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Jason Voorhees preparing for Friday, the 13th.

School Board cuts off parent

newtboy says...

That’s not entirely true…every now and then he comes to his own defense using a sock puppet account. 😂

It’s been clear from day 1 that he only comes here to troll, clearly not caring that no one buys his propaganda ever. Clearly not caring that he constantly makes himself a fool. It’s 100% about “owning the libs” (even if only in his own mind), with no thought to how he’s actually owning himself by making himself a foolish liar in everyone’s eyes but his own.

He’s not a serious or adult person, he’s a cautionary tale about not being educated and believing things based on whether he thinks they fit his current narrative, not based on reality or reason nor what he claimed yesterday.

Best is his Fonzie style inability to ever admit he’s w-w-w-wrong despite being 100% wrong 99.96% of the time and being caught at it with proof he’s lying 95% of the time.

I note he only averages 4.9 votes per video because Sifty apparently counts negative votes as votes. He sifts under 10 videos per year, and those are only sifted because he finally posted something that’s not pure MAGA propaganda and the sift wants to reward and encourage him to get off his insane politics.

surfingyt said:

I personally love how bewby boy comes here to only get downvoted and ridiculed. NO ONE EVER COMES TO HIS DEFENSE! He convinces no one here, pissing into the wind, and yet he keeps coming back to destroy his credibility over and over and over and over and over and over and over. It's GREAT!

newtboy (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

To remind @bobknight33 in a place where he can’t erase it and pretend he doesn’t know what a baby criminal his MAGA daddy is, Trump, coward that he is, walked away from two retaliatory lawsuits today, one against Cohen for revealing the payoff to a porn star to hide his affair and humiliating sexual performance because he was absolutely terrified of being deposed by someone who knows his secrets, and the other against the judge hearing his NY fraud case Judge Engoron, and then he ran away in shame after saying he would show up in court every day to stand up to the judge and DA, but instead fled to Florida after 2 1/2 days of grumbling in his seat. 😂
Trump claims he will refile against Cohen after he wins his criminal cases, so never. Cohen will be filing if he hasn’t already to recover maybe millions for defending the frivolous lawsuit and he will win.

Trump was tossed off the Forbes richest Americans list, citing a $650 million loss on Toth Senchal, the closure of all of his New York businesses, and the absurdity of accepting his own valuations for his properties like $650 million to $1.5 billion for Maralago he himself said wasn’t worth $20 million last year in court in an effort to try to avoid taxes. Truth is he may be exceedingly deep in debt well beyond the true value of his holdings…in debt to hostile foreign powers and criminal organizations.

Republicans have finally realized rules they put in place make him ineligible for speaker…you might think they would have looked into that before floating the idea but no. You people are so inept and incompetent.

Again he’s been exposed showing top secret highest classification level military secrets to foreigners for no reason beyond braggadocio. This time exposing nuclear submarine specs including payloads and stealth capabilities to an Australian who instantly told everyone he knew and some he didn’t…making the military secrets public knowledge. That’s treason…you know the penalty for treason, don’t you? String him up! 😂

Big daddy T is having a very bad really terrible day/week/month/year. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person.

What Happened to THX?

Zawash says...

I didn't "get" the THX intro until I heard it in my own home cinema setup, with a really nice Dynaudio speakers, calibrated for good sound. Then I experienced a chord that grew deeper, fuller, and more powerful, swelling and swelling to an awesome climax.

When I heard it in theatres, it was always way too loud, with an ear-piercing treble that was just annoying and made you cover your ears. It was always annoying - never awesome.
In by own setup I could finally hear the majesty of it, without that piercing treble making me wince, and could instead feel being swept away by the deep notes.

Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

I guess you didn’t read…when he finally put out a personal statement, it was mostly about how upset he was at the right co-opting his song because wrote it about them.

The audience however heard every dog whistle, and when they found out he wasn’t racist and was singing about right wing politicians not Biden they dropped him like a hot potato. I’m afraid you are wrong again, the right definitely heard those dog whistles and are pissed he didn’t intend them.

Easy…when he said he thinks diversity is a strength of America, nearly half his right wing audience said “I’m out” and “try saying that in a small town” and no longer call themselves fans…because they’re racist and thought he was too. You can find thousands in the comments sections where his videos were posted before he spoke out. Here’s 8-10…Just read some…“diversity”-comment-he-mad

I’m afraid it’s just know nothing people who latched onto what they heard as a racist anti welfare, conservative song who suddenly ran for the hills when they realized it and he were in fact anti conservative that suddenly hate this song. I admit I listened to it through “conservative ears” (since it was billed as the new conservative anthem) and I also heard every dog whistle they did, meaning it’s a really poorly worded song since so many got its message completely wrong. Even the Republican debate used it, which he found hilarious since the candidates were exactly who he wrote it about…but they were clueless about the irony.

He should have taken the $8 million, he’s going to fade into obscurity without the political backing he was getting.

So let me ask, now knowing he was talking about conservative politicians not liberals, and knowing he believes in diversity not tribalism…are you still a fan? (I know, you don’t/can’t answer questions). I’m not, despite learning all we now know about his intended message…but I retract my accusation that he MEANT it to be racist or hyper conservative.
Yes, I was w-w-w-wrong about HIM, but not his audience or the message they heard. Not the first or last time, but I can admit it when I’m wrong.

bobknight33 said:

You ever think that you are totally wrong on this .

Not racist, Not Anti American, Not MEGA.

Perhaps you are hearing another "dog whistle". Odd thing is that only democrats hear these dog whistles.

People are tired of being screwed and not listen to by their government.

If racist as you say fined a non media reaction to this that indicates so. Find 3

Perhaps its know it all people like you who want to divide people, who want to keep poor people down just for their vote.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 This is your dumbest theory yet…but at least you’re finally accepting his criminal persona as fact. It doesn’t exactly jibe with being the law and order party though. 😂

Wash, rinse, repeat (according to some)

newtboy says...

What does this have to do with Hunter, whose tax charges were just dropped? 😂
Has your broken brain finally snapped completely and now you can do nothing but post random nonsense videos that are 100% unrelated to the topic of the video and the comment thread? Seems like it. Your next video comment was more “no topic nonsense” too.

What nominee for what position? This clip made no point. You can’t honestly believe anyone is going to trust Ted Cruz about anything can you?

Whoever it is, their record beats Amy Coney Barrett‘s complete lack of qualifications and experience having never tried a single case when Trump nominated her to be an appeals judge and barely a tiny bit more more when he appointed her as a Supreme Court justice less than 3 years later purely because she would vote to overturn Roe despite saying it was settled and well tested law she wouldn’t ever even consider overturning at her confirmation.

bobknight33 said:

…pretty much nothing…

5 Facts About Trump’s Indictments

newtboy says...

Once again…”just wait until Monday, Trump will prove the election fraud and his innocence at a press conference, total exoneration”, (Tomorrow, tomorrow, I love ya tomorrow….)
Trump claimed he was going to hold a press conference and show his huge conclusive report including the evidence proving the election was stolen from him before arraignment, which he said would end what you say are nonsense allegations and indictments…
…but now SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE he won’t be holding that press conference, and won’t be releasing that report publicly but will withhold it for trial (sound familiar?).
He’s tried this exact same lie 70 times in court and lost every single time…but you’re sure it will work THIS TIME. 😂

So fun watching you rubes being insanely gullible AGAIN, still believing the guy who has NEVER told you the truth. The guy who has put everyone in his administration in serious legal jeopardy with his lies.
I bet you believe Trump, who is in fact a convicted rapist, liar, and fraud, who claims all the Jan 6 evidence has been destroyed despite it being publicly archived and listed in discovery in one of Trump’s trials and turned over to his team already.

It’s fun because everyone outside the cult sees it now, sees how ridiculous and dumb his lies (and yours) are…and his lies aren’t gaining him a single vote and won’t fly in court.
You are being played again.

bobknight33 said:

Fun watching the left being gullible. You are being played, again.

Is Donald Trump a Fascist? | Robert Reich

newtboy says...

Another flat denial with absolutely zero facts…that’s what’s called infantile whining, bob.

“Stupid and gullible”…
Says the man who has gotten every single fact wrong over the last 10+ years.
Says the guy who says Jan 6 was a false flag.
Says the man who claimed the election was stolen (and believed the hundreds of lies that went along with the big lie).
Says the man who said it was a great time to go all in, mortgage the house, borrow all you can and buy all the Tesla stock you can when it hit $400, and continued the same advice as it plunged to near $100. Oddly enough, when it hit bottom, you stopped telling people to buy! WTF!?!
Says the man who denies climate change.
Says the man who said Jan 6 was non violent.
Says the man who said Mr Pelosi was attacked by his gay lover, not a typical violent MAGA nutjob trying to murder Nancy.
Says the man who said covid was a nothing burger requiring absolutely no action.
Says the man who said vaccines are more dangerous than the disease.
Says the man who was alive in 2020 but still tries to say Trump was great for the economy and Biden is bad.
Says the man who still believes the NEXT whistleblower against Hunter will finally be a real whistleblower with proof, not another Chinese spy or another paid actor with zero proof of anything.
Says the man who bought every single idiotic racist lie from Qanon for the last 8 years.
Says the man who, when presented with hundreds of high level republicans convicted of sex abuse and child sex crimes (and lists of hundreds and hundreds more in the wings), including your officially a rapist ex president, says “democrats, the party of debauchery” without being able to show any debauchery by democrats.

I could continue this list of things you got wrong all day long, just like I could send you page after page of high level republicans convicted of child rape and sex abuse charges all day long. You believe stupid nonsense propaganda and deny facts and statistics as a matter of course. You are always absolutely 100% certain of what you claim despite having zero evidence and being told by people who lied to you dozens of times before.

There has never, not for one second, ever been another person 1/2 as stupid or gullible as yourself here on this platform. You get everything 100% wrong, then disappear when you’re twisting and lying doesn’t convince a single person of your lies, then you return in a week with a new set of baseless lies and nonsense.

I’ve spent years debunking the insane right wing lies you spout with facts and figures and references telling you where they come from….you don’t give references because where your “information “ comes from is embarrassing….random internet trolls and disgraced sources like Glen Beck and Alex Jones who both have repeatedly and under oath admitted even they don’t believe 10% of the nonsense they spread, but it makes money selling anger and stupidity to morons, and you just love to lap it up.

It’s actually impressive you are so self unaware that you don’t see how wrong you have been consistently for over a decade. It takes some serious head in the sand denial of reality to be you.

bobknight33 said:

I walk in peace knowing that there are a very stupid and gullible people like you walking around.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Did i misunderstand? Are you actually trying to say the rapist Trump only spitballed ideas? Are you so delusional you bought the stupid lie that he’s being charged for exercising free speech!?! 😂

Good luck with that…because he’s not charged with spitballing ideas, or lying about the election…he’s charged in this indictment with conspiring to impede official proceedings, taking actions to impede official proceedings, and attempting to defraud the government by submitting fake electors, and attempting to deny millions of voters their rights of participation in the process by stealing their votes. He’s charged with trying to “delay” the final certification to give his dishonest ploys to steal the election by fraud more time, a major felony…and his fucking lawyer went on TV and admitted he did it! 😂
You morons!

Keep chugging the flavoraid. Jim….I mean Don will be there to personally usher you into MAGA heaven when it’s over because he loves you and is well known for helping the little guy.

P.S.- a second judge has now said Trump is a rapist, and dismissed his counterclaim against Carrol for calling him a rapist. Enjoy!

bobknight33 said:

Spit balling ideas are not illegal.

Keep drinking the Kool Aid. Lots more of that coming your way.

The Biggest Science Story of the Week

newtboy says...

*doublepromote someone else finally noticing global dimming as a significant factor in global warming.

Global dimming from excess sulfur dioxide may be responsible for cutting the current excess anthropogenic heat in the system by between 15% to 50% depending on the study.
What this means is, if we stop polluting tomorrow, the CO2 and other greenhouse gases will continue to warm us at the same rate for decades to centuries, but the sulfur dioxide that has blocked between .25 to 2 degrees Celsius temperature rise will be gone almost immediately, and a significant sudden rise in temp will be the result kicking off or feeding more feedback loops.

While it may seem he’s onto some global warming solution…just put more sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere…that ignores the lower growth rates and lost solar production it causes by deflecting a significant percentage of sunlight, both adding to net CO2 added to the system.
The incredibly scary part is the whitehouse and other international governments are actively researching ways to inject sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere despite knowing it has so many issues.

There’s no easy fix.

ant (Member Profile)

ant (Member Profile)

MTG makes Biden For President Ad

newtboy says...

Official ethics complaints filed, lawsuits definitely incoming.
Felony charges in the works in two states and if just one person under 16 was sent her fundraising email, federal felony sex crime charges for sending sexually explicit images to minors!! 😂

MAGA is now a child sex offender, every one of you that reposted this…and especially you. Again, don’t be surprised if you have a knock on your door and a LONG vacation. What you did by reposting the revenge porn in a public forum where children are present is also a felony. Hunter may decide to charge everyone who reposted this and ask not for 3x5 years in prison, just a $10-20000 fine for each instance…from what, probably 20x30 million MAGgots…he’s finally going to be the billionaire you claim he is and then some with $200 billion MAGA dollars!!

Nice self criminalization for jealousy. Hunter was a hung party machine banging hot chicks and waiving guns….he’s the sigma male you look up to. If he were MAGA, you know you would be so excited you finally had a real man in the party not another whining theta male crying how everyone is unfair to him. 😂

I hear there’s an opening at jelly camp…if you’re good maybe we’ll send you. It’s clear you need it. 😂

bobknight33 said:

MTG broadcasting dick pics where children will see them as revenge porn and bob reposting them for more children to see.

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