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People Share Their Secret Anonymously (episode 11)

BSR says...

I was 18+or- when I used a restroom at a local town park and found a $50 bill on the floor next to the toilet. I was the only one in there. As I walked out and got about halfway to my car a man walked over to me who saw me just leave the restroom. He asked me if found a $50 dollar bill in the restroom and I told him "no". He went on his way to the restroom and I got back in my car and left.

It bothered me afterward to a point that when I see a homeless person I give them no less than $20 even if they don't ask for it. I feel as though the first $50 I gave away was paid back in a way because it wasn't mine. I continue to give to the homeless at times because I feel like I'm paying for my dishonesty that day. I'm still not sure how much longer it will take before I forgive myself.

*walks away without showing my face and toilet paper stuck on my shoe*

Chauvin Guilty of Murder as Calls for Police Reform Grow

newtboy says...

I want to know how after 19 years on the force with a $100000 car, rental homes, $90+ a year at his second job, and who under reported his yearly income by almost $500000 repeatedly can get away with claiming he's broke.

Just like being housed in special high profile (larger nicer single inmate cells, but not solitary) areas of prison with all non white employees barred from the entire floor and white female officers allowed alone in his cell, actually in his bed, to comfort him, even letting him use their cell phones, that's some serious bullshit.

The murderous pig is a millionaire.

Wiki-On July 22, 2020, after the murder charges were brought against him, Chauvin and his then-wife were separately charged in Washington County, Minnesota, on nine felony counts of tax evasion[88][89] related to allegedly fraudulent state income tax returns from 2014 to 2019.[90] Prosecutors state the couple under-reported their joint income by $464,433, including more than $95,000 from Chauvin's off-duty security work.[89][91] The complaint also alleges failure to pay proper sales tax on a $100,000 BMW purchased in Minnesota in 2018, failure to declare income from Chauvin's wife's business, and improper deductions on a rental home.

surfingyt said:

he got Eric Nelson ha ha
the Ls continue to stack for bewb

Funny Wedding Moments - The Huddle

cloudballoon says...

While I was grade 9, I tackled a fellow 2 years my senior (G11), he must be 5~6 inches taller than me (me being 5'6" in my adulthood, while he was one of the tallest in school, though not muscular), I dislocated his shoulder TWICE, during practices. First time he was hospitalized for 4 days, the second time was kind of funny. When I dislocated his shoulder again (with an audible "pop"), the guy next to me floored him and put his shoulder back in place (with an audible "click/sploosh"-y sound, hard to describe). Obviously he was in pain, and was twisting and tossing himself, but when the pain subsided a little bit and opened his eyes and saw me just standing there, he screamed "you again!?" All I could do was thinking of those Mel Gibson "dislocating shoulder" scenes in the Lethal Weapons movies.

So, it's not about size, really, it's to know where & how to tackle a big boi.

newtboy (Member Profile)

geo321 says...

Lucky wakes up to everyone handcuffed on the floor

newtboy said:

...and so began the hardheaded hobbling horror of 2021, culminating in the brutal banning backlash of 2022 when all members were automatically banned including new accounts.

AquaSpinner Waterslide - Europe's first Rotating Slide

newtboy says...

I agree with both above, interesting idea, terrible design. The lazy river offers more fun and excitement. A water slide should never have pauses, and absolutely should not get so slow it goes backwards. To speed it up enough to be fun would probably make it unsafe. Should have left this one on the drawing room floor.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Funny, we never saw Trump drive anything but a personal golf cart (seems no club he didn't own wanted to rent him a cart), and he sucked ass at driving them and never followed the rules for them, always drove onto the green. He was allowed to sit in the driver's seat in trucks like a big boy, but no one trusted him behind the wheel so he never had the keys.
Biden is trusted to drive prototype vehicles that cost millions to build.
And you still say Trump doesn't have dementia but Biden does. Your delusional thoughts are rapidly becoming a super minority of and Trump.
Here's proof.

“The Reset” | 5G Built For Gamers | Verizon

fuzzyundies says...

20+ year professional game dev here. This commercial conflates a mix of common game client bugs (eg: texture streaming errors, physics glitches, and animation attachment offsets) with straight up nonsense (upper half of coffee mug popping in with a phone over and over is caused by a slow network connection?). They never show any actual network performance problems that they, as a company, have been responsible for causing in real life.

It's as if a city council came out with electrified upgrades to their formerly-diesel city buses and to promote this fact, they cut an ad showing:

- monkeys driving the bus
- constant gunfights between the elderly
- piles of feces on the floor
- bus stops existing in a quantum superposition of clearly identified and invisible
- tribal warriors on the roof spitting blowdarts at passersby
- every seat is actually a block of super-chilled ice

Never once would they point out reduction in chronic asthma to the local schoolkids or lung cancer in their bus drivers. But hey, so long as the company looks good, who cares about accuracy in ads?

Incoherent Biden

newtboy says...

Highly edited makes it fake....and just dumb. Editing hours of speaking for one minute of stuttering is laughable, especially since you can get the same amount of inability to speak from any two minutes of any Trump speech.

Every time you feel like talking shit about your president, remember, Joe kicked Trump's ass handily without breaking a sweat. Trump pulled out all the stops and spent hundreds of millions he didn't have, Biden, as you loved to say, campaigned from his basement and had millions left over. Even taking it easy, Biden beat Trump like a red headed step child.
Because Trump is a proud unapologetic and constant liar, he's deranged, evil, hyper criminal, mentally unstable, old, feeble, pedophilic, narcissistic, divisive, dumb, treasonous, a repeatedly convicted fraud and thief, likely a pill popper, a rapist dozens of times over by his own admission, 100% disloyal, a child abuser, and cannot string together an entire sentence or pronounce English. His administration had more felons, and committed more felonies than all administrations before him, and more Americans unnecessarily died from his actions and lack thereof than in almost all wars America has fought combined (besides the civil war)
Biden sometimes has temporary trouble speaking smoothly.
Thousands of videos point this out, but you are willfully blind. I'm certain his inability to speak or walk up or down stairs or ramps or to think won't stop you from voting for Trump in 24, ensuring a second Biden term. I think you'll vote Trump even if he's in a prison hospital drooling on himself.

This is the problem with Trump derangement syndrome, it makes you not comprehend that everything you want to complain about from Biden is 10 times worse in Trump. Whatever ridiculousness you spout about Biden's abilities only makes his wiping the floor with Trump without effort all the more sure, Biden is old, stuttering, feeble, weak, and tired....and he kicked Trump's ass in a historic landslide from his basement without even trying, and continues to thoroughly kick his ass in approval ratings. LMFAHS!!

Joe has the cognitive skills to be Potus, always has, and most of America agrees....more than EVER thought Trump was qualified in any way, especially cognitive skills. Remember the redrawn hurricane map he was so demented he thought looked unadulterated with his fat sharpie? Covfefe.

Biden's approval rating has never been as low as Trump's highest point.

So sad, little Bobby. Such kindergarten argument. Your juice box went bad and now you've just got sour grapes. Change your soiled panties, dry your cheeks, wipe that snot off your face, and grow the fuck up, buddy.

A stutter/stammer is not an indicator of mental decline, but Trump shows ALL the signs....did you drink your bleach yet? Why not, if Trump wasn't demented to suggest it?

You think Donny had, and still has the cognitive skills to be president, so your opinion is already clearly invalid. Enjoy the next 15 3/4 years, if that's the best you can come up with against Biden and Harris you're in for a long haul of losing.

Winning....big daddy Biden kicking ass and taking names!! Lol.

bobknight33 said:

Highly edited but not faked.

Joe is past his prime for being POTUS,
Joe is just a old man who should be sipping lemonade on the porch with the grand kids.

This vid and many many more point this out.

To think Joe has the cognitive skills to be POTUS at this point of his life is a farce.

When a bully challenges the coach of a boxing gym

newtboy says...

Bullies don't deserve your sympathy.

I feel satisfied that if the bully was winning that sparing match he wouldn't have been so restrained, his prison record reinforces that theory.

The only obvious sign of brain injury I saw was the asshat driving an hour to try to bully a boxing coach. He wasn't pounding him in the head, he was more pushing him to the floor. I saw a boxer jabbing at 10% power vs an arrogant bully throwing haymakers who thought he's the toughest person around. Sometimes the only one who can teach humility is the ground.

I think he learned that lesson, he seemed like a good teacher to me.

TheFreak said:

I see a pair of assholes in this video.

First indication:
"After I showed him my crutches he went on to call me a pussy and said are you backing out."

Fighting someone because they called you a pussy and then continuing to punch them in the head after obvious signs of brain injury...
Yeah, you're an awesome teacher.

David Cross: Why America Sucks at Everything

bcglorf says...

Canadian here with my jaw on the floor. At 2:25 I learned that the average Canadian has 11% of their wages consumed by taxes and other listed costs...

The lowest Canadian federal tax bracket is 15%, and most provincial taxes add another 15% as well, so 99% of Canadians have a floor of 30% just to income taxes...

Where in the heck are these numbers in the video from???

newtboy (Member Profile)

We Still Don’t Know How Bicycles Work

newtboy says...

I must disagree.

First, it's precession, not procession, paired with the "caster effect" and static friction. It's a self correcting system that only works when in forward motion.
This nonsense with counter rotating wheels countering the gyroscopic effect ignores the fact that only the forward rotating wheels are using friction to direct the path of the bicycle based on their angles. It's not JUST the gyroscopic effect, that only determines the resistance to angular change, it's friction directed by gyroscopic precession and the self correcting caster effect. Come on.

Nobody knows how we ride bikes?! (A different claim from we don't know why they can remain upright when ghost ridden) Nonsense, it's balance plain and simple. If you don't keep the center of gravity exactly above the contact points with the ground, you tilt. When the centrifugal force exceeds static friction of the tires you slide out or when gravity exceeds the opposing centrifugal force caused by turning, you fall. Try turning your bike but staying exactly upright, no lean. Now, when you heal, try leaning without turning, lock the wheel straight, you'll fall again. It's multiple forces in concert.

I think a decent physics teacher would wipe the floor with this. It ignores so much to make these "we just don't know" claims.

Boston Dynamics | Spots got an arm!

TheFreak says...

I just kept seeing all the ways Spot could murder us.

Electrocution? Check!
Deadly Gas? Check!
Creeping silently into you bedroom at night and strangling you with your own dirty underwear that you left on the floor?


And now Spot can bury you in the backyard.
Good Spot!

Estes model rockets: a brief history

Bowling Robot Serves Up a Strike || ViralHog

fuzzyundies says...

I hate to be a buzzkill, but I'm pretty sure this is CG. With the forces involved, that arm would have to be very very very securely bolted into the floor, and... it doesn't look like it is.

Still a cool video and idea though.

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