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Cop kicks handcuffed woman in the head

GeeSussFreeK says...

Usually on the side of victims for things like this, but she kicked him...he kicked back, game over. Excessive, perhaps, unprovoked, no. You don't kick police, unless you want to eat pavement...which she did. Don't want to get kicked in the face, then don't play the physical card game with a man twice your size with boots while your in handcuffs on the ground, it doesn't end well for you.

Ron Paul Walks Out of CNN Interview

dystopianfuturetoday says...

Welcome to mainstream politics, Mr. Paul, you will now have to endure a higher level of scrutiny, just like all of your opponents.

Ron Paul has a large body of racist literature in his name. I think it is troubling and a fair point to bring this up. It's also a lot more significant than some of the bad press for the other candidates, like Bachmann's gay husband and Newt and Cain's affairs. Read the volumes of racist literature for yourself here:

Did Lew Rockwell write all of this without the editorial consent or attention of Ron Paul? Were they pandering to a racist base? Or is Ron Paul lying? Not good anyway you slice it.

Of much worse concern than old newsletters is Ron Paul's problematic Austrian economic platform, which is a more hardcore version of the free market economics that have bankrupted this country, decimated the middle class and sent our jobs to third world slaves. Ron Paul will not stand up to corporations. On the contrary, he is going to give them the gift of deregulation and tax cuts.

I'm sick of Ron Paul hype. Enough of this blind hero worship. Ron Paul is capable of doing wrong. He is not a deity.

Racist Ron Paul (Politics Talk Post)

dystopianfuturetoday says...

The problem for Paul is that he has such a large volume of racist literature (50+ scans at this site: that his excuse of 'being caught up in the moment' strains credulity. The fact of the matter is that Ron Paul wasn't there, he was off in Texas doing Texas-y things far from south central Los Angeles.

I, on the other hand, was there in middle of south central during the riots, and what I saw did in no way resemble Ron Paul's racist fantasy. I've got the pictures to prove it. I remember the streets being empty, with most people of all races choosing to stay safe in doors. There were no Maoists or Trotskyites, although I do remember seeing some white college students participating in the looting of an AM/PM, stealing beer.

It's OK to like Ron Paul, but when you become unwilling to even entertain the possibility that he could ever be wrong, you've entered the realm of the hero worship. If you look below the surface, Ron Paul is a terrible candidate. His economic policy is a more extreme version of the same free market bullshit that has bankrupted this country and sent our jobs off to 3rd world slaves. He has some admirable foreign policy views and he's not afraid to make them (good for him) but that doesn't make up for the rest of his laughably foolish Austrian economic platform.

If you can read this article and think these are the words of a thoughtful and rational man, then you need to read it again.

No more excuses. No more hype. Ron Paul is not your Lord and savior. He's just another millionaire Republican politician who wants to give himself a tax cut.

Pull yourself together, man.

Christopher Hitchens, We Raise Our Glass To You

enoch says...

hitchens voice will be missed.
i appreciated his brand of atheism because he didnt paint with a broad brush.
he was specific in his criticism.he went after the very thing that the fundamentalist holds sacred i.e:bible,torah,quran.
and he was right to do so.
those are tangible,material texts which can be touched,read and interpreted and therefore totally subject to analysis and NOT off the table just for the simple fact they are considered "holy" by some.

he exposed the contradictions.
the utter hypocrisy of so many churches so-called doctrine and because he used that tactic i never saw him lose a debate.
though some perceived the outcome different (dinesh d'souza comes to mind).
he had such a flair about him and his eloquence and ability to expose the religious rhetoric with a snark that was unmatched.i used to actually burst out laughing.

the debates i watched him in always came down to the most basic common denominator which was simply:we cant prove or disprove the existence of spirit or of god and to attempt to is an exercise in over.

shine on mr hitchens.

Skyrim timelapse: "World in Motion"

Winstonfield_Pennypacker says...

I've been enjoying the game a lot. My only gripes have nothing to do with the graphics, but with the shoddy, slap-dash way they ported the game over to the PC. The GUI, video options, and other controls are horrible for keyboard/mouse. There are so many little things wrong with the way they handled the PC interface that Skyrim really should be a case-study in how NOT to do a game interface. It sucks. It really does.

Other than that, the game is fantastic. Let's hope Bethesda fixes the lousy interface (including that awful perks menu) and gives PC players their due. Either that or let's hope that the 3rd party mods compensate for Bethesda's incompetence.

Best Real World Mario Fail

Fan dressed as referee causes massive fight on field

Bloody Zipper-Face

Bloody Zipper-Face

Bloody Zipper-Face

Bloody Zipper-Face

Don't Trust Your Hotel Room Safe

Peroxide says...

More like unsafe for the weak minded!

When these safes are in my hotels I fill them with bees, and hide my valuables in the toilet tank in a waterproof bag. Then I just listen for buzzing before entering my room again! Simple as that. Valuables safe.

Valuables in the toilet tank doesn't sound very safe you say?

If the valuables are gone, it means a plumber took them, who else opens toilet tanks, I mean seriously. Then I just get my friend Koopa, you might know him as Bowser, anyways, he steals the plumber's wife, and a couple of mushrooms and castles later, I head over to Koopa's house and he's all fucked up.

No worries, I tagged the plumbers' wife with a GPS locator.

Follow that signal, found him! Take down the address and subscribe him to every magazine possible. When the magazines come, you wait till dark and build a magazine staircase to his roof, then fill that fuckers house with koopa troopas through the chimney. Game over plumba theif!

Actually, I have never stayed in a hotel with safes, not that I have anything of value anyhow.

Duke Nukem Forever Quicklook (yes it does suck that much)

grahamslam says...

I'm playing the game and enjoying it. First off, these guys clearly are trying to bash the game. I mean, who starts the level by running off the edge of a cliff and then says "see, this sucks". Then picks the scene with the elevator falling, and doesn't even pull the handbrake until the end and wonders why they die. The one guy hasn't even seen the game until his buddy shows him parts and he says "boy this is boring". No shit, it doesnt matter what the game is, if i'm watching someone else play, its going to be boring as all hell.

So the game runs great on my computer. Looks good too. I can't tell you what it looks like on a console, nor do I give a shit about consoles. If you are playing a fps on a console, you're missing out. Anyway, my load times average 3 seconds. I have detected no bugs or buggy play so far. It feels solid to me. I heard people complain that it had no music, but it does. Not so much as to be annoying, kicks in when it should, it gives you clues about when a big fight is coming and ends when you're done. The pacing is a little slow in some areas, but not enough that i was ever bored. There is a lot to look at in the world. Its populated with items and posters and whatnot fairly well. I felt like there was a lot of attention paid to the details in the world. There are a lot of things you can interact with, but i wish there was a higher level of interactivity and a little more in the way of physics on items.

I don't like the fact that you can't go off and explore everywhere, and the "secret areas" I found were simple with maybe one or two hidden objects stashed there. But then I played the "strip club" level. I realized that besides just putting strippers and boobs back into the game, that level is actually a fun little exploration level with more than one way and more than one area to find all the items.

I heard complaints that there is no mighty boot, but there is, it's just automatic now, it's used when it needs to be and I kinda like that. It's not overused and it feels powerful. Speaking of which, all the weapons so far feel pretty good and sound nice and beefy.

Dukes animations are pretty good (and his jump animation in the mirror is a cool throw-back to the old duke). I like when he gets thrown or falls down and gets back up, it looks good and makes me feel more like I'm playing as duke. The enemy animations are good. The non player characters are what is lacking in both detail and animation

I thought his one liners would get annoying fast, but they aren't too bad, some made me laugh a little. Some of the encounters are truly funny. Some are not.

I also heard some people say there aren't enough enemies at once, but I had many encounters with a lot of enemies so I don't know what they are talking about.

Overall I feel like i'm playing in a real world with enough attention to detail to not be too bland. I don't know how far into the game I am. I am taking my time and not just rushing through and I probably have a good 7, maybe 8 hours with it so far and I'm glad I bought it. I have no regrets and am having fun with it.

So there is my opinion of the game so far. I'm tired of people bashing games just because they think it's cool to do so. How about for once an actual in depth review of all the games attributes by someone who wasn't purposely looking to find as much negative that they could and exaggerate it.

And just as a side note, I actually played Diakatana from start to finish and once the patch was released and you got past the misquitos and frogs in the very beginning, the game was actually quite good (for it's time of course). Yet most people wouldn't know it because reviewers were trying their best to steer people away from it. I see duke getting bad reviews because its not the best game ever, so instead of a 7 out of ten (that's what I would give it so far, and I played a lot of games over the years), they try to make a point by giving it a 3 or something stupidly low.

Christopher Hitchens' Address to the AA Convention 2011

Don't Take Kitteh's Cigarette!

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