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Police fire (paintball?) at residents on their front porch

newtboy says...

For these to be called even less lethal, the entire system must be used, including MANDITORY safety gear including at a minimum Kevlar helmets, face shields, groin shields, and a neck protector. If the victim doesn't have each piece of the mandatory gear, these rounds can cause permanent injury and death.

Directly from the manufacturer of simunition.

In order to reduce the risk of injury during these highly dynamic scenarios, Simunition® has developed a full line of protective equipment for both men and women. This equipment is an integral part of the FX® training system.
The FX® line of protective equipment consists of three MANDATORY protective items: the helmet or the facemask for use with Kevlar helmets, the neck protector and the groin protector. The arm protectors, vest, gloves, pants and sleeves are optional. FX® protective equipment, which is Simunition® tested and approved, is comfortable, breathable and lightweight, allowing the user to move freely and naturally.

Another *doublepromote to keep it front and center, police in gangs fully armored with military backing are using live rounds (yes, they are) on unarmed unshielded citizens who are committing no crime peacefully stationary on their own porches. Might as well have been bullets, at that range with no protection these rounds can kill easily. Attempted murder charges for every cop there.
I can't wait until someone shoots a cop in the eye with one and it dies. Suddenly they won't be calling them non lethal ammunition that's safe.

Police fire (paintball?) at residents on their front porch

newtboy says...

Shoot back with black tallons. Where are all Trump's "ready to go" 2A people? Certainly they would stand against this tyrannical thuggery....unless they're really all babies cowering behind and threatening with their guns but only when only they have guns to threaten with. No. Couldn't be.

Fucking violent thugs shooting people peacefully sitting on their porch.
They have zero authority to make you be INSIDE, only on your property.
This is not policing.

Shoot those thugs in the head like Trump said to. Presidential order through Twitter, shoot the THUGS. Burn their hideouts too...police stations. They aren't policing, so they don't deserve them.

I won't piss on a cop if they're on fire, or use my breaks if they're in front of my moving vehicle. By far, they're the most violent gang in America.

@bobknight33, does giving someone a nice ride on the clock excuse this? Or illegally arresting the press? Or repeatedly unannounced, shooting people dead in their homes, or repeatedly suffocating people in public using banned control methods, and how about lying about all of it until civilian video goes public?
Edit: You patriots aren't doing a thing to stop this tyrannical clampdown, gangs of THUGS shooting peaceful citizens on their porch backed by tanks, I guess all that "our guns protect us from a tyrannical government takeover" is definitely bullshit, we're sending those thugs to your house next to collect your guns, you don't need them anymore since you're all snowflakes.

Grandma steps in front of police guns to protect grandson .

newtboy says...

And why did 6+ cops need to draw and aim their guns at an unarmed man with his hands high for running a stop sign? Clear excessive force with no explanation besides racism.
*doublepromote another daily reminder that cops are a racist gang of violent power tripping thugs that will toss your grandma to the ground if she talks back.

Minneapolis mayor calls for charges against police officer

newtboy says...

Yep, how did I miss that. Of course, it's the mayor who wants legal action and peace, not the lying murderous gang who are wrong.
You are nothing but an ignorant troll.

I won't insult your miniscule intelligence by pretending you believe the stupidity you just paraphrase William F Buckley

bobknight33 said:

Mayor spreading racism, distrust, and discontent.

Police Who Murder Man In Public On Camera Fired

newtboy says...

Yep, all that evil media's fault for reporting facts and exposing murderers, not the racist murdering cops, not the racist hyper divisive president that makes every single thing that happens a divisive issue. God Damn you get dumber every day, you ignorant welfare queen.

You mean IS it justifiable? Absolutely.

What happened was wrong, and the norm. Usually it only ends in hospitalization, permanent injury, and unjustified incarceration with zero consequences for the criminal cops thanks to their gang culture they call the blue wall of silence.

Cop(s) should be punished by law, but without looting and additional unrest, they never are. Without the media exposing them, they never are.

Trump told them to do this, "don't be so nice", he said, "don't protect their head, smash them on the car", he said. I'm on your side, go forth and conquer, he said (not in those exact words). I think you've forgotten you are on the criminal murdering cop gang side. Trump calls these protesters "THUGS", not "good people" like he says about NAZIS who riot and murder citizens. Trump sent in the national guard not to keep the peace, but to shoot the thugs.

Umbrella man, who single handedly turned the peaceful protests into rioting, is white, and sure appears to be a police officer.

bobknight33 said:

Agreed. This is because the SJM media need to stoke the flames of division and discontent.

Does all the looting and additional killing justifiable?

What happened was wrong. The cop should be punished by the law.

Policeman Just Hanging Out While On Duty

newtboy says...

My expectations?

Edit:(never mind, tmi)

Um...the guy with no badges wasn't good and was no federalé, he was a murderous thief with a gang of banditos ;-)....that's probably my second favorite movie of all time.

BSR said:

Why? What were your "expectations"?

Expect nothing.
Accept everything.

Be proud that YOU know you did the right thing. You gave your best. You gave them your example.

More importantly you must now be extremely selective about who you put yourself out for and not so much as "how" but, why.

Be the good cop. "We don't need no badges!"

Policeman Just Hanging Out While On Duty

newtboy says...

Maybe, but I'm not paid well with extraordinary benefits and authority or charged with public safety. They are. I don't have paid therapy to get over the treatment they give and I receive, they do. I don't have immunity from consequences, they do. I don't have a gang willing to lie, cheat, steal, threaten,etc on my behalf, they do. I don't fight tooth and nail for my right to lie to you for my benefit and your detriment, they do.
My cynicism doesn't destroy and end lives with accusations, lies, and bullets...theirs does.

It was hardly early afternoon, and my cynicism is a constant. ;-)

Nothing is going to change. I was a helpful, hopeful person until reality made me change, my helpfulness and optimism about people never changed a cynical one into an optimist, but they sure changed my optimism to cynicism. I've too often seen open hearted 'benefits of a doubt' be exploited, and it's exceptionally rare it's been earned or rewarded. I would say if you aren't cynical about humans in general, and authorities without exception, you aren't paying attention and you'll end up regretting it.

That said, I'm not saying don't be helpful, just be careful about it or prepared to pay for your good deeds. Edit: I am saying don't put yourself in jeopardy to help cartel gang members. They don't warrant the risk.

Mauru said:

dude. it's a bit ironic that you seem to display the same dark cynicism which you describe as being at fault for the situation you describe.
While I don't exactly disagree with your sentiment I sincerely hope it was just a spur of late night "bwah, world is grim".
Help someone if you can - don't underestimate the impact of leading by example - and if you wait for someone to define who needs to "logically begin" or what the implications of some obscure system are nothing's going to change,

Policeman Just Hanging Out While On Duty

newtboy says...

Let his friends help him.
It would be great if we lived in a society where assisting the police didn't end in charges and lawsuits or worse more often than not. Sadly, that's not the society we have.
It's unfortunately likely another officer could mistake the help for an attack and shoot the citizen helping, then have zero consequences for his deadly mistake thanks to blanket immunity and a blue wall of silence and lies.
Besides, police have squandered any good will they once deserved with self serving lies covering almost daily deadly or life ruining abuses by their group. Just as I wouldn't help a Medaine cartel member, even though some do help the community too, I wouldn't help a policeman today. They're all part of a violent gang, better to keep your distance until they clean house, which is unlikely. Cops that don't back criminal cops are driven out of policing with death threats and retaliation top to bottom every time.
Furthermore, shouldn't kindness logically begin with the civil servants instead of their victims?

Sadly, while I agree about helping fellow citizens, that's also not without risk. If you try to help and fail, often you might find yourself liable for the damage you couldn't prevent. Even if you succeed, you may find yourself at risk. Years ago, my brother gave CPR to a stranger who collapsed nearby, when the man died he was nearly charged with homicide even though he had done it correctly and not injured the victim. Had he not had thousands to spend hiring a lawyer, he certainly would have been charged and sued. To this day, he can't find out what the man died of or if it was contagious. Civil society is breaking down, and civility is becoming increasingly risky. If you're going to help, get a liability release first. ;-)

makach said:

I think, in this particular case the guy filming should have assisted the policeman instead of ridiculing him in a video. Kindness has to begin somewhere.

But it is not just the police. It is many things, instead of helping or doing the right thing it is filmed from a distance instead.

There recently was a huge fire in our neighbourhood. Firemen said that it would have been contained if just one person used a fire extinguisher. On the other hand, it is documented well from many angles.

"We were in grave danger" - More Details of Cycle Swarm

newtboy says...

No. Ng is the wife of the SUV driver. Read your link.

It is shocking the cop was tried, even though he was part of the illegal violent gang terrorizing the city/state who tried to murder the family they had assaulted previously. Usually they get a slap on the wrist at most.

I only wish the SUV driver had actually killed a dozen of these thugs with zero charges. They deserve every bit of time they are sentenced to a hundred times over. Every single rider in that group is guilty just as much as if they participated in a drive by shooting as the driver.
With only about a dozen tried, they should each do the time for twenty they won't turn in.
Two years for rioting, assault, attempted gang kidnapping and murder by a cop is hardly justice. His story was pure bullshit, he was 100% complicit in the gang attack and rioting, he was not trying to help. He tried hard to deny any involvement at all, never reporting the incident, then later trying to claim he was officially undercover, so had to participate to maintain his cover. He should be doing twenty to life in gen pop, imo, along with all the others convicted.

vil said:

Ng is the biker clown.

More of a shock the cop involved got 2 years.

Antifa thugs behind Andy Ngo disgusting bashing

newtboy says...

No, he's a liar plain and simple and we know it.

That means anything he claims is quite suspect and not to be believed, just like this "attack" he staged.

He may have been attacked, that's what he was looking for, but no one cares because 1) he went there looking for it and 2) his injuries are self reported so quite suspect and 3)he's a known liar who just as likely hurt himself (if he was hurt at all) in order to blame the milkshake throwers.

I watched the video, I saw no "combat clubs". I saw plenty of totally liquid milk shakes with no powder or clumps, so no cement, and the close-up thumbnail that confirms that.

I also saw a known liar and rabble rouser intentionally picking a fight with a known violent gang who hoped to get attacked on camera so he could condemn them, and you bought it hook line and sinker. I think you know it.

Odd, you aren't as upset by the lack of coverage of all the innocent people violently attacked by Patriot Prayer gangs, and there are plenty of them.

bobknight33 said:

Yep He deserved this beat down for pushing such a fake video.

He was wronged plain and simple. And you know it.

Antifa thugs behind Andy Ngo disgusting bashing

newtboy says...

But....he's in the media, the enemy of the people, so he deserves to be attacked, right? That's what Trump said.

I saw no evidence of quick drying cement in the video, and it would be obvious. Another inflammatory accusatory lie, like those he was fired for writing in the past?

He instigated a fight with a violent gang and lost. This is like a vocal pro Clinton, anti Trump, anti Christian, BLM writer/activist pushing into a Patriot Prayer rally to argue with them and acting surprised they get assaulted, and exaggerating and lying about it. No surprise it's not getting covered, it's fake news.

ANTIFA is disavowed by the Democrats, Patriot Prayer (a pro Trump white supremacist group) organises Trump rallies (like the violent unite the right rallies) often intentionally in liberal areas to provoke, and are the "good people" with torches and clubs Trump talked about in Charlottesville, and they ARE embraced by the right wing, and they have murdered people.


bobknight33 said:

Antifa is the very thing it claims to be against.

Antifa are the fascist.

Just a tool for the democrat party.

Main stream media did not cover this story much, if at all.

What song makes a girl smile?

firefly says...

I got most of these; If you're playing along at home:
Attempt 1: Clair de Lune (Claude Debussy)
Attempt 2: ??
Attempt 3: Moonlight Sonata 3rd Movement (Beethoven)
Attempt 4: Harry Potter theme (John Williams)
Attempt 5: Pokemon theme (John Siegler)
Attempt 6: Flight of the Bumblebee (Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov)
Attempt 7: ??
Attempt 8: Russian National Anthem (Alexander Alexandrov)
Attempt 9: Get Along Gang theme (don't know who wrote this)
Attempt 10: Blue (Eiffel 65)
Attempt 11: Thomas the Tank Engine theme (Mike O'Donnell/Junior Campbell)
Attempt 12: Funeral March (Chopin) I'd be surprised/alarmed if she smiled at this (!)
Attempt 13: Jaws theme (Williams)
Attempt 14: Halloween theme (John Carpenter) this too (!)
And the winner..well, you know, a chick song from a chick movie, no wonder she smiles...

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

newtboy says...

No, but it's when it strengthened. As a Mohawk sporting punk, I was often singled out as a younger teen for no good reason, but never abused and threatened with death like that until then. Since then, I've never seen anything to dissuade me from thinking they're all team players, and it's us vs all gangs.
Edit: I've heard many times, including directly from cops and lawyers, that they may legally lie to you and are trained to do so. That above all makes me distrust cops, I don't trust professional liars, and neither should anyone else....ever.

There was nothing to toss, like some of these, he refused to give me a form or take any report, verbally abused me, then threatened to find something to arrest me for if I didn't just go away and drop it.
Yeah, they would be nice today, but without the off switches.

BSR said:

I understand. So is this when your distrust of all cops began? Was your refused complaint tossed in the trash or is there any record at all of that day? Body cams would have been nice back then.

What Happens When You Try to File a Complaint Against a Cop

newtboy says...


Fuck the police, they have become a criminal gang not civil servants. I wouldn't piss on one that was on fire.

Pretty much what happened when I complained about a cop putting a gun to my head because he misread my licence plate....I was threatened with reprisal and my written complaint was refused.

Cops Pull Guns On Black Man Picking Up Trash On Own Property

newtboy says...

Only the initial armed thug in blue was even given paid vacation pending INTERNAL investigation, the rest of the gang don't even get it put on their service record.
They all need jail time, they didn't try to stop the armed nutjob for harassing citizens in their own yards, they stood with him so they're all complicit.

We need an independent armed force to police the police, with their own separate prosecutors. Internal investigation is a bad joke, not a serious check on abuse.

This is why cops don't deserve respect....they're disrespectful.

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