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Breakthrough In Gaming - Second-Person Shooter Mode

someone1 says...

Watch, in time, gaming will be dumbed down enough by the "we need to reach everyone" crowd, that a game like this will sell as a AAA title.

Fed Up - Movie Trailer - Sugar Kills

poolcleaner says...

Statistically individual, personal commitments make very little impact on a population. I agree with the sentiment, but our views on "personal responsibility" don't work in reality beyond our individual family, they just make us feel better about ourselves thinking that way. You are superior. Good for you, but it doesn't put a dent in the real problem.

Reform works. For example, your children didn't make these decisions, rather you (and I assume a life mate), who are the institution of your children, made a parental reform and it benefits them greatly. Now, if you left it up to your children, what do you think they would do without your positive influence?

I'm a product of that and it has taken me years to realize this and patch the hole in my very being; years of bad habits and depression. I didn't have responsible, nor very smart parents, and I went to public school to boot. I was fucked and I didn't even know it. All of the potential to be an above average human and what did I do? FML'd. Flunked out of honors, AP, kicked out of the gifted and talented education program; though, I did provide that needed C average spot for Academic Decathelon, my potential meant squat. Personal responsibility BULLSHIT. That's an illusion and the reality is pathetic. I struggle EVERY DAY and I shouldn't have to.

I guess it's up to me to make up for my parent's irresponsibility, but most people just go with the flow. I guess if you don't mind paying for the ignorance of the sheeple, you can just let things be the way they are and deal with a failing population of dumbed down, unhealthy Americans.

Personally, I'd rather live in a world where people are getting smarter and healthier every day. A land where the government that tricked us (social contract) into giving them our livelihood, gives back to us, makes us stronger, more fit, and appropriately able to compete in a global economy. A land where the people in power work to make us better, rather than feeding off of our ignorance.

This imaginary world would abso-poso-lutely require reform away from the stranglehold dystopia the real.

Sniper007 said:

My children haven't eaten a single piece of candy, cookies, or cake, since birth - except entirely by accident. When it does happen, we declare them to be defiled, and set about making another child. (true story)

But seriously, a no sugar diet really opens up your world to tasting food on a whole new level. Food is amazing. Refined sugar (white sugar, brown sugar, cane juice, fructose, sucrose, whatever-you-want-to-call-it) is a poor substitute taste wise, and is an absolute anti-nutrient (poison) health wise.

However, I prefer individual, personal commitments to change rather than sweeping public reform...

If this is American teacher education, we're all doomed...

newtboy says...

Once again, the neocon answer is dismissiveness and insult, with no logic, reason, or facts.
You certainly don't have me pegged, sir. I'm not a dumb kid of today, nor did I spend much time in public schooling. 1290, 3.5, 138 and graduated...sorry to disappoint or confuse.
Your comprehension of my position is appallingly incorrect, and knee jerkingly insulting to boot.
I have both been taught, and learned from experience, that capitalism is not the best answer to every problem, nor is liberalism (not that they are opposites or related). Neither is evil or good, those are things only people can be. Neither is a panacea.
Educators want nothing of the are describing baby sitters.
Wow, amazing that you aren't chanting "We're #1" like most neocons mindlessly do. I'll give you props for that little victory. I agree, our position is sad, more so when you consider the cost we pay for that result, and the costs we will pay because of it.
I do think you are (redacted) wrong that any TEACHERS want this kind of mind numbing chanting or dumbing down of their students...I do agree there aren't enough teachers teaching, and too many babysitters in their place. I also think this is due, in large part, to the lack of respect and compensation available to a public school've already shown the former quite clearly, and your political affiliates have seen to the latter.
You seem to have convinced yourself that, since I don't go along with your narrow train of thought, that I'm all for, and 100% behind the current education system, I never even hinted at that straw man arguement. What I did say is that capitalist business always does the least work possible to get the most pay out, and that's not what we want for our tax dollars, especially not our education system. As was said before, this particular flaw is an issue caused by for-profit privatization with not enough regulation, which if it must be politicized is a right wing baby.

bobknight33 said:

The American Government education system is an anti education system.
Kids today get a less quality education than before.

I don't mind these dumb kids today because it means added job security. You are too dumb to know better. Someone needs to serve me lunch and sweep my floors.

You must be one of them. You were taught and firmly believe that Liberalism is good and capitalism is evil and must be destroyed. The fact of the matter is the exact opposite, Liberalism is evil.

And yes educators do want this dumbing down of students. They have been doing this for years. Finally the education is controlled by union controlled liberals. They have been in control for decades. We are not #1 or 8th, we are down in the middle of the pack down at 20. For all the money we spend per child and to be in 20th place.

If this is American teacher education, we're all doomed...

bobknight33 says...

The American Government education system is an anti education system.
Kids today get a less quality education than before.

I don't mind these dumb kids today because it means added job security. You are too dumb to know better. Someone needs to serve me lunch and sweep my floors.

You must be one of them. You were taught and firmly believe that Liberalism is good and capitalism is evil and must be destroyed. The fact of the matter is the exact opposite, Liberalism is evil.

And yes educators do want this dumbing down of students. They have been doing this for years. Finally the education is controlled by union controlled liberals. They have been in control for decades. We are not #1 or 8th, we are down in the middle of the pack down at 20. For all the money we spend per child and to be in 20th place.

newtboy said:

Nope, it's capitalism providing the minimum possible for the maximum profit, as usual. No "educator" wants this, 'liberal' or 'conservative'...this is more like anti-education, not some quasi-educational political agenda by either side.

Charlotte Iserbyt - Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

BicycleRepairMan says...

I'm sure there are some dumbing down going on, see the related video in the comment above, but what this woman is talking about/objecting to is insane.

"He said education was about challenging and changing students mind.."

YES IT IS!. Thats excactly the point of education: LEARNING something that gives you something to think about, she says it like its a bad thing!, its a good thing, having your views challenged. And then she continues: "I thought education was about reading, writing and arithmetic" Well, you need those things, but sureley, if anything is dumbing down, it would be to create mindless reading math robots with no understanding of the context and purpose of learning stuff.

"He could turn a god-fearing patriot into an atheist in an hour" Well duh, thats because religion and nationalism doesnt make any sense, of course kids with actual open minds would realise the truth very quickly.

If this is American teacher education, we're all doomed...

If this is American teacher education, we're all doomed...

chingalera says...


Kevin O'Leary on global inequality: "It's fantastic!"

MichaelL says...

A few years ago this guy was a nobody insofar as the media was concerned. Then he started playing the 'baddie' on Shark Tank and the Canadian version of Dragons' Den.
I think this guy is borrowing a page from the likes of Ann Coulter and other right-wing talking heads. Essentially, they are media whores who know that controversy helps to sell their books, programs, lecture circuit, investments... their 'celebrity-ness'. So they say outrageous stuff because they know it gets them face time in our dumbed down media. How do you think it ended up here on Videosift?
Whether they actually believe their own shit... who knows?

Arkansas Mother Obliterates Common Core in 4 Minutes!

lurgee says...

I totally agree. For the past few months I have been following this subject. I had no clue it would get so many upvotes. This is definitely a part of the deliberate dumbing down of murica.

Esoog said:

This is something that really does deserve more attention.

How the Media Failed Women in 2013

America Has A Secret Super Weapon

bcglorf says...

I'm not sure about the American education system, but here in Canada the dumbing down of it is appalling to me. It's been getting dumbed down in the name of being 'open minded' and other nonesense by people that don't understand basic reading, writing and arithmetic are not subjective studies and can't be taught in a everyone can do it how they feel manner. Our curriculum is being designed around 2+2=5 isn't 'wrong' it's just that a student applied a different method and should still get partial marks. Our schools are also implementing 'no-fail' policies that basically do away with the 'social stigma' attached to failing and insisting that all students pass each grade unless parents agree, teachers and all staff agree. It's no wonder our western standards are falling, as we are exploiting every last inch of the luxury we have to do so.

That said, I do believe comparisons of students here to those in places like say China are misleading. Shanghai may top the global charts on student results, but I question how complete those statistical methods are. China is very focused, and understands you don't need or even want EVERYONE to be an expert in politics, economics and astrophysics. As a result most people aren't going to go beyond our equivalent of middle years or maybe junior high before entering the workforce. The students that remain in school will be the best and brightest. If you then take ONLY students enrolled in high school from a place like that and compare it to the west, your numbers will of course badly favor the countries limiting student enrollment.

As I noted above, it's no reason for complacency. I'm spending hours and hours each week compensating and supplementing the education my kids aren't getting because of systematically flawed education system .

truthout-schools are the dead zones of imagination

The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America

enoch says...

i wanted to jump on board for this video.
made some points that should be made but the message gets lost in the fear-fear-fear-mongering.

is there a dumbing down of american youth?
yeah..i think there is enough evidence to support that.
are the teachers in some conspiratorial cabal in the execution?
oh hell no.they have been corralled and cornered into a NCLB and standardized testing nightmare.

this video is not being fair to teachers by implying that somehow they are responsible for the brainwashing of an entire generation.
many teachers i know took early retirement out of sheer disgust but many others did not have that many i know are to the point of being broken,crushed by an institution that is meant to enlighten and educate but instead has turned into a human fear factory.

they have come to realize that their job is not to instill and cultivate curiosity but rather to institutionalize and create obedient workers.

not all i know but enough.

hard to fight a system when you have a mortgage and two car payments.

yet what do we see?
day in and day out.
its all the teachers fault.
it isnt.

Dragons are Real!

poolcleaner says...

I can't even recount the number of absolutely ignorant videos, conferences, and Sunday "School" classes I've attended that made an absolute mockery of science and evolution in particular.

Thanks mom. Thanks dad. Thanks America. You fucked me and now the rest of the world is here to point fingers and laugh.

Oh and while I'm at it, thanks rest of the world. My views on life have been destroyed, defeated and now I have nothing left but sadness. A job well done indeed on all sides. Dumbed down and defeated.



The Miseducation of America - Charlotte Iserbyt

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