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Anti-Gay Senator comes out: "I Am Gay"

burdturgler says...

Unfortunately, in this case, I think it's more about greed and power than it was about fear. Every speech he made to his supporters at "family values" fund raising events, where he spoke out against gay rights, he did so because he wanted their votes and their money. He willingly went to every Christian group out there, knowing full well that he was completely misrepresenting himself to them, and told them exactly what they wanted to hear and then cashed their checks. It really takes a monster of a person to live such a life. If it weren't for getting busted leaving a gay bar drunk he would still be singing the same tune.

Duckman33 (Member Profile)

Best / Worst Halloween Costume Ever!

Kids In The Hall: Buddy Cole "Gay Bar" monologue

prisonpanda says...

>> ^Enzoblue:
If you're bored and alone, sit down and try to repeat this monologue. The amount of inflection and facial expressions and hand gestures this guy puts out is staggering. After a few minutes of trying, you'll really appreciate this master.

Hmm yeah but this is guy(actor) is gay and well..By the way i loved this show in the 90's it was like nothing id ever seen, great stuff.

Electric Six - Gay Bar

She USED to be a lesbian, now look at her.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'christianity, conversion, gay bars, I wanna take you to the gay bar' to 'christianity, conversion, gay bars, I wanna take you to the gay bar, louis theroux' - edited by schmawy

She USED to be a lesbian, now look at her.

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'christianity, conversion' to 'christianity, conversion, gay bars, I wanna take you to the gay bar' - edited by calvados

ROAST X: ITS XTREME!!!! (Parody Talk Post)

rasch187 says...

@schmawy: I didn't hear any complaining when the strawberry jelly was on your muzzle, you kinky bastard. Now behave yourself, I've got a new rifle to try out, kitty cat...

@blankfist: Gay jokes from blankfist...what a surprise! I hope your movies are more original than your comments, or you'll be back to directing gay midget porn soon enough.

@MycroftHolmez: I'm sure that would be somewhat funny if I had seen some geeky movie. Instead it's uninspired and boring. Like you, mycroft.

@mas8705: the channel envy is plain to see. Rocknroll is for men, videogames are for boys...and fat, ugly mid-30s losers who still live with their mom...looking your way, mas.

@kulpims: your name suddenly came up on the list of potential sacrifices.

@firefly: we Europeans aren't squeemish when it comes to phallic land damn prude.

@Zifnab: you know all that talk of me being Mr. Peanut was just a trick to get you to suck my salty nuts? Worked perfectly. His dark helmet bobbing forwards and backwards...memories.

@gorgonheap: you succesfully killed your own joke, not to mention what little respect you might still have had here, with that last comment. How can I kill something that is already dead?

@laura: look who the stalker is now...I want you to tear up that restraining order, laura!

@calvados: you did that with your ex-"girlfriend" as well. I've seen the room for doubt.

@gwiz665: Give me a challenge! This is a guy who sits in front of his computer all day, drinking cola and jerking off at regular intervals. He probably wears glasses too. His idea of wit is quoting Futurama. Despite being heterosexual, he hangs out in gay bars because no woman will speak to him. His mother makes up stuff about him so her friends won't think Lil' Nicky is as pathetic as he is. All in all, we're all richer people for not knowing this guy in person.

@nibiyabi: My hairy back and busted knuckles are powerful aphrodisiacs. Just ask your grandma.

@thinker247: I was looking forward to ripping you a new one, but then you end up praising my name. Bullet dodged for now...

@Crosswords: I'll make an exception and eat ice cream from your decapitated skull. THEN I'll get romantic with said skull. That knife-wielding raccoon won't be able to help you then.

@alien_concept: I think I prefer you keep sending me nude pictures of yourself instead of stuff like this. I know you crave my attention, but like I told you after those inappropriate phone calls you made: "I don't dig bald chicks or wooden legs". And I know you've tried to better yourself, but honestly; 3 teeth, no matter how white, are still 29 too few. Keep looking, Rae, I'm sure there are some guys in the damaged goods department that might go for you.

@NordlichReiter: ...and I'd do it again. And again. Then I probably wouldn't care anymore.

@my15minutes: your 15 minutes were up 5 minutes after you were born, you uninteresting spellchecker you!

@rougy: who are you, why should I care...and why are you wearing my dirty boxers as a hat?

@dotdude: I hear roast of dotdude is a Creole delicacy...

Dan Savage Owns Right Wing Bigot Tony Perkins On Prop 8

complord says...

>> ^Aemaeth:
Ironic to make threats against others while claiming to be oppressed.

I think you missed the part where he talked about people firebombing gay bars and hate crimes against homosexuals that lead to death. I would take graffiti over that kind of protest any day.

The Legend of King Kronos. (Books Talk Post)

blankfist says...

I'm sure Kubrick would be proud to have his face placed over Brittney Spears' private area and between the glow of the florescent "Glory Hole" sign*.

*Wasn't that the gay bar at the beginning of Gasper Noe's movie Irreversible? Anyone cinemaphiles in here willing and able to answer that one?

Concerning the matter of gays... (Gay Talk Post)

G.W. Bush and Tony Blair sing "Gay Bar"

G.W. Bush and Tony Blair sing "Gay Bar"

Electric Six - "Down At McDonaldz"

cheesemoo says...

I love this song, love to crank it loud. But gay bar definitely is a favorite. Especially the music video, which is hilarious. There's one already on the sift, but this version is uncensored (for some reason the other one has "war" and "nuclear war" replaced by whip sounds).

Gay bar is by far my favorite of their music videos, was going to sift it but figured it would be a dupe to post the one I found...

I've never heard Naked Pictures, will have to go listen to it. Other high marks on my favorites list are "Danger! High Voltage" and its music video (of course), "Dance Pattern", "Dance Commander", and "When I Get to the Green Building". So many of their lyrics are just so weird I can't help but like them.

Electric Six - "Down At McDonaldz"

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