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simonm (Member Profile)

Jack - Michigan - Republican Voters Against Trump

newtboy says...

I'm not a big Biden fan, it was his turn last election when he gave up his candidacy because he was sad, leaving us with Clinton v Trump, but what you're saying is asinine on a Bobknight33 level.

People who voted for Obama, then voted for Trump because the DNC screwed Sanders out of HIS turn because THEY decided it was Hillary's turn don't have the same issues this time, and know clearly who Trump is now, not just bombastic but massively criminal (most convictions of any administration ever, maybe more than all who came before), petty, ignorant, inept, incompetent (120000+ dead from his incompetence), unpatriotic (let Putin put a hit on our soldiers and does nothing), racist, con man and constant liar. No Bernie bro is voting for him again. No such backstabbing has occurred this time, no DNC party politics, Biden won the primary fairly.
What's your beef?

No matter what, Republicans will blame democrats for Republican failures and take credit for Democratic progress. They always do. They will pile on any Democrat any chance they get, always do. That's not a reason to stick with Republican failure. Jebus Christ. So incredibly lame an argument.

Is that the best you've got, reelect Trump and end America or else some infantile morons will blame Biden for the horrendous Trump administration's failures? The desperation is palpable. Americans for the most part have more brains than that....Trump voters excluded.

It's far more likely that the Republicans are fading into oblivion and losing any majority anywhere. The people won't just forget Trump, the worst president in our history, nor will they forget how every Republican fell in lock step with him (except Romney).

StukaFox said:

Yet the Dems run the most insipid candidate since Dukakis and not because he's the best candidate, but because it's his turn.

The worst part is the DNC is looking at a truly momentous election where they could lay the foundation for a generational political shift in the US the same way Reagan did in 1980, but they utterly fail to understand why some of the same people who voted for Trump in '16 voted for Obama two elections earlier and have decided to play party politics instead.

The worst thing that could happen to the Dems right now is to win this election. The GOP is going to blame them for the wreckage left by Trump, pile on Biden every chance they get, and exploit the DNC's blindness to push the Dems into political oblivion.

Jack - Michigan - Republican Voters Against Trump

StukaFox says...

Yet the Dems run the most insipid candidate since Dukakis and not because he's the best candidate, but because it's his turn.

The worst part is the DNC is looking at a truly momentous election where they could lay the foundation for a generational political shift in the US the same way Reagan did in 1980, but they utterly fail to understand why some of the same people who voted for Trump in '16 voted for Obama two elections earlier and have decided to play party politics instead.

The worst thing that could happen to the Dems right now is to win this election. The GOP is going to blame them for the wreckage left by Trump, pile on Biden every chance they get, and exploit the DNC's blindness to push the Dems into political oblivion.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

OMG you moronic can you make so dishonestly imbecilic a claim? Thought I wouldn't check?

First; = The BLM Transportation Group-Safety & Compliance. The person behind the wheel is the key to on time service. Safeco Driver Services provides our drivers with an extensive orientation including updates on safety and compliance, as well accident ...
( = bureau of land management)
( = biglife -SUPPORT DISASTER RELIEF. With people in place across the globe, Biglife is providing hope and resources to those who need it most. Please join our efforts. )

Obviously you didn't go to the site, you're taking someone else's word, cutting and pasting without rubbing two brain cells together and repeating the lie of someone who lies to you constantly.

Second; So obviously the actblue charities bullshit you spouted didn't come from where you cite, and is 100% lies you feculent liar....yep, sho nuff.

Actblue charities doesn't give money donated to Bernie to Warren, just as it doesn't give the money given to BLM to any other charity, campaign, or person. If it's donated to BLM, it goes to BLM. They are a facilitator for progressive candidates and charities, not a fraudulent charity (like the fake charities Trump ran stealing money from veterans, admitted to, and is why his family is banned from running any charities). What you dishonestly claim is like saying because 10 people on eBay used PayPal, you can attribute every penny spent through PayPal to those sellers, or that if you donate to any gofundme it goes to one of 10 projects they chose in secret, not the project you gave to.

So brain numbingly stupid a claim, of course you just bought it the second Inforwars put it out there without a thought.

Again, because I know understanding isn't your strong suit, what you claim is happening when you donate to Black Lives Matter is not happening, but is EXACTLY what Trump did with his charities when he raised money for wounded veterans and pocketed it all, then pleaded guilty and paid $3 million in penalties and was banned from charity work for life. LMFAHS!

Gullible isn't in the dictionary either, Bob. Made you look.
Fuck, you make me so worried for humanity.

Has Beck told you any of these "known" cases of massive democratic voter fraud? I'm still waiting. Why don't you want to tell us about the bad bad liberals, daddy?

bobknight33 said:
Nothing more then a Democrat front fundraiser. No black live matter help, just a fundraiser

Donate tab,
ActBlue Charities is a registered charitable organization formed to democratize charitable giving. and look up ACTBLUE
Act Blue expenditures

Bernie 2020 $186,780,034
2 Biden for President $119,253,857
3 Elizabeth Warren Presidential Exploratory Cmte $93,478,053
4 Pete for America $78,100,960
5 Democratic Congressional Campaign Cmte $55,684,603
6 Amy for America $43,167,720
7 Friends of Andrew Yang $31,705,527
8 Democratic Senatorial Campaign Cmte $31,067,413
9 Democratic National Cmte $29,924,707
10 Amy McGrath for Senate $29,558,536

BLM making white Democrats rich. Just a fraud

Trump Impeached

newtboy says...

Please don't misconstrue my abhorrence of today's republican party as an endorsement of the democratic party....but there's no question which is worse imo. I've said for decades that I would vote republican if only they would. I didn't leave the republican party, it left me.

'They weren't the only ones sticking it to democrats' isn't an argument, defense, or's a dodge imo. Americans are allowed to participate in political propaganda (if they do it legally), other nations aren't. Russian intelligence hacked democrats at Trump's public request to help him. Period.

As for who is G2, "Working off the IP address, U.S. investigators identified Guccifer 2.0 as a particular GRU officer working out of the agency’s headquarters on Grizodubovoy Street in Moscow."

I totally agree citizens United (i mean the court ruling bearing that name) put a poison pill in all of our political cups. I would support any candidate who I believed would make a constitutional amendment fixing that priority one, for any and every office high to low. Sadly i don't know of one from any party.
Selling our political system to corporations and billionaires can only end in it's demise.

geo321 said:

it wasn't the Russians that leaked to Wikileaks that the Clinton campaign rigged the election campaign, it was an internal staffer that was pissed in 2016. The second so called hack of Podesta's emails by fishing by G2 we dont know the origin yet. but we do know the first leak in the election to wikileaks came from a staffer in the DNC to report on rigging.

Trump Impeached

geo321 says...

it wasn't the Russians that leaked to Wikileaks that the Clinton campaign rigged the election campaign, it was an internal staffer that was pissed in 2016. The second so called hack of Podesta's emails by fishing by G2 we dont know the origin yet. but we do know the first leak in the election to wikileaks came from a staffer in the DNC to report on rigging.

JiggaJonson (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Trump is not going anywhere for the next 5 years.

No guilty party is linked to Trump/ White House.. All were past crimes.

Quit Jizzing your shorts. You know the foul play and crimes are on the DNC side.

Adam Schiff's blunder of last 2 weeks was a pure gift to Trump.

Democrats are delusional and so you you. Watch more than the fake news.

JiggaJonson said:

Smacked down by truth? I wonder if all the trump associates who are currently in prison actually think it's "not real" and instead are just figments of democratic imaginations. Either way, I can call the prisons they're staying at and ask for them by name. I can visit the buildings that house them and see them behind bars.

Keep telling yourself it's the democrats who are disillusion, we'll keep putting people behind bars for breaking the law.

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

Tantrums don't convince anyone Bobski.

Lol. DNC/SOROS plant! Bwaaaahahaha! Yep, that's just the kind of person who talks shit about the corrupt DNC throwing the election. *facepalm
I don't even know what a SOROS you mean Soros? I honestly know nothing about him besides the fact that right wing nuts believe he's the devil.

Trump's summary transcript proved he COMMITTED a crime (in America we don't say "Trump did a crime") the witnesses confirmed it and gave proof that his actions consistently supported that contention and never contradicted it.

I know you don't know what you're talking about, but I actually WATCHED the hearings. Everyone in the loop KNEW exactly what he wanted, a few directly from him, but most were told to talk to Giuliani for directions and he told them unambiguously. Trump is a long term crook, he knows better than to just publicly say "hey people, we're illegally extorting Ukraine for Russia, everyone get on board, and no snitching."...but he's dumb enough to do it then say "no snitching" to everyone, and call any who do speak up "never Trumper liars", including those who gave him $1million....and/or dumb enough to believe Ukrainian separatists/Russian agents over our intelligence community simply because the Ukrainians/Russians paid him and other Republicans large sums to go along with their anti American scheme.

Lol. You're such a deep thinker that you don't even understand a hypothetical...IF you saw him rape and murder young boys, you would be here blaming the boys.

Bob. If you think you're a thinking man, you prove my point....son. You are as far from a thinking man as one can get, you're a brainless sycophantic infant that only regurgitates the obvious self serving lies of a narcissistic infant...or far more likely a Russian troll based on your at best tenuous grasp of English and willingness to support and spread any Russian created conspiracy theories.

LMFAHS. You're just too funny.

bobknight33 said:

You troll so much it obvious you a DNC/SOROS type plant.

Again, not 1 witness Shift brought forward can factually claim that Trump did any crime.

Beat you troll chest as much as you want there is no there there.

Every day Democrats point a finger at Trump it gets smacked down by truth.

You need a #walkaway moment. Come to you senses son.

?????????????????? Trump rape and murder young boys then defend him. ??????????????? WTF what false lie are you pushing .
No wonder you not worth reading. Such drivel.

Stay in your garden and leave hard thinking to men.

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

bobknight33 says...

You troll so much it obvious you a DNC/SOROS type plant.

Again, not 1 witness Shift brought forward can factually claim that Trump did any crime.

Beat you troll chest as much as you want there is no there there.

Every day Democrats point a finger at Trump it gets smacked down by truth.

You need a #walkaway moment. Come to you senses son.

?????????????????? Trump rape and murder young boys then defend him. ??????????????? WTF what false lie are you pushing .
No wonder you not worth reading. Such drivel.

Stay in your garden and leave hard thinking to men.

newtboy said:

1) you're wrong. None have said they personally heard Trump explicitly tie the aid to his demands, but many have said he himself tied the white house meeting to his demand for a political gift, which is a crime, and just as many have said it was clear the funding was tied too, and never did anyone at the Whitehouse contradict that in any way, even when asked directly, until they knew they were under investigation.
2) trump himself released the summary transcript in which he ties the funding to the investigations of political rivals and nothing else. Even your stage 5 cranial rectosis can't shield you from that inconvenient truth.

A majority still say he should not only be impeached, but removed from office.

*facepalm. The lack of direct witnesses is because of Trump's obstruction, telling subordinates to ignore subpoenas. That alone is impeachable.
You probably mean they can call unrelated red herrings like Biden who has zero bearing on the charges.
1/2 the republican question time was wasted by them giving whining speeches about how they can't ask questions, and 1/4 spent whining that they can't use this time to investigate Biden....who has never been accused of anything illegal you might note. Edit: ....and the whistleblower, because clearly it's important to know who they are in order to destroy their lives, but not for any other possible reason.
Using impeachment to investigate political rivals and harass whistleblowers instead of investigating the president isn't going to help win independents, the only voters in play. Lose the Senate, which is likely, and Trump will be the first president to be impeached twice if he remains in office.

Oh Bobby, who cried the last two election nights? Not Democrats. I wasn't even surprised Trump won. I called that in spring 2016 when the DNC was caught helping Clinton and screwing Sanders.

You are right on one point, when the Turtle gets the case, he's going to tank it and Trump won't even get a slap on the wrist, but only because party loyalty is far more important to Republicans than national loyalty or rule of law, not because he didn't commit more crimes. In that sense, Democrats have lost. We all have.

But I don't write to you, it's for others who maybe wouldn't watch Trump rape and murder young boys then defend him. There is literally nothing he could do to make you stop riding his dick. Absolutely nothing. I'm not trying to convince you. You're a lost cause....and likely a Russian troll.

MAGA=Making Attorneys Get Attorneys

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

newtboy says...

1) you're wrong. None have said they personally heard Trump explicitly tie the aid to his demands, but many have said he himself tied the white house meeting to his demand for a political gift, which is a crime, and just as many have said it was clear the funding was tied too, and never did anyone at the Whitehouse contradict that in any way, even when asked directly, until they knew they were under investigation.
2) trump himself released the summary transcript in which he ties the funding to the investigations of political rivals and nothing else. Even your stage 5 cranial rectosis can't shield you from that inconvenient truth.

A majority still say he should not only be impeached, but removed from office.

*facepalm. The lack of direct witnesses is because of Trump's obstruction, telling subordinates to ignore subpoenas. That alone is impeachable.
You probably mean they can call unrelated red herrings like Biden who has zero bearing on the charges.
1/2 the republican question time was wasted by them giving whining speeches about how they can't ask questions, and 1/4 spent whining that they can't use this time to investigate Biden....who has never been accused of anything illegal you might note. Edit: ....and the whistleblower, because clearly it's important to know who they are in order to destroy their lives, but not for any other possible reason.
Using impeachment to investigate political rivals and harass whistleblowers instead of investigating the president isn't going to help win independents, the only voters in play. Lose the Senate, which is likely, and Trump will be the first president to be impeached twice if he remains in office.

Oh Bobby, who cried the last two election nights? Not Democrats. I wasn't even surprised Trump won. I called that in spring 2016 when the DNC was caught helping Clinton and screwing Sanders.

You are right on one point, when the Turtle gets the case, he's going to tank it and Trump won't even get a slap on the wrist, but only because party loyalty is far more important to Republicans than national loyalty or rule of law, not because he didn't commit more crimes. In that sense, Democrats have lost. We all have.

But I don't write to you, it's for others who maybe wouldn't watch Trump rape and murder young boys then defend him. There is literally nothing he could do to make you stop riding his dick. Absolutely nothing. I'm not trying to convince you. You're a lost cause....and likely a Russian troll.

MAGA=Making Attorneys Get Attorneys

bobknight33 said:

Yep still laughing Newt.

1 big flop and a disgrace to the Dem Party.

Not one witness has testified that they have personally herd any other wrong doing, just their perspective. NO actual proof.

No evidence and a fundraising bonanza for Republicans. While the DNC is basically broke with no donors in site. No is is buying what the Democrats are selling.

YES shift will march forward and impeach and then the Turtle win get it and Republicans can finally call wittiness .

No smoking gun, no smoke and no gun.

I gather that you were 1 of those who cried on election night. Get get more tissue Newt, your going to need more.

Dems have lost, you know it, I know it and Americans know it.

Impeachment Bombshell Ties Trump and Rudy to Ukraine Scheme

bobknight33 says...

Yep still laughing Newt.

1 big flop and a disgrace to the Dem Party.

Not one witness has testified that they have personally herd any other wrong doing, just their perspective. NO actual proof.

No evidence and a fundraising bonanza for Republicans. While the DNC is basically broke with no donors in site. No is is buying what the Democrats are selling.

YES shift will march forward and impeach and then the Turtle win get it and Republicans can finally call wittiness .

No smoking gun, no smoke and no gun.

I gather that you were 1 of those who cried on election night. Get get more tissue Newt, your going to need more.

Dems have lost, you know it, I know it and Americans know it.

newtboy said:

Still laughing Bobski? I am.

Trump has no facts on his side. Not one. Even his best defense, the money was released without the announcement of the investigations he demanded, is laughable since that came AFTER the drug deal was being investigated publicly....just like his angry denial on the phone of "I want nothing, I want nothing, no quid pro quo" came after he knew an investigation had started, he probably thought the question was a set up and was being taped by investigators. You don't get credit for dropping the money bag after being caught stealing it.

I'm sure the state department was pissed they were bypassed by Trump's idiot lackies pushing extortion schemes, their job is to safeguard our national interests and national safety and Trump was actively engaged in private unsanctioned operations in direct opposition to our national interests, policies, and laws using private citizens to form and implement secret foreign policy that directly contradicts long term public policy, hurts our standings, hurts Ukraine, and helps Putin. The only winner is Russia, who sold moronic Trump a previously thoroughly debunked fantasy, and he was so eager to suck more Putin cock that he discarded the entire intelligence community's warnings and the state department and instead believed a pair of Russian tied Ukrainian crooks and liars, and did their bidding for a bribe.

Any reasonable American is pissed he stupidly sold out the country for a lie.

Giving aid and comfort to an enemy of the state is called what? There's no question that withholding the aid to Ukraine gave both aid and comfort to Russia, a hostile foreign power and enemy of America.
What did Trump say we should to to those who committed treason?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 says...

Not relevant. Trump is finding out Biden's corruption in Ukraine Trump did run on cleaning the swamp.

Also Ukraine help DNC gather dirt on Trump for 2016 election.

So you saying if I rob a bank and then run for POTUS you can't investigate?

JiggaJonson said:

This is my favorite part of all of this

"I, DONALD J. TRUMP, President of the United States of America, find that the ability of persons located, in whole or in substantial part, outside the United States to interfere in or undermine public confidence in United States elections, including through the unauthorized accessing of election and campaign infrastructure or the covert distribution of propaganda and disinformation, constitutes an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States."

The Documented Truth About Trump Collusion and Obstruction

newtboy says...

Oops....among all your other misstatements of fact, you forgot Papadopolis, who's illegal collusion with Russia, seeking a hostile foreign power's help in digging up dirt on Democrats, actually started the FBI investigation before anyone knew the Republicans hired Fusion/Steele, who later turned their work over to Clinton, who then informed the FBI who was already investigating Trump's campaign. Papadopoulos plead guilty. His actions spurred the legitimate investigation, not Fusion or Steele.

On October 5, 2017, Papadopoulos pleaded guilty to making false statements to FBI agents about the timing and the possible significance of his contacts in 2016 relating to U.S.-Russia relations and the Donald Trump presidential campaign.

It's clear you haven't read the Mueller report...although if you had it's also clear you would continue to lie about what's in it, as you just did. There are mountains of evidence being considered in multiple courts as we speak, and mountains more waiting for him to leave office. 34 convictions on that evidence you say isn't enough for court. The lions share of those blacked out parts of the report you didn't read are due to ongoing cases....liar.

Most of what was in the Steele dossier turned out to be 100% correct, as was the decision to turn it over. It was independently verified before being mentioned in courts. This has been litigated, and Trump lost, sore loser. Trump, conversely, still publicly states he would accept foreign help in his campaign and wouldn't inform the FBI, two crimes against the US. Rusher, if you're listening, please hack government servers and release dirt on my opponent...remember? And within hours they did exactly that, remember?

In October 2015, Fusion GPS was contracted by conservative political website The Washington Free Beacon (who, like most Republicans were Trump haters) to provide general opposition research on Trump and other Republican presidential candidates. In April 2016, attorneys for Hillary Clinton's campaign and the DNC separately hired Fusion GPS to investigate Trump, while The Free Beacon stopped its backing in May of 2016. In June 2016, Fusion GPS subcontracted Steele's firm to compile the dossier. Clinton campaign officials were reportedly unaware that Fusion GPS had subcontracted Steele, and he was not told that the Clinton campaign was the recipient of his research. Following Trump's election as president, funding from Clinton and the DNC ceased, but Steele continued his research and was reportedly paid directly by Fusion GPS co-founder Glenn R. Simpson. While compiling the dossier, Steele passed information to both British and American intelligence services.

Trump has said clearly he would not have turned it over, nor would he care if the accusations were true.

Trump is a life long criminal fraud, admitted and convicted, and horrific business man, backstabbing "friend" who constantly tried to sleep with his friend's wives, incestuous pedophile, cheating husband and philanderer, and well known documented golf cheat. You and he admit he's a constant liar, in fact you applaud him for lying, stating clearly that you think that he is smart to lie under oath, because the truth would convict him. His cabinet has proven to be the worst, most criminal administration ever in the history of the US. None has more convictions for crimes against the state, or more pending criminal cases, or more lobbyists filling positions, or more turnover, or more failed appointments.

Funny, don't you still chant "lock her up" over pizzagate and Benghazzi, demanding more politically motivated investigations alongside Trump? Sore loser...still fighting the losses. As usual, you have it all hypocritically backwards.

[Redacted to conform with sift rules, not because I didn't mean every word]

bobknight33 said:

Funny Sore looses still fighting the loss.


Hillery Clinton paid Glen Simpson of Fusion GPS / who went to ( Trump hater) Christopher Steele, an X British intelligence officer with MI6 who contacted high level Russians for information. .. Trump is theorizing but Hillary actually did get dirt from Russia. She ended up with a fake report, gave it to top FBI, (also hated trump) who knew it was all false information and used it to open FISA warrants to spy on Trump and Co. Warrants were renewed 3 times, all on un verified information.

But Trump is the bad guy ... Suck eggs

Mueller Complained About Barr’s Letter to Congress

bobknight33 says...

Trump was illegally spied on from directive from some top DOJ / FBI/ DNI officials using the a bogus dossier from Russian bought by the Clinton's/ DNC groups. This was insurance to get rid of Trump if elected. They failed.

And this is just the cover to what the Obama administration was truly up to, Spying on Americans for reasons yet discovered.

2 1/2 years to prove that the Trump /Russia connection was BS . Now its Trumps turn.

The buttecup nonsense you site is good fodder just like Nader threatening Barr of Contempt if he doe not runt over unredacted Muller report. Its great for fund raising and grandstand but has no legal standing.

newtboy said:

370+ former federal prosecutors from both parties have signed a letter stating unequivocally that, were he not the president and being shielded from prosecution by the DOJ under some partisan theories/policies (but not by any law), Trump would absolutely be prosecuted for obstruction based on the evidence in the report....anyone else would already be in court.

Funny that some scream "exoneration!....sour grapes!...sore losers!" directly contradicting the report summation, but the same people want another Clinton investigation.

Bill Maher - Sen. Bernie Sanders

newtboy says...

To be fair, Sanders and his supporters were accused of some horrible stuff both sides. Not child sex slavery and multiple murders, but still slanderous mud slinging.
Also to be fair, a large enough portion of the left turned on her in April/May when the DNC actions came to light and she didn't honorably walk away from a tainted candidacy, and instead hired the people who had clearly broken the rules in her favor....not just after the election.

That said, she has every right to be bitter, and she would have been exponentially better than Trump....Sanders could have been at least one order of magnitude better than that given the chance, imo, and he didn't come with an ingrained, well structured, long practiced, and exceptionally well funded opposition in place.

ChaosEngine said:

I’m not really sure that’s fair. Hillary went through a pretty bruising campaign where she was accused of everything from conspiring to kill American diplomats to running a child porn ring.

After all that, she got more votes than dickbag and STILL lost.

At which point the right (including some of the poorest people who are suffering worst under cheeto-face) laughed in her face, and the left turned on her.

Quite frankly, if I was Hillary, I’ve have told the whole of America to get fucked.

That’s not to say she didn’t have her faults, but she was an order of magnitude better than Trump.

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