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newtboy (Member Profile)

Syntaxed says...

I meant not to be particularly argumentative, only contradictory. However, I feel that I have been forced into the position to return fire with fire, as it seems you lack the capability and or willingness to discuss something without attacking me, spewing meaningless information, circumventing reason, and drawing up arse about face codswallap for your conclusions.(Look mommy, I can curse to!!!!!!!)

Firstly, I should like to address your attacks against me...

Fox bubble? My god, were I to force myself to absorb and process information from such a low level of news broadcasting, I would reel in shock from the incursion into my sanity. Luckily, however, I live in the UK, and had to research Fox on Google to even understand the reference.

Now, to business.

The investigation.... a Red Herring?

Research, see? Useful. For finding stuff like....INFORMATION.


Bit of light reading, don't worry, I am getting to a point...

"Mischaracterization of Obama's record" ??????

Next, get a First Class Honours Masters Degree in Psychology from the University of Cambridge, and then spent five years of your life convincing rich people to give your bank their money(My job, by the way), carefully analyze anything Obama says about anything important, then come tell me my observations are "ridiculous" and "beyond contradicting".

As for Trump? Sure, all political candidates are devils in disguise. However, why don't you try to turn a mere million into a multi billion dollar empire and say you cant do anything for the economy?

You know how you get rid of 11 million people?

1. Dont let anymore in...

2. Ship the rest out with the Federal resources you already have...

3. Smile, because you just saved your bloody country:

How do you make Mexico build a wall?

1. Stop official trade with Mexico until they give up and build it.

Wow... That was easy...

As for making China ignore our debt... Basically impossible, but that's who's fault?

Obama got you blinkered people into $18 Trillion dollars of debt with his hysterically shoddy plans, I can't believe no-one is smart enough to realize that simple and plain a truth.

No way on Earth his plans would even be tried? He is the Republican frontrunner... By popular poll.

You tried Obama's plans, and his bloody approval rating is ( Its about time you Americans experienced some success in the world, don't you think?

Sod it all, I am tired, I could say more, but I await your response. May I request that you refrain from using vulgar language in response to an amicable post? As you can see by the content of my article here, I can be a ripe-mouthed cur, but is it truly necessary?

newtboy said:

WTF?!? "Tangible plan"? What on earth could you possibly mean by that?
The "plan" to round up over 11 million people and deport them, but with zero details about it?
The "plan" to make Mexico pay to build a 2500 mile wall, with zero details about how?
The "plan" to illegally deny fugitives entry to states because, you know, Muslims are bad...MmmmK?
The "plan" to skew the tax system even more in favor of those in the top 5%, to the detriment of the middle and lower classes?
His "plan" to be a smarmy, dickish, douchebag to anyone that isn't in his camp...but also to completely control those people to make them do exactly what he wants...again with zero details how he plans to do so?
The "plan" to force China to...I don't know...ignore all our debt and treat us like the boss we are?

As for Clinton's being 'currently under Federal investigation by America's FBI department.'...the "email scandal" has, just like Benghazi, turned up absolutely zero illegal behavior and is nothing more than a red herring designed by the (absolutely not) "conservative" side of our political system, has gone absolutely no where, and only matters to people who would NEVER have voted for her in the first place...if you think differently, you really need to get out of the Fox bubble and look around at reality for a bit.

Little could be more disastrous for the country than having that vitriolic humanoid pumpkin as our 'leader', since the only successful leading he's ever done is leading people to hate each other, and leading far more people to hate HIM. He's a fairly terrible business man, successful only due to starting with a "tiny loan" (his words, really more of a gift from daddy) of a million dollars and being forced to allow others to take control of his investments. He's a bold faced liar, in fact the truth does not seem to be palatable to him in the least....and he's clearly admitted that in his books and sees it as a good thing to hyper exaggerate and minimize. He's a 'good Christian', who's been divorced how many times? There's no way on earth his plans would even be tried. He (and other republican candidates) don't even have a grasp of what the president does or how, claiming they'll 'repeal the ACA on day one', and they'll discard multiple government departments...somethings the president simply CAN'T just do...along with most of their other ridiculous, impossible 'plans'. They all know they wouldn't actually have that power, yet they all lie to you and tell you they will do the hateful things they've convinced you are the right thing to do by themselves. Fortunately our system is designed so that one nutjob, or even one party of nutjobs can't change laws precipitously.

I hate to tell you, but Bernie Sanders is not excluded for being honest and knowledgeable. ALL candidates are socialist, he's just honest enough to admit it. Tax breaks for the rich...socialism. Bailouts for the airlines and banks...socialism. Social security...socialism. Medicare...socialism. "jobs programs"...socialism. Public parks...socialism. Public roads...socialism. Need I go on?

Your mischaracterization of Obama's record is so patently ridiculous it's not worth contradicting.

spawnflagger (Member Profile)


ulysses1904 says...

I had one of those cursing keychains back in the early 90s. Was doing IT support at work, sitting next to this executive who was having trouble with her computer. I leaned forward to point at the screen, forgetting the keychain was in my shirt pocket and suddenly hear "fuck you!" I froze and was at a loss for words. I think there was enough background noise where she didn't hear it, for which I was grateful.

Old man strength

How many of us start the morning like this?

Check Out Them Pipes - Pavarotti at 29 - "La Donna e Mobile"

Jinx says...

In the early days of this millennium, when I was but a boy that could only access the internet through a computer at my school's library, I would spend my time "researching" the works of Joel Vietch on One of them was a short flash animation of Pavarotti singing lovingly to some elephants. Since then I have been unable to disentangle "Elephants yeah" from "E di pensier". 'tis a curse, i seek solace only in shared suffering. Sorry.

lucky760 said:


Guns with History

Mordhaus says...

You have heard of constitutional amendments, haven't you? In fact, one of the quotes I produced from former Mayor, Ed Koch, even discussed that fact.

Please explain which FACTS that I have repeated are incorrect. So far all you have been able to do is curse me, accuse me of being retarded, and literally ignored anything I have said so that you can continue with your vitriol. I don't even know you and you seem to have a major issue with me.

The reason why I put up the list of deaths is because you don't see knee jerk actions in the news over those methods of dying, typically. You do see it over gun deaths because they are sensationalized far beyond the level of anything else, part of which is the reason I think we are having more mass shootings. If you want to go out in a blaze of glory, get your 15 minutes of fame, then shooting people is a guaranteed method.

I do believe we need additional controls on weapons; one that I think would help greatly is ACS ( I am also not an NRA member and don't agree with a lot of the methods they use. I DO believe wholeheartedly in my right to own semi automatic handguns and rifles. If you still have a problem with me over that, I can't help it. But if you continue to be confrontational, then I don't think we have anything further to talk about.

robdot said:

they dont, he is just repeating the same tired old bullshit,,,

you cant ban guns in america, the supreme court has already ruled on all this,,,

Pastor Dewey Smith On Homosexuality And Hypocrisy

wraith says...

Not true. Homosexuals are to be put to death, as are witches and people who work on the lord's day or let others (including animals) work for them, people who practise divination or "seek omens", people who curse their father or mother and people who have sex with their father or their daughter-in-law or their neighbour's wife or who give their children away as sacrifices to Molek.

Ever done one of these? I mean worked on the lord's day or had anyone work for you? (Not given away you children as sacrifices to Molek.)

bobknight33 said:

The dude is right.
All sin is equal in GODS eye.
Gay marrage or adultery or a drunkard or a thief are all the same.
The courts have only legalize one of these. Still does not make it right.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Uwe Boll Takes His Ball and Goes Home

poolcleaner says...

I got a song for Uwe to live by:

Truly, fuck the world,
for all it's worth,
every inch of planet Earth,
fuck myself,
don't leave me out,
but don't get involved,
don't corner me

Inside, ulcer,
unjust bastards,
file out face first
Meet the lies and see what you are

It's forcing you down, and it's grinding against you
Let the war nerve break

For every fucking second the pathetic media pisses on me and
judges what I am in one paragraph

- Look here -


Expect the worst,
you bleeding heart,

but kill me first
before it starts,
yes my cock is getting hard,
we are born different after all

Invite mayhem,
produce weapons,
shoot out,
burn down
No CNN or media now

All the money in the fucking world couldn't buy me one second of trust
or one ounce of faith in anything you're about
Fuck you all

Nothing is worth the sleep that I've lost
Apologies unacceptable now
A blistered revenge awaits in me
This is fucking loveless

Hate mail is not read, in jail instead

The Lord knows,
there's worse
Ignore, this curse

Texas cop busts a pool party picking on the black teens

newtboy says...

So, black teens are invited to a pool, and given passes allowing them to be there according to the pool rules.

White woman verbally attacks them for being there and black, then gets violent and attacks them when her racist comments are objected to.

Black kids are attacked by insane aggressive racist officer based on his mistaken assumptions, and are beaten, threatened with death, harassed, have inappropriate curses screamed in their face, and all detained over nothing. The white female instigator/aggressor is not even contacted, apparently neither is the white girl that called them to report that white adults were attacking black children, and none of the white children are even noticed by the police.

Only the "white side of town" has a public 'community pool' and only people who look right may be there without harassment, any non whites must have a 'pass' to be allowed to be there.

Sounds about right for Texas.

ferret younglings follow momma ferret

JustSaying says...

You saw those houses in the background? The ferrets are practising, that's what they're doing, practising for the walls. And once they're in the house, everybody dies.
Haha, cute ferret.
Mark my words. It's got a death curse!

How Differential Steering Works (1937)

The Universe - Bill Nye (Inside Amy Schumer)

Councilman Forgets to Turn His Mic Off

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