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3-year-old's priceless response after mom "ate all his candy

newtboy says...

I could never understand parents that happily destroy their children’s trust in them and teach them that their trust isn’t as important as likes from strangers.
Any parent that does this deserves the state run nursing home they end up in. They broke the “protect and care for” contract first. Crushing a child’s trust in their parents is abuseive.

BSR said:

I totally agree. I can't understand how he still continues this segment. I would like to think there was a backlash big enough to discontinue it.

This one is a gem but I don't think it's worth the hurt or real distress imposed on the kids by the people they love.

This kids act of forgiveness impressed me the most.

New Rule: The Tragedy of Trump Voters

smr says...

I think you mean they wouldn't have to pay you the interest. They would have to pay you back the principal. And that would be under specific cases and usually when no contract is involved, also all depends on where you live.

Also, I don't think either Bill's building codes are "new" vs. the usury laws being "existing". Please cite to support.

The irony is that additional laws to stop predatory lending are, in fact, what red tape is made of, by definition. So I found it amusing that he would look at her situation, say that Nancy and team were trying to solve it for her by passing new laws, then go on to complain about all the red tape surrounding this building. That red tape exists because someone else before him saw a problem or safety issue or concern, and put yet another policy or law in place to solve it. In reality, as your posts prove, her problem was not that a predatory lender got involved in her life, but that her business was in bad shape because she had gone off the deep end and was thus losing customers.

I could easily imagine a bit where he showed a stack of papers four inches thick that he had to sign to get a loan, and complain about the processing time, then showcase an SMS based loan that works in another country and funds in one day.

newtboy said:

I'm curious why you think enforcement of existing usury laws is the same as new building codes.
If you loaned a friend money and charged over 10% interest, in many cases they don't ever have to pay you back anything because that's usury. Payday loan companies are only allowed to charge 1600% because they bribed congress to make them exempt from the law.

Guy Builds Veggie Garden For Family Of Groundhogs

Ashenkase says...

Holy crap I cannot believe how stupid this is. First, he's feeding wildlife... don't fucking feed the wildlife. Second, in 5 years that colony is going to grow and grow... tunnels will be excavated and his cute "gardens" will be decimated. Three, Gophers are know to contract an carry rabies... I have had to kill numerous rabid gopher in my youth. While it makes for a cute little video this guy is an idiot.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

No Bob. 10 that AREN'T RINOs, or at least 10 that this time put country over party leaders, a long time Republican slogan before Trump. Remember complaining Obama was a cult of personality? You never hear right wingers bring that up lately....wonder why?

This impeachment just shows how fucked in the head Republicans are that they don't think calling for them and their colleges to be murdered and a violent but failed coup warrants repercussion if Trump does it. Turnabout is fair play, Biden gets 400000 dead Americans and two months of fomenting insurrection at the expense of democracy before you get to say "boo". He and his family also have carte Blanche to make as many millions as they can during his tenure, including but not limited to no bid, no show contracts, preferential government loans and bailouts, and gifts from foreign powers. Thanks Trump.

bobknight33 said:

10 republicans aka RINOs

This impeachment just shows how Fucked in the head Democrat leaders are.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

And BOOM goes the dynamite.

Trump is officially the worst president ever and the first to be impeached twice, this time for incitement of insurrection on tv and Twitter, so he can't bully the witnesses out of testifying.

10 Republicans voted to impeach, twice the record number of representatives to vote to impeach a president from their own party ever, so Trump is the best at getting impeached in at least two ways! He's also the first impeached for what amounts to treasonous sedition, inciting a deadly insurrection, sure sounds like a hanging offense to me.

Along with states trying to cancel contracts with him, his last banks now refuse to do any business besides collecting on his massive debts, and his kids businesses tanked because no legitimate businesses want anything to do with them, Shopify, paragon over virtue that they are, dumped Ivanka, and I bet you could get paid to haul off MAGA merch at this point. No states want him to move there, and multiple friendly countries have preemptively denied him entry.

Sorry sunshine, it's over for Trump and MAGA. You can't say we didn't warn you.

Trump Defends Sedition Speech, Support for Impeachment Grows

newtboy says...

The mayor of New York just cut all contracts with Trump.
The multiple contracts the Trump organization has with New York city all include a clause negating the contract if any of the companies leaders commit criminal activity. Treason and sedition and inciting a riot fit that bill, so they have ended all business contracts and will hire other vendors to handle their properties.
It's pretty likely other states will follow suit.
The PGA has cut all ties.
Shopify no longer sells Trump merchandise or products like Ivanka's clothing line.
His banks, Signature and Deutsche bank have both said they will do no new business, but won't walk away from the $340 million he owes them, business loans personally guaranteed by Trump.
Sounds to me like all revenue is drying up just when $700-$1000 million in debts are coming due...Barron is going to need a job flipping burgers, he's only going to inherit debt and hatred.

If only we COULD cancel those 72 million who supported treasonous Trump and his coup. Cancel their citizenship, their government benefits, their air travel, their bank accounts, and their freedom. They are treasonous terrorists, and deserve to be treated as such.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

"Unobserved, unsupervised, and not in public view"

Yeah, except for the multiple cameras pointed at them from various HD cameras that are live-streaming and recording everything in the room. As in... the place where they got the footage?

Ahh i must be mixed up, you and he clearly know better than I do, but I think Biden still has a chance. You're a crook, I tell you, but I'll bet on it.

Drop me a PM and we can make the arrangements $1,000 a piece - a gentlemen's bet, no? Apparently, The escrow fee is 1% so for the 2 of us it'd be $20 total. Hey, I got you buddy. I'll pay your fee if that's what's holding you back.

The bet terms roughly are as follows


Remember to use your legal name on any of the forms, do you have a (digital) fax machine? I use MetroFax for contracts and hospital documents.Pretty cheap, saves me enough headaches throughout the year but it's worth it. Oh listen to me blabbering on. LETS WIN yOU that MONEYYYYYYYY!

I will bet in the affirmative!



YES YES YESSSSS uhahh oh my...YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS omg... i never cam...hold on, i'll get you a towel.

bobknight33 said:

No evidence???.. Lots of smoke


bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I got other escrow sites we can use if you like. Don't you want to be rich and celebrate trump's victory?

Or we can do escrow through an attorney. The school secretary is a notary. I'll mail the contract first class and I'll be sure to sign it in a ceremonial fashion with a quill. Ok i won't do that but i WILL really make that bet. Put up man. Lets do this thing. Donald trump's says he won the election AND HE IS AN HONEST MAN so you don't have anything to worry about. One thing is for sure you can use that extra money to donate to whatever campaign you want cuz it'll be yours when you win it because Donald Trump will be here for four more years right?

Trump posts "60 Minute" interview before it airs

eric3579 says...

I doubt the agreement for the White House to film was some legally binding contract. I at least haven't seen it referred to in that way, as of yet.

BSR said:

Is that the sound of another lawsuit coming down the tracks?

Independent dive team solves missing person case, cops upset

bobknight33 says...

Mostly its Unions that protect bad cops. That needs to change.

These cops, like any organization run things their way.

EX. In my Co. that I work for If you need a CD burner I have to charge you $700 ( if you not under a contract). What I want to say but can not, is that you can buy one locally for $20.

Additionally, The customer because of their rules, they find it extremely hard to get one locally due to their purchasing system.

DuoJet said:

Cops are compensated and protected from accountability whether they do their jobs well or not. Unless there's an incentive to perform, why bother?

Trump Tells Supporters 'You'll Never See Me Again'

newtboy says...

Lol. Similar common phrases = plagiarism?!?

Shall we go over Trump's constant actual plagiarism?
His books, not written by him. Plagiarism.
His contracts, never written by him and rarely read, he cannot even understand them, as he's proven under oath multiple times. Plagiarism.
His speeches, every rational one was written by others, when he uses his own words they always come back to bite him as insane lies. Plagiarism.
His attempts at taking credit for laws signed by Obama, not him. Plagiarism.

Shall we talk about Melania plagiarizing Obama's entire speech word for word, not just one phrase?

From someone who himself has never had an original thought, and who worships someone who also has never had an original thought, it's hilarious hearing you cry about it. So sad, little Bobby. Did bad man make Bobby cwy hurt by repeating a common phrase? At least Joe isn't repeating white supremacist dogma....Trump is..... over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again, then denying he knew who he was plagiarizing from, like David Duke.

BTW, since you seem ignorant of the facts here, build back better has been an internationally widely used phrase since at least 2006. Derp.,2015%2C%20in%20Sendai%2C%20Japan.

bobknight33 said:

Always using other peoples words, Never an original thought.

Trump and Melania Trump test positive for Covid-19

newtboy says...

It's apparently spreading through the Whitehouse like a California wildfire in an unraked national forest, and sounds like in the Senate least one segment of the senate. Good thing for them it's just a hoax, one big nothing burger.
Reports are Hope tested positive Wed morning, but Trump still held an intimate fundraiser with top donors Wednesday evening knowing he had been exposed. Now, with his campaign out of money, he's put his biggest donors at high risk, and they are mostly elderly too, a high risk category.

Trump is in at least 3 high risk categories. Elderly, obese, and with heart conditions.

Two words seem to sum up the irony of the "nothing burger" president contracting and personally super spreading the virus that he's downplayed in every way since the outbreak......poetic justice.

Hurricane Laura Destroys Controversial Confederate Statue

BSR says...



The police jury is the governing authority for each parish that operates under the police jury system provided by the general laws of the state.

The police jury is both a legislative and administrative body. Its legislative and administrative functions include enacting ordinances and resolutions, establishing programs and setting policy. As an administrative body, it prepares the budget, hires personnel, spends money, negotiates contracts and, in general, directs the activities under its supervision.

Police juries carry out their administrative responsibilities in various ways. Some parishes, for example, have made their secretaries responsible for over-all administration. In others, this responsibility has been delegated to the police jury president, who is selected from among the jurors. Some parishes have hired a parish manager as permited by LRS 33:1236.1. The law sets no qualifications for the position other than being a registered voter of the parish. Act 85 of 2006 repealed the provision that allowed a police juror to serve as the parish manager, but did allow for a police juror already serving as a parish manager to continue doing so. In still other parishes, there is no principlal administrative official, and all parish employees report directly to the entire jury or to committees.

newtboy said:

What in the Fuck is a "police jury" and why would they have any input on the decision at all?

What is QAnon? If You Don’t Know, Now You Know

newtboy says...

Interesting ramblings having nothing to do with my post about Q and news coverage, and mostly dead wrong.

Let me fix those....
Lost a boatload of jobs leaving us with highest unemployment rates since the great depression and the largest number of businesses closing.

Lowering taxes but raising spending, giving us the highest debt and largest deficit ever.
Include emergency spending and this year added well over $7 TRILLION to the debt. Each man woman and child owed $88000 before this year's insane over budget spending in the neighborhood of $7 Trillion that's been reported (which means it could be trillions more in hidden spending). He is running America like a business, and he likes to strip businesses of all cash and assets, putting them in his own pockets, bankrupt them, then walking away leaving his partners ruined. America is nearing bankruptcy, is in massively more debt despite his promise to not only end deficit but end the debt term one. Instead he tried to double it and pocketed hundreds upon hundreds of millions in illegal business he directed the government to do with Trump companies, something no president has ever attempted but Trump's term has been non stop hatch act violations from day one, so he illegally stole hundreds of millions from hard working Americans, again.
Largest GDP drop ever in history, meaning the worst economy ever, not the best.
The deficit this year will be the largest since WW2, more than double the huge Obama 09 deficit that stopped the Republican recession of 08, 18% of GDP.
The debt is 136% of gdp...up 32% under Trump in just 3 years, the Deficit is up 15%. The country reaches a tipping point if the ratio is more than's 136%. 77% is when lenders begin to worry whether it's safe to buy the country's bonds. They think the government may not be able to pay back its debt. Under Trump they're fairly certain we won't even try.

Put another way, if Trump paid for his 2020 spending instead of raising the debt exponentially, every man, woman, and child would have a tax bill for $20000 just this year alone, with zero reduction in debt.

Caving in to China after praising them for their Covid response, he's not fighting back over anything. He can't even get a trade deal done after tossing out one we had, this has cost hundreds of Billions in pure wasted money for his ego. China is expanding as we contract in ability, economic strength, and even territory.
He's pro Russia, he's destroyed American manufacturing, education, mail, infrastructure, international standing, trade, and debt. He talks pro American, he doesn't lead or govern that way. He's pro Trump, and has no other loyalties.

The military didn't need a whit of rebuilding, it was quite well funded before, and he inherited the best prepared, best funded, best armed (with the most ammunition despite his lies), largest (measured by equipment, not soldiers), and most inclusive military. He's screwed them repeatedly, by repeated last minute redeployment, cutting benefits, ignoring Russia's bounties on American soldiers and the deaths those payments caused, tossing out decorated soldiers while pardoning and reinstating murderous anti American sadists (stripping them of honor), and now he's screwed up their medical system by screwing up the USPS, delaying their medicine, and killing some veterans in the process, way more than Benghazzi.

Yeah, you are bat shit crazy, ignoring facts constantly to praise Trump over his destruction of our national status on every front.
Just nuts, Bob. You must pretend 2020 didn't happen to believe even one of those lies.

bobknight33 said:

Creating shitload of jobs,
lowering taxes for people and corporations,
having the best economy in our life time.

Fighting back against China.
Being PRO America.
Rebuilding the Military

Yea bat chit crazy,

kris kobach, has Message About Building the Wall

newtboy says...

In case you live under a rock, "We Build the Wall" is a fraudulent charity who's administrators have been charged with embezzlement, and who's only construction was illegally built so poorly that it was in danger of falling into the Rio Grande within months of completion....their builder, Fisher, now has billions in government construction contracts after Trump personally approved them over objections, despite hundreds of criminal complaints against the company and it's owner, thousands of civil complaints, and a complete inability to build even a tiny section of wall.
Then there's the sexual discrimination they admitted, and massive tax fraud they admitted, and the child pornography convictions (now I know why Trump loves them, birds of a feather and all).


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