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Vladimir Putin left waiting for Turkish counterpart Erdogan

newtboy says...

Didn’t make him wait nearly long enough.
It would have been great if he got tired, sat down, then Erdoğan entered making him stand back up.

Russian grain shipments should halt until all Russian aggression and expansion is halted and reversed. I believe the grain they’re discussing is the Ukrainian grain blatantly stolen by Russia. No NATO or UN. Nation should even consider paying Russia for it or allowing them to transport it.

I just don’t understand, why even discuss it?

California is Running Out of Water

cloudballoon says...

Countries like Israel, due to its geolocation/geopolitical climate, it's a desalination powerhouse. California can do the same. But a balanced approach (environmental harm vs. human necessity vs. commercial viability) is hard to achieve:

Hope that California can gets its act together quick enough w/ more water recycling plants:

Some real & fair regulation & enforcement, with violators getting punished helps (HA!).

Flag of Ukraine - Historical Evolution

newtboy says...

Constant unAmerican, anti democratic, Russian propaganda.
Do you know how many flags have flown over the US in that time? To name just a few….French, British, Spanish, Mexican, Every state (before their statehood), dozens of different US flags (changed every time a state was added), hundreds of indigenous nations, even Canada. Remember 6 flags over Texas? Does that make Texas less part of America? I guess Mexico should take it back. No need to defend it I suppose.
What idiocy. Jesus, bob.

I recall how happy you were when we assassinated an Iranian general in an unprovoked act of war against a Russian backed country, so why was starting a war fine with you but keeping our clear obligations agreed on by an international nuclear disarmament treaty is bad? *crickets*

I’m not saying you are definitely a Russian America hating troll, I’m just saying there wouldn’t be a single letter changed in anything you post if you are, and there’s not one shred of evidence that you aren’t one.

Love the way you want to walk away from our treaty too….so no country will ever negotiate based on a promise by America to defend them. Ukraine would still have nukes if we hadn’t agreed to permanently secure their borders, and Putin would never have invaded a nuclear nation.

At every opportunity you are anti democracy, Bob. You’re so blind you don’t see how that makes you look. I thought you hated socialism and communism….so why do you support it being forced on others?


Edit: have you been listening to super racist failed diplomatic appointee and Fox “invasion expert” Douglas MacGregor, a Trump appointed Russia Propagandist on Fox who’s suggesting Russia should be more aggressive, borders should just be redrawn (without Ukraine), Zelinski is a terrorist, and claims people in the west and Europe and China all support Russian expansion? Sure sounds like it.

bobknight33 said:

Constant turmoil land grab.
As shitty as Putin is invading Ukraine, we should not get too involved.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...


The right has abandoned these as important because they failed miserably compared to the left? LMFAHS!!!

Trump only put Trump first…ever. Anyone not cheering for him constantly was the enemy. If you’re so disengenuous to only count Trumptards as Americans (despite their being rabid anti American terrorists) he put them first…only if you don’t count Trumps, Putin, Xi, Lil Kim, Saudis…. That’s likely what you think….it’s your speed.

Biden’s growth average is crushing Trumps. Derp. Trump averaged 1% growth per year…last year under Biden growth was 5.7%! A growth increase of over 9% from Trump’s horrible very bad no good last year!!! Near double Trump’s best year.

Trump had a loss…a fucking loss for his last year. Negative growth for 1/4 of his presidency, with no one else to blame because it was his last year, not his first year when he rode Obama’s recovery wave. If the economy had tanked in June 2021, you could be right that Biden can’t keep it up, but it didn’t. Sorry, even numbers must be liberal now, because they certainly disagree with you. Derp.

This planet…where everyone but Trumptards live. You might visit sometime. On Planet Trump, maybe not….but it’s in a different universe where white supremacists aren’t racists but civil rights leaders are, where the pandemic and 2020 and Jan 6 never happened, and where Hunter Biden is a multi billionaire.
Here on Earth, Biden’s leadership has led to economic recovery, gdp growth, lower unemployment, higher wages, a strong unified European front opposing Putin, and soon an end to pandemic measures.

Putin invaded under weak president Trump too, you fucktard, with zero repercussions, he was also identified conclusively as having shot down commercial aircraft over Ukraine, with not a peep from Trump, and Trump totally gave up on Crimea too, even before taking office, removing all sanctions and green lighting Putin’s expansion for years….holy shit you can’t possibly be ignorant of that, so I know you’re just trolling because you have nothing. So sad, little man.

Trump bent over backwards far enough to lick Putis scrotum as he fucked Trump’s leaky sausage hole repeatedly. He never once stood up to him with any action….never. He did take many actions to embolden and reward Russian expansion. Trump withheld military aid from Ukraine as Putin was invading them…not only did nothing against Russia but actually hobbled the Ukranians fighting for democracy against Putin. Trump put Putin first….correction….second, right after Trump.

Trump is a coward who hides from leadership and service (actually despises the thought and ridicules those who do serve as suckers and fools regularly) and instead rage tweets like a child. Biden confronts Russia by destroying their economy in a week and plunging them into the dark ages. I know you can’t face it, but that doesn’t make it less true.

Trump is a leader like Jim Jones….totally delusional, insanely narcissistic, ridiculously untruthful, and ready to destroy any and everyone in an instant instead of admitting a mistake. You drank the whole pitcher of flavor aid and went looking for more.

bobknight33 said:

Obama was only a champion of gay rights. He moved that ball forward. Everything else was so so.

Trump was far better. He put all Americans first. Created growth not seen in years and it is still growing for now. Biden will fuck this up too, like everything else he has done.

Biden kicking ass / taking names? on what planet?

Putin invaded under weak presidents Obama and Biden. Not Trump. Face it Biden and Obama are weak and Trump was / is a leader.

The dangers of a Russian energy superpower

newtboy says...

Sky News!? That’s like Fox on meth without the pretext that they’re pro-America. Foreign Anti American propaganda from an anti democracy anti America foreigner.
Love the way you love those who absolutely hate America so consistently.

Sorry, @bobknight33….the only reasons Trump didn’t start any wars (and boy did he want to) are 1) his advisors repeatedly talked him down from most, but not all provocations (how we avoided war in Iran I’ll never know, multiple assassinations often lead to war, especially when you murder generals and their entourage on foreign soil.)
And 2) he never contradicted or stood up to our enemies, he courted, praised, and capitulated to them completely. Why would Russia go to war when we completely ignored their invasions and expansion and took their word over our own intelligence community?

Derp….the pipeline Trump’s whining about was cancelled by the Germans. How great an idea to have them spend billions then cancel certification!

I know you have the memory of a meth head gnat, but come on, Bobby. Are you really that clueless….oh wait, yes you are. You just claimed Russia didn’t invade under Trump a day or two ago.

You didn’t just fail current events and history class here, Bob, you got a 12% average. Once again, you make it impossible to believe you graduated from an American college, difficult to believe you graduated high school. So sad.

Introducing the Omega 1 - A Revolutionary Engine

TheFreak says...


What kind of tolerances do you need to seal the chambers created by those rotors and then what happens to those tolerances from thermal expansion when the engine heats up?

Now ask yourself how you lubricate all of that and then notice the oil literally pouring out of the front seals of that engine.

All of those numbers are made up. Maybe someone did some creative theoretical napkin calculations but those numbers aren't based on anything that engine is doing.

Introducing the Omega 1 - A Revolutionary Engine

Jordan Klepper Takes On Canadian Truckers | The Daily Show

bcglorf says...

Economic disruption of the blockades was similar to the Mohawk blockade of railways about 2 years ago:

Similarly, mass lay offs and multi-billions of dollars of goods stuck sitting around waiting to get to the industries needing them.

Since at least 2012 the attempted expansion of an existing pipeline(Trans Mountain) was targeted continuously by blockades. Opposition and resulting delays leading to cost overruns so large that company ultimately halted the multi-billion dollar project.

In terms of dollars being lost, the convoy protest wasn't special. More over, the blockade of the border in Ontario that was causing the real economic damage was dismantled and removed before the 'emergency measures' were enacted. Which is to state, the emergency measures were primarily intended to clear out downtown Ottawa. In downtown Ottawa though, the damages were at minimum as localized as any of the lumber or pipeline blockades mentioned.

Prime Minister Trudeau couldn't be more unequivocal when he was expressing his support for the farmer protests in India and the Floyd protests in the US. Clip if you'd like:

The protests in India absolutely did immensely more harm to India's economy than the convoy here did in Canada. The protests in support of Floyd were again unequivocally more violent than the convoy in Canada.

There really is no basis by which to point to the convoy's actions and find them in any way unique or distinct from multiple other protests within Canada, or ones abroad that have been either given more latitude, or outright embraced and supported.

The distinction as even you can't resist going after, is that their beliefs they are protesting for are stupid and wrong, so no right to protest for them. That isn't how the right to protest within a democracy should be allowed to work.

I also have to point out the 'ethical' argument isn't as cut and dry as you want to make it out either.
-Pipelines bad so blockading is good ignores the fact the same oil gets pumped regardless, it just gets loaded into trucks that burn even more oil to haul it and have a fair greater risk of accidents and spills.
-Defending the rights and lands of Aboriginal peoples(like at Coastal Gas Link site violently attacked with millions in damages while the convoy was being vilified for 'incitement') is anything but obvious. The Wet'suwet'en hereditary leaders made claim to parts of the pipeline route and demanded it be shut down. However, the same Wet'suwet'en people's multiple elected Band Councils signed on with their wishes to proceed with the project. In fact, ALL elected representatives of ALL the Bands with land along the route had ALL signed onto the project and wanting it to proceed. It is in no way obvious that ignoring the will of those other bands to favour the conflicting claims of the hereditary leaders is clearly the most respectful of the people's wishes.

New Rule: First Lady Barack Obama | Real Time (HBO)

newtboy says...

Yeah, you don’t sound triggered at all. Not one bit.

Way to intelligently answer the question.


Biden is moving towards putting American troops in Eastern Europe to stop Putin’s expansion plans….Trump illegally and secretly withheld congressionally approved arms and funding from the Ukraine that they desperately needed to fight Putin’s active invasion in a blackmail scheme, and recognized his annexation of Crimea without a whimper, and ignored multiple assassinations on foreign soil with collateral damages.
Biden helped draft crippling sanctions against Russia in 2016, Trump illegally negotiated those sanctions away for nothing in return before being sworn in, as a favor to his friend Vladimir….it’s what Flynn pleaded guilty to (after he learned he was on tape doing it).
So ignorant and deluded, bob. I guess that’s why you consistently fail to include any facts in your posts, it’s hard to fact check whining and sniveling.

bobknight33 said:

Not Triggered at all.


Taiwan: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

You really are such a cowardly baby, Bob. You look stupid and weak being too cowardly to say what you mean and hiding behind this idiotic, two year old level insult and your sock puppets. Grow up, comrade. Get some balls.

Fuck you Tiananmen Trump. See, not hard for adults with a spine.
I see you’ve forgotten how much praise Trump lavished on China, how he supported Xi in everything he did, from exterminating Uyghurs to the crackdown on Hong Kong, the expansions in Tibet and the Western Pacific, Trump supported China 100% until his trade talks fell apart….and was paid handsomely by China.

If Biden is Beijing Biden, Trump’s real name must be Wang No Xi.

You just keep reminding us that Trumpists are so unintelligible and moronic that, to say “fuck you” to their president, they chant “let’s go Brendon” and think they’re clever.

TangledThorns said:

Beijing Biden loves CHINA! Let's go Brandon!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

China isn’t at war with America like those at the capitol on Jan 6 were/are. Sorry…fail.
Also, giving aid and comfort? Like Trump did until February 2020? Remember who supported the extermination of the Uyghurs? The expansion of territorial waters? The crackdown in Beijing? Not Biden.

Don’t have the will to do which part? Disqualification? You’re probably correct, and that may lead to the end of the U S. Democrats are spineless when it comes to enforcing rules and laws against Republicans. Allowing such anti American, anti Democratic actions to go unanswered at the highest levels can only lead to dissolution of the union….an idea that would make Red America a third world country and give Blue America trillions in federal funds back yearly because red states wouldn’t be sponging off us constantly.

Lol. I would think you would have sworn off predicting elections by now. You got the last two 100% wrong.

Lol. I forgot, after admitting it was utter nonsense, you instantly returned to claiming it was ANTIFA and BLM, despite every charge being against Trumpists. Supporting the insurrection, like Green, Bohbert, and other Trumpists have, makes them supporters of terrorist insurectionists and they continue to give them aid and comfort. Duh.

Yeah…in your fantasy world where Trump is president, Jan 6 didn’t happen, was a nothing burger, and was a murderous anti American terrorist attack by ANTIFA.

Republicans love fraudulent biased slanted fake investigations, they loved the one in Az, and want more in every state.

LMFAHS. I’m easily fooled?!? Aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha……..ha……ha……aaaaaaaaaahahahahahaaaaaa! You’re too much.

You always think I get my info from CNN….I assume because in your mind that means you can ignore and dismiss it without even reading, much less investigating. 1) you’re wrong, that’s not my news source and 2) CNN is exponentially more trustworthy than ANY news source you’ve EVER cited.

Awwwww…..did the bad man make wittle Bobby cry hurt. Such infants you and your ilk are. Unpatriotic infantile babies drunk on sour grapes.

bobknight33 said:

Excellent so then Biden should be removed from office for aiding and abetting China ("or given aid or comfort to the enemies")

I don't think Democrat controlled Congress have the will to do this. But you never know. Biden is a sinking ship and will lead to a wide loss in 2022.

AS for you gibberish implying Republicans are part of the Jan 6 is pure rubbish.

Republicans have nothing to do with jan 6 and voted against the fraudulent biased slanted faked investigation. Who wouldn't?

You are easily fooled by shinny bobbles.

Sorry but most American aren't buying CNN fake news.

Lets Go Brandon!

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Holy sheep shit man! So sorry to hear it.
Was the stomach expansion the only symptom? Are the gallstones related or just an extra fuck you from the universe?
Lots of questions....but for later.

Good luck on the drain and function tests. Do what your Dr tells you, don't fuck around with liver problems.

Glad to hear your wife is almost well....but so sorry your roles of patient/caregiver are reversing.

Good crunchy granola vibes from hippie land. Get well, and keep us updated.

Mordhaus said:

I guess I have some bad news. I noticed my stomach was getting larger even though I had no appetite lately. I had my sonogram on Monday and my doctor told me that I have cirrhosis with ascites, which means my liver is failing enough that it is forcing liquid into my abdomen. I also have gallstones, but the doctor said not to worry about those right now.

I gather I am going to have to go have a needle inserted to drain the fluid and then we will see if I am in end stage liver failure. I'll update as soon as I know more.

On the good side, my wife is almost fully healed from the mohs surgery. I hope to be back soon, but right now I am depressed and worried AF.

Russians sail with a car

newtboy says...

Wrong was Trump who deferred to Putin over our own intelligence agencies. "I have president Putin, he just said it's not Russia. I will say this. I don't see any reason why it would be," President Trump said. Trump who turned a blind eye to Russian assassinations. Trump who recognized Russian Crimea and who withheld defense funding and aid from the Ukraine, giving Russia a huge leg up in their expansion into Ukraine.

But they do have the pee tape, no wonder bunker baby is terrified of them and was their sniveling bitch for four years.

TangledThorns said:

I can see why Biden is scared of Russians.

Land of Mine Trailer

luxintenebris says...

rather thought some of the ribs were delicious.

no offense, but there was some 'kill, kill, kill' theme in those treatises.

in defense, learn about the Holocaust at an age most youngsters have just mastered tying their shoes. nix the naiveté or naïveté or naivete?* herr? ['tho didn't finish 'Night', as traveling through that deep of darkness, one could easily fall into the abyss.]

seriously. psycop was cool. me, chill. thee? like a blitzkrieg attack on anyone differing in the least. ya' know? like a culling of anyone un-erring.

no. not down w/pedicide. not see the upside. don't know the movie or actual events. found it questionable to put a person in a minefield and tie it to their freedom - - - is that being bold?

you're a bright guy. wound a tad tight, I'd wager, but on this subject, ya' make me yearn for something conversion with my Palestine pal or his Serbian side-kick. that was a blast.

or bantering with bob k.

are you on the west coast? hear it's like an oven out there.

BTW: missed Buhhda on a Bun, Allaha on Baba...and other expansions on the theology theme...Zoroaster in alabaster

fun isn't it!

*who was the 'nazi'?

Beyond Tulsa: The Secret History of Flooding Black Towns

luxintenebris says...

one of the very first stories ever read about a white community destroying a black community boiled down to simple envy.

two communities, one black, one white, lived adjacent to each other. the blacks were obstinately outcast from the larger white town and in turn, formed their own community.

in short, an economic downturn bankrupted many of the whites; the blacks were rock solid and continued to thrive.

the combination of blacks buying up failed white farmland; whites having to patronize black establishments for goods, and sheer unearned pride led the whites to "Tulsa" the black community.

the black folk did not reincorporate and dispersed. while the whites and their town barely hung on for a while, before it again failed. it only lives on as a name on old maps.

odd thing, even on modern maps there appears to be an area of expansive farmland where those towns once were. in comparison to the peppering of towns all along the state's roadways, that area is abnormally sparse. almost as if the map had a scar.

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