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Ann Coulter Calls Kindergarten Teachers ‘Useless’

Yogi says...

>> ^blankfist:

My kindergarten teacher sucked and she enjoyed doling out the spankings too much. We spent the year playing with plastic bears and drawing with crayons and getting spankings and fucking around on the playground. It was fine as something to do to stay busy as a kid, but the bastion of educational advancement it was not. Just sayin'.
I bet if I went to a better school, my opinion would've been different. I didn't have that option.

Charter Schools are obviously the answer then, because your experience is the same as everyones ever. Perhaps you didn't realize you were learning...because it was FUCKING Kindergarten and you don't remember shit about it.

Ann Coulter Calls Kindergarten Teachers ‘Useless’

blankfist says...

My kindergarten teacher sucked and she enjoyed doling out the spankings too much. We spent the year playing with plastic bears and drawing with crayons and getting spankings and fucking around on the playground. It was fine as something to do to stay busy as a kid, but the bastion of educational advancement it was not. Just sayin'.

I bet if I went to a better school, my opinion would've been different. I didn't have that option.

Neil deGrasse Tyson on Empathy,Intelligence and Other Stuff.

ZappaDanMan says...

This man is a super star. I highly recomend his book 'The Pluto Files', where he got death threats from kindergarden kids, scribbled in crayon, over the demotion of pluto to a dwarf planet. Futher more, in
juxtaposition (in support of the demotion), The following comes from
astro'physicist Howard Brenner:

"F##k pluto, it was a sorry excuse for a planet anyhow, good riddance to bad solar trash, but now that the name is free, why not rename Uranus Pluto and get rid of all that grade school snickering."

Very entertaining book and a nice sift

RAGE - The Well Official Gameplay Trailer

kranzfakfa says...

Anyone else noticed the boxes the guy picks up at 6:50? "Quayola Crayons, 64 Shades of Brown" and "Pinkies, 10 individually wrapped snacks".

In other matters, I hope ID has finally learned how to tell a story and build characters, they are fast running out of new shades of brown to show the world.

President Obama's Statement on Osama bin Laden's Death

skinnydaddy1 says...

Sigh.... So many comments. I personally like the ones taking the so called moral high ground. Your no better then the ones who are celebrating his death. These trite attempts to look and sound superior to those yelling in the streets come off as smug, self righteous and fake. It is with out any doubt that I am guilty of this also. There also no better indicator of this then the fake MLK quote above. So many latched on to it as flag showing their moral high ground that when pointed out as a fake. It showed many to be the hypocritically moral bankrupt sheep that they were.
The questions raised with his death will be asked for years to come long after we are gone. The only true answer is the one you give yourself. These are my opinions no one else's.

1. Was his death necessary? I can not completely answer that. It is my hope the Seal Team that went in were trying to capture him but in the course of the fight they had to kill him. If so than yes it was necessary to keep team members from being killed. The down side to that is they will make him a martyr and become a focal point for more violence but the possible up side is in doing so the terrorist groups will rush to have their response to be as quickly as possible and expose them selves. Allowing governments to find and capture these cells or destroy them.

2. Was it Justice or Revenge? Again my opinion is it's both. I have heard that you can not use justice as revenge or that if there is a hint of revenge than its not justice. I respect that line of thinking even though I believe it to be wrong. No matter how much we want to think other wise the human race will almost always revert to the eye for an eye system of law if everything else falls apart. It is only after the rebuild do we try to "Improve" the law. We are a violent short sighted race but that is what works for us.

3. Was he still a major leader in Al Qaeda? I think so. For years we thought he was hiding in a cave somewhere and as such his communications with other members and groups would be slow and ineffective. No we found him in a large house and compound. Well equipped with security and high walls, computers and other electronics and luxuries. This is not someone cut off from their group. This is someone well financed and in control.

4. Should we be celebrating his death? This is a moral conundrum. Are we truly celebrating his death or are we celebrating still being alive? This is a man who has and had planned the death of thousands. Mostly for just believing or thinking differently than he did. We never truly knew where he was going to target next but when it happened people died. Some would say we should never celebrate the death of a human. I would ask why not? I would love to live in a place where there was no evil. A place where war and violent death did not happen. Its a nice dream. But it is not reality. If there is a heaven and hell I doubt there is a Demon or Satan that can match the cruelty, hatred or violence that one human can enact on another and no Angle or God that could enact the kindness and caring and love of one human to another. If you can not celebrate his death. Then Celebrate that he can no longer plan to kill you. Someone may take his place but for now there is one less doing so.

5. He has been dead for years.. For those that think or believe that. Please take this the right way. I'm going to to group you with the Birther and Truther idiots. While ignorance is curable. Stupidity is not and while I will honor your right to believe and say whatever you want. Do not act surprise when afterwords I give you a crayon and tell you to go play in the corner.

These are my opinions. No one else's. I reserve the right to change them as time goes by and i ether get wiser or dumber or more info on the subjects or even brain damage if I'm not already. (You never know)

Future First Person Bike Game

Harold and the Purple Crayon (1969)

Lady Eats Seven Couches and Two Chairs in Her Lifetime

Texting Fountain lady, Suing mall for her own dumb actions

bamdrew says...

I like that she walks us through it...

Reminds me of when little kids over-describe things... 'and then I got one green crayon and one yellow crayon and I was drawing with them on the papers and I drew a sun and trees with two squirrels in the trees and the squirrels were named Randall and Jessie... and I looked around and there was nothing I could grab and I ended up in the water."

How It's Made: crayons

ant says...

>> ^xxovercastxx:

I finally understand @<a rel="nofollow" href="" title="member since March 2nd, 2006" class="profilelink"><strong style="color: rgb(0, 136, 0);">ant's hyper-sensitive, hair-trigger downvoting tendencies: He's actually the ghost of Mister Rogers.

Prove it!

How It's Made: crayons

How It's Made: crayons

Palin: “We've Gotta Stand With Our North Korean Allies"

I HATE PENNIES!!!! (Also Nickels.)

Porksandwich says...

US bills have textures to them. They may or may not wear off after use, I really haven't paid attention. But the bills have textures related to the graphics on them, and there might even be something specific for the blind on them where sighted people wouldn't even notice. Not saying they are the end all be all of money, but Im thinking this is not as much of an issue for the blind as you would think. However if you said changing the graphics on the bills every few years is problematic I'd start to wonder if someone decided to take a stab at making their own bills when you see a new one because it looks like someone took a crayon to it.

Tempus II - Amazing Slow Motion

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