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How a Grenade Works

entr0py says...

That's interesting. So any movie where someone explodes from holding a grenade too long, or carefully puts the pin back in a grenade to defuse it is full of crap. It's almost as though Hollywood is feeding us misinformation so that we're ill prepared for the inevitable communist invasion. Those devious pinko bastards.

MC Chris - Fett's Vette

eric3579 says...

Cruisin' Mos Espa
In my Delorean
War's over
I'm a peacetime mandalorian

My story has stumped
Star Wars historians
Deep in debate,
Buffet plate at Bennigan's

Rhyme renegade
Sure to penetrate
First and second offense
I won't hesitate

Got a job to do
And Darth's the guy that delegates
Got something against Skywalker
Someone he really hates

I don't give a fuck
I'm after Solo
For all I care
He could be hidin' at Yoda's dojo

Gotta make the money
Credit's no good
When the jawas runin' shop
In your neighborhood

Think you can cook
I got a grappling hook
Let's make this quick
'Cause I'm really booked

I'm a devious degenerate
Defender of the devil
Shut down all the trash compactors
On the detention level

My backpack's got jets
Well I'm Boba the Fett
Well I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt
To finance my 'Vette

wicky wicky woo

Well I chill in deep space
A mask is over my face
Well I deliver the prize
But I still narrow my eyes
'Cause my time
I don't like to waste.

Get down

I'm a question
Wrapped inside an enigma
Get inside the slave one
Find your homing signal

From Endor to Hoth
Ripley to Spock
I'll find what you want
But there's gonna be a cost

See, my name is Boba Fett
I know my shit is tight
Start not actin'right
You're frozen in carbonite

Got telescopic sight
Flame throwers on my wrist
You still don't get the gist
Spiked boots are made to kick

Targets are made to hit
You think I give a shit
Yo mama is a bitch
I see you in the Sarlaac Pit

You just flipped my switch
Integrity been dissed
You scratchin' on my itch
You know I shoot to get

Got bambinas at cantinas
Waitin' to lick my lusty lips
So I'll let you get back inside
Your little space ship

Give you a head start
'Cause I'm the sportin' kind
Consider the starting line
The sneaky smile I hide inside

Hope you have hyper drive (drive)
pray to stay alive ('live)
Don't try to slip me a five
'Cause I never take a bribe

To the beat of a different drummer
Bad ass bounty hunter
Let no man put asunder
Or else they be put under

As in six feet
Got an imperial fleet
Backin' me up, gonna blow up
Any attempt to defeat

They gotta death star
Got four payments on my car
Hand it over to hammer head
At Mos Eisley bar

He used to carjack
Now he's a barback
Just goes to show how you can
Get back on the right track

As for me that's not an option
Can't say that with more clarity
Me going legit would be like
Jar Jar on speech therapy

My backpack's got jets
Well I'm Boba the Fett
Well I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt
To finance my 'Vette

wicky wicky woo

Well I chill in deep space
A mask is over my face
Well I deliver the prize
But I still narrow my eyes
'Cause my time
I don't like to waste.

Get down

Slice you open like a Taun Taun
Faster than the Autobahn
Or a motorbike in Tron
Do the deed and then I'm gone

Jaba has a hissyfit
Contact Calrissian
Over a colt, the plan unfolds
No politic is legit

Back in the day
When I was a slave
Living life in the fast lane
Like in a pod race

My mean streak tweaked
I became a basket case
So this space ace
Split that place, poste haste

Took up a noble cause
Called the Clone Wars
'Cause life's not all about
Girls and cars

Getting fucked up
In fucked up bars
See, I'm not a retard
Or gay like de Barge

I'm large and in charge
With a face so scarred
A cold black heart
That's been torn apart

The Sith wish that they
Had a dick so hard
'Cause it's long long ago
In a pussy far far

Call me master, 'cause I'm faster
Than Pryor on fire
I no longer have to hot wire

I'm a hunter for hire
With no plans to retire
And all the sucka MCs
Can call me sire

My backpack's got jets! (jets jets jets)

Well I'm Boba the Fett! (the Fett the Fett)

Well I bounty hunt for Jabba Hutt, (Jabba Hutt Jabba Hutt Jabba Hutt)

...To finance my 'Vette (my 'Vette my 'Vette my 'Vette my 'Vette)

What if atheists are wrong?

poolcleaner says...

For all we know, this whole religion thing is a ploy to weed out the weak, insecure and stupid. If someone tells you there's a terrible place that you will go to when you die if you don't believe this and this and this and follow these rules, what do you do? Do you take the cyan or the magenta pill?

In my mind I like to imagine many Christians are going to hell for their decisions and especially for having the gall to tell others they're going to hell. The wrath of the possibility of a slightly devious and intelligent God be upon thee!

TDS 2/9/09 - Bill O'Reilly's Right to Privacy

HollywoodBob says...

I'm finding it harder and harder to determine whether "The O'Reilly Factor" is legitimate right wing lunacy or an exceptionally devious farce.

While it's easy to recognize that these "news" shows (O'Reilly/Olberman/60 minutes/talk radio/etc.) are primarily entertainment, a increasingly large number of people gleam the majority of their news from them.

That terrifies me.

Where I've been (Blog Entry by Sarzy)

Sarzy says...

World of Warcraft is so deviously addictive, I'm sure everyone at Blizzard has a special place in hell reserved just for them.

I'm actually going to be on the outskirts of Seoul, so not too close to Masan as far as I can gather. I will be blogging about my trip (don't bother going there now though; the blog is still under construction. Check back in a week or two).

Bill Hicks - Censored Letterman Appearance 15 Years Later

14481 says...

Rougy said it (above). It is about truth. For thousands of years comedy has been one of the few things we've had to find truth. When we don't censor it we sometimes will get the lame & stupid BS. But we also get Aristophanes, Sarah Silverman, Pyror & Bill Hicks. Comedy is cool when it helps us escape the world & laugh. But it scares the powerful & the devious (not always the same thing, right?) when it vivisects the sacred cow, and brutalizes the tyrant. And if you have a comment about censorship, wait until you find out about its history. Read about Socrates, Lenny Bruce & George Carlin. For a start, check out what Bill Hicks said on the website 'Konformist' (I'm not connected to it, just found it looking for the above video). He tells how the next Letterman show had a commercial paid for by 'pro-lifers'. This is how the world goes round. Then on rare occasion the power shifts when someone has the brains & the guts to laugh at the intellectually-naked emperor. Oh, and one thing Bill always reminds me of is that TV has always referred to their products as 'programming'. I am proud to dedicate my first-ever posting to the great Bill Hicks. Peas & Luv. Kevin S.

the new delta pre-flight girl in slow-motion

This is for thepinky, who doesn't read my blog. (Blog Entry by UsesProzac)

thepinky says...

EDD. It is natural for you to think that I am an attention-whore because you don't agree with me. When I make a comment that goes against the popular opinion here, I tend to get a lot of attention for it. This is not my fault. I don't express my opinions more vehemently than the rest of you. I'm not trying to be whiney. Don't you think that the rest of you sound whiney to me (about religion and conservatism, etc.)? I DO stir the pot, but this is not because I am trolling. This is because I disagree. In the past I have been very free with my opinions and prone to losing my temper. I have apologized and attempted to turn over a new leaf. Recently I feel like I have been doing much better because I took the negative feedback and tried to change. You might imagine how discouraging for me it is when people still insist that I am a troll.

My comment to rougy ON HIS PROFILE was, for one, none of your business. Secondly, some of the comments are private and some are not so you aren't getting the whole picture. Thirdly, I didn't say anything offensive. I didn't call him names. I expressed displeasure at an extremely rude and profanity-filled comment that he posted and he responded by calling me names and being generally nasty. I admit I got a little bit annoyed with that and lost my temper (still didn't call him names). Fourthly, rougy is a decent guy and we resolved the issue between ourselves. I apologized and he accepted. You seem to be assuming that I just go onto people's profiles and say rude things without provocation and for attention. This is simply not true.

As for the editing, I never thought it would cause such a fuss! It really is just a bad habit of mine. I'll tell you what I do. I write a comment and then I submit it. Then I have a bad habit of reading over it again and thinking, "Ooh, that was too rude," or "I could have said that better," or "I was too long-winded," and then I edit the comment. I should edit it before I submit. I'll try harder not to do it. Now, the posts that you are referring to on Prozac's profile are a different matter. All of the comments that you can see are unedited except for the one that I mentioned that I edited. (I edited this one RIGHT after I posted it because of that bad habit I have of editing after submission. There were no devious intentions behind that, and I did not change anything significant.) She deleted the other edited ones. I didn't think it would do any harm to edit the ones that she had already read and quoted because
1. She had already read and quoted them.
2. I didn't think that this would become a public matter.

As for the ones that Prozac deleted: I edited them because I said to myself that I would try to be nice to Prozac, so I deleted all of the unpleasant things I said (which did not include calling her a cunt and a twat) and replaced them with nice things. It only gave me a little bit of pleasure to think of her annoyance at seeing the comments edited. The comment on her blog, again, I edited DIRECTLY after submitting because I thought better of it. There was so little time involved that I didn't realize that she had already read it. Bad habit. Bad, bad habit. I'm sort of embarrassed about it now. I didn't know it would make everyone so angry!

What Atheists Really Advocate

blankfist says...

For the record, I'm an atheist yet I also believe in homeschooling. I think it's unfair to dismiss privatization of schools as a devious and dubious Christian plot. But, while we do have a public school system, it should remain neutral to Christianity.

However, I don't see the issue of teaching mythology in school, therefore a comprehensive understanding of all the different religions should be taught, I think. I think sometimes we become so cynical that we want to ban theology from public scholastic curriculum, but the purpose of education is to give comprehension of the world not ignore areas you disagree with. My two cents.

Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama on Meet The Press

NetRunner says...

>> ^blankfist:
Neocons, which is what the Republican base is now, are interventionists just like Woodrow Wilson, FDR and Clinton. And I'm not making it up when I say they are left.

I didn't say you're making it up, I said you're mixing labels up to suit your own devious agenda.

It's true there's a leftist history to interventionism. I'm no fan of the Cold War-era intervention done by both parties. However, I don't think Clinton's interventions were of a piece with arming the Muhajadeen and our old friends Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.

Even so, it doesn't make interventionism a defining characteristic of the modern American political left. What non-interventionists there are in politics are all on the left, or wanking off to the idea of 3rd party victories.

Painting both parties as left is completely innaccurate, since the common usage of the term is as shorthand for Democrat and Republican -- or failing that, the people who think government can help, and the people who think it can't.

Much as you cry out that they're all part of the same big fat conspiracy to stifle the original libertarian roots of the country, calling them both left is still incorrect, even if you go with the original meaning of the term.

You have to make up a new definition for left where left = interventionist (by the by, now I have accused you of making it up).

Rather than really descending into a semantic battle, help me out with the blankfist lexicon: what words would you tolerate others using to describe the differences in philosophy between the current-day Democratic party, and current-day Republican party?

Maybe progressives and social conservatives?

I generally use good and evil, but I don't think that's commonly accepted (yet).

So I married an Axe Murderer - Colonel Sanders

ABC's Sadly BS Palin Interview Report, and Justice Prevails (Religion Talk Post)

Doc_M says...

I'm merely pointing out one particularly devious smear that is so obvious you can't miss it. I said nothing else.

you win (Gay Talk Post)

kronosposeidon says...

Just to be clear, I meant nothing insidious with my "I guess homosexuals like to laugh too" remark. I meant it to be sarcastic. In other words, I was saying that homosexuals are people just like everyone else.

Why do I think that video was the third-highest rated video at Dailymotion's gay channel? I don't know, but I'll venture a guess:

The kid danced around energetically and flamboyantly. And NO, I don't use "flamboyant" as a code word for "gay." I mean he did it with panache and joyful abandon, and I THINK the homosexual community appreciates those qualities. This is all just my personal hypothesis, and nothing more.

In any event, there was nothing sinister, devious, insidious, or nefarious about my intentions when I added it to the Gay channel. BTW, if you look at the other videos featured in the All-Time Best-Rated page on Dailymotion's Gay and Lesbian channel, you can easily tell that most of them are overtly homosexual in nature. Therefore I don't think the video I posted ended up in the number three spot there because some gay-bashers at Dailymotion pushed it's ranking so high in an effort to say "Ha ha! This is GAY, you gay-boys!!" I think it got there because it genuinely reflects what homosexual users at Dailymotion find to be very entertaining, and nothing more. That's why I used the Gay tag, to show people at VS a little gay culture so they could learn that it was nothing to fear. In fact I know a few people here are put off by any video tagged "Gay", so it might have done a little better had I left that tag off. But that's neither here nor there now, and I'm not going to lose any sleep over it not having a Gay tag.

I respect where you're coming from berticus, even if we don't see eye to eye on this issue.

Sarah Palin: John McCain's Vice President

BillOreilly says...

>> ^SpeveO:
Hmmmm, a devious ploy to steal some of the sour Hillary fans votes?

We're not sour, we're just dissapointed in the Democratic Party and their anti-women ideology.

Us Hillary fans will now support the McCain-Palin ticket. Hear hear.

Sarah Palin: John McCain's Vice President

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