude that successful people should not be expected to give back, it will cripple those who are emerging successes. We need to create an environment where people can buy things, and super rich people can afford to pitch in to keep that happening even if they refuse to see that they're included in the list of people who benefit.

Fox News Latest Attack on Obama

PostalBlowfish says...

When I first heard this, I cringed. It sounds like he's sort of improvising and the line they pulled out was indelicately delivered. However, anyone who actually thinks that their success is completely independent of the rest of us is a classic ingrate. One person's success depends on interaction with others. If you have a product, you need people to buy it. That means you need people to have access to money and to the product, which means you need banks and bankers, roads and truckers, rails and train operators, boats and boat crews. In order to convince people to buy it, you need advertising space - billboards, newspapers, websites, television programs and all of them are staffed by still more people. Without security, your success is meaningless, so that's police and firefighters, the entire judicial branch of government. A lot of this infrastructure is subsidized by the public.

No one does it alone. You have to be a special kind of disconnected to convince yourself that's not true. If we govern with the attitude that successful people should not be expected to give back, it will cripple those who are emerging successes. We need to create an environment where people can buy things, and super rich people can afford to pitch in to keep that happening even if they refuse to see that they're included in the list of people who benefit.


Take Five with the Dave Brubeck Quartet

Rape in Comedy: Why it can be an exception (Femme Talk Post)

Ryjkyj says...

I'm just going to give my opinion here, mostly because George Carlin is my hero, and because I'm interested in the topic:

Regarding things being offensive:
There isn't any topic known anywhere to human kind that won't offend someone. Whether it's daisies or pancakes or pinwheels someone, somewhere, can be offended by it. I guarantee it. This is just my opinion, but I don't think that anyone has the right to 'not be offended.'

Regarding comedians:
People mostly don't seem to realize the importance of humor in all of our lives. Comedians play a very important role in the collective human community that cannot be replaced. They help us deal with parts of ourselves that would otherwise be unacceptable for us to even sometimes think about. Just like the court jester who might otherwise get himself beheaded if he were a normal person suggesting the king was fat. Almost all humor, successful or not, makes people feel uncomfortable. The very best humor makes people really uncomfortable. Laughter itself is a response to these same situations and events that we just have a little-bit of a hard time dealing with. I think this is why comedians, while onstage, are given a free pass. Even their televised specials get edited for content, but the only time a comedian gets kicked off stage in a club is when no one is laughing. What they're saying implies a lot more about the people laughing than it does about the comedian. Follow me?

And it's important to remember that most comedians are artists who are immersed in their material. Most have specific routines that are worked out over and over again, tweeking the tone and meter until they become almost meaningless to the comedians themselves. This is why you rarely see experienced comedians laughing at their own jokes, they've just heard them too many times. And even when they are performing improvisationally, like Tosh was during the event in question, they aren't saying things that they think are funny, specifically, they are saying things that they think the audience will find funny. It may seem like a small distinction, but it can make a big difference in understanding why some jokes are made. Some comedians have a style based on saying shocking, offensive things, and it's they're job. They are paid to make an audience laugh, and whether you like him or not, Tosh gets paid.

And the particular incident and joke:
This whole thing was brought up by a woman who was at a show and heard something she didn't like. She retorted back from the audience that rape isn't funny. To which Tosh retorted back that it would be funny if the woman was "raped by like five guys." Now, according to the woman, that made her actually fear for her safety and she got up and left. I'm not going to debate her sanity, if she really felt threatened, then that's terrible and I feel bad for her. But there are a few things that need to be pointed out here:

1: Tosh didn't threaten anyone. Had he said: "you five guys over there should rape this woman," it would not only be offensive to many people, but it also could have been perceived as a legitimate threat that, maybe, could have been pursued legally.

2: Hecklers are always dealt with harshly. And so should they be. Complain all you want about a person outside of a show but when you go to a comedy club, you have agreed that it's that person's time to talk. And so has everyone else who paid money to listen to them, not you. They're up there making a living, succeeding or failing at the expense of their own ass, not yours. It should be noted here that the woman said she left the room to the laughter of the entire audience.

3: You do not have the right to not be offended, especially if you are at a fucking comedy club. There was a pretty famous incident with Joan Rivers when she was joking about deaf people on stage, and a man in the audience stood up and started yelling at her because his daughter was deaf and he didn't find her jokes funny. Well, Joan Rivers responded that her own mother was deaf, and that she'd had to deal with that on her own terms. Comedy was something that helped her deal with that (because comedy is a useful tool) and if he didn't like it, he could go fuck himself. And that's the thing, you never know people's story. The girl at Tosh's show couldn't know Tosh's experience with rape, just like he couldn't know hers. And if you don't think people who've experienced a major tragedy can joke about the horrible events in their lives, I invite you to go watch some Bob Saget material. Humor is subjective. Saying you don't think something should be allowed because it's not funny, is exactly the same as saying something shouldn't be allowed because you don't think it's funny. Whatever it is, you can bet that someone out there finds it funny, even if it's nonsense.

Rape jokes are hardly ever funny. Even Carlin's few never got much of a laugh. But jokes are thoughts, and I'd really rather people stop trying to police thoughts. If someone finds a joke threatening, then deal with the threat, not the joke. And if someone finds a joke offensive, well...

What knife fights are really like

toferyu says...

Agreed with most of everything said here and I'd add :

• In any confrontation on the street start off thinking your opponent has a concealed weapon : keep your distance as much as possible
• If distance is closed in, immediately evaluate improvised weapons and protection (leather jacket wrapped around forearm, stick, sand, ...) before things get ugly and tunnel vision kicks in.
• The aim is to get the upper hand with accessories of your own and anything will do to hit, blind, surprise, distract...
• All this with one objective : a clean line of escape.

Oh and about having a knife of your own all the time .... you do realize that means you're going to kill someone ? Either that or someone else will kill you with it. No bringing it out just for show.

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