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Rick K. and The AllNighters - Drummer insanity

Choggie kicked off the Sift again? (Wtf Talk Post)

Unpossible (short film)

GeeSussFreeK says...

Interesting. I love time travel stuff

This is a neat play on an Einstein idea. The basic tenants of relativity make the nature of the universe like a machine. As such, the entirety of the universe has already happened; all existence has been fated. As such, there is no real problem with events from any one time influencing events of a non-adjacent time. Meaning events from the future could be directly responsible for events in the past. This eliminates a bunch of the different time-paradox problems. However, it creates a new one that I don't know that he ever addressed, and that is the snowball of extra energy and matter for all deltas.

So, let us suppose a hypothetical universe that exists for 10 seconds and is only composed of one particle. At time 10, we send that one particle back to T = 1. And time 9.99999 we send back another particle to T=1 ect ect. You see the problem, all the sudden you have a universe at time 1 with near infinite particles. Even if we correct for paradox by having all particles return the exact moment they arrive so that our universe stays consistent in the future states with only one particle, we still have the problem that at T=1 the universe was infinitely energetic seemingly violating the first law of thermodynamics.

Public School Fail: Tomato or Potato?

lampishthing says...

That reason TV video is a lot of BS. Kids eating healthier is good for everyone. The kids have more energy and are happier. If they keep up the healthy eating they'll be happier, healthier, more energetic adults. happy + healthy => more productive, innovative, energetic => greater economic value to the nation. Feed them well while they're young and you can buy bigger guns in the future.

Fresh fruits and vegetables ARE better for you. The fresher the plant the more the beneficial chemicals haven't been destroyed in wastage. The longer an apple is uneaten the closer it is to bad. Can anyone argue that a bad apple is better for you?

Finally, if you get the kids to like locally produced produce it will benefit the economy locally and nationally as opposed to fast food sourced abroad.

I wonder who the hell that woman was working for. She seemed sneaky.

Videosiftifonlyif Newbies (Wildwestshow Talk Post)

choggie says...

"Seems like most newbies that post good stuff doesn't need to be held in the hand all the way... maybe the rest should learn from that."

^(and they tell me I don't know how to construct a sentence!)^^^

Newbies that posted "good stuff" are to be found in that playlist of swampgirl's above-Timing being what it is, y'all may want to check the user's starless "P" status when considering slapping a vote onnit-Some of these folks who lurk and finally post may have bailed when their initial offering was ignored.

Oh and, if tenured users would pull their noses out of each others asses for a spell and would care to peruse the pqueued section of some of the folks who try and try to have their stuff published but find that their tastes are not to the liking of others, you may start to see a pattern.

I am nothing if not tenacious-as to the dedicated tenacity of most folks???...They are energetic enough to "ignore" something they don't like.....hoo-fucking-rah, way to stick to your lazy-ass principles.(Let someone who has something to say that is somewhat conservative??..."Oh, let's rip that buffoon a new one, how 20th century, how gouche!) The place needs more art and music and culture-let others express themselves and stroke a stranger's ego from time to time in the process-I come to the site lately and see the same 23 people thinking that they have something to say ALL THE TIME!!! (this is only evidenced by myself lately in marathon rants, perhaps because the discussions wax inane and the one-liners ya clever monkeys tend to come up with fall like bodies from high-rises!)

My problem with linear thinking is, it makes the place boring and predictable. Isn't anyone else tired of uni-dimensional stick figures posing as people with a clue??

Hot, nerdy girls are not a myth!

PumpkinOfDOOMMM says...

so i am quite a bit fukin late on this but shit happens and i cud not resist commenting on the sexiness of this girl and this video. i mean nerd =fun cute and in2 wat im in2 and redhead =sxy energetic and tasty so.......... nerd+redhead=ZOMGperfect

Playinwithfire (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Thnaks for the uplift-I have put a lot of time in here and though some see me as only a trollish element, I have been able to percolate the collective consciousness more often that not-my impact crater is after all, visible to the naked eye from the International Space Station!! Cheers!

In reply to this comment by Playinwithfire:
I havent been here long, signed up in Sept I think, at the request of a friend (Enoch) primarily because a project we worked on together was on the sift, and Im fairly certain I have wore out my video posting welcome on facebook lol this was a good outlet for me. Ive been more active for the past few months for much the same reasons. I generally keep my nose in my music and try to MYOB know what I mean? lol I do watch the docs and things particularly if they are recommended to me, but as a rule prefer not to comment or get into the melee of opinions people seem compelled to share. Theres some good members here, and theres some well... Douchebags here too. Myself I prefer to ignore the douchebaggery and post what I like, sift or no (mostly no lol)
I enjoy sharing with the few who enjoy the same things I do, but stay away from the drama, lifes to short to worry about people sitting in their underwear distributing opinions. Dont let it ruin the things you enjoy about the sift. Now I dont know the things surrounding your exit and return, havent been here long enough, but I do enjoy the things you post, and have appreciated the support you've shown towards the random crap I post lol. I recognize very few names as I surf around in here, but yours is one of them, if I see "choggie" I always have a peek at it and show it some love one little vote drop in a bucket, but lol its all we got.
If you have fun here in certain respects, dont just give up and fade away. I betcha more than a few would miss ya here. Hey Im just a noob so what do I know right?

In reply to this comment by choggie:
Julie, i don;t know how long you've been here at VS but I noticed your comment on the TED talk with Temple Grandin (I saw her presentation and downloaded the film....i loved it..Claire Danes ripped her part a new one)

Part of my legacy here on the site involves a very popular user who bailed when it was voted to allow me back-I am not positive that the reason for his departure was my return, but they guy was pretty adamant about not letting me back, as were some others....he and another user's bullshit were one of the reasons for my leaving as I did (breaking all the rules in the FAQ's in about 10 minutes)-The user in question, Kronosposiden it was told me by another user after the fact, that he has Asburger's....which explained a lot as to his focus on some crap I considered inconsequential at the time-Consequentially, there is some unspoken animosity towards me for this, and my manner here, which appears trollish to the untrained eye-All this to say that after coming back, i had found that the old guard of artistic, expressive, and energetic talent of the place which used to be a tight core, has been replaced by shut-in, insect, douchebags (mostly males who have never been kissed) and I simply can;t keep up with the onslaught-a barrage of crap, foreign to my sensibilities....I am gonna slink away from the place I fear, like so many others have.....cheers and sorry that I am unable to mark this message "private"...the only power that was not returned to me after my resurrection.

Playinwithfire (Member Profile)

choggie says...

Julie, i don;t know how long you've been here at VS but I noticed your comment on the TED talk with Temple Grandin (I saw her presentation and downloaded the film....i loved it..Claire Danes ripped her part a new one)

Part of my legacy here on the site involves a very popular user who bailed when it was voted to allow me back-I am not positive that the reason for his departure was my return, but they guy was pretty adamant about not letting me back, as were some others....he and another user's bullshit were one of the reasons for my leaving as I did (breaking all the rules in the FAQ's in about 10 minutes)-The user in question, Kronosposiden it was told me by another user after the fact, that he has Asburger's....which explained a lot as to his focus on some crap I considered inconsequential at the time-Consequentially, there is some unspoken animosity towards me for this, and my manner here, which appears trollish to the untrained eye-All this to say that after coming back, i had found that the old guard of artistic, expressive, and energetic talent of the place which used to be a tight core, has been replaced by shut-in, insect, douchebags (mostly males who have never been kissed) and I simply can;t keep up with the onslaught-a barrage of crap, foreign to my sensibilities....I am gonna slink away from the place I fear, like so many others have.....cheers and sorry that I am unable to mark this message "private"...the only power that was not returned to me after my resurrection.


choggie says...

kulpims, lucky760 has a porn site, go check the raucous, energetic, and highly trafficked area of the talk over there...see any ad banners??? The shit is becoming more non-linear as wel-check yer socks-

hmmm, imagine that, not too many people can talk with one hand on their cock and one on the mouse....besides, fucking is a time when talking becomes irrelevant in light of the task(s) at hand.

Don't see a shit storm of ad-rev being generated there, either. For that matter, purveyors of traditional forms of porn after the advent of free uploaded amateur stuff, are want to keep up the payments on their Pussy Wagons and fillet Mignon deliveries.

Porn is NOT the wave of the future of the's he wave of knuckle-dragging monkeys being told robotically what to do by the mind-control agents of media, as their social dysfunction struggles to catch up wit their early imprints of abuse, neglect, and parents who damaged as THEY are, knew DICK about imprinting a healthy human being....I digress frequently, forgive the non-linearity, go fuck yourselves.

Get real creative if you want to make a difference, and then learn the basic operating procedures of planet earth: disregard $$$$ as the final oooomph at days end....its a confabulation....

WTF were we talking about...OH, brain showing his ass as he projects it on an outdoor theater screeen in a small town outside of Delhi, ON FUCKING FAMILY FILM BOLLYWOOOD MUSICAL NIGHT.....!!! fucking, dumb-ass, shit.

Again, go fuck yourselves, each and every motherfucking one of you....oh and, as some of you cretins are inclined to use as your only parting script as you find your own bullshit being fed to ya with a silver fucking oyster fork, "Have a NICE day!"....(cocksuckers!)

Leonard Cohen - The Future

Count The Mistakes In This Homeopathy Lecture

swedishfriend says...

E=MC^2 means mass is lots of energy. They are not two different things like she seems to think.

How the F... are you going to experimentally hit upon the exact configuration of vibrational energy to destroy the make up of a virus or a bacteria using "energetic solutions"? More likely the body heals itself when this seems to work. The placebo effect is getting stronger and is now often as strong as the actual effect of drugs they test which is becoming a problem for pharmaceutical companies testing new drugs and medicines. Great for us that the general population is learning to heal itself better and better.

Glenn Beck: Frog-Gate

GeeSussFreeK says...

Not sure I entirely agree with that. I usually see political correctness as half-truthful and side stepping; ingenue. If someone thinks that a political ideology is going to ruin the nation, I would see it as his job to say it directly and passionately. Glenn is both energetic, sarcastic, playful and unrelenting. Sometimes his judgments are incorrect and he will face the music when he finds out. He isn't a well education man, but that is a point he fully admits, frequently. He is however an examiner. He probes things very thoroughly with all outcome being voiced, no matter how absurd, war gaming out all the possible solutions. I have been on the opposite side of his views on things, but I didn't find him to be breaking the golden rule of sorts, then again, I am sarcastic and kinda insensitive at times.

I view most of the hate as a difference of personality mixed with different ideology. He is a nice dude though, there are other talking heads whom are more modest in their mannerisms that I would never care to meet, just nothing there to like. Glenn is pretty polarizing though.

Nirvana don't like to mime

EmptyFriend says...

i thought i had seen other groups do something similar before... i love it.

dave appears to be playing somewhat realistically, and krist is at least very energetic, but kurt's singing is hilarious. absolutely no effort to look like he's playing guitar.

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

bmacs27 says...

Your belief clearly predicts that it must be possible, in a universe like ours, for thinking to take place without form. Information processing is a counter-entropic process, it requires energy, and stateful energy(matter) to consolidate referable information. These energetic events would be completely detectable by normal physical means. Theism,spiritualism, or any supernatural claims about disembodied entities contradict conservation of energy, and so can not be accurately described as "more likely than not" or "consistent with the observable universe".

I didn't say thinking. I said consciousness. For a living I model the human visual system with information theoretic models. So yes, I agree, "thinking" whatever the hell that means, is a counter-entropic process (at least in some squishy Gibbs sense, as there is no such thing as a "counter-entropic process"). In fact, it is exactly this which I believe imbues our consciousness with access to such an intricate experiential stream. The ability of our nervous system to transmit information about quantum phenomena at a distance with so little lost to noise is absolutely astonishing, and shouldn't be diminished. This doesn't give me any more reason to presume I should have this "experience", or "stream of consciousness", or whatever you want to call it. I just gives a reason for that particular pattern of stimulus-response.

The consciousness I presume to exist in a rock, for instance, would be deprived of this sort of access. It is likely more fragmented, and is only able to respond to very basic stimuli, such as proximal forces, temperature, etc. It would be a boring consciousness, but I presume it to be conscious all the same.

The ability to respond to stimuli is an observable trait, consciousness is the attribute of possessing this trait to a greater or lesser extent. Some would, of course, refer to internal narrative, but we should be clear that internal narrative is, almost certainly, untrue and constructed after the fact. Based on what we know from studies about the reliability of internal narrative,I would be disinclined to trust it in addressing this question.

So the billiard ball responding to the applied force is conscious? I agree!

You can't elevate the level of a debate that is not taking place. Theists make assertions, some people point out how they are contradicted by the available evidence, theists move goal posts, lather, rinse, repeat. We have not had a real debate for a very long time, and as long as the goal post is still on the move, don't expect one.

What available evidence am I contradicting?

Penn Says: Agnostic vs. Atheist

dgandhi says...

>> ^bmacs27: I do believe in some sort of "universal consciousness".

So you are a theist, you don't lack a belief in a god, you simply don't have an english definition of what you claim to believe in.

Such a belief, as with string theory, is completely consistent with the observable universe. Granted, it makes no unique predictions, but neither does string theory.

Your belief clearly predicts that it must be possible, in a universe like ours, for thinking to take place without form. Information processing is a counter-entropic process, it requires energy, and stateful energy(matter) to consolidate referable information. These energetic events would be completely detectable by normal physical means. Theism,spiritualism, or any supernatural claims about disembodied entities contradict conservation of energy, and so can not be accurately described as "more likely than not" or "consistent with the observable universe".

How about consciousness? Do you guys believe that exists?

Only to the extent that red exists, things can be red, but there is no red, things can be conscious, but there is on consciousness.

What's your evidence? Is it voices in your head? Better yet, do you believe that anyone else has consciousness? Why isn't that like believing in unicorns?

The ability to respond to stimuli is an observable trait, consciousness is the attribute of possessing this trait to a greater or lesser extent. Some would, of course, refer to internal narrative, but we should be clear that internal narrative is, almost certainly, untrue and constructed after the fact. Based on what we know from studies about the reliability of internal narrative,I would be disinclined to trust it in addressing this question.

As a scientist, I'd like to see the level of debate elevated on the side claiming to represent science.

You can't elevate the level of a debate that is not taking place. Theists make assertions, some people point out how they are contradicted by the available evidence, theists move goal posts, lather, rinse, repeat. We have not had a real debate for a very long time, and as long as the goal post is still on the move, don't expect one.

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