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'College Conspiracy' - the full documentary

Mazex says...

>> ^ForgedReality:

The ad at the end to sell memberships and silver kind of makes me wanna take the whole thing with a grain of salt...

So true.. MUST GO BUY SOME GOLD AND SILVER so I can join the higher people and gain entry into the promised land after the world economy collapses.

There are some reasonable opinions in this video, but like most one-sided documentaries about important issues, they throw in a load of bullshit too.

Bill Burr - Population Control

Black Comedian/Cultural Critic Responds to Trump's Racism

therealblankman says...

>> ^ghark:

Hate to break it to this guy, but the president doesn't deserve his respect, and he's also half white, with German roots. As far as this getting so much attention, it's simple, just stop watching the mainstream media (or at least taking it seriously), the mainstream media != the opinion of the thinking public, I think Trump is as much of a douchebag as most other people do, however he has a right to free speech. The problem here is not to do with race, it's do do with a class struggle, and the irony is that Obama is on Trumps side of the struggle, this is all just a circus act to make it appear there is differentiation between the two parties in your 'great' plutocracy.
If Obama genuinely wanted to avoid all this, he would have released his birth certificate when the fracas first started, however he did not, so his motives should be questioned.
I do agree with what Buzz said however, stupidity does have repercusions, and the speech was eloquent, so gets my upvote, I just wish the speaker was less black (kidding).

I don't know who you are, nor where you stand on many other important issues, but I find your assertions to be completely unsupportable. That said,our resident racist quantummushroom is on your side, so congratulations on that achievement.

Louie C.K. - You Can't Rape People Into A 69

Louie C.K. - You Can't Rape People Into A 69

Louie C.K. - You Can't Rape People Into A 69

Louie C.K. - You Can't Rape People Into A 69

Acute Dupitis (Sift Talk Post)

blankfist says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

blankfist asked whether it was fair that campionidelmondo's highlight be considered a dupe of the full game, but there is no element of fairness in that question. If cdm and I both post highlights and both are declared dupes, then yes, it's fair. If only mine is declare a dupe, then it's not fair. Fair just means the rules get applied uniformly to everyone. Whether or not everyone likes the rules is a separate (but still important) issue.

I know you think you're being clever right now by playing semantics, but I promise you I meant a lot more than just being fair in regards to whose videos get discarded.

Have you never sifted a video that was a portion of something larger? Do you not see how that would not be considered a dupe?

Acute Dupitis (Sift Talk Post)

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^bareboards2:

This place is supposed to be fun, not a regimented and rigid response to rules, isn't it?
Does it have to be so... perfect? Can't we bend? Can't we play?

Generally speaking, yes, but rules are still required and rules that are either not followed, not understood, or not enforced are useless.

To some people (just check out some of the old Siftquisitions) fun means discarding other people's videos, downvote sprees, and malicious re-tagging.

Other times 2 people who both have 100% good intentions have completely opposite opinions on how things should be done. Rules need to be agreed upon for consistency and fairness.

@blankfist asked whether it was fair that @campionidelmondo's highlight be considered a dupe of the full game, but there is no element of fairness in that question. If cdm and I both post highlights and both are declared dupes, then yes, it's fair. If only mine is declare a dupe, then it's not fair. Fair just means the rules get applied uniformly to everyone. Whether or not everyone likes the rules is a separate (but still important) issue.

flavioribeiro (Member Profile)

NetRunner says...

If it can be extended to both parties, what's the Democratic party's version of bringing abortion into every policy debate?

In reply to this comment by flavioribeiro:
That's the typical level of debate I've seen in FOX News.

This summarizes my impression of the last presidential campaigns:

While this is a caricature of the GOP, it can be easily extended to both parties in the sense that the political discourse is constantly deadlocked by controversial yet less important issues.

NetRunner (Member Profile)

flavioribeiro says...

That's the typical level of debate I've seen in FOX News.

This summarizes my impression of the last presidential campaigns:

While this is a caricature of the GOP, it can be easily extended to both parties in the sense that the political discourse is constantly deadlocked by controversial yet less important issues.

In reply to this comment by NetRunner:
@flavioribeiro, just after I posted that, I came across this comic, which I think pretty much perfectly illustrates the problem we have here in the US:

Casey Heynes' Bully Richard Gale says HE was bullied first

draak13 says...

I strongly agree with your assessment of the father here. In the original post about this bullying, we discussed options for trying to prevent this scenario from ever coming about. It was decided that the best way to do it was through behavioral shaping, and the best way to do that is through good parenting.

What's really impressive to me is that, despite the family situation, the parents on both both sides are very well spoken, and seem to have good values that they at least intend to pass on to their children. What's alarming to me is that the parent of this child fails to do this, even though he intends to. This is clearly evidenced when the kid says he isn't sorry for what he did, and then is corrected by his father offscreen, and then the issue is finally brought out...on camera, by the interviewer. After talking things out and finally achieving character growth, the kid realizes what is wrong about what he did.

Even through all the crap that this family is going through because of how widely popular this video is, and how the entire world has practically vilified this kid and his entire family, his dad never actually sat down with his kid and talked about why he should feel sorry about what he did, and why. It took a television interviewer to bring the issue to the table. I can't think that his dad is a bad person, just that he's not talking with his kids about the important issues like he should be; but it just blows me away that if something of this magnitude can't make a parent do their intended task, what will?

Really, that's not a rhetorical question; what will?

>> ^Crosswords:

>Sincerity not found.
...This kid is going to have some real problems in the future if pops doesn't step up his parenting game. So far his biggest concern seems to be the public humiliation and vitriol he's suffering cause his kid got caught being a twat. He needs to be extremely alarmed by his child's seeming lack of empathy or inability to judge appropriate reactions to a lackadaisical insult.

FOX removes laughs during Obama's SOTU, adds crickets

Xax says...

Outrageous! This is surely an important issue and worthy of my time and indignation.

There are countless other reasons to despise Fox News. Disgusting? Get a grip.

Edinburgh Coalition Against Poverty - Making A Difference

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Poverty is an important issue that most citizens, politicians and the media figures would rather not talk about. I think it would be great to have a person on this site that submitted news stories and documentaries about this issue. Having been a long time member of this site, I don't think this particular video would get much attention, because it seems to be very specifically targeted to the Edinburgh activist community. People outside of Edinburgh aren't going to have much context through which they can understand this.

I'm happy to submit this for you if you like, but I think you could find videos that would be more effective at presenting this topic.

Welcome to VS.

Conan addresses an important issue

Norsuelefantti says...

The lines were probably spelled out in some jibberish to help Conan pronounciate them, but he did end up actually making sense (kinda) in finnish. Remember the pretty Estonian girls saying "kaksteist kuud"? For an English speaker you could spell it "cocks taste good" to get almost the same pronounciation.

Here is how the lines would be spelled in Finnish:

Huomio Suomen televisiojohtajat! Täällä minä, teidän punatukkainen jumala Conan O'brien! Vaadin, että Conan-sarja lähetetään Suomessa! Ellei, sieppaan teidän koko sillivaraston ja annan sen ruotsalaisille ravinnoksi! Teillä on kaksikymmentäneljä tuntia blaa-blaa-blaa-blaa...

Can you read it now? Could Coco?

>> ^BicycleRepairMan:

That didnt sound anything like Finnish, can someone from Findland determine if he actually read the correct thing in Finnish? If he did, its pretty impressive either way, because Finnish have an insane amount of double consonants (and vocals), so its hard for any non-finnish person to read out loud, even for a joke.

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