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Golfing: Trump vs Biden.

StukaFox says...

"Biden should have used Dominion golf balls. They make you win when you aren’t even playing."

So Bob, what're you lot going to do when Kraken Karen and Pillowboy can't produce any proof of fraud (because there is none) and end up on the hook for millions in undischarged damages? What will your story be then?

Also, funny how the GOP is suddenly very afraid of investigating their role in the terrorist attack on the US Capitol. I like how they're trying to equated the BLM protests with outright insurrection by the supporters of their party. Actually, I think they SHOULD investigate the riots that followed the George Floyd murder, especially the role right-wing terrorists played in the murder of police officers and their attempts to provoke a race war.

Caulking Tally Ho

newtboy says...

I got hooked on this series about 6 months ago and binge watched it from the beginning. It's a great introduction to ship building, and one hell of a project.
It's not exactly right to call it a restoration, there's hardly any of the original wood left in it. I think in the end there's going to be the transom and lead keel left, everything else being replaced including the dozens of huge iron, now polished brass, castings and thousands of custom copper rivets.
*promote a *quality series

Dad mics up his skiing toddler

noims says...

To be fair, I'm 48 and have been skiing most of my life, but the first time I hooked up a gopro I realised I constantly talk and sing to myself exactly the same way as I ski.

Uber driver speaks out after passenger mask confrontation

eric3579 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

I took a dive to see how deep the froggy fresh/Krispy Kreeme hole was amazing! He did an entire hip hop opera about saving his friend after getting hooked on fun trip, a drug made by melting children, and getting involved with bicycle theft rings. He also actually went on tour! Now he writes country songs.
I forgot he was on tosh.0 too.

eric3579 said:


The Gamestop Short Squeeze in 4 Minutes

StukaFox says...

You utter fuckwit.

(not you, Morhaus, the dude in the video).

What exactly do you think happens to the people and funds holding those shorts? They have to pay the difference. They are contractually obligated to pay up -- period.

Everyone involved in the short was probably broke long before GME even hit $50. But, as we all learned from Goodfellas, "Fuck you, pay me!"

They're broke and on the hook for shit-tons of money. Guess where they're going to get that money? By selling solid assets. They're gonna dump everything they have to make up for the short loss. Who's holding the shares that're about to start tanking? The funds 401ks are invested in because they have to hold solid, reliable assets. The same funds people are relying on for their futures. These are the people who'll REALLY get fucked by this. If you've got a long enough timeline, hopefully, you'll get your money back (although at a loss of compounded value). If you're 65 and looking at your golden years through a lens of 20%+ returns, you're about to find out what happens when an irrational market decides to return to sanity.

Those are the first order effects. The second order effects range from the merely worrying to the outright fucking terrifying. There's a reason Goldman sent out its little missive last night after Mark Cuban pulled his stunt. This isn't just playing with fire, this is sitting in a room full of gasoline while Skippy, The Face-Ripper Ape On Meth, goes berserk with a blowtorch. God help us if this triggers some latent long-tail event.

The good news is that the idiocy of the crowds has apparently decided to dump GME in favor of silver. GME tanking will be bad, but mostly to people who should pay the price for dabbling magic they didn't understand. GME dumping will be good if you're worried about 2008 repeating itself, only without the whole "not letting AIG" fail thing.

People do not understand how fragile and insanely-interconnected the markets are, and how easily the whole goddamn thing could be brought down. We never solved the problems of 2008, we just dumped money on them; we never solved the underlying issues that lead to the Temper Tantrum of December 2018; and we sure the fuck didn't fix the fundamental issue that almost brought the whole show down on September 17 of 2019. And all this was before Covid. There's a reason I went all-in on bonds back in August and that Warren Buffet is sitting on a mountain of cash, and this is pretty much it.

So yeah, congrats to the little guy and all that shit, but don't think for a second that people at the top are going to be the ones who pay.

Rand Paul spars with ABC host over election integrity

vil says...

So was it stolen or wasnt it?

Everyone is biased and untrustworthy. Hedge your bets. Listen to everyone and dont dwell on what you already "know". Break those bubbles. Listen to people with proven records and known motives. For gods sake I get how people got hooked on Trump or Stalin or Michael Jackson, but Rand Paul? Rudy Giuliani? Beats me.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No moron. That's absolutely bullshit and you know it. The vote was in November. These comments were Jan 6, when the only way to get rid of them is kill them. He absolutely, positively, unambiguously did not mean get rid of them by voting, he repeatedly said they cannot allow Biden to be president. Too late to vote against that. It's clear he meant terrify them into installing Trump as dictator for life. Only totally delusional cultists believe the fraud fraud from Don the con, and you dumb asses bought it hook line and sinker based on nothing but a con man's say so (and sycophants repeating it).

Not one time did he say "vote them out". It was months too late for that.

Trump hasn't been right for a decade.

There was no meaningful election fraud. Proven uncountable times, and at least 60 times in court. You needed proof of what Trump said on the record, so now show proof of fraud, not more stupid videos that don't show fraud, not more Trump whining because he lost, not morons agreeing with his baseless accusations, not misrepresentation and outright lies like more people voted than lived in some counties or votes were counted 50 times or signatures weren't confirmed....all total lies verified as such by Republican election officials. I know you can't, there wasn't any. The best you've got is misrepresentation of edited videos.

No meaningful fraud, just a few Trumpsters voting twice. We all know it. Trump knows it. You know it. Election officials know it.
You're a bold faced liar, though, willing to spread any lie that supports your moronic messiah. You've proven it consistently for the last 5 years, proven wrong with verifiable fact every single time.

bobknight33 said:

“Fight like hell, and if you don’t fight like hell you aren’t going to have a country anymore”
"we got to get rid of the weak congresspeople, the ones that aren’t any good, the Liz Cheneys of the world, we got to get rid of them. We got to get rid of them.

Its about voting out RINOs and Democrats. Get a grip.

The election was stolen by fraud. All know it.
Trump is right.
Americans need to fight like hell else we wont have a country anymore.

Arecibo Observatory:Views during the collapse & pre-collapse

w1ndex says...

This makes me sad. I hope a new one can be built but they were having trouble even getting the funds to repair it along with everything else going on there. I remember watching something on PBS about this in the '80s and it and NASA had me hooked on all things space-related. I almost chose astronomy as my major in college, sorta wouldn't mind going back for it, space still intrigues me.

Public Pension Timebomb, Explained

newtboy says...

Why aren't (some) officials questioning the pension liabilities? In many cases it could be because Republicans at least tend to let the pensions go bankrupt then allow agencies off the hook for the retirement packages many worked a lifetime to earn, so why worry? Oddly, when it's multi million retirement packages for CEOs of companies being bailed out, the same people insist it's a contractual obligation that can't be ignored.

How it Starts

BSR says...

Ya need a new line. That's so late 70's. "Hook, line and sinker" went out with 78 rpm vinyl records too. Think man. Think. Don't be a parrot.

bobknight33 said:

I realize you are a leftist liberal nut and that you not only drank the Kool Aid but you are guzzling it down.

China bankrolling Biden Center at UPenn

newtboy says...

Still trying to pass that dumb, debunked "Biden got $1.5 billion from China" crazy bullshit? Odd, the Center for Responsive Politics estimates Hunter Biden's net worth, as of July 2019, at between $2.14 million and $7.92 million. Where did the other $1.498 billion go, @bobknight33?

Now it's a verified fact that Ivanka got a gift valued at >$35 million, between 5 -16 times Hunter's total net worth, directly from China's government in the form of trade patents during Trump's now completely failed trade talks.

This new stupid bullshit you're peddling is OAN trying to create scandal about an alleged, unverified, anonymous donation being called a bribe from China with zero evidence beyond the accusation, reported by a hyper partisan propaganda network that's unbelievably less honest than Fox....and you bought it hook line and sinker.

That the best you got, buddy? You've really got to stop trying the same old totally debunked conspiracy theories and come up with something aren't even keeping it interesting.

Stay In School, Kids...

newtboy says...

Only delusional cultists would say they failed to prove his motive was personal and against the national interest. Deal with it.
His "transcript", a heavily edited summary that put the best possible spin on his call proved it handily by itself, and not one word, action, or piece of evidence contradicts that conclusion.
His defence was "as president, I'm essentially king and can do no wrong, and everything is permitted. My party is in control and are too scared of me to convict." So much for faithfully preserving, protecting and defending the constitution, he can't even read one sentence from it, said it was a foreign language. (That's fact, not opinion, btw) It's obvious he has no idea whatever it says.
There was no amount of indisputable proof that would have convinced the cowardly sycophantic"republicans" to turn on Trump, they ignored all evidence provided and refused to look at any, much less investigate because they know he now owns what's left of their party and therefore their futures, and they also know the slightest step out of line makes them his target, which means losing their job, power, and family's safety because his cultists include thousands of potential domestic terrorists just itching for him to set their target.
Edit:"The strength and power of despotism consists wholly in the fear of resistance." Thomas Paine

Edit: my theory is they reserved the dozen indisputable criminal acts they can prove until the Democrats run the Senate next year just in case he wins by hook or crook, knowing there is nothing, including cold blooded public murder, that the Republicans would convict him of.

Jesusismypilot said:

That's a lot of TDS in one post. I wish there was video to go with the frothy typing.

It was a big show that hinged on one exceptionally weak plank... motive. Dems failed to prove the motive of President Trump's quid pro quo was to meddle with the 2020 election. The Dem running of the impeachment was as poor as their running of the Iowa caucus. Deal with it.

Afroman - Because I Got High

Bangarang by pogo

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