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Ruby on Tuesday

robdot says...

Republicans are a cancer on the universe. Willfully ignorant violent lunatics. Who think covid is safe and vaccines are dangerous. And trump is a dead jfk. And democrats drink baby blood.

Crazy Rocketman: Rocketman riding the Rocket Board!

BSR says...

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Asbestos (pronounced: /æsˈbɛstɒs/ or /æsˈbɛstəs/) is a naturally occurring fibrous silicate mineral. There are six types, all of which are composed of long and thin fibrous crystals, each fibre being composed of many microscopic "fibrils" that can be released into the atmosphere by abrasion and other processes. Inhalation of asbestos fibres can lead to various dangerous lung conditions, including mesothelioma, asbestosis, and lung cancer, so it is now notorious as a serious health and safety hazard.

You cruel bastard! That would be like rubbing your junk on a cactus!

C-note said:

I hope he's wearing asbestos undies.

An apple painted with the blackest paint

spawnflagger says...

Vanta is available as a sprayable "coating" but I don't think you'd consider it a paint.

I wouldn't trust Musou to be non-toxic. It contains material that the toxicity is unknown. Lets just say I wouldn't mess with it unless I already had cancer.

I should have checked the "jokingly" box on previous, because both are soooo black you wouldn't notice the difference by looking at it.

SFOGuy said:

Vanta black isn't a paint, unless I'm mistaken. It's a material --the micro carbon tubules.

This is a water-based paint that --isn't toxic to you (Vanta is) if you touch it or ingest it.

So, it's a win of some sort.

This man is POTUS

Thank you 81 million, thank you!

newtboy says...

Still no answer to posting an insanely edited misrepresentation video….no surprise. You’re an infant. A dishonest racist and sexist infant propagandist.

Yes Bob.
Because she’s a black woman, you can’t accept that she’s accomplished, that she earned her position. That is racist and sexist. I know your little brain has trouble figuring that out.

You are a blatant racist piece of shit. Evidence: your comment above and all previous racist comments
You are a blatant sexist piece of shit. Evidence: your comment above and previous sexist comments
You are an ignorant, moronic piece of shit. Evidence: all your previous comments
You are a pro Putin, anti American, anti democratic piece of shit. Evidence: many of your previous comments.
Plenty of hammer and sickles, Russian, and nazi flags at your far right rallies…for years now. Not found at Democratic rallies, you dumb shit.

Better red than blue is a Republican slogan, you lying piece of shit.
We should be friends with Putin and let him expand is a Trump position, not Biden dumbshit.

All those are insults to shit and complimentary to you….better than you deserve. You lying worthless waste of skin. Fuck you you liar.

All delusional nonsense bullshit Bob. How many Republicans went on international tv to tell those immigrants the border is wide open, starting new waves of immigrants? Not one Democrat did that.
Energy independence is a lie, we never stopped importing oil, you liar. We produce more oil today than under Trump.
Inflation is a Trump legacy, idiot. It will get worse. That’s the problem with just printing 1/3 of every dollar over 4 years, it makes every dollar worth 1/3 less. Trump did that, not Biden. When inflation hits over 33%, we can talk….until then keep your ignorant whining to yourself.

Trump spent far more money than any two terms of any administration and for that we had a recession, 750000 dead, Russia expanding, a useless wall that hasn’t stopped a single immigrant, inflation through the roof, negative GDP, skyrocketed unemployment, an insurrection, etc. Nothing good to show for it, no investments in America, just failed trade agreements, wasteful spending like drunken sailors, huge debt, loss of international standing, loss of allies, recession, and unprecedented death.

Anti immigration = anti American. Anti democracy = anti American. Pro Russia = anti American. Pro China = anti American. Vote fraud = anti American. Insanely high deficits = anti American. Doubling the debt = anti American. Tax breaks for the rich = anti American. Removal of social safety nets = anti American. Racism = anti American. Sexism = anti American. Fraud = anti American. Insurrection = anti American. White Nationalism = anti American. Suggesting the death penalty for people not even charged with a crime = anti American. These are all Trump policies, bob.

I paid less for gas last week than I paid in 2019, dumbass. $5 a gal for super.

I know you don’t remember, because it wasn’t yesterday, but Trump policies caused all your issues…including your panicked insanity. Trump was the worst president in history by far by almost every measure. Biden is an unqualified success by comparison, and you can’t stand it so you go off on insane sexist racist rants, like accusing the accomplished professional VP of sleeping her way to the top despite not having a clue with who or how that could work in public office.

Edit: Here’s your chance, exactly who do you claim she slept with to be elected VP? 1/2 of America? The entire DNC? Who? How does that work, exactly? (Don’t worry, no one expects you to be able to answer, we know you don’t have a clue, and that you can never back up your hysterical delusional racist claims).

Biden removed the national cancer. He’s a winner no matter what else happens.
Trump will always be the biggest loser, the worst president in history by far. He made W look reasonable and competent! Deal with it.

Edit: oops…I missed the part where shipping logistics are now Biden’s fault, even though the issue began in 2020 and is purely in the private sector. I guess you are upset Biden hasn’t nationalized the ports so he can take control? Same complaint about the oil industry. If it’s Biden’s issue, you must be suggesting he take charge, and the only way possible would be by the nationalization of private industry. Who’s the socialist? ROTFLMFAHS!!!

bobknight33 said:

racist sexist???

You making her color is racist.

Sexist. I think not.
She is a political whore. Slept with who ever to get her power.

She is not VP material by any measure. You know it .

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

I got the MRI, which changed things for the worse. I had a large tumor which they determined to be cancer. I also had to get a CT to see if it had spread to the lungs and it showed some small nodules in my lower right lung. They can't be sure it is cancer or not yet. If they shrink during the treatment, then it is cancer.

The treatment I am undergoing is called Immunotherapy, a targeted drug which adheres to the chemical that cancers put out to trick the body into thinking they are normal tissue. Once it binds, the body sees it as foreign tissue and tries to kill it.

Obviously, all the other issues have taken a back seat. If the treatment works, I could live for some time. If it doesn't, I am looking at an estimated 4-6 mos.

I don't know when or if I will be mentally recovered enough to start posting again. No matter what, though, I appreciate all of you.

You Are Made Of Stupid

ant says...

"Oh my." I didn't like RA3 game. Pretty, but gameplay was a meh when I tried its online beta with an online friend named Grungy (RIP from his cancer in his 40s).

PFAS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

newtboy says...

To be fair, most of your complaints were addressed in the piece.

For instance, medical implants, fairly stable, yes, but not in extreme heat like cremation, so as used they’re toxic to the environment despite being considered stable and inert.

The reason to ban them all was also explained, banning one toxic substance at a time means one chemical bond difference and the company can go ahead with Cancer causer 2.0 for a decade until it’s banned for being toxic, and then repeat. It’s how they’ve operated for decades.

I’m fine with outlawing the entire class and putting the onus on the chemical companies to prove any new variants are safe instead of forcing the hamstrung epa to prove they’re unsafe. I also think any company that dumped it into waterways should be instantly and completely forfeited to pay for cleanup. No company has the funds to pay for cleanup, but their assets are at least a start.

bremnet said:

I hate it when the uneducated try to explain a complex issue and do a piss poor job of it. Is PFAS a problem? Sure. Are ALL PFAS compounds a problem with regards to their toxicity? No. The small molecule species are problematic because of mobility. The polymeric species are stable as fuck, that's why they were invented and why we use them as seals and barrier layers to isolate corrosive liquids and gases, and why we use them in such things as medical implants. The polymers excel because they are inert and largely unreactive. So - are they all bad? No. Are they all good? No. But it's too late - the fuckwits like Oliver have fueled the Emotional Response bus, and society won't stand for outdated concepts like scientific investigation or rational thought. Eight member countries of the EU are presently on track to restrict or ban all PFAS in any form, sweeping all compounds into the same category with no differentiation between a water soluble perfluorinated molecule like perfluorinated PVME and a one million molecular weight PTFE polymer. If it has a -CF2- moiety in it, it's subject to being banned. Good science doesn't matter any more, the knee-jerk fear mongerers are now making the decisions.

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

Mordhaus says...

Will be away a few days. Wife had skin cancer removed and they ended up taking a lot more than they thought with the mohs surgery.

TX law & tattoos

newtboy says...

Let's stick with the one I know better...California.
Damn right I would like every state to have a >$76BILLION budget surplus, (we could use an extra $4.5 Trillion per year in America) an economy that's the 5th largest in the world, a producer of up to 1/3 of the food America can eat, centers for high tech advancement, free health care for the poor....

In what way is Texas beating California....not in freedom, not economy, not health, not infrastructure....pretty much just in fake unconstitutional religious Puritanism as the law and the percentage of illegal immigrants. In California illegal immigrants make up 5.6% of our population, in Texas where they spend billions to fight it it's 5.7%.

First, all the Texans who fled the state have to move home. I'm one...and you'll have to kidnap me at gunpoint to get me back in that third world state. Fuck that oven roasted shithole.

Lastly, abortion is not murder legally, by the definitions of the words, rationally, historically, morally, religiously, or in any way. To be alive you must first be born, you cannot murder that which was never alive. Until the cord is cut, it's a growth inside the mother entirely supported by her body....a tumor. You can't murder a tumor, if you think you can, go protest the nearest cancer center and leave pregnant women alone.

TangledThorns said:

Exactly. Liberals don't get it, they want every state to be like New York or California even if they already live in those failed states.

Here's a pro-tip to the Portland libs that moved to Texas, move back to your shitty lefty state.

Last, abortion is murder.

The Islands With Too Much Power

newtboy says...

Duh....install as many high power using carbon sequestering designs as there's room for. Use that surplus clean power to offset some of the enormous dirty power emissions...suddenly there won't be enough wind and water power again.
Too much clean power is only a problem for the completely unimaginative.

He touched on why I've said for 20+ years that it's already too late to stop out of control climate change or save civilization as we know it. Even if we managed to produce more clean energy than we can distribute, switching older polluting technology over to clean energy is a bigger problem than clean generation. Assume we had the ability to power every form of transportation using clean and cheap would still take decades and tens if not hundreds of trillions to replace the combustion engines alone, with the corresponding new ecological issues of creating, building, and implementing a new power usage method across the board. In order to reverse the carbon trend, we needed an excess of clean energy and the desire to use it exclusively decades ago, because the change over will take decades after the clean power generation ability exists.... decades we no longer have.

Side note, aren't they worried all those wind turbines are going to give them all cancer?

A very patient but frustrated Rear Admiral explaining subs

robdot says...

There are millions of Americans who think that covid is fake. Windmills cause cancer. And vaccines make you magnetic. And that democrats are reptiles who drink the blood of children.

newtboy (Member Profile)

Fauci versus Rand 'Neighborhood Whipping Boy' Paul

1000 Year Heatwave Becoming The Norm

newtboy says...

Says the dumb fuck who didn't graduate 8th grade, just like his pa and paw paw.

118F, Bob. Shouldn't be over 40F. All time highs broken world wide daily...but nope, Bob knows better than everyone with his 80 IQ and D average through middle school. You are such a dumb fuck it's amazing. I bet you also insist trickle down works for the poor, cigarettes aren't addictive and don't cause cancer, and the sun revolves around the earth carried in a flying chariot. Leave the science to people with brains, please. You only force us to ridicule you when you pretend to know or even understand it.

No Bob. All is lost now thanks to fucking idiotic morons like you.
We have tipped some tipping points, started the natural feedback loops that signal the end of our opportunity to control the changes, there is now no avoiding severe climate change that civilization will not survive, likely humans won't survive at all.

Yes, Bob, actually ALL experts, including UN experts, agree. Climate change isn't a theory, it's reality. It's unavoidable. Now, it's likely unmitigateable and unsurvivable. Your video was from 3 years ago and was overly optimistic then, assuming we would lower emissions rather than ramp them up, things are exponentially worse today because instead of curtailing our emissions we've increased them to over 36.5 BILLION tons per year...if forests were all healthy at 1900 levels they could absorb 7 billion tons, but thanks to deforestation and droughts, that's cut in half or worse. Same goes for the carbon sinks in the ocean, they were absorbing around 7 billion tons a year, now heat and acidity have all but stopped them from absorbing CO2 and destroyed the most diverse ecosystems underwater.
Estimates are 1600 billion tons of carbon are stored in permafrost as methane, which is 25 times as damaging as CO2 in the short term. That's >40 times the carbon humans produce annually, all in the worst of greenhouse gasses, and it's melting out rapidly....exploding out in many cases.

I hope you live long enough to be forced to accept responsibility for your stupidity...something fitting, along the lines of being slowly eaten alive by your family for days before they're murdered by a mob of survivors for their water before you die in agony, limbless, dehydrated, and burnt to a crisp. You deserve no less.

Such an unbelievable bat shit crazy moron you've become.

bobknight33 said:

It is FAKE.

That said according to the leftest loons we now have about 8 years before all is lost.

Un Experts no less.

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