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Military will refuse to obey unlawful orders from Pres Trump

newtboy says...

Sadly, it's only after leaving the positions of power that people seem to realize this is true, that you are required to analyze orders and to refuse those that are illegal (and question those that are unreasonable or appear illegal).
In practice, questioning orders is a good way to end up in military prison.
Also, most fear losing their position of power far more than they fear being caught following illegal orders. Few if any have ever been prosecuted.
It's for this reason that we have the crimes exposed by Manning and Snowden, up to and including mass murders, torture, illegal indefinite detention, etc. , that have never been prosecuted, but those who exposed the illegal orders and acts have been prosecuted, whistleblower protection laws be damned.
It's pretty disingenuous for this man to say that Trump's illegal orders would be questioned and ignored when all the illegal orders he received during his tenure were followed without question.

EDIT: Interesting, I just found out he's publicly supported by the KKK, and American National SuperPac, founded by a consortium of white terror groups, but he claims to not know who they are. Reports out of Super Tuesday states Minnesota and Vermont have revealed there are recorded calls telling voters Trump will stop the “gradual genocide against the white race” and to not vote for Marco Rubio because he’s “Cuban.”
Trump has yet to disavow any of these terrorist racial groups, but has accepted money from them. That should certainly disqualify him from holding high public office and really should have him on the terrorist watch list, he's associated with and accepts fudging from well know, active terrorist groups.

minuephysics - Why it's Impossible to Tune a Piano

vil says...

You can slap technology on it, but you have to understand the problem first. You can absolutely tune one string absolutely.

You cant tune a piano absolutely because how keys and harmony work, not for lack of ear or technology. You have to decide how to fudge the tuning to suit the purpose.

Guns with History

Mordhaus says...

You are correct, they do not break down suicide by method, so some portion of that 20k could be guns. There are also 34 mass shooting deaths this year and 726 people shot by police. Then again they didn't add together some of the other items, like all vehicular deaths.

In any case, I was not fudging numbers, I picked the most obvious option and listed it.

In the grand scheme of things, it's not that the deaths from guns don't count, it is that the level of attention paid to them is far and above that paid to other forms of death. It's the same thing with people getting bit by sharks. The total number is incredibly low compared to other deaths or injuries from being in the ocean, but whenever it happens, you will see nothing but that in the headlines. That is what I was trying to say. It sucks that people have died from guns, but if we are going to sensationalize those deaths over others, it is nothing more than an agenda to demonize them.

I am all for implementing more restrictions on guns or other weapons, especially in ways that will make it more difficult for mentally ill people to get their hands on them and also methods that will help police identify guns that have been used in crimes. In many cases, the problem is not totally with the restrictions, but with how lax the enforcement is of the ones that are in place. We need to look at this as well. But the video is not about that, it is about making guns the villain. It is the same thing with semi automatic rifles, people with an agenda will call them things like "Military weaponry", "Assault Rifles", and "Automatic Machine Guns". They use buzz words to make them seem more than they are and yet you have clueless people like Joe Biden who says things like "get a shotgun", not realizing that a shotgun can easily wound and kill people faster than a semi auto rifle.

As far as the 'helpful' gun statistics, I would consider them to be subjective based on the situation. I found this site:, which might or might not be accurate. I wouldn't rely on it, because I don't know what they use for verification.

In any case, as I stated before, I don't mind regulations. I would mind bans and it is clear that many of the more hardcore anti gun people want that to be the end game.

BicycleRepairMan said:

Tobacco: 229875
Alcohol: 65678
Drunk Driving: 22204
Drug Abuse: 16423
Prescription Drug Overdose: 9852
Gun related: 8,561

Dishonest use of numbers. the "gun related" tallys the number of people killed by gun violence ie people shot and killed intentionally by other people, it does not include suicide (about 20k dead a year) or accidental shootings (about 700 dead a year)

Secondly, lets look at these other causes of death: Lets see, all of these, except drunk driving, is people KILLING THEMSELVES, unintentionally. Theres a pretty big difference. Drunk driving is ILLEGAL, and nobody is arguing that it would be a good idea to have more of it. And you know, its not like we're trying to get more people killed by tobacco, for instance, in fact, lots of people are working on trying to lower the number of deaths from all these other things, but just because more people die from alcohol or tobacco use, ten to fifteen thousand murder by guns a year doesnt really count??

Secondly, people are on the whole not actually working to get guns BANNED, but to implement restrictions, perhaps in the same way owning and driving a car has its restrictions. Cars, you see, are not banned. But there are RESTRICTIONS. Does anyone feel there arent enough cars around?. No. But there are restrictions. You need a drivers license. you need to follow some traffic rules. Similar things could be implemented for guns. It would be a start.
Another place to start is gun CULTURE, which is probably the intent of this video, changing people minds about guns.

Heres a challenge to your statistics: The number of people SAVED by guns. We always hear of the elusive situation of a bad criminal breaking in to kill your family, but luckily dads an NRA member and chases the bad guy away with a trusty old gun. How often does shit like that ever actually happen?

What is Dark Energy and Dark Matter?

Stormsinger says...

I had a theory too, that our theory of gravity is just wrong, at least at extreme scales. In other words, the law of gravity is still at the Newtonian motion stage, it's close enough for day-to-day and mid-range observations, but fails to provide accurate predictions at larger (and smaller) scales. This also explains why quantum mechanics and gravitation theory still have not been reconciled.

There is no observational evidence of dark matter (or dark energy) for that matter. They are the equivalent of, not the equivalent, they -are- fudge-factors, created out of thin air to try and make the numbers add up to the observations.

oritteropo (Member Profile)

radx says...

Take a look at these two charts, if you have a minute.

Spain: left scale is GDP (green) and industrial production & construction (black), right scale (inverted!) is unemployment rate (red)

Greece: same data, same scales

Unemployment tracks industrial production & construction in Greece and Spain, as you would expect. And so does GDP in Greece, but not in Spain.


It's too big a difference to not wonder if someone's fudging the numbers here to make it like austerity did the trick for Spain.

Is reality real? Call of Duty May Have the Answer

newtboy says...

No, WOW toons don't know anything....but you know they're toons when you interact with them, no?
There's one hell of a lot of assumptions and mathematical fudging in his argument.

robdot said:

you only need to simulate it,,for one wow toons,know they are in wow?

How To Make LEGO Gummy Candy!

poolcleaner says...

Yes, but only if you mix in -- and this is for @JustSaying -- only if you mix in at least 3 oz. of gummiberry juice.

The measurements can be fudged, just like grandma does, and we all know grandma makes the best stuff -- and she existed before any internet videos. Before recipes even!

serosmeg said:

do the batteries work?


JustSaying says...

You know, if the artist has actually something to say or does it with skill or in an interesting way (like the animation here), you can not shit on rap videos.
Having said that, I must admit I liked "Anaconda" for its interesting visuals. Don't poop on them fudge machines.

shagen454 said:

That seems like a consistent idea on the Sift that I hope to see rid someday, lol - I was actually going to imply that in the notes but I figured that would be negatively pointing fingers at the Sift to try and stir up controversy, but you confirmed it, lol

Milk Milk Lemonade - Amy Schumer

Khufu says...

except.. it's not where 'fudge' is made... the booty is actually there to make you able to stand and walk. Someone is confused about anatomy due to proximity I'm thinking. That's like saying your face is for eating.

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

newtboy says...

? I'm confused. I admitted my 'test' was lacking, and deferred to @ChaosEngine who didn't trust his eyes but I am no longer certain it's 'fake' at all, in fact I was careful to NEVER call it 'fake'. Perhaps you only read my first post in this thread and missed my admission that I was wrong?

As I said, I think there's a reason it LOOKED like it did to me...probably the surrounding color reflecting off the white paper I used to mask off and 'coloring' the grey squares....and likely the paper I used was not perfectly straight to use as a straight edge....and measuring anything on a screen is less than perfect, which is why I poorly measured the table and lines...the second time I measured it I did better, and I admit they are the same size contrary to my original statement.
I also only saw grey pills.

The reason I was skeptical is I've seen these same 'illusions' faked many times. For instance, the last time I saw the Rubik's cube, the tiles had dark shaded colored edges they removed when 'masking off' which obviously changed the color. It's not that I don't 'believe' in optical illusions, I just think people are cheaters more often than not these days and fudge things they don't need to fudge. This time it was my method of 'masking off' that seems to be my issue...I don't have an image editor that will do much for me here....sadly...but it doesn't mean I don't trust Chaosengine who did and set me straight.
OK? ;-)

lucky760 said:

@newtboy - I'm blown away at how certain you are it's all fake. I suggest you do what I did: Instead of using paper on your screen, just take a screenshot and insert into an image editor and inspect things there.

I cut the three tiles out and pasted them side-by-side and they are in fact the same color:

I dragged straight lines on the checkerboard before and after the dots were added, and it has only straight lines.

I copied/pasted the blue tabletop, rotated it and it fit perfectly on the other one:

Nothing was fudged in the video. It just shows how powerfully your brain is latching onto what it believes it is seeing.

It's like that dress photo from a few weeks ago. "Is it white and gold or purple and black?!" Many people were hardcore in one direction or the other.

The only one that left me confused is the pills. 1) He said they were red and blue, but they were yellow and turquoise. 2) They had holes in the pills allowing the background color through; it was only there that they looked colored, otherwise they were just gray. I suspect they were just trying to shoe-horn in a red pill blue pill Matrix reference.

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

lucky760 says...

@newtboy - I'm blown away at how certain you are it's all fake. I suggest you do what I did: Instead of using paper on your screen, just take a screenshot and insert into an image editor and inspect things there.

I cut the three tiles out and pasted them side-by-side and they are in fact the same color:

I dragged straight lines on the checkerboard before and after the dots were added, and it has only straight lines.

I copied/pasted the blue tabletop, rotated it and it fit perfectly on the other one:

Nothing was fudged in the video. It just shows how powerfully your brain is latching onto what it believes it is seeing.

It's like that dress photo from a few weeks ago. "Is it white and gold or purple and black?!" Many people were hardcore in one direction or the other.

The only one that left me confused is the pills. 1) He said they were red and blue, but they were yellow and turquoise. 2) They had holes in the pills allowing the background color through; it was only there that they looked colored, otherwise they were just gray. I suspect they were just trying to shoe-horn in a red pill blue pill Matrix reference.

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

newtboy says...

You went farther than I did then.
All I can say is when I cut out squares in a piece of paper, I could see a difference until they 'masked off' the image, then it had changed. I know these can work without fudging, which is why I was disappointed.
Did you note the difference between the 'colored' image and the 'masked off' image? It sure seems like there's a difference to me, if I stop it 1/2 way through and cover all but 2 squares, one is slightly lighter than the other on my monitor. That went for both the cubes and the floor tiles. Maybe it's 'eye memory' or something, but it sure seemed to me that the center tile was noticeably lighter until the 'masking off' happened.
I used a piece of paper against my monitor to measure the table,....I must have moved it when marking it, because now when I do it, it seems the tables ARE the same size. Damn touch screen, kept starting the video every time I touched it.
If those lines were really pixel straight, my paper is cut with a curve or my monitor has a problem.
Again, you went farther than I did to prove it, so I'll defer to you and accept I'm seeing things, even when I mask them off myself.

EDIT: Just a thought why I may have seen it differently, do you think it's possible that 'light bleed' or 'color bleed' on my monitor has anything to do with it? I mean, since the pixel next to the 'grey' block might be glowing bright yellow, it could color the grey slightly yellow, while the RGB value would not change?

ChaosEngine said:

Sorry, newt, but that's simply inaccurate.

I saw two grey pills too, but you're completely wrong about the others. I screen shotted all the images into to verify them.

The rubix cube image is 100% real. The RGB values for the blue and yellow tiles are identical (127,128,129).

Same with the the tiles under the table. They are are off by a small amount (rgb 70 68 71 vs rgb 70 68 70), but I'd but that down to the video encoding.

Ditto with the checkboard; zooming in with the lines are pixel straight (there is some anti-aliasing at the edges, but it doesn't affect the "straightness of the checkerboard").

The tables too, are the same size. I rotated the vertical table.

If you don't believe me, try it yourself.

Virtual reality, explained with some trippy optical illusion

newtboy says...

OK. Looking extremely closely and using paper to block out the image, I have to say they fudged things on some of them.
I saw two grey pills the whole time.
The colored tiles fade to grey as they "mask off" the other tiles, they start no where near the shade of grey they end up as, their color has faded a lot in the process.
The grey tiles on the floor also change shades as they are 'masked off' quite clearly. I went 1/4 speed, and also tried masking them off myself, they clearly faked this one.
I put a straight edge on the checker board and sure enough, those lines are slightly curved....just barely but they are.
The two table tops are NOT the same size at first, I measured and the vertical table is definitely longer on the long side. That one's obvious. (EDIT:I'm wrong about that)
The spinning dots does work for me, as do convex images and auditory illusions.
So I'm not ready to call 'fake' on this, but IMO it's fudged badly.

Watch German official squirm when confronted with Greece

radx says...


Ah, we've been down this road... I totally forgot, sorry.

Just briefly then: Greece fucked up prior to the crisis. Fudged numbers, corruption, banks run by the worst of the worst, economy exposed to exterior shocks, the works. They were hit hard when the crisis began, and it magnified the pre-existing conditions to a point where the entire thing became unstable.

When their banks finally admitted to being completely screwed, Greece was "motivated" to socialize the problem by bailing out the banks. If the Greek banks had gone bust, the German and French banks would have had to crawl back to Merkel and Sarkozy and beg for a bailout, only a year or so after they were bailed out the first time. Both governments would have been thrown out of office if they had bailed out the banks again, after swearing not to do it. So it was left to Greece to deal with the mess in a way that kept German and French banks out of it.

They did the same in Ireland, just like Bill Black testified before their parliamentary committee three weeks ago.

But the real mess, the social devastation, was primarily a result of "The Program". Some say it was the Greek government who enforced the measures, nobody told them to cut pensions in half. Well, the IMF still provides access to the Memorandum of Understanding, which clearly outlines just that. It was mandated by the troika and the Greek government went along all too willingly. As a result of the first troika program, GDP went down the toilet.

Anyway, the establishment in Greece is to blame for most of this, but the German/French banks (and their governments) are also to blame. Yet somehow, it is the lower/middle class in Greece who receive the punishment, and the lower/working class in Germany/Finland/Netherlands/etc who are expected to foot the bill this punishment causes for the entirety of Europe. Pisses me off to no end.

Star Wars the Force awakens official teaser

sixshot says...

Wait, storm/clone troopers? Those are still in use? Ah fudge it. Don't bother explaining it to me. I'm not overly attached to the whole lore of the SW universe.

Looks cool. Not impressed that the Falcon would fly so low to the surface. X-Wing fighters, tho... that's another story.

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