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We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bcglorf says...

The point is if it's targeting men who behave badly, or ALL men. Pointed out the section of the commercial in another thread:

"It's been going on far too long... Making the same old excuses"
Entire line of men ALL chanting boys will be boys
"But something finally changed...And there will be no going back"

The most straight forward interpretation here is that the problem lies with ALL men. It's in fact tricky to interpret " something finally changed" and "no going back" to at the least be an indictment of MOST men, baring the brave heroic minority that are finally taking a stand.

IMO, that's not how you get people to change, that's how you make them defensive and get them to dig in their heels.

BSR said:

It's not about Trump.

This is about changing the course of men who have been following an outdated map.

Today Show Canoe

BSR says...

So much cynicism in these comments.

Has it dawned on anyone that maybe, just maybe there may have been a gentleman, such as myself, that happened to have a canoe and offered it to the woman so as to help keep her dry and safe during her report?

I'm sure visibility and unfamiliarity with the area could have made it difficult to navigate possible curbs, potholes, electric eels and alligators.

Offering a canoe to a woman would be the equivalent of throwing your coat over a puddle so the lady could cross the street and not soil her spike heels.

How do any of you ever expect to get laid!?

Chivalry is dead.

Diversity delusion in American Universities and society

RFlagg says...

Remember one of the biggest moves in the conservative movement, one of the main reasons why evangelicals support the GOP, was because the government forced desegregation on Bob Jones University. Though evangelicals started down the GOP path before that, it was a huge turning point in getting evangelical church's directly involved with politics and having them tell their members to vote for the GOP and part of why they call Democrats, who are probably doing more along the lines Christ Himself would, Demoncrats. It's when you'll see the 700 Club, TBN and many others start pushing the GOP agenda rather openly.

Study up on Christian Reconstructionism (, dominionism (, and The Family: The Secret Fundamentalism at the Heart of American Power ( Remember to vet things along the way. You'll start to see how those at the top of the Christian right movement, are moving their masses like a cult to be what it is now... making their members think they are the ones who are most thoughtful and intelligent, while blinding them to any sort of truth. This why they accept "alternative facts" and "truth isn't truth" that truth in the eye of the beholder, and facts don't matter if they contradict what is being preached.

Sure the conservative movement is one of if not the main reason why people leave the faith and are turned off by the faith, but they don't care. Greed is now a good thing, and so long as they get in, they don't care what they make the faith look like to the world. They dig their heels in more and more and behave less and less Christ like, showing less of the love of Christ, and more bigotry and discrimination in concordance with the goals of the movement a the top levels.

Sayja said:

An old white lady spouting a bunch of tired talking points to a bunch of white people at a conservative Christian college. This is performance art. Pure babble.

Ankles Are Overrated When it Comes to Dance

Venom Trailer 2

Sagemind says...

"The approach makes sense. Lethal Protector reinvented the long-tongued symbiote for the '90s. It kicked off with a truce between Eddie Brock and Spider-Man, and saw Brock move to San Francisco. There, he began a career as an antihero rather than as a villain. Needless to say, trouble followed hot on Brock's heels, as the miniseries saw Venom hunted down by the Life Foundation. They sought to tap into the power of Brock's symbiote, and created five new symbiote spawn. We can assume the film will adapt this plot twist to introduce Carnage, rumored to be the main bad guy. He's one of Marvel's most brutal villains, created when a symbiote bonded with a psychopathic murderer. It's believed Riz Ahmed is playing Carnage's host, Cletus Kasady."

New Rule: The Good Sex Economy

drradon says...

I don't understand why a-holes like this get so much credence and attention on this site as well as others. If Mahr and his very well heeled cronies are so capable and intelligent, let them run for office like the other comedian - Franken did ... and how did that work out????

And don't take this as support for the Trump Chumps - there is every bit as much corruption and dishonesty on the Democrat side of politics as there is on the Republican - the Democrats just sugarcoat it, and the media drools all over themselves supporting it...

Cuffed Without Cause

newtboy says... the station, what he's calling a "sobriety test" is, in most states, a breathalyzer test that you must agree to, or blood, and not saying yes and taking it is considered refusal because people do waste time arguing in an attempt to score lower, and ain't nobody got time for that. They told him clearly you must answer yes or no, or it's considered refusal, which is absolutely normal procedure from what I've seen. He answered "Listen, I was a US Marine, ....bla bla bla...let's take a minute....bla bla bla...explain my rights...bla bla." and never took it, which is refusal under the law.
5:33 confirms this, breathalyzer.

They must have claimed he failed the field test or why cuff him and require more tests at the station, something he omits, which makes sense since he said he joked around while taking it, marching left right instead of heel toeing. At first he insisted on making numerous phone calls first, like that's a right....he knows his rights....Then he wants to stop to set up his camera to record the stop...Then argues more about the test itself. The cops were clearly annoyed with him arguing and not complying before he got out of the car, but he persisted right into jail.

I wouldn't trust his biased recollection to include all the facts, especially since he is "conducting a study on racial profiling". Sounded to me like a case of arguing himself into a charge he was lucky to get out of because the cops stupidly didn't record the stop. From his own descriptions, in California at least, he's totally have no right to discussions, and only an idiot would believe the cops will tell you your rights honestly anyway, so why keep asking except to waste time and annoy?

00Scud00 said:

At no point during his recollection of events did he say that he refused a breathalyzer test, nor was one offered. And it sounds like he more or less did the standard field sobriety test. And if he had failed the SFST or refused the breathalyzer I'm pretty sure that would have come up in court. Sorry, but this sounds like a cut and dry case of DWB to me.

Have We Lost the Common Good?

shinyblurry says...

Really? Explain why. It's in there, as clear and codified religious law.

I'll give you a synopsis:

God established the law because of sin:

Galatians 3:19

Why then was the Law given? It was added because of transgressions, until the arrival of the seed to whom the promise referred. It was administered through angels by a mediator

The seed it is talking about is Jesus Christ, referred to by this prophecy in Genesis of the coming of the Messiah:

Genesis 3

14The LORD God said to the serpent, "Because you have done this, Cursed are you more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you will go, And dust you will eat All the days of your life; 15And I will put enmity Between you and the woman, And between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise you on the head, And you shall bruise him on the heel.

Sin came into the world through the transgression of Adam. Because of sin man was separated from God because God is holy and cannot dwell with sin. Because of sin God gave us the law as Paul referred to. Jesus, the new Adam, satisfied all of the moral requirements of the law by living a perfect life. He reestablished the relationship between God and man:

Romans 5

17For if, by the trespass of the one man, death reigned through that one man, how much more will those who receive an abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness reign in life through the one man, Jesus Christ! 18Therefore, just as one trespass brought condemnation for all men, so also one act of righteousness brought justification and life for all men. 19For just as through the disobedience of the one man the many were made sinners, so also through the obedience of the one man the many will be made righteous

This is what it means when it says He came to fulfill the law. He brought everything full circle back to the way it was before man first sinned. That is why the law is no longer necessary, because we are made right with God not by obeying the law, but through our faith in Jesus Christ.

When Jesus died on the cross He said "It is finished". It is translated from a greek word "tetelestai", which means paid in full. It something a merchant would stamp on a loan document that was paid up. He said that because He fulfilled the law and paid our sin debt on the cross.

This doesn't mean that there aren't any moral requirements for Christians, but they aren't the same as the ones given to the nation of Israel. We are under a New Covenant and the law of Christ:

Luke 22

19And He took the bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to them, saying, “This is My body, given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.” 20In the same way, after supper He took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is poured out for you.

Galatians 6

Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Christ gave us commands to obey, one of which you mentioned: love your neighbor as yourself. Also, love one another as I have loved you and many others. All of the 10 commandments were reiterated although there is a deeper meaning and interpretation to some of them now. Do not commit adultery now extends to lusting after a women in your heart. Jesus also said that hating someone is murdering them in your heart.

The civil and ceremonial laws of Israel no longer apply exactly because Jesus did fulfill the law.

Treating others like you would have them treat you, the golden rule....what Jesus told you is the most important rule.

When Jesus taught us to treat others as we would have them treat us, it has force because He is morally perfect. We are morally imperfect. We tell people to do things we don't do, and tell people not to do things we do do. Can you name a single human being on whose shoulders we could place objective morals? If you can't then you can see the problem, I hope

Btw, here is a great educational site which is completely free

newtboy said:

Really? Explain why. It's in there, as clear and codified religious law.

Curb your misunderstanding

CrushBug says...

OMG, this reminds me of the time I accidentally picked up a prostitute.

3 jobs ago, one of my co-workers took the bus along the route I drove each morning. After talking about it, we agreed that I would stop in this parking lot near where she would transfer bus routes and I could give her a ride to work. I would wait a few minutes and if she was there I would give her a ride, otherwise I would just head to work. I ended up giving her a ride about 2 or 3 mornings each week, so that worked out.

One morning, I was stopped in the parking lot and the door opened and this strange woman sat down. I looked at her and she asked me some weird question (don't remember) and I just said that I didn't think I was her ride and that I was waiting for someone else. She apologized and got out. I remember thinking that she was wearing some odd clothing for the fall and how cold it was this morning, but whatever. I dress like an idiot most times, so I am not going to judge someone's high-heels, shorts, ridiculously short jacket, and overly large earrings. My co-worker didn't show that morning, so I drove to work.

It was about 10 minutes later, during the drive, that I realized that I had almost picked up a prostitute that morning.

Jerry Lee Lewis: Put On Your High Heeled Sneakers

Trump Attacks the Mayor of San Juan: A Closer Look

CrushBug says...

If you provide aid to 2 separate hurricane incidents that affect white people, but drag your heels when it affects brown people, you might be a racist.

If your reaction to a disaster isn't to help people, and those people are brown, you might be a racist.

If you think that when brown people are dying due to a natural disaster and your argument is that they didn't attend meetings, instead of quickly trying to save lives, you might be a racist.

If your fucking around causes all patients in an ICU ward to die, then you are just a shitty human being.

(Apologies for the use of "brown people", but I didn't have any better way to phrase it right now.)

7 LIES You Were Taught At School

ChaosEngine says...

"There's no gravity in space"
Eh, it depends who you're talking to. If you're explaining to kids why things float in space, that's a reasonable approximation. If you're teaching physics to high school students, you're really doing it wrong.

"Trojan horse"
When was this ever presented as fact? I actually remember learning about the search for a possible real world site of Troy and I remember being taught the STORY of this, but given it was in the same story about a guy who could only be killed in the heel, we weren't expected to believe it was 100% accurate. Talking snakes on the other hand? Totally real.

The rest are reasonable enough.

Donald Trump will never be President of the United States

SaNdMaN says...

This is a mindset of a child.

"Pussed out"? Presidents aren't the ones on the front lines. There's nothing courageous about sending other men to die.

But you know who really did puss out? Your boy Trump, when he dodged the draft. He was young, strong, and played football. But when it came time to serve... "boo, I have heel spurts!" Pussy.

And I thought we didn't want to start new wars... Or are we back on starting wars? With you right-wingers, every position changes with the wind.

And, out of all things, you wanted Obama to start an actual war with Russia??? Do you understand the calamity that a war with Russia would cause?

...And I thought your boy likes Putin and wants to restore relations... So Obama should've literally gotten us into a war with Russia, but Trump is great because he's tight with Putin and wants to restore relations? There's that flip-flopping from right wingers again... You people really don't think.

bobknight33 said:

Syria line in the sand? Obama pussed out.
Russian invasion of Ukraine. We were obligated to defend them. Obama pussed out.

Bernie Sanders CNN Full Interview After Donald Trump Victory

MilkmanDan says...

Awesome. To me, only slightly reading between the lines, it sounds like he is suggesting exactly what I feel is the right track here.

Let Trump do whatever it is that he is going to do. If individual elements / components of his policy suggestions are good, help him with them. And if/when he suggests dangerous, counterproductive or bigoted things, call him out, dig in your heels, and do everything you can to raise awareness and stop him.

Let Trump dig his own grave trying to fulfill all of his contradictory promises to a large angry mob.

But in the meantime, don't obstruct good things simply because they came from the "wrong side". That has been the Republican modus operandi -- show the people there is a better way. Trump talked about rebuilding infrastructure in his victory speech. FDR's "New Deal" did a lot of that with the Tennessee Valley Authority and other projects. That created a LOT of jobs and helped pull the US out of the great depression. Any infrastructure / public works stuff that Trump pushes for that would actually have positive results while creating jobs? Sign off on that shit!

Trump's Wall could be a fulcrum point. Pointless and somewhat offensive in premise, but some good could come from trying to build it or even actually succeeding (which I find highly unlikely). I think the appropriate response to Trump's Wall for Democrat legislators would be to vocally point out that tax money would probably be better spent elsewhere, but otherwise playing along to a certain extent. That wall is going to be a big millstone around Trump's neck -- no need to work overly hard to help him try to wriggle out of it.

Ann Coulter Insults at the Rob Lowe Roast

sanderbos says...

I have seen Coulter enough times on Bill Maher's show to know nothing fazes her.
She will just take any insults without batting an eye, on the basis of a false sense of superiority, and a correct sense that her media appearances are mostly just to sell books.
She also enjoys playing the villain (the 'heel' in wrestling terms).

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