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Ayn Rand Took Government Assistance. (Philosophy Talk Post)

vaporlock says...

I've seen the same situation many times. The KKK member who has a handicapped child. The TeaBagger farmer who just lost his house in a flood. The hard working construction worker who hurts his back. The corporate exec who's child's brain tumor isn't covered by the insurance plan. The parent whose child joins the military and gets killed or injured (eg. Pat Tillman, Casey Sheehan). Sadly the human animal just doesn't get it until it happens to themselves.

It's like this little girl. When we see a video of her we all smile and think how cute she is, but do you know how many kids just like her have been killed in Iraq in the last 20 years. THOUSANDS! An for the most part no one gives a shit. Cause it didn't effect them and they can't empathize. Makes me pissed and sad.

Futurama - "Calculon!? but i thought you were...."

How satisfied are you with your job? (User Poll by peggedbea)

rottenseed says...

I work in construction although I lack the testosterone and mechanical inclination to be an actual construction worker, so I'm stuck in the office with you sad saps. In the office I work under the guide of an engineer (as I'm aspiring and going to school to be an engineer, myself), I work on network administration and all other IT needs, and do some project management to top it all off. Oh yea and I'm a Computer Aided Drafter as well. I don't get paid enough, so I get cranky about my job, however, I've found ways to stick it to my company. I like to take extended poop breaks. There's nothing like getting paid to poop. It's the American dream. It's what unions had in mind when they first formed.

customer service has always sucked; 1972 mcdonalds training

Fox News' War On The White House

MrFisk says...

Five companies own and control 80% of the media. It's as if the left media myth was created to shield W. Bush after giving up on Bin Laden and squandering time, money and life in Iraq.
It's true most journalists "lean left", if you embrace the false dichotomy fallacy, but that's because most college graduates (which journalists majors are) lean left also. And most (white) construction workers lean right.
Fox News does a great job covering the news accurately. The problem is they only do it for two hours--the other 22 hours is sensationalized opinion.

Trooper Accidentally Knocks Out DUI Suspect

Psychologic says...

>> ^LarsaruS:
1) There is one type of person which is the most dangerous you can come across. It is people who suffer from White Knight Syndrome. Most if not all cops suffer from it;

Is this based on some kind of study, or just "things I think seem likely but haven't actually confirmed"?

I know six people who are in law enforcement from local deputies to state highway patrol. One is a badge-heavy bitch who is more than willing to throw her badge around to support her ego. The rest are normal people who hate seeing others get hurt just as much as anyone.

It's very easy to characterize everyone within a profession as sharing an identical mindset when your source of information is internet videos. I thought construction workers were mostly vulgar and uneducated until I took a job building houses for a summer.

The only group I know of that really does fit a stereotype consists of people who use broad generalizations... they're all the same. ;-)

Tea Party Reasoning

CreamKreator says...

Or you can take the one thing out of that equation that causes pain and suffering more than any idea in the history of man: Money.

That's nonsense. Money is a commonly accepted medium of exchange to defeat the inefficiency of barter. It is, in essence, a product that is a placeholder for other products. That was truer when we were on gold than now, but still... Are you saying you don't want people to make stuff and trade with each other? Stop watching TV and read "Economics in One Lesson." It's only $10 on amazon.

Yes i do mean we could all live with out money. Lets value the true worth of ones work to community.. Do you really think that money is the ultimate asnwer? It is someting we humans thought of to make things a little simpler as bartering had it's disadvantages. And by bartering one can't collect such a huge amounts of wealth in one lifetime, all that lead us to the point where a small percentage of people in the world own most of the wealth. Is that right? Some poor schmuck in Thailand is working his ass of to produce for us the cheap tuna that we eat. A good socialist would think that it is just plain wrong. I don't mean that hard work and commitment shouldn't be appreciated, yes of course, that is EXACTLY what i mean. Why should a construction worker make more money in Switzerland than in India? Just let all people have what they deserve, not what we in the western society think they deserve.

And that private schooling? Yes, i bet that the overall quality would raise but what about those who then simply can't afford to pay for it? Will you let them stay in the low income slums and make products for us. Class strugles should be a thing in the past by now, we are smarter than that. Hell, let's put the low class monkeys to prison so we won't have to pay them anything. We can keep them there for years for stealing a cigarrette or smoking a joint. Really?

US of A, i despise you more and more every day and i use to look at you in awe and wonder. The land of the free.. Right.. Just look at the health reform... Let the poor get sick and die, let's just hope that they manage to multiply before the massgrave so we can have more SLAVES!

And the next comment after this probably says i'm a terrorist.. Far from it, pacifist whose grand dad went to jail for not picking up a gun, as did my dad. We should all be free of organized religion, free of the monetary powers, free to be humans. No we are alla just slaves.

Sorry about the rant again but this thing just ticks me off. And i'm afraid that something so bad will happen if these things are allowed to continue. And by the way, i don't even own a TV...

Coolest Clock ever

Wrecking ball accidentally takes out a van

artician says...

I've lived in too many urban areas where idiot drivers ignore closed-street signs to blame this on the construction workers right away.

What sticks out to me more is that there's something funny about that bus that passes the camera at the beginning. Is it just me, or does it look like it's sliding sideways??

Couple Arrested for Not Paying Tip

chilaxe says...

Why should restaurant staff feel entitled to get paid more than construction workers? I've had stints as both, and they're both pretty thankless. Tipping is a self-serving loophole engineered by restaurant managers.

If there weren't a million people vying for those jobs, pay would go up, the trivial work would then be increasingly automated, and humankind would be spared a life of drudgery. In agriculture, the US doesn't use some time-saving automated technology that's used in Europe and Japan because we have so many folks vying for those jobs that it's cheaper to pay them than to buy the existing technology.

Ex Porn Star Shelley Lubben Speaks Against Porn

quantumushroom says...

Only "gummint busybodies and religious crusaders" are going to be sympathetic? I think that you have spent too much time on the internet. It doesn't take crazy people to realize that nothing good comes from porn and that it is a destructive, disgusting, immoral industry.

The quantum side of the mushroom is that I agree and disagree at the same time. Pr0n is a con, a tease and an addictive surrogate for a great many men. But it also fulfills a biological need (if women wanted to fark as much as men, there'd be no one doing anything else) as well as a need for illusion and fantasy. One could also make a pretty convincing argument that all the romance crap that women willfully subject themselves to creates an unhealthy and unrealistic view of men and relationships. Many a man has suddenly found himself in the doghouse for not being able to telepathically read a woman's mind.

The majority of sane people believe (pr0n is bad). It is not an unusual, backward, or unfounded notion. I don't think that people of my parents' generation realize the extent to which their sons and daughters are falling victim to the lie and becoming involved in or addicted to porn.

Billions are being spent on pr0n, but watching pr0n is just one of those things that people do that they see no reason to admit to. Sexuality cannot be separated from humanity and it's been around awhile.

If we create a market for this filth, someone is going to do it.

It's economics. The human sex drive came first (sorry) and pr0n is just the latest incarnation of market forces fulfilling a need...and it's only going to get worse (or better). To paraphrase (and update) Dennis Miller: If some unemployed construction worker in Trenton, New Jersey, lying on a sofa with a bong, can jack in to his computer and make love to Megan Fox for $19.95, this virtual reality stuff is going to make crack look like Sanka."

I realize that sex workers have more options than 19th century factory workers, but there is no way that working in the sex industry is psychologically healthy. Someone is always going to do it as long as the industry continues to grow.

Just like Lubben says, those who are involved defend the industry. I find that porn users defend porn like it's their firstborn. Regulate and make as many laws as you want. Porn is and always will be a plague on society.

Pr0n has its place in both society and life itself. A great many religious people can and do watch it.

It would be wonderful if everyone found the love of their life and had a committed relationship, etc., but that's not how the world works.

Prostitution should be legal the world over. The Europeans are light years ahead of us on this, and Jerusalem is the prostitution capital of the world.

The internets must be used for more than witty political remarks and sifting!

I Wanna Ride Your Mustache

Windows 7 or KDE4?

The Worlds Smartest Man Works in a Bar (Fascinating)

Dubai goes from Booming to Bust Almost Overnight

spawnflagger says...

I wonder what the boatloads (literally) of Pakistani construction workers are going to do now?

They should film the next Resident Evil movie there. all the half-finished buildings as a background would make a pretty cool set. But then again, all the r-tards will protest about the zombies looking arab.

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