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Amazing Dabke Dance at an Arab wedding

Barack Obama On Science And Charles Darwin

11954 says...

While I Did see him commemorate the memory of Charles Darwin, I saw no indication of endorsing his views. Not that it is needed. The US would rather hold hands with religion than science. Then plot Harmageddon like it says in the bible. Then forget to forgive the communists. And take it home, knowing that they alone created the new Dark Ages, and not Iran.

Great Advice to Quit Smoking (BBC Horizon)

Enzoblue says...

>> ^Bidouleroux:
This is pretty much exactly like religion vs. atheism, with religion being of course smoking.

Anti-smoking is by far the more religious. Smoking is blamed for a host of sundry afflictions with scientific support that no one has the courage to challenge. People want it to be evil and that's what they get. No serious scientist would do any unbiased research, because if he found anything remotely pro-smoking the political fallout would ruin his career overnight.

Our surgeon general states that 70% of lung cancer victims got it from smoking, but lung cancer continues to rise with nary a blip - even though smokers per capita have fallen under 25% and have been there for a decade. If you want me to support this claim with data, sorry I can't. Neither the CDC or the ALA, or any other site I could find, will release any data cross referencing lung cancer victims and smokers. You can easily find how much carcinogens a black single mother of 2 will inhale in a 12x12 room with one smoker, but a table lookup of smokers v lung cancer victims will get you a 404 error. Try it.

That's religion. People needing an evil, ignoring the facts, suppressing the research of facts, all holding hands and attacking with fervor.

My lungs get a clean bill of health every year, even though I've been smoking for over 20 years, simply because I've never tell the doctors I smoke. Ask your smoking friends to try that, it'll give them a chuckle.

Bush On Al Qaeda Not In Iraq Before Invasion: "So What?"

bcglorf says...

>> ^MINK:
^the invasion itself is what he did, forcing far too many civilians to move, or die, or live without water for days, or be accidentally bombed and killed, or be recruited into terrorist forces that you would call patriots if the situation were reversed.
i know bulldozering graves is a sick image, but just try to imagine a starving baby that had plenty of food before the invasion, and think about how you would assess world politics if you were the father.

That doesn't overwhelm the starving babies from before the invasion that died of malnutrition in their mothers arms in Saddam's concentration camps. Their father's never had a chance to re-assess world politics though as they were executed before they had the chance.

I'm sorry if that sounds calloused about the current plight of Iraqi's, it honestly isn't meant to be. The conditions there ARE still horrific, and for many are worse than before the invasion. But no longer is it because their own leadership is actively trying to starve or kill them.

It is the terrible sectarian violence and hatred causing the grief, and blaming that on the invasion is damagingly naive. The decades of brutal repression and encouragement of sectarian hatred that Saddam imposed did infinitely more to create the hate that is the problem in Iraq today. It's not as though Shia and Sunni factions were dancing in the streets holding hands before the invasion turned them into mortal enemies. America's greatest guilt in all of it is not the invasion, but the decades of support given to Saddam prior to the 90's.

Contagious Skin Infection? Don't Tell The Kids Parents....

Zonbie says...

1) Scabies is not an STD You need close skin-to-skin contact with an infected person to catch scabies. Most cases are probably caught from holding hands with an infected person. This was a children clothing store!

2) Scabies can often be misdiagnosed as itching healthy skin until the ruptures come through 3-4 weeks later, if you have kids you don't want them near this, children especially young children have reduced immune system.

3) The store decided to not tell anyone, thus meaning potential spread of infection...

Prop 8 spokesman says defeating gays like defeating Hitler

dystopianfuturetoday says...


Gays don't emphasize their own sexuality any more than straight people do, you are just less familiar with gay sexuality. Straight sexuality is much more prevalent than gay sexuality in songs, movies, TV shows, media, advertising, in the workplace, around the watercooler, in public displays of affection, etc... You just take it for granted because it is so commonplace.

Many would have no problem seeing a straight couple hold hands or kiss in public, but would view a gay couple doing the same as flaunting sexuality or 'shoving it in our faces'. This isn't a problem with Gay public displays of affection, but rather the distorted perception of the judgmental observer.

That said, none of this should have any bearing whatsoever on equal rights. That all of us share equal rights under the law should go without question.

The people waging this fight against gay people are destined for defeat at the brutal hands of time. It is growing harder and harder for bigots to raise their children to hate gays in our increasingly tolerant society, and when those bigots die, so too will their bigotry. In 20 years, I predict this moronic homophobia will be nothing more than an embarrassing memory.

Countdown: David Frum is the Worst Person In The World

10419 says...

I think it is now safe to say that olbermann has a huge crush on bill o'reilly. After all, he talks about him all the time.

Dont get me wrong, i have no problem with homosexuality or homosexuals. My problem is when 5th grade punch in the shoulder flirting tactics never progresses to that sixth grade level of holding hands.

De La Soul - A Roller Skating Jam named "Saturdays"

MrFisk says...

Girl meets boy on Thursday night
Boy was high girl fly like kite
They hold hands until next day
Boy then lets go hit his way
Boy rules butt brags to his boys
Erection brings bad boy joys
Boy thinks of that big fat back
Big black fat love big black fat
Girl calls boy to stand him up on Saturday
Saturday, it's a Saturday
It's a Saturday, it's a Saturday
Saturday, it's a Saturday
Saturday, it's a Saturday
Back once more with the wallop in the score
Must I ride and rip, should I make you rock your hip
Reviver of a roller-boogie in a rink
And sure to make you think about the times
To scope fun instead of fights
(But diving from a piece of metal sure to take your life)
Yo, slip your butt to the fix of this mix
Toss that briefcase, it's time to let loose
'Cause you've worked like heck to get the week in check
So unfasten that noose around your neck
Connected like a vibe from the wheel to the foot
Come on everybody dig the funky output
Five days you work
One whole day to play
Come on everybody, wear your rollerskates today
It's Saturday, Saturday
Saturday, it's Saturday
Saturday, it's Saturday
Saturday, it's Saturday-ay
(Is the word, is the word, is the word)
Now as you pump your fist I reminisce
To a bounce, rock, skate, roll
Fess to impress
Hey, pretty diamond, do you like the way I'm dressed
Cool, keep the faith and be my mate
'Cause all we need is feet
(And rollerskates)
But promote the hustle 'cause it keeps me thin
No need to talk, look who just walked in
(Is there a Dred on skates?)
Yes, man
(So kick the wham on this jam)
Oh Mr. Sprinkler, Mr. Sprinkler
Wet me for one, Mr. Sprinkler
I'm heatin' high-five in a daze, no split
With a yawn I trip to the dawn
Out comes the bodies following the one idea
It's clear, rattle to the roll
Hold back up the track, grab your rollerskates y'all
And let's zip on by
Zip-a-de-doo-dah, let's zip on by
Feed on a weed and we're feeling high
Sun is on thick and the cheese is rollin' quick
Come on, there's no time to hide
Season is twist, spinning and winning
No hackeysack, let let me in
Spill on the bottom away, but it's okay, huh
It's a Saturday
Now let's all get baked like Anita
Watch Mr. Lawnge, don't look at the peter
Feel on the fun, I'll feel on the
Hey, watch that!
It's a Saturday
Now is the time
To act the fool tonight
Forget about your worries and you will be all right
It's Saturday, Saturday
Saturday, it's Saturday
Saturday, it's Saturday
Saturday, it's Saturday-ay-ay-ay-ay-ay

What is Your Definition of Making Out? (Sexuality Talk Post)

Ignorant Bigot Needs A Science Class.

spoco2 says...

OK... firstly... that really was quite well written and catchy.

Secondly... Has any of these anti gay fools ever been able to show how a couple of guys (notice they don't mention a couple of women, they're quite happy to imagine to women getting it on) having a monogamous man lovin' relationship affects them IN THE FRIGGEN SLIGHTEST? Dear god they have some issues if they can't handle seeing two guys giving each other a peck in public, or holding hands...

Ignorant bastards.

Heard any good jokes lately? (Possibly NSFW) (Comedy Talk Post)

videosiftbannedme says...

I heard this one awhile ago and just like it because it's very Alice-In-Wonderland, ie. nonsense:

If you're walking through the desert with a canoe on your head, and the wheels fall off, how many pancakes does it take to re-shingle your doghouse?

About a football this blue. (hold hands apart 12 inches)

I don't support the troops.

Farhad2000 says...

I believe the existence of uniformed armed forces is a terrible necessity that we must endure. I am not particularly glad about this but am realistic in the need for it's existence, humanity will never sing kubaya, hold hands and hit the peace pipe. It's simple psychology that each and every one of you can see in normal life, when you are treating someone with equality and fairness, open your lives to them they often take a great big shit on you. Only in our geopolitical world this usually comes in the form of tanks rolling across borders. This was an example of this, it's sheer expression of arrogance and projection of raw military power.

But its been put into motion by politicians sitting comfortably behind closed doors, in nice comfortable office chairs pushing divisions and plans that start with words like "Operation Iraqi Freedom" and filter down to some young kids on the battlefield, coming from places that sometimes don't have any opportunities, sometimes from a real belief that they are there to do good even though they are told so by their government, sometimes just to see the world, sometimes to earn citizenship, sometimes because they have no direction, sometimes just to see someone die.

Actions shown in this video is a basic reaction to being put into a environment where your friend died yesterday in an IED explosion, you watched a whole humvee torn apart, its engine block landing 50 yards from the wreck, pieces of your troop lying around like debris of blood red confetti, being shot at day by day by an enemy you never see. Command never being able to give you proper operable intelligence. Your training meaning little because basic covers fighting a uniformed aggressor not asymmetrically warfare against a guerrilla force in urban combat environs. Frustrated that what you are doing day by day means little, your people die and it gets worse and not better. Wondering if all the lives lost are essentially wasted on a mission that was idiotic to begin with.

This is why I find it hard to hold the troops accountable. Because it's not their fault they are there, its not their fault that they are not trained as a UN peace keeping force, a police force, a counter insurgency force. Its not their fault they were never given or taught proper cultural sensitivity training.

It's the fault of the people in power, not just the president, but the Generals, the Joint Chiefs, The Pentagon, and essentially the whole intelligentsia of America that simply let this catastrophe happen. There hundreds of thousands of educated professional Americans that willingly kept silent. Unable to criticize their own governments action. Its the fault of all who pushed this war through the most basic emotion humanity has. Fear.

What is really sad it that it's not the first time and it wouldn't be the last I believe.

Jesse Ventura weighs in on Gay Marriage

asynchronice says...

Lol, gays in the SF Castro are 'emboldened'; that doesn't quite capture it. If you've spent any amount of time in that area, it is a bit surreal. For a few blocks, all the posters are of buff, shiny dudes holding hands. It's odd, but not really harmful, and for the 'gay mecca' that it is, it's actually more subtle than most would expect.

That said, I am occasionally irked by some of the more graphic sexual imagery that is put up everywhere in that rea. At times it almost feel like a 'red light' district, and simply distasteful. I'm all for porn, but for fucks sake show a little discretion.

Jesse Ventura weighs in on Gay Marriage

dannym3141 says...

/\ From the same logic that brought you;

Inmate - opposite of mate; enemy.
Extractor - used to be a tractor.
Extractor fan - used to like tractors.
Tenants - one less than 11 ants.
Auto-Fellatio - a very enjoyable car ride.

Choggie's English Dictionary, not for everyone!

I'd just like to further mention 2 friends of mine (gay) really want to travel the world. They definitely want to go around america a bit (they like kerouac). They can't go because of the way people are in certain areas of america. "Especially the south" they tell me. One, with her ex, has been all but pelted by rotten tomatos for holding hands in some states.

Can't even front though - england is a smaller country and so the 'backwards' areas are easier to miss. In Dublin apparently, they had to act like 2 friends on a year out or something.

Everyone's kinda like this, but at least in some countries it doesn't go hand in hand with politics.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

blankfist says...

Thanks, KP. Particular TV show snippets get pulled from YouTube rather frequently these days. You can rarely ever find a Family Guy embed code that will be live on YouTube for longer than two days.

In reply to this comment by kronosposeidon:
Go here to fix your "I'm Fucking Ben Affleck" video:

And if ABC pulls the plug on that one some day, then go here and see if you can download the video off ABC directly. I don't know how to, but a clever lad like you should have no problem. Once you rip it email it to me so I can upload it YouTube, then you can embed from there. However we'll cross that bridge when we get there. And then we can hold hands

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