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Undercover: EXPOSING MAGA Hypocrisy on Afghanistan

cloudballoon says...

Which POTUS started the war(s) in the first place? W. Bush. Which POTUS send billions upon billions of free military hardware to prop up a corrupt, coward, incompetent, puppet government? Trump.

Biden will own the absolutely hasty pull-out, though Biden ISN'T incorrect about unavoidable chaos. That's because the US -- AGAIN like most other American war adventures -- just pack up & left. In war, you either win, lose or negotiate an armistice to avoid a bloody and chaotic aftermath. You can't have an armistice with the Taliban because it wasn't - isn't - even a government entity. Biden was honest about the miscalculation about the speed of Afghanistan's fall to the Taliban at least. He said Intel couldn't imagine it'd be a matter of weeks but thought something like 90 days+? But that means crap because Intel said fall to the Taliban it WILL (i.e., an eventuality). So why the haste, where's the logistical & humanitarian planning? There is no justification for that strategic lapse. The major international criticism (100% valid IMO) is how Biden/America abandonned its own and allies' citizens & Afghan aides in a war torn country with little planning & time to get them out of the country BEFORE the military leave. And leaving all those military hardware intact to the Taliban? What the hell? I mean, what are the generals doing? Is American reverence of its President so total that you can't pushback and buy some time to plan for a better outcome? Or are they really THAT incompetent? What this fiasco shows is that Biden/Pentagon cares nothing BUT the military personel. That is f---ing it, no more, no less.

What we're witnessing in Afghanistan is arguably a collective American sin, not just Biden's. Most Americans want out, like it should've happened yesteryear. The US have been propping up its GDP by using endless wars to feed the mouths of the military industrial complex to sell hardware abroad. It's an addiction whether the Dem/GOP likes it or not. This is just another sad but typical American war history repeating itself again. It's America's military modus operandi. Want to apportion blame? Don't just blame it on Biden, there's plenty to go around: from the WH to the Senate, Pentagon and down to the "Almighty American Military Prowess' Sure Win" mentality in its people are all to blame.

Oh, rest assured that Republicans couldn't do better. Why? Because it's built into the American military DNA: arrogance & ignorance. That breeds blindness, making Intel useless - or worse - counterproductive because of the inherent lack of situational/cultural awareness. It's not really a political mistake, rather a huge military blunder.

It's a f---ing war crime to start a war and not knowing how to end it already. It's made worse that America collectively *think* it can "nation build" a vastly different (culturally, economically, socially, judicially... etc.) , and far away country by basically propping up a corrupt, dependant, puppet government and then leave, knowing (or EVEN worse, NOT knowing) the eventual outcomes. What a pathetic, cruel and deadly joke.

vil said:

Which potus put this plan into action though?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Be sure to get your offical Trump cards today. (All it takes is a donation you don't know is recurring paired with your 300% impact offer, meaning your donation will have 300% more impact because they're going to multiply it by 4, every two if you try to donate $100, by the end of the month you'll find out they took $800.)

They can't tell if you're a neo Nazi without your trump card. (Complete with misspellings and third Reich imagery like the Nazi Parteiadler, or party eagle . )

Made especially for people like you who aren't playing with a full deck.....and they're totally offical!

Dying in the name of freedom

noseeem says...

There's a good boy.

A failure of the previous president serves to cover the SNAFUs of the leadership of the present president. So it was ANOTHER FAILURE of Orango the Mango?


So what is distracting you from...

- the buffoonery of Chumpy's deal with the Taliban?
- seeing the irony of calling anyone a clown?
- your effrontery of being critical of 'distractions' (2016 - 20?)?!'s like you're making things up?

I.E. big talk from Cirus People.

TangledThorns said:

COVID is a distraction from buffoon Biden's fuck ups in Afghanistan. He is a complete clown.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

The real history of the kkk. Democrats leave this out

luxintenebris jokingly says...

have tried to watch this before, but knowing better ruins the flow.

just listen to the 'aliases' he lists...confederacy, jim crow, black codes, dixi-crats, and the kkk.

now think...think REAL hard...which party supports confederate monuments? voter suppression? where are most of these 'security' bills being passed? what group is portraying the BLM as villains? which supporters brought a confederate flag into the Capitol building?

if all those things are bad then, then they are bad now. no matter who did them, or when.

but...that jogs a thought...the author presents evidence that racism worked itself into the law. everyday life. somewhere i just heard there was some theory that includes this very belief? seemed it was critical about racial injustice embedded into US establishments? what was it called?

just own your bias. then give objectivity an hour.

...since y'all want to be up on the up and up...

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Dicks are always dumb, just look at Trump, biggest dick (with the smallest misshapen penis) dumbest and worst president ever by far, that's why smarter people use their big head for thinking. You might try it someday.

Know nothing Don couldn't read a script, couldn't say English words, couldn't complete a thought. President Biden has him beat by an easy 40 IQ points, likely more. It would be no surprise at all to find that Biden's IQ is more than double dumb Donald's. Donald Trump dumb-dumb dumb-dumb, President Biden Smart, smart-smart 🎵
Take it from someone who DID graduate from middle school.

I'm not paying any extra. California gas prices didn't go up because Trump left all critical infrastructure totally unprotected from cyber attacks because he doesn't understand computers at all....only the East coast got hosed by Russian hackers and oil companies who do the bare minimum of safeguards. You know them Sergei?

bobknight33 said:

Compared to dumb dick Joe it was excellent.

How do you like paying extra $20 30$ bucks to fill you car?

C-note (Member Profile)

C-note (Member Profile)

What Really Happened at the Hernando de Soto Bridge?

spawnflagger says...

Yeah, he did touch on the need for multi-person team to do all critical inspections, and a culture/policy failure that led to this physical failure. At least no one was hurt (yet), and hopefully that culture will change as a result of the massive effects of closure and cost to repair.

"Those responsible have been sacked." was just a Monty Python reference- I didn't mean to imply more than 1 person was fired (but probably should be more)

elrondhubbard said:

From what the video says, just one person responsible for inspection has been sacked. They always go after the lowest-ranking person, don't they?

When in fact, if it's possible for one person's mistake, laziness or incompetence to destroy your bridge and kill members of the public, your entire organization is at fault. You have to wonder if it's one of those "so to save money, they fired the night watchman" situations.

Hidden Tool in an Outlet Few Know

mxxcon says...

Seems like both of these "tools" might be specific to that/some brands of outlets. Doesn't seem like these features are critical to a certified outlet design.
Also what's the usefulness of builtin wirestripper? What are the chances that you get to installing outlets but don't have any tools at hand? Seems like a solution to a non-problem.

Massive Protests Erupt in Mainland China

cloudballoon says...

Says who though? That's a narrative, fed from the media, tightly controlled by the CCP. Yes, people's lives are in general getting better materially. But people knows they have little freedom to criticize the government in public, but that doesn't mean it's "part of the bargain." There's just no means to disagree with the CCP without risking life & limbs. But those that got treated so badly that they felt there's nothing left to lose? Oh they do "rise up", whether you can hear about it, that's another matter entirely.

Chinese (as a whole people) don't "rise up (at least enough)" beause they see the financial benefit of China's explosive growth, and in general, you won't get into the CCP radar/ire if you're a regular citizen just going on your day. But the vast majority of Chinese knows they're far from catching up to anywhere near the G7/10 standard. So their focus is on that (the financial end), not toppling the CCP. They're more pragmatists than idealists.

Make no mistake, the G7 is ALSO part of the problem by enabling the CCP due of the immense financial gains and just pay lip service to "human right abuses" in China to score domestic points.

The Chinese (and the CCP) saw what happened to the U.S.S.R. and they don't want the "Western world" to "rescue" them. As they know the one thing the Western World does best is Abandonment.

SFOGuy said:

Hmm. My understanding of the great bargain was: as long as Xi Jing Ping and the CCCP can make the economy grow around 5.5 to 7% real growth--the larger quantity of the citizens will just go along to get along...

Republicans Oust Liz Cheney for Rejecting Trump's Big Lie

cloudballoon says...

Yes. It's entertaining, but it's no less concerning. As farcical as it is, the world is watching how democracy's erosion in the USA and use it as excuses to turn their own regime/government ever more authoritarian and regressive. See how governments all over brand criticism of the governments (India, China, Brazil, Turkey, etc. to name a few) as "fake news." Suppression of journalism and protests everywhere. A very large part of this phenomenon is exacerbated, if not originated from the GOP and Trump in particular through years and years of dismantling of the USA's democracy institution and legitimacy. There's real world consequences to their shenanigans.

surfingyt said:

watching this party (and bewbs333) implode on itself makes me so happy

Where BLM co founder spends their money

Mordhaus says...

She didn't use illegal funds from BLM. She is a hypocrite of the highest order though. Of course, most rich people are, regardless of race.

1. She never took a salary from BLM: False. BLM stated they paid her 120k a year.

2. There is no proof she bought the houses or owns them: False, she admitted in interviews and statements she bought them for her family and herself. I question also that she is giving these homes to family, since she said herself that they disowned her and kicked out at 16 when she came out as queer. I can't find proof to counter that she gave them to family members, so that is just an opinion.

3. She is an avowed Marxist and Socialist, yet she is pursuing capitalist ideals hardcore. She tries to worm her way around this in her interview, but the Left themselves are criticizing her for doing this.

4. Wherever there is a white-dominant space, deep racism exists as well - no matter how progressive. If you cut too far into that progressive, if you do something that's too radical, white racism will emerge. - Patrisse Cullors: Also buys 1.4 million expansive property in Topanga Canyon district, which is 88% white and 1.8% black. Why would she want to live someplace where, per her previous quotes, deep racism exists?

Well played anti masker self-own

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I picked that from a bunch of sources that were reporting on it because (scroll down on the page) it contains the full legal documents submitted to the court.

See page 32

My favorite bits

"The plaintiffs themselves characterize the statements at issue as 'wild accusations' and 'outlandish claims'. They are repeatedly labeled 'inherently improbable' and even 'impossible.'"

“Such characterizations of the allegedly defamatory statements further support defendants’ position that reasonable people would not accept such statements as fact"

“Reasonable people understand that the ‘language of the political arena, like the language used in labor disputes … is often vituperative, abusive and inexact...political statements are inherently prone to exaggeration and hyperbole."

Yep, only an unreasonable person, someone making no sense, would believe that election fraud alleged by Sidney Powell occurred.

Tell me again about the Kraken, Bob. Any day now.


Side note, it's impressive that the best criticism that the right can come up with is "heur de hurr hurr look he fall up stairs" and other made up nonsense. I, for one, am unhappy about the boarder.

I don't think it's his fault that kids are showing up en masse. But I wish they embraced them, said "It's dangerous in your country? You fear for your life there ? Well, lets swear you in, teach you english and make you a tax payer in the U S of A. Here's a hotdog, kid." But it seems like the right only wants him to be more cruel to them? he's in the middle, still not my first pick, but on other issues, I have no complaints at the moment.

Why don't you just snap out of it already, look at the nazi's you've been listening to and see them for what they are. Fucking liars who are talking you into voting for policy that hurts no one but yourself, all in the name of "pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps" aka "your on your own unless you're swimming in a money pit, also give us more $$$$"

My dad is nearing retirement age and is baffled by the fact that his monthly social security isn't as high as he anticipated. I told him "Go read that section of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act and stop letting other people interpret it for you. It's what i was warning you about and what you are, at least partially responsible for, shooting yourself in the foot with. And go get your vaccination, because I know what they think about that, dumb-ass."


Bob, whatever you do or think, go get a vaccine. Donald Trump fucked us good by letting this virus run rampant and Ive had too many people close to me die. Those lunatics telling you not to take precautions DO NOT CARE ABOUT YOU. Go get vaccinated. Stay safe.

newtboy said:

See Bob.

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