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What a 'real image' from a concave mirror can do is demoed

dannym3141 says...

I was a bit disappointed with the second trick and the reaction to the second trick. "Hey, you see how light reflects from the mirror to where things are? Look, i can use this torch to make light reflect from the mirror to where things are!"

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Climate Change Debate

ChaosEngine says...

Oh fuck man, those are some of my favourite vices, but you forgot lust, you sexy dumbass.

The people aren't innocent. We have brought this on ourselves. At least I recognise that. Unlike your holier than thou stance, I recognise that I am a part of the problem, I recognise that there is a problem, and I recognise that the solution is going to be incredibly hard work either way.

Like @newtboy, I try to do my own small part, I grow some of my own food and I try to source what I can't as locally and sustainably as I can. I don't have kids, and I have plenty of trees on my property.

But I also like to snowboard and camp and lots of other things where I need a 4wd. I hate the fact that I drive it to work everyday, but it's really my only option (I don't have room for a second car, I live 15kms from work and there's no shower at my office, otherwise I'd bike.).

Despite your pathetic little insinuation to the contrary, I went to university, and I'm a highly paid professional. That means that as someone who's better off than most people in the first world country I live in, I am probably among the worst in the world in terms of resource consumption. Unless you're dirt poor and living in the third world, you are too.

I've travelled in Europe, Asia, Oceania and a small part of North America. The carbon footprint of that is massive, but I still want to see more of the world.

These are all my contributions to fucking up the environment. I recognise them, and I do what I can to mitigate them, but if I'm honest with myself, I know I'm having a net negative effect. The fact that it's less of a net negative effect than others in my socio-economic bracket is irrelevant.

But the fundamental difference between us is that I believe that if the problem can be solved (and at this stage, I'm dubious that it can) it will be solved by working together, not individually. If we are going to fix this, it will only be fixed by efficiencies of scale.

And the only way that we encourage clean industry is to level the playing field with regulation. Until there's no competitive advantage to polluting the environment (and it's always cheaper not to clean up after yourself), business will continue a race to the bottom.

But hey, you know what will fix this? Go downvote a bunch of completely unrelated videos because the nasty man was mean to you.

Trancecoach said:

(And lest you think "the people" are innocent victims, know that they seem more like willing participants; the extent to which they can be "victimized" depends on the extent of their own personal vices: anger, greed, pride, envy, laziness, etc. I'm looking at you @ChaosEngine.)

If this is American teacher education, we're all doomed...

shatterdrose says...

(Because I know you won't really read any links: Texas VOTED to REMOVE Capitalism from their textbooks. Yes, you read that correctly. Texas, REMOVED the word Capitalism from their textbooks because of negative connotations. Instead, you should use the term Free-Market Enterprise. So yeah, good thing those pesky liberals didn't vote to keep the word capitalism in the textbooks . . . )

You do know we have an education BECAUSE of liberalism. Much like everything else conservatives hold sacred . . .

You WILL mind dumb kids when they can't pay their taxes to support your liberal/socialist social security checks later in life, or the roads you have to drive on.

You WILL mind dumb kids when statistically speaking, less educated men are more likely to commit violent crimes and less educated women will have more children, which means more food stamps. You know, the things conservatives hate spending .5% of our annual government budget on.

So while us "liberals" have been petitioning for more teacher freedom, higher pay to attract better teachers, been against standardized tests and against for-profit schools, you conservatives can keep trying to hawk your proven to fail for-profit "capitalist" schools.

Oh, and I hate to tell you, but public schools don't teach kids to hate capitalism. Neither does the Lego Movie either. Turn off Fox News once in a while and step outside. Maybe talk to a total stranger (which means putting the gun down for a minute and not Standing Your Ground). Which coincidently, would diminish greatly with a robust liberal education. (In case you didn't get the play on words, as in teaching kids more than how to recite words and flip hamburgers. It's called A Mile Wide, An Inch Deep.

But hey, you would know all this if the Texas School Board wasn't eliminating pieces of history because they don't fit their current political agenda. (They wanted to prevent evolution from being taught despite the piles of evidence supporting it.) You want to talk about "bias"? Yeah, conservatives are trying really hard to rewrite history in their favor by making sure no experts ever have a say in the selection of textbook material, but people who "feel" like there is a bias. You know, because truth has a well known liberal bias.

Yeah, I'm sorry, but the facts don't bear out in your case. Except, that our system is going downhill, but it's not because of their "liberal" education, that's for sure.

bobknight33 said:

The American Government education system is an anti education system.
Kids today get a less quality education than before.

I don't mind these dumb kids today because it means added job security. You are too dumb to know better. Someone needs to serve me lunch and sweep my floors.

You must be one of them. You were taught and firmly believe that Liberalism is good and capitalism is evil and must be destroyed. The fact of the matter is the exact opposite, Liberalism is evil.

And yes educators do want this dumbing down of students. They have been doing this for years. Finally the education is controlled by union controlled liberals. They have been in control for decades. We are not #1 or 8th, we are down in the middle of the pack down at 20. For all the money we spend per child and to be in 20th place.

Coming out to my sister live on camera!

robbersdog49 says...

I have a friend who I went to school with who is gay. There was a group of about five or six of us who were really close friends. We all suspected he was gay but it just wasn't an issue and it never came up in conversation or anything. When we finished school his family moved abroad for a couple of years but then things went a bit wrong for them and they moved back. It was great to see him again.

After about a month of him being back we'd seen each other a few times and I got a phone call from him. He sounded a little weird, like something was up and he said 'I've got something to tell you.'

I said straight away 'are you gay?'

There was a huge pause and he eventually said 'Er, yes. You're the third person to say that.'

I told him we'd suspected it for a long time. It never came up in the same way that you wouldn't turn round to one of us and say 'hey, you like girls, right?' It was an all boys school so there weren't girls around all the time to force the issue. None of us were mega cool and although a few had girlfriends every now and then none of them were particularly serious so most of the time when we hung out it was just the guys anyway.

Even so we'd all got a reasonable gaydar on us and knew he liked boys. I'd be very surprised if a family didn't realise their kid/brother/sister was gay.

Only one of our friends had any issue with him being gay, the rest of us just got on with things as normal as nothing had changed for us, we already knew. It was good to be able to talk to him about it though, or more for him to be able to talk to us. By this time most of us were in relationships and it's been really interesting seeing his relationship with his boyfriend flourish over time as my relationship with my now wife has done.

I saw the whole thing as a sign that I'd found some pretty good friends. No judging, no awkwardness, no nothing. Good guys.

Oh, apart from the one who did have a problem. Funnily enough there was only one religious person amongst our group of friends too...

Payback said:

I find it hard to believe any semi-close family wouldn't already know...

Gay Person:"I have to tell you something..."
Family Person:"What?"
GP:"I'm... uhh... I'm gay."
FP:"Ya... and what?"
GP:"I'm gay."
FP:"Ya we know, what did you want to tell us?"

Honest Trailers - 300

Czech mountaineers VS wood grouse (funny)

MALEFICENT - Official Trailer (2014) with Angelina Jolie

chingalera says...

Hey, you forgot Dumbo.
That shit rocks psychedelic forever-

I'm in the camp of overall suck when I hear or see Disney now though-They done lost it.

Old guy. Crews of jacked-up artists tokin' opium and drawing still after still in frenzied all-weekers; THIS, was Disney.

>>>Huge iPhone Security Flaw<<<

oritteropo says...

Hey, I'm still running 4.1 (8B117).

*waves cane* Hey, you kids, get off my lawn!

The embarrassing thing for Apple is that this was only the first one... there were more later.

ant said:

"iOS 4.1 Security Issue - Bypassing the Lock Screen to Make Calls "


Marilyn Manson goes make-up free in Eastbound and Down cameo

McCain & U.S. Government Called Treasonous at Townhall

VoodooV says...

I see that as part of the problem. There is an almost cult-like worship of the military and the people who have served. (oh no VoodooV is anti-military! lynch him!).

They bring a vast amount of experience and insight to the table? Of course they do, but are they the end all be all? Are they fundamentally better/superior to people who haven't been in the military? Not so much. If you think they are Then you seem to have trouble with that pesky concept of equality.

There is a fundamental pressure every US elected official ever has experienced to not "appear weak" That can often lead to unnecessary chest thumping and saber rattling as history has shown time and time again can get us into trouble. But it is a reality that you have better odds at winning an elected office if you served than if you hadn't and people need to fundamentally re-consider that line of reasoning.

Quite honestly, McCain is part of the old guard, the old way of thinking. We can't afford to think like that any longer. As technology continues racing ahead, The world becomes an increasingly small place and we have GOT to figure out how to get along with each other. Of course there will always be a need to have/show military force, but it's a scalpel, not a blunt object.

To me it seems like McCain is just becoming more and more incompetent. If there is any...ANY grain of truth to how they failed to vet Sarah Palin because they both thought they other guy did the vetting, that is just this huge failure and that McCain simply didn't care or pay attention to what was going on in his campaign and to me that speaks volumes as to how he would have led the country.

Time for retirement John.

But here is where I defend him. He wouldn't be where he is at right now if people didn't choose him. Whether I agree with him or not, He is doing what he thinks is best because the voters put him there. There is no mustache twirling villain. The world doesn't work that way. @arekin is absolutely right. There is a massive compulsion that whenever a vote doesn't go someone's way, then obviously the bad guys won and that everything they do will be evil, all the absurd arguments like "he's not MY president," or "I don't think he's a citizen," or "he's not a REAL American" are just lies people tell themselves to make them feel better. This isn't an episode of Scooby Do where if you solve the mystery you get to pull the mask off and the villain says "And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling kids!"

Talk is cheap Mr. Speaker, if you want to be in power so you can "arrest the gov't" put your money where your mouth is, STFU and run for office then asshole. Convince the people you're right and lets see if you can do any better. That's how the system works! If there is one negative to the Internet is the massive amount of armchair quarterbacking the Internet breeds. Countless millions of people who seem to honestly think they would do a better job. Well hey, you know what? I'm sure there are some of you out there that COULD do a better job, but if you're not going to throw your hat into the ring and walk the walk then I've got no time for your rambling and conspiracy theories.

McCain's response to his speech was fucking perfect. Not only did he call him out to run for office, He pointed out that he IS governing with the consent of the people. So if you don't like it, do a little community organizing of your own and convince the people to demand better. Oh shit, that takes effort! fuck it then!

No one really takes power. The people will always be strong enough (with or without guns) to thwart anyone who takes power. In reality, power is given. There are countless mechanisms of peaceful change in our gov't. Use them or shut the fuck up.

IMO, the single best thing we could do for gov't is to COMPLETELY REMOVE ALL PRIVATE MONEY FROM OUR ELECTIONS AND ABOLISH LOBBYING. It's because of all the corporate influence in our gov't that we probably get into these shenanigans in the first place.

kevingrr said:

I'm sorry you can have you differences of opinion and you can voice them, but to say John McCain is guilty of treason is absurd.

Does he often advocate military engagement? Yes.

But is that treason? No.

John McCain is a real veteran. Someone who has seen combat, been injured, and spent four years as a Prisoner of War (POW). I think he loves this country. I don't always agree with him on policy issues, but I believe that.

The speaker in this video is a joke and is bordering on being a tin foil wearing nut job.

I respect McCain for letting him speak his mind.

Bigger Pizzas: A Capitalist Case for Health Care Reform

VoodooV says...

and the people chanting "LET HIM DIE!!" are supposedly in the "pro-life" party.

I have no problem with personal responsibility. Contrary to what the GOP, Tea Party, and Libertarians would have you believe, pretty much everyone believes in personal responsibility and having consequences for your actions.

But there is a significant difference between:

1. Hey, you made a bad choice, sorry, but you don't get to have a two week vacation in cancun, you don't get to buy your kids the latest iPhone, sorry, that new car will have to wait a bit. You'll probaby have to sell your expensive home, yet still be able to have a basic home or afford a non-slum apt still.


2. Hey you made a bad choice, you now have to go live in an alleyway and/or live your life in severe physical pain and have a shortened life-span. Sorry, you won't be able to send your kids to college or retire now. Oh and I forgot, we're also going to make it as hard as possible for you to recover from your bad choice. You might as well brand yourself a failure forever. No second chance for you!

dead people can't learn things.

Cringe Video: Fat White Girl Gets Racist Trying to Be Sexy

Boys Get Makeovers

ant (Member Profile)

pumkinandstorm says...

Hey, you answered on your own profile again!! Whyyyyyyy??? I almost missed your answer!

I thought you would be a quicker typer for some reason...the sound of the clicking keys sounded faster in my head when I imagined it!

I'm going to bed now. Nite nite cute ant!!

ant said:

Maybe 50? I used to type faster. I don't type fast nonstop.

Mieders Alpine Coaster - Frustrated Guy Crashes

CreamK says...

Someone should show this video to the alpine resort staff. They seriously need to up the bucket seats and revise their delay timing between units. This should never be allowed to happen in the first place. The persons were in line of sights as he took off and i'm betting that ain't the first time a pussy goes at snail speed if that's the interval.

That being said, a sincere apology were in order, i'll bet he didn't want to ram her that bad, just to give a good nudge to say: "hey, you are dangerously slow!" He did have a certain douche in him, that's for sure, maybe the reason i disliked him from the start. That screaming part, that's what i would've done but after giving the impression of "there's high speed bullet coming, gtfo" just to stop them braking at every turn.. Then would've paused and let some gap form. You have to remember that you can't pause for long or you are the one slowing down the bunch..

All three are at fault here: the resort, the idiot in the front who's delaying 4 buckets and the douche himself.

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