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Oliver Anthony - Rich Men North Of Richmond

newtboy says...

I guess you didn’t read…when he finally put out a personal statement, it was mostly about how upset he was at the right co-opting his song because wrote it about them.

The audience however heard every dog whistle, and when they found out he wasn’t racist and was singing about right wing politicians not Biden they dropped him like a hot potato. I’m afraid you are wrong again, the right definitely heard those dog whistles and are pissed he didn’t intend them.

Easy…when he said he thinks diversity is a strength of America, nearly half his right wing audience said “I’m out” and “try saying that in a small town” and no longer call themselves fans…because they’re racist and thought he was too. You can find thousands in the comments sections where his videos were posted before he spoke out. Here’s 8-10…Just read some…“diversity”-comment-he-mad

I’m afraid it’s just know nothing people who latched onto what they heard as a racist anti welfare, conservative song who suddenly ran for the hills when they realized it and he were in fact anti conservative that suddenly hate this song. I admit I listened to it through “conservative ears” (since it was billed as the new conservative anthem) and I also heard every dog whistle they did, meaning it’s a really poorly worded song since so many got its message completely wrong. Even the Republican debate used it, which he found hilarious since the candidates were exactly who he wrote it about…but they were clueless about the irony.

He should have taken the $8 million, he’s going to fade into obscurity without the political backing he was getting.

So let me ask, now knowing he was talking about conservative politicians not liberals, and knowing he believes in diversity not tribalism…are you still a fan? (I know, you don’t/can’t answer questions). I’m not, despite learning all we now know about his intended message…but I retract my accusation that he MEANT it to be racist or hyper conservative.
Yes, I was w-w-w-wrong about HIM, but not his audience or the message they heard. Not the first or last time, but I can admit it when I’m wrong.

bobknight33 said:

You ever think that you are totally wrong on this .

Not racist, Not Anti American, Not MEGA.

Perhaps you are hearing another "dog whistle". Odd thing is that only democrats hear these dog whistles.

People are tired of being screwed and not listen to by their government.

If racist as you say fined a non media reaction to this that indicates so. Find 3

Perhaps its know it all people like you who want to divide people, who want to keep poor people down just for their vote.

The Biggest Science Story of the Week

BSR says...

My solution would be to make giant sunglasses for the earth. The only drawback is how do I make giant ears and a nose to hold them in place? I'm so f'ing close.

newtboy said:

*doublepromote someone else finally noticing global dimming as a significant factor in global warming.

Global dimming from excess sulfur dioxide may be responsible for cutting the current excess anthropogenic heat in the system by between 15% to 50% depending on the study.
What this means is, if we stop polluting tomorrow, the CO2 and other greenhouse gases will continue to warm us at the same rate for decades to centuries, but the sulfur dioxide that has blocked between .25 to 2 degrees Celsius temperature rise will be gone almost immediately, and a significant sudden rise in temp will be the result kicking off or feeding more feedback loops.

While it may seem he’s onto some global warming solution…just put more sulfur dioxide into the atmosphere…that ignores the lower growth rates and lost solar production it causes by deflecting a significant percentage of sunlight, both adding to net CO2 added to the system.
The incredibly scary part is the whitehouse and other international governments are actively researching ways to inject sulfur dioxide into the upper atmosphere despite knowing it has so many issues.

There’s no easy fix.

If you loved the show "The Bear" *spoilers

cloudballoon says...

Oh I get the point. I would've push through, but my wife couldn't bear it. The assaults on the ear drums, and other annoyances are too much for the pay off to come later in the season for us. Couldn't root for the characters anymore like we did in Season 1. But if this show happened 10-20 years ago? Probably much more worth the time investment. Now, I got no patience for these too-flawed-for-no-good-reasons (at least initially) characters anymore.

kir_mokum said:

that's the point. that episode was amazing and def. hard to watch. the show is hard to watch but it's rewarding. my favourite trait of the show is that the show allows the characters to be flawed but to also learn, grow, and be better people, which i don't think i've really seen before in TV.

MTG makes Biden For President Ad

newtboy jokingly says...

But…but….Hunter had consensual sex with adults and Illuminati lizard person Hillary ran a child rape and cannibalism club out of an invisible 5th dimensional pizza restaurant basement that can only be seen using black magic, so none of that matters and Dems are definitely the bad guys that rape kids.
*sticks fingers in ears and shouts “La-La-La-La-La-La-La-La-La”*

surfingyt said:

*short sample of convicted Republican leaders/child sex offenders*

I got over 1,000 more repubs @bobknight33 if you realllllly wanna play. But for now lets see you do a list of Democrats LOLOLOL

Cocaine Found In West Wing

newtboy says...

The projection is strong with this one.

That’s days before Hunter’s visit, not hours after dumbshit, and there’s been no footage found of Hunter entering that area, which is recorded like every public space in the Whitehouse and that footage would definitely have been “leaked” if he was on camera going in that room.
Hunter was filmed at Camp David on Friday, the cocaine found Sunday in an area searched every single day. One person thinks they saw Hunter outside the whitehouse Friday morning in a car, but no footage exists, but even if he had been there on Friday, how do you explain it’s not being found Friday, Saturday, or Sunday morning during any of the multiple daily searches of the area?
The baggie was found next to cubbies where visitors store their cell phones near the public entrance to the West wing, not private areas where the president’s family might be. The president’s family doesn’t normally enter through the main West Wing entrance, and aren’t required to check their cell phones at the public check in cubbies. Public West wing tours happened Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.

Sorry buddy. You just can’t stretch this enough to blame even Hunter, much less Joe. I know you’ll still try, but your flapping gums are never truthful and everyone here knows it well. Those claiming this belongs to Hunter with no evidence are opening themselves up to defamation lawsuits…in his case they could be worth tens of millions or more. Enjoy the lawsuits! MAGA shelling out tens of millions or more over lies they spread is becoming a near daily thing.

Go hide from reality as you ALWAYS do. I know when more facts come out and it’s further proven impossible to be Hunter’s, you won’t retract your accusation, you’ll just hide from your intentional misread of reality and baseless accusations again like you do every single time you claim to know something only to have reality pimp slap the shit out of you in rapid succession.

Remember how BLM stormed the Capitol, led by ANTIFA on Jan 6 trying to install Trump as their president?
Remember how Pelosi’s husband’s boyfriend attacked him with a hammer in a lovers spat?
Remember how BLM shot at cops in Berkeley in 2020, and planted bombs?
Remember how Covid was a nothing burger that should be ignored and allowed to run its course, a plan designed to infect every American, which would end up killing up to 3% (or more because hospitals would be over capacity) and disabling up to 10% (or more from lack of care)?
Remember the whistleblowers…and the 17 audio tapes?
Remember your hilarious claim that Benjamin Franklin would be anti pornography!?!
Those are just a few of the hundreds of insane lies you’ve spouted in the last few years, not one having a scintilla of fact attached, not one retracted or admitted wrong when PROVEN to be utter bullshit nonsense and pure fabrication created out of whole cloth to hide your fascist people’s hatred of America, it’s values, and it’s people.

Nice try deflecting from the now 71 felonies and two more election fraud and sedition investigations he’s currently facing on top of multiple civil cases, that’s 71+ serious treasonous and seditious felonies Trump is facing with more coming. Nice attempt to hide from that reality, as you always do. 😂 sucker.

Test Don Jr for cocaine, then talk to me about Hunter. 🤦‍♂️ ask him how Gavin’s dick tastes while you’re at it.

Hunter lives rent free in that abandoned empty space between your ears. You’re more addicted to him than he was to crack. 😂

bobknight33 said:

Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit.

Go hide from reality, as you normally do.

Cocaine Found In West Wing

moonsammy says...

I'm not going to trust some random site you linked that I've never heard of before, so I researched the issue myself. From what I can tell, Hunter was there on Tuesday for July 4th celebrations, and the Secret Service had found cocaine in a heavily-trafficked area of the West Wing on Sunday the 2nd. The president was out of town late Friday until Tuesday. So cocaine was found two days before Joe and Hunter were on site, in a part of the building which regularly hosts tour groups (particularly on weekends), and through which staff frequently transits. I doubt Hunter can time-travel (or has time-traveling cocaine), and if he does then you and I are waaaaay out of our league here - this is superhero business. If I've the basic facts incorrect please do let me know, I didn't spend more than 10 minutes reading up on this.

But, for the sake of argument: let's say the current president's adult son visited during a publicized, well-attended event, and accidentally left some illegal narcotics in a restroom. What would that actually imply, as a worst-case scenario, about Joe Biden? So far as I can tell, it shows he's willing to continue having a relationship with his adult child in spite of that child's known (and perhaps continued) character / behavior flaws. The teachings of Jesus make it clear that we should treat those around us with love, even the very flawed. None of what the news is describing, even as a worst-case, feels like a problem in any way - there are no implications pertaining to public policy, foreign policy, or nepotism. Perhaps there should be legal consequences for Hunter (or whoever left the cocaine there), but it hardly reflects on Joe.

You only heard about this cocaine because it plays into an existing, nonsensical narrative currently being pushed by right-wing media bullshitters. Namely, Joe's son Hunter has had drug problems, and some weird business entanglements, and that all somehow implies Joe is dirty. I'm extremely concerned about official corruption, so I absolutely would want to know if any were occurring - but the evidence pertaining to Hunter/Joe having any shady backroom dealings together is extremely thin on the ground.

Bob, have you given anywhere near this level of scrutiny or mental time to the question of why Donald's son-in-law received $2,000,000,000 from the Saudis? I feel that's actually worth knowing, particularly given that Jared very clearly DID have the former President's ear on policy matters, and WAS regularly present in the White House outside of big public events. But I've a hunch you care less about getting to the bottom of that obvious massive corruption, than the identity of the scoundrel who sullied the immaculate Administrative Palace with (I'm guessing) petty misdemeanor quantities of magic nose dust.

bobknight33 said:

Secret Service Confirms Cocaine Was Found In West Wing Phone Cubby Hours After Hunter Biden Visit.

Go hide from reality, as you normally do.

Michael McDonald - I Keep Forgettin' (Every Time You're Near

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And now that you’ve had time to wipe the shit from your eyes and ears have you had the opportunity to realize I was 100% correct again, and/or comprehend this bought and paid for Republican fraud on the Supreme Court needs to go?
Of course not. Anything goes for MAGA, rules, laws, honesty, and ethics are for liberals.
This guy is your BEST…and is just another lying thief that sells their government power to the highest bidder then accuses others of their own crimes. Like all unpatriotic Maggots are.

In his vanity movie, paid for by the same multi billionaire, he actually said “I prefer the RV parks, I prefer the Walmart parking lot to the beaches and things like that. There’s something normal to me about it. I come from regular stock and I prefer that.” Then hopped on a private jet for a 10 day stay on private Indonesian islands valued at well over $500000. You are the kind of dishonest moron that, knowing he takes ultra luxury vacations only billionaires can afford multiple times per year, would still believe his lie that he vacations in RVs in Walmart parking lots because he’s a regular guy. 🤦‍♂️

Taking bribes should be a death penalty offense at that level of government, they’re committing treason.

Bonus- another MAGA Trump “judge”, Carl Nickles, has been overturned. He decided to protect insurrectionists in his court by denying the DOJ the right to charge insurrectionists with obstruction of justice. A 3 judge panel overturned that ruling, reinstating hundreds of cases for obstruction of justice. WINNING!

Second bonus- Turns out Crow also completely funded Ginny Thomas’s Tea Party political action group that lobbied the courts constantly and paid her $120 k per year to run it, also unreported. The equivalent of Soros paying Sotamayor and her family millions a year to rule in his favor then claiming no crime, it was all simply birthday gifts, nothing burger. So much for the sad obvious lie that it wasn’t politically motivated. 😂

bobknight33 said:

You head is deep into you back side

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Try again….ask your handler to double check your English. This word salad is completely unintelligible and indigestible.

Ashley Babbitt. Traitor?

Let me attempt to translate….
Is Hunter Biden’s laptop a real story? No. Is it a real laptop? Yes. It it proven the data on it is really Hunter Biden’s? No. It it proven the data on it was really tampered with by republicans trying to create a story about a private citizen who is a relative of a political enemy? Yes.

Was January 6 a real (failed) seditious insurrection? Yes, absolutely, there are convictions on that charge if your eyes and ears aren’t enough to convince you. Attempting to stop the transfer of power so the election loser can retain power is how many coups happen.
Was it just a bunch of people with a few misfits in the bunch, absolutely not, it was a planned, “called up” violent mob directed by the ex president with the intent being to stop the transfer of power by “getting wild” with violent trial by combat and fighting hard by any means necessary, and they came WELL ARMED.

Covid masks BS or a useful tool against pandemic spreads? When used properly, the latter…but not a perfect panecea just like seatbelts don’t stop all traffic deaths. Proper universal mask use and social distancing could have prevented as many as half of cases in the US.

Covid hospitalization rate <3% or way way higher? The last reports I recall I think said around 3% of the overall population, but much higher among just adults….over 10% in some age categories. Were hospitals over run with patients to the point deathly ill people were sent home to die. Absolutely, for months, causing tens of thousands of preventable deaths….what you call a “nothing burger”.

Now you want random political questions as red herrings? Fine.

Biden. Above average president, not great but astonishing on jobs. He beat Trump, so he’s successful no matter what.
Biden mentally fit. Absolutely. Just gave the best, quickest, most intelligent SOU in recent memory, not a rambling self congratulatory stream of consciousness we got before Biden.

Trans surgery for minors? Not a real thing, a fantasy the right invented to be outraged over, like CRT. IF it were a real thing, which again it is NOT, it should be a decision between the minor, it’s parents, mental health professionals, and their physician…not the government that the right wants making medical decisions for citizens now. Reality is surgery is not done on minors unless absolutely medically necessary, only reversible chemical treatments. Another right wing fantasy. I bet you’re ok with fake boobs for teen girls though.

“Trans ideology” (define that) in the classroom? Not a real thing, but inclusion acceptance and tolerance in the classroom, absolutely undeniably good at all grade levels.

Newsom good or bad? Yes, both….but far more god than bad….$52 billion SURPLUS last year…hundreds of millions allocated to mental health programs to service and house homeless.

Now, do you have the spine to answer just one? I guarantee you don’t,snowflake.
Ashley Babbitt, treasonous insurrectionist cunt who violently smashed her way into the chambers before being properly shot by the police she was actively threatening/innocent victim of Biden?

bobknight33 said:

Wow, you are un-hinged.
Biden laptop? real?
Jan 6 a true insurrection of just a bunch of people, with some misfits in the group?

Covid masks BS or truly need.?
Covid hospitalization rate <3% or or way higher? Joe B. Great POTUS / Average/ below Average?
Joe B Fit to be POTUS or mentally lacking and should not be POTUS

Trans surgery for minors? Good or bad?
Trans ideology in the classroom? Good or Bad?

Governor Newsom Good or Bad?


luxintenebris says...

to BK33:

wtf? brainwashed?

is the rapper the victim or your savior?

review this summary...(it's not long)*,_1971

...then look in the mirror. if you look closely, you'll see the soap suds in your ears.

honestly. trying to help. don't know how or have the patience to deprogram y'all. the reds are the reason for the division and the deepening morale decline of US citizens.

am a conservative by nature, a 'liberal' by necessity.

* (a bit longer)

Failed Assassination Of Pelosi/Husband Attacked In Home

newtboy says...

Fake news….your evidence? Retracted tweets!?!

Posted at your request, dumbshit. Do you think you just pulled a fast one or something? Did you really just ask me to post a video just so you could parrot “fake news” because you read something different on twitter? Yes … yes you did.

My evidence….His Facebook, twitter, and truth social accounts, blogs, likely others. His voice heard by 911 operators, police, emts, etc. Also the weapon and zip ties he brought to the home invasion. Did you not listen to the video? Was it not OAN so no fact could penetrate your anal shield to your ears?

Funny, it’s the police saying all these things. Not reporters, police spokesmen. Are you saying they make up stories about innocent people so regularly that they would do it in this public of a case? Evidence? Of course not. Just more baseless denial of reality.

Glass breaks in and out when you break it. It also breaks out during struggles inside, or when you rip a glass door open violently. Are you seriously suggesting this is staged, some false flag attack, and Pelosi’s husband is so committed to this lie he smashed his own skull in?
It’s clear from photos and videos that the vast majority of broken glass, and the wood/vinyl cross member are inside the house.

Um….now onto baseless silly gay slurs and accusations because you have no information, no way to contradict the FACT that he’s a MAGgot moron that believes every conspiracy theory you do and worships the same ochre ogre.

I never knew you were into eating men’s asses, but if you say so, you must be.
I never knew that’s what MEGA meant, no wonder you sissies changed it but wouldn’t explain!
Be careful, lots of diseases you can get from eating shit, but it’s clear that’s what you’re into, you’ve been doing it here for over a decade, you probably know all the pitfalls well by now. Then again, your mantra is

Edit: thinking about it, this is your last question until you can answer just one. You never can, you just ignore them every time.
Since I know you’re incapable of answering questions, that means you’re done asking me any. Until then, the answer to any question you pose is “Ashley Babbitt”….it should be “what charges came down for Clinton”, another claim you refused to back up. I haven’t forgotten many questions you dodged.

bobknight33 said:

@newtboy Posing fake news.

Tell me about this "intruder" and how he is linked to MEGA or such.

Sure the report is slanted and indicated so but where is the proof?

When does an intruder brake glass "out" onto the outside?

Looks more like a lover spat gone horrible wrong.

No MEGA going on here.
Unless you are using MEGA as:
M Men
E Eating
G Gay

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! Over 40 TOP SECRET CLASSIFIED FOLDERS were found EMPTY and 23 “return to staff secretary/military aid” folders were also found empty (so military secrets) meaning he stole the documents and spread them around, mixed them with personal papers, sold them, gave them away, lost them, or just let foreign agents walk through and take them as a perk of being his guest at Maralago. He did not steal empty folders.

Every day more treasonous, anti American evidence comes to light, every day you squeeze your eyes tighter shut and ram your fingers in your ears and just scream “nonononononononono. Fake news fake news fake news. Lalalalalalala.”

You ignored the election frauds. You ignored the election fraud fraud. You ignored the coup. You ignored and supported the cries for Trump’s reinstatement or another election just because he says so. I’m sure you’ll ignore these hundreds of instances of intentional crimes 10000 times worse than Clinton’s minor mistakes, pretend espionage is nothing, national security is unimportant, and you’ll say they’re only going after Trump for these hundreds of treasonous, firing squad level attacks against America to stop him from running again, not because they’re all death penalty crimes he definitely committed, and likely MUCH WORSE seeing that well over 60 folders are EMPTY, the secrets already disseminated. Those state secrets already in Putin and the Ayatollah’s hands.

Side note: it’s turning out that inflation in red states like AZ and Texas is MUCH higher than blue states….once again, so much for blaming Democrats. Every accusation you lob is an admission.

Also, one of the voting machines that the Republican candidate for Michigan AG stole and tampered with after the 2020 election was just sold on eBay by a man who bought it from Goidwill. His group called Republican clerks claiming to be Republican representatives who needed to inspect voting machines for fraud, and the clerks were happy to turn them over without any paperwork or verification of who they gave them to. His team then disassembled them in air bnbs and hotels (didn’t want their homes or offices to be part of their crime spree) tampered with them, copied the software and photographed (and more) the hardware. The AG has said these machines were damaged, tampered with, and in some cases “lost”. The Republican that led this scam/fraud/election interference is now the Republican candidate for AG.
So, be clear, invalidate him for AG? Or is “wrong is wrong” just a thing you say to distract from supporting criminals in government? If “wrong is wrong”, and this criminal shouldn’t be on the ballot, certainly you can see putting forth an election fraudster as candidate for AG is wrong….so how can you support the criminal, “wrong” Republican Party at all.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not a single fake word written there, buddy. You can’t contradict one syllable of what I said, so as usual, like a baby, you just plug your ears, squeeze your eyes shut, and shout “no, no, no, no, no!”
Every word I wrote there was a direct quote from Trump. He spent years claiming that anyone who takes the fifth is absolutely, undeniably, and admittedly guilty. “only criminals invoke the fifth. The mafia invokes the fifth. The mob takes the fifth. If you’re innocent why are you taking the fifth? Taking the fifth, I think it’s disgraceful. It’s despicable people who invoke the fifth.” …all Trump’s public words.

Where do I find it? Mostly memory, but it’s verifiable everywhere. YouTube was a nice resource because they have the videos of him saying it, to be sure I quoted correctly. There’s no point in telling you how to do research, you won’t remember what I told you in 20 minutes anyway.

Yes. Your side DOES have a BS Q site, and toth Senchal, 4chan, and other insanity spreading sites….the left has nothing 1/10 that delusional. Your side also has a dozen separate terrorist wings, most white supremacist organizations just itching for a race war, all prepared to attack the American government violently. 🤦‍♂️

Tell me one thing I said that’s not a verifiable fact.

Checkout line magazine rack?! Don’t project, bob. It’s not a good look. Actually, it would be an improvement for you…you could learn a lot from bat boy, and the weekly world news never came up with anything 1/2 as stupid as the Q nonsense 1/2 of you believe….waiting for JFK jr to resurrect and lead the far right to victory!?! 😂

We’ve got “birds aren’t real” (a parody of Republican stupidity), you’ve got Italian Jewish space lasers changing votes from space for Biden, an actual serious public claim from an elected Republican who is still serving.

Edit: ROTFLMFAHS!! Manafort apparently just ADMITTED to Russian collusion while he was part of Trump’s campaign, admitting to being the one handing over Trump campaign data to Russian oligarchs…for money.
Rusher, Rusher, Rusher…now confirmed by the perpetrator, not a hoax!
Lock him up
Lock him up
Lock him up!

bobknight33 said:

Where do you find such Fake bull shit.
Checkout line magazine rack

Or do our side have a BS Q site?

Autism Simulator

newtboy says...

I have to agree, the visual representation seemed…off.

I was more interested in what the child indicated with the mixing board, that sounds (and sights I assume) are not filtered to highlight your focus, in fact sometimes the object of focus is somewhat filtered while ambient noises aren’t.

I often think of myself as partially deaf because I can’t seem to focus on voices no matter how much I try, but I often hear tiny noises others can’t until I point them out. I don’t think it’s an ear problem.

JiggaJonson said:

i don't think that the visual hallucinations are a good comparison to what it can be like to be in an area where one can't concentrate like that.

In the middle of typing this I got distracted and opened up the Katydid eats a wart video that's trending here at the moment. in the middle of typing THAT two of my neighbors started mowing the lawn at the same time and my wife has all the windows open so I know what my allergies are going to do and i don't want to walk around with a headache all day so I better close them should I do it now or whehn i get don....

what was I saying?

Mike Tyson Punches Man On Plane

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