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Rachel Maddow is Fucking Awesome

00Scud00 says...

Speaking strictly about the event they were discussing. Guy edits film to serve his own political agenda, Fox News eats it up and touts it as fact without even investigating, other news organizations investigate and show that the film is doctored.
If reporting based on investigative inquiry and discovering what really happened is "Agenda journalism", then sign me up.
Which part of this is hard to understand?

6-Year Old Girl with Schizophrenia

Rachel Maddow to Scott Brown: Stop Lying

littledragon_79 says...

Do politicians have to prove anything? Political discourse is rife with straw man arguments, non sequiturs, ad hominem attacks, inconsistencies, hypocrisy, half-truths, outright lies, etc. It's damned disgusting, but some people eat it up or just don't care. Really, as long as people can get away with something, they will continue to do it.

Brittany Murphy just died - Here's why I will miss her

budzos says...

Dave is a famous INTJ, which if you didn't know is just about the most introverted and cerebral of the jungian personality types. Although she's charming, bubbly, and you just want to eat her up, if you watch Dave real closely you can see he is irritated by the constant repetition of "KIDDING!" INTJ's don't like having to hear information twice.. it's a total misuse of their mental resources to process your message more than once. Of course the fact he's interviewing someone for TV means he has to override his own personality quite a bit. I think Dave's introversion is what makes him such a genius comic and intriguing figure.

TYT: Glenn Beck Compares Tiger Woods to OJ Simpson

MilkmanDan says...

I don't know... I think that Beck should be completely free to spout this crap. I think Fox News should be perfectly free to pay him to give him a public forum to do so. I also think (hope) that abusing their freedoms in this way has some repercussions in the form of lost credibility (they had any to start with?!).

I think that in many ways, hiding f*cked up mindsets like Glen Beck's or failing to openly examine (and ridicule) them would potentially cause more problems than it would solve. Every time Beck or someone similar makes a remark like this, it gives his audience another chance to see for themselves what a tool he is. Cenk is right, most of his audience will "eat this up with a spoon", but I think that there will be a few who start to see Beck in a different light every time he spouts something of this nature.

In the meantime, I'll happily continue to not tune my TV to his program.

Police suspect win

MrFisk gets to 500, surrounded by controversy (Controversy Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Congratulations, Kingpin. I always knew you had it in you. Always acting too cool for school, but we know you've got a little nerd in you. And now for a random comment... Don't risk the place mat eating you up inside.

Bill Moyers - Excellent panel interview on health care

Lolthien says...

"We need a culture of courage in Washington instead of a culture of cowardice."

I couldn't agree with that man more. Democrats are proving over and over and over again that they are cowardly and I am becoming more and more and more disillusioned over my hopes for the Obama administration and a democratically controlled Congress.

Frankly, Obama's 180 on this (or perhaps more accurately 90 right turn) shows he does NOT have the courage of his convictions, and is willing to simply give up on something because it is hard. That is NOT the man I voted for and it eats me up inside to see him do this.

Goddammit, the one things modern "Republicans" have in spades is the cojones to take the bold steps and initiatives, dam the torpedos, and run in a direction until they by-GOD get what they want. Unfortunately they wanted a war for profit and the elevation of corporate profits over the safety and health of America's citizens.

If Democrats could find the same sack as Republicans had under GW, this debate would be over and done with. Use their tactics! Call supporters of the status quo unpatriotic, show up with guns to anti-healthcare rallies! Pay priests and pastors HUGE sums of cash to get them to tell their congregations Jesus would want public healthcare! Get country music stars to write songs for you! Christ people, republicans wrote the godsdamn playbook on this, just friggin COPY IT!

Throbbin catches Gold Star, Penguins Applaud (Canada Talk Post)

Bible Is Never Wrong

Aniatario says...

>> ^ponceleon:
>> ^JiggaJonson:
How do these people muster up the courage to write this shit down? I mean, each of these shows had to have a script. That means that someone actually wrote down the words and music (jubilantly singing) "A blood sacrafice~!"

Realistically, kids have much lower standards than adults. This sort of tripe runs well with kids because they are very easily entertained for the most part. Throw a few puppets/cartoons their way and they eat it up. Frankly, I see no difference between this pack of lies and the Al Quaida Micky Mouse that spews death to all westerners. Just lies to indoctrinate the young.

Makes me wonder tho, could atheist parents be as equally responsible for the indoctrination of a lack of religious belief in children? Obviously children aren't in any position to pick a religion or discover their own spiritual beliefs at such a young age. But it seems to me that a child's natural instinct would be to follow their parent's beliefs.

Bible Is Never Wrong

ponceleon says...

>> ^JiggaJonson:
How do these people muster up the courage to write this shit down? I mean, each of these shows had to have a script. That means that someone actually wrote down the words and music (jubilantly singing) "A blood sacrafice~!"

Realistically, kids have much lower standards than adults. This sort of tripe runs well with kids because they are very easily entertained for the most part. Throw a few puppets/cartoons their way and they eat it up. Frankly, I see no difference between this pack of lies and the Al Quaida Micky Mouse that spews death to all westerners. Just *lies to indoctrinate the young.

Jose Feliciano - Malaguena

Jesus is Everywhere....

8972 says...

Jesus is everywhere....but he is no where. When your illusion requires no proof....actually demands that you require none, well, is there a limit? Jesus, if he existed at all, has got all the illusionists beat by miles. David Copperfield and Chris Angel...step aside for the master. Jesus doesn't even have to do ANYTHING (maybe not even exist), and people just eat it up. UNBELIEVABLE!!

Making Korean Jja Jang Myun ( noodles with blackbean sauce )

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'jjajangmyun, korean, cooking, noodles, blackbean sauce, yummy, food, eat it up' to 'maangchi, jjajangmyun, korean, cooking, noodles, blackbean sauce, yummy, food, eat it up' - edited by lucky760

(INSANELY) Awesome New Desktop GUI

9919 says...

The reason this qualifies as TEDtalk is not because of what he is actually presenting.. While this design might not work with the majority of the industry's audience, its this sort of thinking that we need to be encouraging as our technology advances. if we dont evolve into the next stages, the industries will eat themselves up. In addition to presenting new practical ideas, the point of TED is furthering the way we think as we come up with new ideas and put them into action. we'll never come up with the next big "Thing" unless we have people like this guy just thinking stuff up and putting their hearts and minds into them.


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