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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 That’s the best you can come up with after a week of major failures in and out of court and a massively public alarmingly sharp mental decline on display daily after the sulfurous courtroom nap times from disgraced sundowning failed ex-president Hoover? 😂
Such a sad little joke of a wannabe man you’ve become. Still waiting.

It’s hilarious he’s so hurt that nobody loves him anymore…not his family, not his cultists, not his proud boys and boogaloo boys. No one showed up again on Friday after he begged them to come support him all week. He had to lie and claim they were kept away, but multiple news outlets debunked that on air by walking in front of the courthouse without issue.
He’s losing in courtrooms all over the country, and being named in criminal indictments in more and more states. He’s siphoning off all Republican cash for his own bills and kickbacks to his family, so nobody down ballot has money to campaign either…and Trump isn't campaigning, he’s just complaining. Enjoy summer! Sounds like he should have another trial just in time for Halloween….but he’s the best you’ve got. 😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwwww…are you upset that the maga obstruction failed and Ukraine is getting rearmed against your mother Russia, who is struggling in the war and enjoying massively successful attacks deep into its territory daily now? 😂

The Putin party has disintegrated into infighting and stunts that are turning off even maga.

The false narrative that the economy is failing has failed.

Trump is stuck in court sitting in his full diaper proving he can’t even stay awake at his own trial without drugs or follow simple rules, sleepy Don dozed off in court again today….and he’s your pick to run the free world. 😂 (uh-oh. David Pecker is witness #1…he ran the catch and kill program to buy and hide any news that was bad for the Trump campaign mostly to hide sexual misconduct from the public, you know, like you complain was election interference with the (now thoroughly debunked) Hunter laptop story. He knows about all the bodies and where they’re buried, he buried them, and Trump stiffed him on paying off Karen McDougal, then he was caught and cooperated with the DA.)
PS- Where’s Melania?

Enjoy November!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Let’s see the unedited version first.

Hilarious how you dismiss all polls except those you think support you. This poll, if legitimate which is unlikely, is an outlier and likely worded poorly to get those results. There’s absolutely a reason you only have an 8 second clip cutting out any word that contradicts you, it’s because a 15 second clip would explain the poor polling. Was this a poll of Republicans? Texans? Alabama? Likely. Try a source that doesn’t edit down to nothing to tell you what you want to hear.
I guess since you agree with polls now, you agree with all the polls that ranked Trump as worst president ever, right?

Aaaaahhhh…I see. It’s a poorly done poll (as I said, an outlier among others at the time) from January. JANUARY BOB. We’ve had 4 months of excellent economic news since then. Try an April poll where the rolls are reversed and Biden is beating tiny hands Donny on most fronts.

Americans are lied to by people like you, and many don’t know how to understand statistics. MAGA is 100% in that camp, and has forgotten 2020. America hasn’t forgotten. Trump is losing in polls and hasn’t even started his first criminal campaign fraud to hide hush money to multiple women he slept with while married trial, which will be weeks of new disgustingly dishonorable and disloyal acts by Trump aired publicly and a number of serious felonies he admits he committed he will be convicted of. That won’t help him in the election, only MAGA thinks it’s acceptable, all those independents don’t, and you need them ALL.

bobknight33 said:

Americans disagree with your assessment.

Crosswalk Visibility Insurance

cloudballoon says...

What's so "seen" about carrying a (foam) brick to cross the road? That drivers would be afraid the pedestrian will throw the brick at them for not stopping and purposely run him/her/(pronoun) over?

Those fake bricks are probably germ incubators even for a short term. And I wouldn't be surprised assholes would just stick all kinds of gums, mucus and phlegm all over the bricks for "giggles" ... almost EXPECTED nowadays. And what about what's gonna happen if a pedestrian with the brick in case a close call? Is the "safety campaign" trying to legitimize throwing bricks at cars?

The whole idea is just problematic to me as a safety/social experiment.

Just be careful, look both ways before crossing and stop looking at the phone while crossing for a few seconds should do the trick.

Yes, we can argue that onus is on the drivers to avoid pedestrians getting hurt. But it's ALWAYS the pedestrians getting hurt/killed in accidents, rarely the other way around. I wouldn't leave MY life in other peoples hands whenever I cross a road, having the right of way or not.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

3 criminal contempt charges filed. He’s guilty on all 3.
Prison is unlikely, this time, but he could serve 90 days on this alone if Merchan desires (and Trump has made him desire it) . It’s a near guarantee he will spend time in jail before this trial ends, he’s incapable of following the law even with all eyes on him and under specific court orders, he has no self control at all, so expect the next violation to get jail time, and all those thereafter.
Any other defendant would be in jail already, this is the two tiered justice system Trump constantly whines about in action….notice he’s always in the “I’m special and above the law” tier.

Outside court yesterday Trump admitted the crime he’s on trial for…paying a citizen for an NDA to hide an ilicit affair (as part of his campaign for president) and illegally hiding the payment as a “legal expense” not a “campaign expense”. HE ACTUALLY SAID TO REPORTERS OUTSIDE THE COURTHOUSE THAT THATS EXACTLY WHAT HE DID! The judge sees these interviews, so does the DA, and they will almost certainly be entered into evidence to dispute whatever nonsense lies Trump spews on the stand, or to explain his refusal to testify if he pleads the 5th. 😂
I love it when a plan comes together.
Remember this is just trial #1 out of 4…with more to come, he hasn’t stopped criming yet!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

lol. You’re hilarious. How many times are you going to try the “even CNN agrees” nonsense, how long will you pretend you don’t know they went right wing years ago? No fact can penetrate the rectal shield to reach your eyes and ears, can they?

Trump has hardly ever told the truth about anything, nice try. He recently made a huge deal while campaigning about his very recent (that day, so no excuse for misremembering) conversations with the family of the woman killed by an undocumented immigrant and their support for him but the family says bullshit, he’s totally lying, he never contacted them and they do not support him or his policies. Little DJ said he won the election, he still says it, and he tried multiple coups based on that lie, people died. His lies are consequential and constant, not grandpa’s stories fudged to make a moral point.

Biden never stole from veterans, never defrauded students, never cheated multiple contractors so badly they went bankrupt and committed suicide, never cheated on his wife, and never raped anyone, never lied about an election, and never tried to take the country by force. He’s also not facing 91 felony counts mostly for crimes against America and democracy.
Diaper Don was also historically beaten by Biden easily even though Biden barely campaigned and so many maga vote fraud schemes occurred, even Clinton got millions more votes than Disgraced Don.

BTW- Still waiting coward. You will never grow a pair and be a man. Your tiny little sack is empty.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Projection will get you nowhere….loser. Your denial of a fact is a form of verification.

Again, every word I wrote is a verified fact, you can’t dispute a single fact so you just say “nuh-uh” like an idiot toddler told its bedtime.

Trump lost another delay, 3 in 3 days…Trump complains that his properties are worth 100 times what he pays taxes on…Trump’s CEO is BACK in prison for lying under oath for Trump, again…catch and killing news stories is exactly what he claims happened with Hunter’s (Russian fake) laptop and is what he did himself repeatedly and admittedly at this point…Trump is a well known speed addict and has been for decades, he takes it in pill form, this explains the constant 3am insane tweets….Trump’s whitehouse handed out more scheduled narcotics than every whitehouse in history combined…Trump’s fake bond has been rejected and if he can’t come up with another by Monday properties start going away.

Every word a fact.

Exactly what do you dispute?
Be specific. (Again, like the toddler you are, I understand you are incapable of making a cogent argument and will not respond, because I know you don’t have anything to say besides whining.)

Considering the plethora of baseless fact free insanity you have spewed from your fecant maw, having you say I don’t know shit is a compliment…you, sir, do know shit, and only shit…you know it so well you have completely replaced your brains with it.

And once again, I’m not Christ…if I was you would be in deep trouble.

Since you deny every fact I point out, here’s a few for you to look up….Google Kentucky Republican candidate Brian Ormes for yourself….more MAGA family values on display…notice the party has not asked him to drop out and stands with him saying he needs due process before they decide what happened despite the fact that his violent attack on a child and strangling the poor terrified kid in public leaving lasting marks on his neck was not only caught on security camera he also admitted it to police.

Then google Tennessee State Representative Gino Bulso who wants to make it legal to marry your first cousin.

Then google Jonathan Stone, Trump New Hampshire campaign head, child rapist, and disgraced cop who threatened to murder his workmates and rape the chief’s wife in front of him before murdering them both when he was reprimanded for having a 16 year old high school “girlfriend”.

Fun…Trump Media is being sued by its former CEO who claims his files were hacked and stolen by the new CEO in an illicit effort to oust the original CEO…all while the stock remains in freefall. At this rate by the time Trump can sell his stock it will be worth a negative amount. Already lost over half! A Typical Trump investment opportunity.

At the same time, Trump’s legal team is subpoenaing the wrong people, never thinking there might be two Mr Rosenberg in New York…and didn’t know for months because they’re so incompetent they put a disconnected phone number on the form so Mr Rosenberg couldn’t even tell them they got the wrong person, so he just wrote the court that he has no documents for them….they didn’t understand and complained he was stonewalling. The trial starts Monday, they haven’t subpoenaed their witnesses yet!

Sorry I’m spewing coherent facts, I know how that upsets you, but maybe one day you’ll join us in reality where a racist misogynistic delusional rapist and lifelong hypocritical fraud with dementia isn’t America’s best.

bobknight33 said:

Just quit posting your stupid slanted facts.

Christ you dont know shit
You just spew in coherent slanted 1/2 truths

Grow up and learn reality

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The panic is hilarious.
3 failed attempts to delay his trial in 3 days!
Eric crying on the steps of court that daddy’s properties are worth WAY more, 10 to 100 times more than he claimed (for tax purposes)…so dumb they don’t know that’s tax fraud, another felony case.

Wieselberg back in the clink. The boss won’t be far behind.

I wonder if you realize this case is about Trump undeniably doing what he complains was “election interference” …killing unflattering stories during his campaign. The difference being the story about Don is 100% true, verified a dozen ways over, and a felonious crime of moral turpitude, business fraud to hide his illicit hush money payments to a porn star to hide an affair he had while his wife was pregnant. It reminds us that this was not the only story “caught and killed” to hide them from the public, like his secret child and multiple other affairs.
The stories about Hunter, a private citizen, are all Russian propaganda spread by known criminal enemies of the state, were known to be false by the FBI during the campaign and the right before the sham impeachment inquiry, and were not “caught and killed” using business frauds to hide hush payments, they were disputed publicly, in court, and in congress, and proven to be false.

One more instance of every accusation is an admission.
Trump now says Biden is on drugs…I propose a hair follicle test be done on both immediately without warning, and 2 more at random before the election. Guaranteed Trump will try to cheat the test, and will fail the test when properly administered. He’s a well known pill addict and his whitehouse gave out more pills to his staff and visitors than every previous whitehouse combined…the staff needed it to work with him (and ignore the stench of shit filled diapers), he’s intolerable sober.

Bonus - it’s sounding like the bond has failed and properties will start being seized next week! The unregistered bond company only has 8% of the cash required by law to issue a bond of that size (which means the offer to put up the entire bond was a fantasy, but still a crime to hide from the court!). Forfeiture may begin Monday!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Trump is sueing his partners/cofounders at truth social attempting to steal their stock. Is anyone surprised? Trump screws over everyone who gets in bed with him, badly, usually by not paying them or bankrupting the venture.
(Edit: the judge who presided over the merger is “gobsmacked” that he lied about having any claims so he could judge shop his lawsuit and has said he’s considering sanctions.)

It’s exactly what he’s doing to the Republican Party. Fundraising is flat across the board since he installed his family into leadership rolls so they could rob it blind.

Major donors don’t want to fund don’s legal bills (isn’t he a billionaire? Why can’t he pay for his own lawyers?) but they can’t donate to the RNC without at least half going directly to Habba, and the rest going to pay don’s family exorbitant salaries for tanking the party…it’s still paying millions a year for Melania who hasn’t been seen this year! Not a single election rally scheduled. The RNC isn’t paying for down ballot campaigns. They have no ground game (armies of volunteers who canvas) in swing states and no money to organize any. The ONLY thing the RNC has is election workers willing to break the law and falsify the vote for Don, again, and maggots willing to vote multiple times, again.

Don’s support with millennials has dropped below 35% and is still shrinking fast. They really don’t like losing abortion rights, or birth control, and have heard the leadership saying the goal is to end “recreational sex” in America.
He’s still polling below 15% with the black community and never received over 12%. Biden lost a few percent, but they did not switch to Trump.
Women are outraged at the attempts to reverse the sexual revolution and get them barefoot and pregnant back in the kitchen with no rights and no voice and are voting against Republicans in droves even in deep red states.
There is no group he’s gaining with and many he’s losing, expect even evangelical support to evaporate as his porn star payoff/business fraud case is in the news all next month, sordid details and all.

It’s just hilarious that you still think someone with all that baggage, who is a well known rapist, business failure, convicted fraud, charity thief, repeatedly bankrupt trust fund baby, narcissist, constant liar, racist, misogynist, gullible idiot, and who clearly has full blown dementia is the best the right has to offer. 😂

Turns out China has been setting up thousands of MAGA social media accounts and are 100% in the Trump camp, posting ridiculous conspiracy theories about Biden (that get picked up by righty media) and pro trump propaganda (also repeated by righty media). Normal people see our enemies like Russia and China backing the same candidate (who utterly failed to stand up to either when he was in power) and understand that candidate is on our enemies side, not America’s.,Satanist%2

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Unlike Trump, I do not claim to be Jesus. 🤨

He’s got to sell something or his campaign won’t have money to pay his legal bills.
Joe Burden is going to crush him…again. He won’t even need to disinformate or misinformate, just let Don talk. 😂

Edit: The most insane part, and this is real, they put out a statement telling the buyers to not worry that the pages are sticking together. Anyone who buys a book from Trump and finds the pages sticking together should absolutely worry, wash your hands with bleach and ammonia (yes, I know) and get their fingers tested for pregnancy and syphilis. He’s a sick little monkey and probably did jiz on those bibles.

Holy (pun intended) crap! Turns out these are old, unsold/ unsellable “Merica” bibles produced in 2021 that weren’t selling for $49.95 and had terrible reviews about quality, months to ship after payment, and zero customer service. I don’t expect improvement for the extra $10. I bet they’re made in China.

BSR said:

Jesus Christ! Now he's selling Bibles?!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Don is losing it, knowing his entire net worth isn’t as much as he owes. Even using all his assets as collateral he can’t get a loan, maybe stiffing and cheating all those banks for decades wasn’t the best idea. Maybe inflating his net worth by 100-1000 times wasn’t the best idea. Maybe refusing to admit the frauds and settle despite the summary judgement wasn’t the best idea. Maybe hiring the worst lawyers in American history wasn’t the best idea. He has 4 days.

It begs the question…who actually owns his properties? We don’t know, but it’s not him. Who, exactly, is he beholding to, and what sway did they have while he was president? We know the Saudis own properties with and do business with him, and Russians. Almost certainly the Chinese too. Who else? Does who’s paying a politician and for what only matter for Biden but not Don?
Hilariously, when asked the total softball question “Is Don was looking to foreign countries like Saudi Arabia or China for help paying his judgement” instead of just saying “no, obviously not, he’s running for president and couldn’t do that owing a foreign country 1/2 billion dollars.” she instead declined to answer. HORRIFIC for the campaign.

Edit: Huzzah! The brand new this hour expanded powers of the financial monitor cover this eventuality, she must be informed 30 days before the execution of any transfers, purchases, sales, loan applications, bonds, basically any movement of money by the trumps (all of them)…for 3 years. This means he can’t get a foreign power or billionaire to pay his debt without disclosing it publicly. Any attempt by any Trump to circumvent the order is a violation and means prison.

Note, if he was correct that his properties were really worth 100 to 1000 times what he claims for tax purposes he would have no problem at all selling just one for way more cash than he needs, but he can’t. Why can’t he? Because 1) they are not worth more than the tax evaluations and 2) all his properties are already mortgaged to the hilt…he doesn’t own them the banks/business partners/foreign governments do. Most famously Trump tower that he only owns his apartment, a few offices, and the public lobby bathrooms, not the entire building by far….and that’s not an outlier it’s the norm.
So satisfying to watch a vitriolic con man get caught and taken down…don’t you think?

The failed sham impeachment hearings are a total unmitigated disaster and everyone can see it. 😂

It’s hilarious that they trapped themselves with this. They’ve done absolutely nothing else this term but accuse Biden, so they can’t abandon the fraud now…but it’s so embarrassing that the sham itself is turning their own voters away because it’s painfully obvious there will be no impeachment, there never was going to be one and now it’s not only proven to be a sham based on Russian misinformation but it’s also become numerically impossible, it’s all 100% for show and always was, and even conservatives want the government to do more than put on divisive political plays based on Russian propaganda at taxpayer expense. 😂

Q: are you still buying the bullshit lie that Don is saying Obama instead of Biden because Obama is pulling the strings even after he said “Biden beat Obama…beat Obabba”? Please, explain that bit of dementia for me. Is he now calling HIMSELF Obama/Obabba? 😂 (don’t worry, nobody expects you to be capable of explaining or even attempting to.)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Lev Parmas, Giuliani’s buddy and source for anti Biden/Ukraine propaganda is testifying to congress in the Biden investigation right now.

He is testifying that the allegations he and Giuliani and Don made up about Hunter in Ukraine are not only false, they are part of a Russian counter intelligence produced disinformation campaign he was a part of.

He admits his “evidence” he found for Giuliani was anonymous letters generated in Russia and delivered in Ukraine he would forward to Giuliani and within hours would be all over Fox and OAN and the rest as “more proof of Biden corruption from credible sources”, but he knew there was no such evidence or even any credible accusations. He also now admits he was in a cult, forced to only accept information from a tiny circle and going outside that circle for information gets you thrown out of the circle. He admits he had to be arrested and prosecuted to hit the wall and realize what he had been doing himself, brainwashing himself by intentionally blinding himself to facts and only seeing what Don told him to see. Perhaps that’s what you need to wake up.

Here’s a bit about the MAGA NAZI (one of Don’s “good people”) just ousted from office in Enid Oklahoma.
Don’t you think it’s odd that every single racist group from neo-Nazis to the KKK to white nationalist groups everywhere all exclusively associate politically with MAGA, but you still claim to not be racist? Never mind…that would require thought.

More evidence of MAGA selling out the country to our enemies for a crumb of a fake political attack against a private citizen while their official representatives sell state secrets and the identities of foreign agents and sell official policy (when Don knowingly in his words “saved his ass” when bin Salaman brutally murdered and dismembered an American journalist and diaper Don covered it up) and sold top tier weaponry to Saudi Arabia for $2 billion in personal payouts and they turn a blind eye.

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

mram says...

Denial, not just a river in Egypt.
You didn't even read the article. I'm also not going to create a Rumor Social account to go get them references. His exact "Rumors" were referenced there.

He deleted the original post, but it's obviously been heard, recorded, preserved. And the news caught it. And he even references it in his own reply.

So you don't like Snopes? Here are just a few of the other news articles citing the exact quote:

And my favorite:

So, all fake news, right? He didn't say that at all? All of these sources are entirely wrong? Or you want to cover this with even more denialism?

He only cares about things that benefit him, and if the constitution of the USA is in his way, he'd burn it. "Preserve, protect, and defend" indeed.


bobknight33 said:

Snopes is hardly a credible source.

Show the trump Tweet .. Not some rag -- For the sake of clarity and truthfulness, show the actual text in context.

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

Michael Cohen to Trump donors: 'It's time to wake up, stupid

newtboy says...

Any source that won’t tell your lies you declare “not credible” but you still listen to right wing propaganda despite every single source misleading you constantly. You yourself are not credible in the least.

It wasn’t a tweet, it was mostly repeated statements from the campaign stage. Look it up yourself then discredit your own sources…

…but here’s the Toth about rescinding the constitution….
About ending 3 part government with checks and balances….

I’ve told you when, repeatedly, because you are incapable of even attempting to learn for yourself (or even learning with the help you constantly demand). You cannot be enlightened. You insist on remaining in the dark.

bobknight33 said:

Snopes is hardly a credible source.

Show the trump Tweet .. Not some rag -- For the sake of clarity and truthfulness, show the actual text in context.

Like I said.
When did Trump say any of these falsehoods?

Enlighten me?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Still waiting.

So, according to dementia Don Joe Biden beat Barack Hussein Obabba in an election.
Even his VP says don’t vote for Delusional Don, just like anybody that’s worked for him in the past.
He might want to stop advertising so heavily on pro Hitler and pro-Nazi videos online like his campaign was caught doing. That doesn’t attract non cultists or non racists.

More MAGA child rape debauchery, A former Republican precinct chairman from the state of Texas named Beau Dresner has been sentenced to FOUR CENTURIES in prison after he was convicted of, among other things, four counts of sexually assaulting/raping young children and 61 counts of producing child pornography. He had a one way ticket to Armenia when he was caught. Republicans love to say that they are the party protecting our children from "groomers," but all the reports of child abuse and assault seem to be coming from within their own party, usually from their leadership.

Odd, there’s never been a true story of a drag queen sexually assaulting a child or a trans person attacking a child in a bathroom, not one, but almost daily there’s a new high profile MAGGOT actually caught having forced sex with children. Not surprising when your cult leader was best friends with the most prolific child sex abuser in our history for decades, even long after he was caught and admitted to child prostitution. You are in the party of child abuse, theft, and lies.

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