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Spy camera shows PC Repair scams and privacy violations

escape421521 says...

Sadly, the attempted access of the bank account could never be taken to court: by leaving the password in an easily accessible location (an unprotected notepad file), which is something banks will explicitly warn you against doing: it is now a type of entrapment. It's like leaving your wallet on a table then jumping out at the first person to pick it up and going 'GOTCHA!'

Norwegian kid banned from PS3 - drama ensues

14655 says...

Good parents. Bad technology.

Soccer balls, checkers, slot cars, skipping ropes, bicycles, etc. don't induce this sort of extreme behavior. It's only the new technology with its demands on players to reach that next level that induces this sort of compulsion and obsession in both adults and children.

Unfortunately, our children are far more susceptible to its controlling influence than their parents who grew up without it and know it for what it is, a force that saps individual will.

I don't think spanking the kid is any sort of solution but the parents' solution of removing and controlling the technology is absolutely the correct solution by re-asserting control in the hands of people and not the software.

I love technology in many ways. But I abhor the market-driven, consumerist energies that are buried within much of its recreational derivatives. In the same way supermarkets and shopping malls are designed to control every waking second a consumer is within their grasp, these products are designed to entrap and control to create that artificially inseminated "need" and "demand" of our consumer economy.

Don't spank. Moderate the child's access to this influence for his own good. The tantrums will be well worth it in the long run.


Obama's 1st Presidential Press Conference at the White House

jonny says...

I give him a B.

On the economic questions, he gets an A overall. He showed a pretty solid command of the subject, without letting himself get in over his head. Good mix of sound bites and substantive answers. Same with the issues of bipartisanship and changing the culture of Washington.

On the foreign policy questions, he gets a C. He kind of stumbled on the question of Iran a bit, and said a couple of things he probably shouldn't have. But overall, he kept the right tone and sense of openness to diplomacy that he's promised. He also skillfully avoided any entrapment in regards to Afghanistan troop deployment and overall strategy (military and diplomatic). I would like to have heard some more comprehensive and substantive replies on the issues regarding central Asia.

On Helen Thomas' question. They both get an F. He was clearly upset by the question, cutting her off at the end, and didn't give her a straight answer (which would not have to have been compromising). But WTF was she thinking asking that second question, "Do you know of any countries in the middle east that have nuclear weapons?" Are you fucking kidding? Even if he knew for certain, had seen the weapons with his own eyes, did she really think he would, could, or should acknowledge that? What possible purpose would be served by the President not only compromising our intelligence, but outing an undeclared nuclear power? I have immense respect for Helen Thomas, but what an inane question.

All they want to do is take yo money!

12028 says...

Goddam despicable. Ostensibly, speeding tickets are issued for public safety. Confusing public safety with profit margins places law enforcement at the top of a slippery slope indeed. Now, in theory, the more speeders the better. It will be in this company's interest to hoodwink and entrap, not to serve and protect.

Teacher Rejects the Madness of No Child Left Behind.

imstellar28 says...

>> ^Memorare:
>> the beauty of the free market is that the price of milk (or gas), for example, is set by the millions of "votes" made every second worldwide.
LOL oh i get it now, it was really ME and the millions of US who WANTED $4.00/gal gas and "voted" to make it so, not a cabal of greedy corporate thugs and politicians who artificially manipulated the price and entrapped us in a war to terrorize the markets.
Textbook Economic Theory capitalism and the real-world free-market gang-rape capitalism practiced by corporations are two very different things.

again, you are showing the sheer magnitude of your ignorance. when i spoke of "voting" where in my post did i mention voting directly for the price you wish to pay? you "vote" by choosing the amount of product you buy at a particular price. debating with you is pointless as you lack the prerequisite ability of critical reading...

if everyone in america chose to not buy gas and instead chose to ride their bikes/commute to had better believe the price of gas is going to drop. when the price went from $1.00 to $4.00 did you reduce your consumption by 1/4? if you didn't, then you are "voting" for higher gas prices.

Teacher Rejects the Madness of No Child Left Behind.

Memorare says...

>> the beauty of the free market is that the price of milk (or gas), for example, is set by the millions of "votes" made every second worldwide.

LOL oh i get it now, it was really ME and the millions of US who WANTED $4.00/gal gas and "voted" to make it so, not a cabal of greedy corporate thugs and politicians who artificially manipulated the price and entrapped us in a war to terrorize the markets.

Textbook Economic Theory capitalism and the real-world free-market gang-rape capitalism practiced by corporations are two very different things.

Police Raid Houses Connected With Planned RNC Protests

8296 says...

The NLG is a great group. On March 20th 2003 (the day we began formally bombing Iraq) I was walking around taking photos when all of a sudden riot cops shut down whole blocks, beating people, entrapping people and illegally mass arresting everyone. I joined a class action lawsuit against the SFPD through NLG and my charges of "inciting a riot" were dropped. I just wish there was more to be done to punish lawless police enforcement... it's rampant in cities, especially if you want change and you're not fighting for neocon agendas that damage the world and people further.

Riot cops are the real pigs. Dirty, rotten, fucking pigs.

Rachel Hoffman: Police Sting Gone Wrong 20/20 (Lies)

NordlichReiter says...

Wikipedia defines blackmail is close to extortion. Which is what these cops did.

It is illegal to entrap or extort any criminal. No matter how heinous the crime they still have rights, afforded to them by the Miranda.

I see plea bargaining and the like as a perversion of the justice system.

If you are guilty as proven of murder then you should not be able to plea down to a manslaughter charge.

All this for a bag of dope? Cops to scared to do their own job, so they send in a minnow in a shark tank.

These aren't even the dangerous dealers either. Back in my home state they have dealers that ride around with AK 47, and Mp5s. That's something they wont tell you.

MG is right she did break the law. 20 years for dope? Shit there are people that get off with 2 days in county and then a month in rehab. I don't need to name people - CELEBRITIES

NordlichReiter (Member Profile)

MrFisk says...

Both hero and villain, purveyor of pornography and tireless civil rights advocate, the always controversial publisher of Hustler magazine Larry Flynt is the subject of Joan Brooker-Marks new tell-all documentary Larry Flynt: The Right to be Left Alone.

In a timely response to a current political situation where the fundamental civil rights of Americans are being challenged, the film offers an eye-opening and authoritative overview of Flynt’s long-standing struggles to expand the parameters of free speech and expose the hypocrisy of this country’s elected leaders. Featuring rarely seen documentary and television footage, as well as in-depth interviews with Flynt himself, the documentary focuses on the self-confessed smut peddler’s usually contentious entanglements with politics – from his precedent-setting Supreme Court case against evangelist and adulterer Jerry Falwell, to his prison sentence for refusing to name his source for the tapes documenting the FBI’s entrapment of John DeLorean, to his campaign runs for both California governor and President.

Brooker-Marks also profiles Flynt’s confrontation of the current administration of George W. Bush on the issues of civil liberties and government transparency. Flynt exposed the administration’s staged rescue of Army Private Jessica Lynch – choosing not to publish naked photographs taken of the 19-year-old, which Flynt felt, would add to her victimization. Additionally, he successfully sued Donald Rumsfeld and the Pentagon for press access to the battlefield in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Delving beyond Flynt’s political career, the documentary offers an intimate glimpse of the publisher’s personal life, including the assassination attempt that left him paralyzed and his first wife’s battle with AIDS. Ultimately, Brooker-Marks delivers the full, unvarnished story of one of America’s most unlikely defenders of civil liberties.

[Contains mature content. Viewer discretion advised.]

In reply to this comment by NordlichReiter:
Do you have any more info on the Larry Flynt video?


jwray says...

>> ^Farhad2000:
Still waiting for an example where gun ownership by the citizens meant oppressive governments don't come into power or even held in check.

"In 1760, Britain began adopting mercantilist policies toward her American colonies. By 1768, these had produced such hardships and a reversal of the previous prosperity that British troops had to be sent to suppress riots and collect taxes.

Between 1768-1777, the British policy was to disarm the American colonists by whatever means possible, from entrapment, false promises of safekeeping, banning imports, seizure, and eventually shooting persons bearing arms.

By 1774, the British had embargoed shipments of arms to America, and the Americans responded by arming themselves and forming independent militia companies.

On the night of 18 April 1775, General Gage, Governor of Massachusetts, dispatched several hundred soldiers of the Boston garrison under the command of Major Pitcairn to seize the arms and munitions stored by the illegal colonial militias in Concord.

When Pitcairn encountered the Minutemen on the Lexington common blocking his way, he demanded that they throw down their arms and disperse. Although willing to disperse, the Minutemen were not willing to surrender their arms. The rest is history."

If Britain had succeeded in disarming the colonies, Britain would have won the American Revolution.
Also Rome easily committed genocide against Carthage after tricking them into giving up their weapons (ca. the Third Punic War)

What happens when the FBI funds domestic terrorism?

honkeytonk73 says...

Now you wondered why this 'terror plot' suddenly disappeared from the corporate news media? And quite quickly at that?

Of course there never was a follow up and a clarification of the FBI and justice department's direct involvement. Can anyone spell Entrapment?

This was a badly executed piece of fear propaganda at the expense of some rather less than intelligent Miami denizens. Unfortunately a rather easy task in any part of the USA. Much thanks to our wonderful edumukashun system.

Even with this massive blunder, which in my eyes is 100% criminal with respect to this government's actions... their desired results were achieved... To a degree. I suspect if you ask most anyone in the red-state 'heartland' about this case. They'll tell you they were convicted, thrown the book, and imprisoned in the name of the Lord.. I mean. The Law.

A country based on the concept of Freedom, representation, and rule of law? Indeed. Think again.

I am happy to see we have at least one highly intelligent (and attractive.. woohoo!) lady left in this country to bring such government criminality to light.

siftbot (Member Profile)

What happens when the FBI funds domestic terrorism?

Guy Busted Wankin' It

Confessions of an Economic Hitman

MINK says...

wow that .gov website is really spiteful and immature... just wow.

"Perkins claims that the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) recruited him to be an “economic hit man,” who deliberately entrapped foreign countries in unmanageable amounts of debt so they would be beholden to the United States. This appears to be a total fabrication. To the contrary, the U.S. government has led a recent initiative to cancel the debt of many heavily indebted poor countries (HIPC)."

How did the PCs get so HI?

man that page is so horrible, i don't know the facts so i will go with the guy that calmly talks logical sense for 40 minutes rather than the government website that tries to make him sound like a lunatic.

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