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Is The Global Temperature Record Credible?

newtboy says... old Glen Beck video he himself has admitted is nonsense. Great proof there Bob....I thought you said yesterday that CNN videos are all bullshit lies, today you link one that's been denounced by it's own creator as pseudoscientific propaganda as your good supporting proof?! You are just too funny, buddy.

Are you really just trying to prop up weak straw men for us to knock down? Because that's what you're doing, and it makes you look pretty dumb or dishonest, your choice.

And this one, some random internet dude actually claims there's no decent temperature data before 1950. Also, note the thumbnail graph has one line go to 1974 and the other 2018 on a graph that ends in 1970. That's all the brain numbing stupidity I'm willing to stomach for this latest dishonest industry attempt at spreading unscrupulous nonsense.
Would love to see the facts on their funding, but we won't because they hide their funding by funneling it through private third party donation companies so oil, gas, and coal money can be hidden and claimed as "small donations on this blog" but are actually well organized industry funding of industry shills.
Just asinine.

bobknight33 said:

An oldie but a goodie
Global Warming Hoax

Meth addict syncs up perfectly to the beat of "Stayin' Alive

BSR says...

I guess you can look at it that way. But I bet the video raises more awareness of mental health than a boring PSA.

A wise musician once said, grab 'em by the crotch and their hearts and minds will follow.

Whether that was the intent of the creator or not, it works.

Sagemind said:

Sorry, I can't vote up Mental Health as entertainment.

newtboy (Member Profile)

BSR says...

Ahhh. Much better. Thanks for the extra effort.

It's true. People rarely get what they deserve. That's why love is at the top of my list.

I see people grieve everyday. Some more than others. People feel betrayed by love because until they lose someone they love and who loved them, love becomes the thing of intense evil.

Suddenly they wonder what they did to deserve the pain they suffer. Feelings of being tricked and it can't possibly be true. Love is not supposed to take you there. You feel as though you must have had the wrong idea and everyone else got it right but you.

You feel alone. Very alone. Frightened. Insanity starts to creep in. Everything now has different meaning. Suicide becomes an option not only because of the pain but because you have gotten others to follow you down that road and will they be able to handle it? You feel trapped.

You start looking through the bible you wrote for yourself. The rules you wrote to live by. Did I have sympathy for others? Did I help others when I could have? Did I judge or did I understand?

There is only one way out. You must continue to love knowing the pain that you may lead others to. That's what music is all about. That's where music lets you know you're not alone. You did the the right thing and suddenly you can hear the voices of those who led you to where you are. They knew you were coming and they are now there to catch you. You crossed through the pain of hell into a world where you were loved all along and never believed it.

It's in every song ever sung. Every poem ever written. Every movie ever made.

The broken hearted. The bleeding hearts. The lovers. The artists. The creators.

So.... If you could just work that into a song, that would be greaat.

newtboy said:

People rarely get what they deserve.


Mordhaus says...

Show me a study that isn't by a well known Vegan doctor who, btw, helped Oprah jumpstart an entirely unnecessary mad cow disease scare back in 1996.

Give me a link from a person who isn't described like this on their wikipedia page:

"Retired physician Harriet A. Hall, who is known as a skeptic in the medical community,[23][24][25] has written that, while it is well-accepted that it is more healthy to eat a plant-based diet than a typical Western diet, Greger often overstates the known benefits of such a diet as well as the harm caused by eating animal products (for example, in a talk, he claimed that a single meal rich in animal products can "cripple" one's arteries), and he sometimes does not discuss evidence that contradicts his strong claims."

A SINGLE MEAL can cripple your arteries. One meal. This is the person you are linking me to.

I should link you to Jillian Mai Thi Epperly and her 'jilly juice' which she claims expunges Candida from the body, and so by drinking a gallon of the juice every day, one can cure themselves of virtually any ailment, including autism, cancer, HIV, Down syndrome, and homosexuality.[2] The creator also claims that the juice can regrow lost limbs.

You don't have Vegan superpowers. At best you have a slightly better chance to live longer than someone else with a similar genetic makeup. That is science, that is fact.

transmorpher said:

In short yes. but it's not superpowers. it's science.

Vegan blood kills cancer cells

This is specifically a diet on whole food plants - a vegan junk food diet won't be anywhere near this protective. This is how you can tell I'm not being biased, because I'm not saying "be vegan" I'm advocating for a very specific diet, which just happens to be vegan.

But yes, eating a plant only diet prevents cancer in the first place, prevents it from spreading, helps with treatment, and prevents the cancer from coming back afterwards.

(I've got plenty more studies to show, but let's see we can get through this one bit of research first)

From the original creators of Fallout - The Outer Worlds

Mordhaus says...

'corporations bought, branded it, and started selling it at ludicrously inflated prices'

'From the ORIGINAL creators of Fallout'

'try not to break it'

Throwing shade at how badly Bethesda has messed up fallout since New Vegas.

“You know you didn’t have to shoot either one right?”

Roasting Bethesda quests, especially in Fallout 4

It was tongue in cheek of course, but they clearly were aiming at people dissatisfied with Fallout 4 and Fallout 76.

NaMeCaF said:

Where was the troll against Bethesda? More like they were trolling themselves with the "Try not to break it" because they're infamous for releasing shoddy quality work full of bugs and needing hundreds of patches before the game is even remotely playable.

Definitely going to be a wait until the "GOTY" edition is on sale for 85% off in a couple of years buy for me.

The Kimono World’s Dirty Little Secret

The worst movie ever?

We're the Last Humans Left...

BSR says...

Made me think of this.

Commander Leonard 'Bones' McCoy, M.D. : Spock, this "child" is about to wipe out every living thing on Earth. Now, what do you suggest we do? Spank it?

Commander Spock: It knows only that it needs, Commander. But, like so many of us... it does not know what.

Commander Spock: V'Ger must evolve. Its knowledge has reached the limits of this universe and it must evolve. What it requires of its god, doctor, is the answer to its question, "Is there nothing more"?

Commander Leonard 'Bones' McCoy, M.D.: What more is there than the universe, Spock?

Commander Willard Decker: Other dimensions. Higher levels of being.

Commander Spock: The existence of which cannot be proven logically. Therefore, V'Ger is incapable of believing in them.

Captain James T. Kirk: What it needs in order to evolve... is a human quality. Our capacity to leap beyond logic.

Commander Willard Decker: And joining with its creator might accomplish that.

Commander Leonard 'Bones' McCoy, M.D.: You mean this machine wants to physically join with a human? Is that possible?

Commander Willard Decker: Let's find out.

So, basically... V'ger needed to get laid?

Michael Jackson - Billie Jean ( cover by Donald Trump )

newtboy says...

Really? Jimmy Carter said that?!

Seriously, please quote where in the bible Jesus said any such thing. I think you're misquoting the holiness code for Jews from Leviticus and attributing them to Jesus. Those same rules disallow cotton poly blends and shellfish, but you probably never considered boycotting Red Lobster or the Gap, and allow slaves from neighboring countries but you probably don't have a Canadian house slave. Learn about the difference between Christian and Jewish laws don't just watch fake news. ;-)

Really, Bob, you want to say banging kids is liberal after Republicans supported Roy Moore?! Lol. *facepalm
Looting and other crime is not a liberal idea, that's nonsense. Bat shit crazy, hyper partisan nonsense. Some liberals want it to be so easy to cross borders legally that illegal immigrants would cease to exist, I've never heard a sane one support illegal immigration, only illegal immigrants.
Crime could more reasonably be said to be a religious thing, atheists are vastly underrepresented in prison populations. You might say atheists are statistically far less likely to be missing out on life.

No actual science has ever pointed to a creator God....or any god. Anyone telling you different is lying to you about what science is. The closest science ever comes to saying " there must be a God" is when it says "we don't know" to a question, often followed by unraveling the mystery and never by finding God hiding behind a corner.

Christians have a much longer and more storied history of ruthless torture and murder in the name of faith than Muslims. Their motto is also convert or die. Learn about them before attempting to make comparisons, maybe?

Obedience to the law like the recently pardoned terrorist group, the Bundys, practiced? Obedience to the law like the bakers allowed by law to display their intolerance against whomever they deem unclean? Obedience to the law like Trump, who's been found guilty of multiple frauds....admitted them in fact? Obedience to the law only when it's convenient or self serving, intolerance whenever it can be gotten away with is what the right practices today.
Maybe you're still a kid who has yet to take critical thinking classes? ;-)

bobknight33 said:

JC also said man should no lay with another man. I don't make the rules, he does. Yes we all brake them. I am as guilty as the gay.

You closed mind is full of hate. I just have a different point of view. Wrong is Wrong. I don't hate. Are you from an abused / broken family? Join a good church and give you problems over to GOD.

But to your point of anything goes.. Anything? banging a 12 year old? Looting, crossing countries illegally? These are all Liberal ideas. Are these ok?

Atheist ? sound like you missing out in live. Science points towards a higher power with every new discovery.

Muslims are murderers by faith. Their moto is convert or die. Learn about them don't just watch fake news.

You POV of African Americans is BS.. Conservative want ALL people to succeed. Democrat policies have done more harm to the black than any other thing. Democrat want blacks to stay in their place for their vote. #walkaway.

Intolerance and obedience to the law are two different things.
Maybe you should have stayed in school and not on the pipe.
Maybe your still a kid who yet to realize truth yet.

But Intelligent People Believe in God...

shinyblurry says...

I wasn't raised in the church nor did anyone ever tell me about the Lord. I came to believe in God and Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior entirely by personal revelation.

The information bubble that he talks about equally applies to secular society. Many elements of our society, be it entertainment, media, or education all point to the secular creation story. Watch basically any nature video and you'll see the indoctrination "blah blah evolution blah blah deep time blah blah deep time blah blah evolution" etc

I never had a Christian or spiritual friend, my friends and family all believed what I did. That wasn't by design since no one ever brought up God or spiritual beliefs to me. There was zero information coming into my life about God.

I developed an arrogance towards believers although I was incredibly ignorant about what they believed. I had cherry picked a few bible verses which I thought disproved their religion, and that's about all I had.

The majority of unbelievers are in the position I was in. I would have gone that way forever if God hadn't revealed Himself to me.

This video is partly true, as beliefs can develop in a bubble. Then it brings up the "truth" as the antidote, yet what is the truth according to the creators? They failed to define what it is, only that it wouldn't be a belief in God, with no proof for that at all. True believers in the secular story don't see that as faith, because of the indoctrination, ironically

Ozzy Man Reviews Best Gymnastics Routine

wtfcaniuse says...

Just search for Roy and HG commentary. There are dozens of videos covering gymnastics, weightlifting, syncro swimming, etc. The creator of this video would be well aware of their work.

ant said:

Show us please.

Erlich Owning Kids - Silicon Valley

ChaosEngine says...

Erlich. Turns out he's a pretty bad bloke in real life.

He was accused of assaulting his then-girlfriend in college. There's also a bunch of stories from various people (including the creator of Silicon Vallet, Mike Judge) about how he was just a nightmare to work with.

TBF, none of that is proven... but he was DEFINITELY in Transformers, and I just can't forgive shit like that.

C-note said:

Which one is TJ Miller?

Men v(ersu)s women shopping....

YouTube takes down History Documentary for being "Offensive"

ChaosEngine says...

Heard this story so many times. YouTube are TERRIBLE at this. If you're lucky enough to be one of their big content creators, then they'll probably review it and sort it out. If you're a small time player, then good luck even getting a human to look at your case.

And even when it does get sorted out, for a lot of people who make their money from YouTube content creation, that money is made in the first few weeks. If YouTube decide your video is bad, then you're not getting any money, even if they reverse the decision.

Pink Floyd - Learning To Fly

Sagemind says...

Because we are voting on good or bad videos and content - I'm personally going to down-vote this on the basis that it ads nothing to the music at all, and is just a blatant film-reel promoting this model.
This video is here primarily to promote the model.
as are all of the videos from the YT creator.

Also, I'm guessing the music is poached without license.
So it's not associated with Pink Floyd themselves.

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