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"Glowing" Sea Turtle Discovered

Creatures That Glow

"Glowing" Sea Turtle Discovered

"Glowing" Sea Turtle Discovered

eric3579 (Member Profile)

GenjiKilpatrick says...

Meh. Still kickin'.

I just tried slacklining for the first time yesterday. It was exciting, cool, & slightly painful.

It's basically like whooping yourself with a belt if you bail the wrong way.

Also.. core strength.

But yeah, World Juggling Day was this past Saturday.

Got drunk on tasty beer and played with glowing juggling equipment.

Pretty awesome weekend I guess.

Hope yer feelin' well too!

eric3579 said:

Hey dude! Just felt like checkin' in How's life treating you?

The Steampunk World's Fair 2015 - Steampunk Cosplay

Last Week Tonight with John Oliver: Paid Family Leave

newtboy says...

I don't think your experience is the norm, that people abuse the system to get 2 years paid time off then leave the job/career that just paid them. They would certainly not get a glowing review from the ex-employer, and the new employer would have to hire them also knowing they've been on leave for 2 years (so would have no idea what advancements had been made in that time)...which seems unlikely, especially in todays employment environment where decent paying jobs are hard to find.

Like I said to bob, in a perfect world where people think ahead, are responsible, and plan financially and sexually, I would agree with you. Since we don't live in that world, your idea only creates more mal-adjusted, unsupervised children that we pay for later with high crime, therapy, lost productivity, etc. It's way cheaper to pay for a good outcome than it is to pay more later for the bad outcome....and you get a good outcome. No brainer to me.

sirex said:

Well firstly you're making an appeal to extremes which is besides the point, and secondly cancer or unemployment aren't (or at least shouldn't be in the case of unemployment) a choice which isn't the case with having a family. Also beside the point but roads should quite probably be paid by those that use them, which is why road taxing on cars exists.

Anyhow all that nonsense aside, to give you an idea how it works here; you get 6 months off _paid_, most employers push that out to a year. This leads to things like people coming back to work for 2-3 months after the year already pregnant again, then having their second child and taking anouther year off. At the end of the second year off they quit the job. Now, i've seen this happen several times just in my workplace, and i'd say roughly 50% of the people who take the time off when having kids don't come back at all, at the end of it though, they happily take the cash while on leave.

imho, if you want to have kids you should accept that it's going to take a lot of saving money up for it, and hell - it's not like we're struggling with population right now anyhow. People are having kids just dandy, so no, i don't think really any paid time off is a particularly good idea.

Red Hot Nickel Ball On Ice

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'ice, nickel ball, glowing, hot' to 'ice, nickel ball, glowing, hot, RHNB' - edited by blutruth

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

newtboy says...

You went farther than I did then.
All I can say is when I cut out squares in a piece of paper, I could see a difference until they 'masked off' the image, then it had changed. I know these can work without fudging, which is why I was disappointed.
Did you note the difference between the 'colored' image and the 'masked off' image? It sure seems like there's a difference to me, if I stop it 1/2 way through and cover all but 2 squares, one is slightly lighter than the other on my monitor. That went for both the cubes and the floor tiles. Maybe it's 'eye memory' or something, but it sure seemed to me that the center tile was noticeably lighter until the 'masking off' happened.
I used a piece of paper against my monitor to measure the table,....I must have moved it when marking it, because now when I do it, it seems the tables ARE the same size. Damn touch screen, kept starting the video every time I touched it.
If those lines were really pixel straight, my paper is cut with a curve or my monitor has a problem.
Again, you went farther than I did to prove it, so I'll defer to you and accept I'm seeing things, even when I mask them off myself.

EDIT: Just a thought why I may have seen it differently, do you think it's possible that 'light bleed' or 'color bleed' on my monitor has anything to do with it? I mean, since the pixel next to the 'grey' block might be glowing bright yellow, it could color the grey slightly yellow, while the RGB value would not change?

ChaosEngine said:

Sorry, newt, but that's simply inaccurate.

I saw two grey pills too, but you're completely wrong about the others. I screen shotted all the images into to verify them.

The rubix cube image is 100% real. The RGB values for the blue and yellow tiles are identical (127,128,129).

Same with the the tiles under the table. They are are off by a small amount (rgb 70 68 71 vs rgb 70 68 70), but I'd but that down to the video encoding.

Ditto with the checkboard; zooming in with the lines are pixel straight (there is some anti-aliasing at the edges, but it doesn't affect the "straightness of the checkerboard").

The tables too, are the same size. I rotated the vertical table.

If you don't believe me, try it yourself.

So, China has a way to go before they have a real OSHA

Neil deGrasse Tyson explains meaning of life to 6 year old

kceaton1 says...

/off-topic & longish

I'm not trying to belittle you or anything, so please don't misinterpret the things I'm about to talk about. Regarding your supernatural experiences (which to be perfectly honest IF they do exist, and that is a big if) there are a few problems with them or rather that type of "belief". If it really did happen to you, then it wouldn't be very hard to see why you would believe in religion or be spiritual in a very strong sense of the word (though it depends I suppose on just what you experienced, or what "they" experience).

But, if your faith can be helped along by these type of events, then it would be the type of thing that science should be exploring. I know people will clearly state that you just "can't catch these events", but to be honest, if your body is able to see, hear, smell, or sense it...any number of scientific tests could as well. But, the problem is: when do they happen, how do they happen (by what mechanism, i.e. sound, smell, sight, etc...), and to whom will it occur (and even where will it occur might be a justified question too).

Eventually this should become something, even if on the "fringe" of science or rational belief, should become a real talking point...recognized by all. Simply because, eventually scientists must experience them too, or those with no faith or belief at all...

But, this is why I ask what kind of "event" did you experience?

I suffer from Narcolepsy. With this, I suffer nightly from huge attacks (around 3-15) sleep paralysis events. These events come in ALL sorts of flavors, and since it is from Narcolepsy it doesn't necessarily have to happen at night--like ghosts, or alien abductions (I mean, is it not a good question to wonder why these things almost always happen at night--oh, and the animals don't seem to be involved too much in this stuff for some reason as well). I also (and this is the real winner right here) suffer from, more or less, permanent bouts of hypnagogic hallucinations (typically they happen just as you are about to fall asleep or as you are waking up--with me, they can occur as soon as I'm getting tired). I also have severe Sleep Apnea, just to make all of this more "grandiose"...

Sleep Paralysis is something that was reported constantly even in the Middle Ages; a great painting named "The Nightmare" depicts someone that is actually going through one of these events. This is the actual foundation for succubi, demons, and even angels that visit people in their sleep--these people will feel unbelievable things, things you simply do NOT feel in normal day life...thus many believe a supernatural event has just occurred. The first one I had was when I was just waking up, for some reason I was petrified, couldn't move (and barely breath). Then I looked around my room. It was early morning so I could see in my room, in the corner of my room sat a dark humanoid "solid" shadow. From it emanated a feeling of pure, utter evil (which is were you get a supernatural feeling to this; because for one you do not see "humanoid shadows", nor is it possible to "feel" evil). Eventually I snapped myself out of it and later woke up. It left a stark impression upon me. Later my mind figured out somehow that if I relaxed in these moments, it ended immediately--meaning that I started o become somewhat lucid during the majority of these. I remember my friends and family always saying I was weird or that I scared them sometimes, because I would sleep with my eyes opened--well, this is part of that problem (like I said, I could see my room...everything seemed for the most part, real; it's like being awake and partially asleep--in a dream--at the same time).

Onto my real problem: Hypnagogic Hallucinations. I have no doubt whatsoever that EVERYONE that believes or rather has experienced ghosts/haunting(s), alien abductions, angels, demons, people yelling outside, dogs barking, your phone ringing when it hasn't, and "you name it, because EVERYTHING can happen in this category"... I suffer from this so much that the things I experience now are just a joke to me. Things grabbing me, my body changing shape (and YES you do "feel" the change), all manner of sounds (which is the most annoying; sometimes it sounds like someone has called my I have to go check, it's very frustrating). Then combine this WITH a Sleep Paralysis event (and trust me, it does happen, but it it rare), you get an epic "light show".

So, this is why I asked you what type of supernatural event did you experience. Because, you may want to remember (this is JUST some things Narcolepsy can cause; other medical issues, medications, etc... can cause the same issues if not worse, more pronounced in certain ways and even causing certain changes in behavior, sensations, and feelings) that just with Narcolepsy I run into these issues--sleeping disorders are possibly responsible for a LARGE assortment of the "supernatural" issues you see out there. Then add in the countless number of other things that also affect our bodies and it isn't far fetched to soon realize that you just may have to hold onto what science has proven--only--or you may get lost.

I cannot say that this is you. I will not either. I don't pretend to know your experiences. But, I can share mine... The first Sleep Paralysis and or Hypnagogic Hallucination (as I have been able to move in a few Sleep Paralysis events...but very rarely; if I can though I move slowly) event I had, believe it or not, was when I was around 8 or 9. I imagined that I woke up in the night, turned and looked under my bed (it was a sleepover, so I was on the floor that night) and I saw a pair of red glowing lights, shaped vaguely like eyes looking at me. I kept looking at it, trying to figure out what it was, but very quickly it "blinked" and I knew it was alive. I was scared enough that I simply turned my back from it and tried to go back to sleep. The fact that I simply just turned my back to it and went back to proof that it simply wasn't even real.

Had that BEEN real, I would've jumped up, flipped the light on; told everyone in the room and gotten my parents in the next room... But, it felt extremely real. Even to this day, the only thing that makes me realize it was fake was HOW I handled the situation...that is it. In fact that is usually the best way to tell reality apart from a dream (or hallucinations caused by enhanced REM cycles--REM cycles that start even while you are awake). You simply do not act like yourself in a dream, period.

I'll agree with you otherwise. I was definitely smothered by religion and it "stunted" me. It didn't cause me to hate it as much as many might think, but I became extremely wary of anything to do with it.

shinyblurry said:


Magicpants (Member Profile)

Yeonmi Park - North Korea's Black Market Generation

Taint says...

I've read a lot of glowing reviews for Titanic, but this is probably the first time I've heard it freed someone from mental slavery.

Say what you will about the plot of Avatar, but James Cameron really knows how to make a movie.

deathcow (Member Profile)

This isn't distracting at all

jmd says...

Depending on where you live.. any type of cosmetic lighting may already be banned. That is why we don't see anything like glowing car logos.

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