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Kevin Smith's "Red State" second trailer

quantumushroom says...

Don't need your approval, acceptance or attention. Someone needs to inform The People(tm) this cineturd is DOA, if the trailer didn't 'explain' it already.

Here's a nice bet for you. If this fat a-hole's movie is a success, I'll stay off the sift for a month.

>> ^kymbos:

QM: "Notice me!!!!"

Star Trek's Warp Speed Evolution

quantumushroom says...

After turds like Nemesis and Insurrection the franchise was DOA.

Amazing as it seems, Trek fans alone cannot make a Trek movie profitable. You need to reach moviegoers with girlfriends.

OK I'm joking about the last part...put down the batleth.

>> ^direpickle:

Abrams' Trek was a big pile of lens flared poo.

Wannabe pro snowboarder exits lift early

Japanese Hentai video game "Real Kanojo" benchmark and demo

Obama Bows to Japanese Emperor Akihito

shuac says...

>> ^Rotty:
This really isn't news worthy; obammy has already demostrated that he's a diplomatic moron. What, no iPod for Akihito?
There are more relevant reasons to slam this Banker boy:
1) No immediate plans to leave Iraq. What happened to the nine month plan?
2) Additional deployments to Afghanastan; more dead Americans fighting the elite's wars.
3) Filling his admnistration with the same thugs that have consistently corrupted and looted America.
4) Other than banker bailouts, he hasn't done SHIT for the economy.
5) No changes in banking regulations that led to the last economic meltdown.
6) Other than creating a few thousnad jobs in his native state, he hasn't done SHIT in creating jobs.
As a matter of fact, other than touring the planet, he hasn't done a fucking thing.
The only CHANGE he's interested in is the change in your pocket.

If you cut out the diplomacy slam and all the childish name calling, I would have to agree with much of this fellow's post.

The bank bailout is a moot point because anyone in office would have bailed them out. Maybe not Ron Paul, but certainly McCain! After all, Bush bailed out Bear Sterns in Feb 2007 and McCain did whatever Bush did so...there you go.

I voted for Obama because he said he'd...

1) end the war,
2) go after those that committed war crimes (admittedly, Biden said this not Obama, but still)
3) not have any lobbyist on his cabinet (for the post of Deputy Secretary of Defense he nominated William J. Lynn III, the top lobbyist for Raytheon, one of the biggest companies in the military-industrial complex)
4) follow the rule of law. Meanwhile, the suspension of habeas corpus is still in effect for many "enemy combatants" and warrantless wiretaps at the NSA are still going like the energizer bunny.

He has done some good things. He at least tried to introduce a public healthcare option (it's unfortunately DOA on the Senate floor), he reversed some environmental policies, and, well, he's not Bush. But that's not really enough for me.

Downvote this comment if you like but everything I've pointed out is the truth.

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)

How to put a bra on

schma says...

From DOA (Dead or Alive). Based on the video game series, mostly known for it's boob physics, and "beach volleyball" spin-off.

I've not seen the movie, but this trailer snippet has been floating about a while.

Palin Explains Why Raped Women Should Be Forced ToBear child

volumptuous says...

>> ^thepinky: this is not the child's fault.

So now you're calling a 50-cell blastocyst a "child"? Whaaaaat?

>> ^thepinky:
Abortion only adds to an already heinous situation.

Says someone who's never been raped and then carried the fetus through full term.

And to think that we can just "counsel" people and everything will be awesome, is fucking hysterical.

Do you know how many orphans there are in this country? Do you know how many orphans never get adopted, grow up with zero parents and go on to lead utterly shit lives?

Do you understand that people like Palin and McCain are against gays adopting children? (find me one anti-choice politician or religious leader who also believes in gay adoption)

Noone likes having an abortion. Most people will never even tell their best friends. There are very good reasons why most western European countries have very few abortions, but remain free to do so. And to leave this to the pro-life crew is exactly the opposite way of bringing down the number of abortions we have here in USA.

To leave this up to hard-core evangelicals, and those who are wholly influenced by the far-right, and the Fallwell's and Dobson's who believe even basic sex-education and contraception is immoral and against GOD, is basically begging for "back-room" and "coat-hanger" abortions.

Europe didn't decrease abortion rates by leaving the issue in the hands of the most religious. They did it with full-blown sex-education, and saturated their schools and public squares with free contraception. Which is another reason why HIV and STD's are rampant here, and sparse over there.

I'm with Biden on this one:
"As close to a consensus that can exist in a society that is as heterogeneous as ours."

And notice Palin keeps using the "choose" word. She would "counsel" someone to make the right "choice". OK, so then after that awesome counseling, then they choose to abort, then what?

This debate is nonsense. It's a wedge-issue that the Repubs will never part with. They "gay marriage" thing is almost a non-issue anymore, they've obviously been found to not be so fiscally conservative as people thought. They've completely screwed their awesome "WAR ON TERROR" issue, immigration for now is DOA. So this is all they've got, and they're not letting it go.

No Channel (Eia Talk Post)

joedirt says...

(I wouldn't necessarily factor in the three previous channels, I would more look at the fact that it isn't a definable category. I will say that one badly missing category -- actually it's the crap I don't want on the sift -- but there is not eFame, vlog, YT idiots, webcam pundits. I would say his vision might almost include that, since it really is the number one usage of YT and we probably are missing out on some up and coming Entertainment2.0.

It's mostly not of sifters tastes, but there might be a market for more mellow criss crocker type videos. I suppose it falls under viral, but WTF is that. We do need more REAL channels like nouns, not concepts and less subjective categories. How about "conspiracies" might fall under the nwo, fringe stuff, but yeah looks like choggie is DOA on this channel request.

Ben Underwood: Real Life Daredevil

Shepppard says...

Amazing, try closing your eyes and clicking your tongue and navigating through your house.

two lamps and one stepped on cat tail later, I found out that it's not easy.

However, the video game thing isn't really that impressive. Fighting games are button mashers anyways. I can't TELL you how many times I learned combos and strategy's in Street Fighter and DoA, only to have my sister come in and completely whip my ass.

Soul Calibur IV ?! (Blog Entry by Thylan)

mlx (Member Profile)

The Proper Response to Someone Touching Your Boobs

jmd says...

eeep! I thought this was maybe a fan animation or commercial for DoA series, cause I knew what was Lei fang, but its her ending? They need to work on their CG work, the design of their "average people" (filler) models is way below that of their fighters.

Dead Fantasy I - Final Fantasy vs. Dead or Alive

Super Smash Brothers Brawl Trailer 2

Lethin says...

why are you guys cutting up SSB so much?! jeeze. DOA is on its 6th re-hash and the biggest things its got going for it is left and right (we all know what i mean... ) the choppy animation (on wario for sure) is their Design. the characters are modeled and Animated to look, play and feel like their straight ports from the classic games, thats the Idea! you're playing your child hood heroes/heroines in a free for all style hack and slash, now be nicer to SSB, its better then A LOT of fighting games out there that looked better...

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