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Married With Children - Mmm Hmm Him....

Married With Children - Mmm Hmm Him....

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'married, with, children, al, bundy, ed, oneil, song, stuck, in, his, head' to 'married with children, al bundy, ed oneil, song, stuck, in, his, head' - edited by lucky760

Married With Children - Grey Poupon

Al Bundy is Born To Be Bad!

Blankfist roasting on an open fire (Parody Talk Post)

blankfist says...

Thanks to everyone who participated in this fine roast. I’d like to take a moment to thank gwiz665 for his undeniably unsubstantial role as masters of ceremonies. His highest ranked comment: *sticky. I’ve seen more participation from an armless lifeguard. I guess he’s too busy stalking alien_concept. Fuck that creepy douche.

And I’d like to give thanks to burdturgler for getting drunk (or not taking his medication), leaving the majority of attention-whoring posts, and ultimately becoming disgruntled and embittered like the girl who couldn’t get a date to the prom but went any way so to not lose face. In the end, of course, she does lose face, and I think we can all see that to be evidenced here, as well. Burdturgler is a Xanax away from climbing to the top of a Texas University clock tower.

And to ReverendTed... Who?

And to Shepppard... No one likes you. The only thing I know about you is your depraved admiration for cops who taze little girls in the skull. Shepppard was that disturbed guy in high school who pretended to be allergic to soap and was expelled for being caught in class shoving unhatched bird eggs up his bung until they cracked and seeped back out. Looked like swollen cabbage vomiting urine.

And thanks, as always, to dotdude for facilitating these roasts and refusing to say anything unpleasant. Be a prick for once, you bastard! You’re so agreeable if berticus broke into your home and raped you, you’d offer to cuddle him afterwards. Speaking of berticus, has anyone else ever met a nastier more dangerous gay? I mean, if you speak more than two sentences with the guy, he always brings it back to fucking you. Berticus is to the gay community what Ted Bundy is to the straight community.

And, did everyone notice what alien_concept did with my name? Isn’t that precious? I was expecting her to knit me a sweater or something girly, but instead she made an acronym of my name. I mean, yeah, she could’ve been original, but we can’t be too tough on her. She does, after all, have a vagina. We should be proud that she has learned how to use a computer instead of covering it with glitter and trying to bake pies inside it. A bit of future advice for you broads: less talkie, more suckie.

And deputydog... I think we’re all tired of your douchebag self-portrait avatar. We get it, you think you’re sexy and you want everyone to see you. I think you may be trying too hard. Everyone knows berticus doesn’t care what you look like; he’d fuck anything with an asshole.

And rasch187, so glad you could manage some extra time to show up outside of your candlelight vigils for the countless choggie sockpuppet accounts I’ve instabanned throughout the year. Let me lighten the mood with a joke... Hey, what do they call smart people in Norway? Swedish tourists.

And xxovercastxx, it’s obvious the concept of a comic book grading system is lost on you, much like the concept of turning down your volume when a video is too loud. And, don’t pretend you’re above the puerility of a good roast, you big silly narcissist; let’s not forget the time when you roasted yourself (

Hey rottenseed. Roasting. You’re doing it wrong. Take joedirt’s penis out of your mouth and come up with some snappier jokes. You made a list. A list? We’re not going to the grocery store; we’re having a roast. I am petitioning you to remain hobbled until you find your funny. Speaking of finding the funny, that goes for you, too, ponceleon, you unfunny bastard. You’re also boring and uninteresting. For example, ponceleon has contributed two worthless Talk Posts; one about Appletinis and the other about Hulu being blocked outside the US. Riveting. He is to a talk post what Nickelback is to Rock n’ Roll.

Am I the only person here who thinks JiggaJonson didn’t even try to be relevant, let alone funny? Something about me raping his mother and murdering his father? Way to bring the lulz, JJ. You’ve only just surpassed Ryjkyj who is not worth writing more than a sentence over. Done.

Look who showed up! Randomize! I have to admit I’m surprised to see you’re back after you made that pledge to leave the Sift for the VideoSift for Vampires. Did you grow tired of choking on your own masturbatory pretension?

And, thanks to the corn-husking Nebraskan MrFisk who, most people don’t know, has lived through a broken spine. Damn shame. That. You. Lived. If only we banned your quadriplegic ass the first time. It’s good to also see your sockpuppet account, thinker247, is here to take time off from his usual hobbling or Siftquisition. Damn, you’re so vile even your sockpuppet is in danger of being banned.

Sagemind wrote me a poem. Ass. Please read my above comment to rottenseed about roasting and doing it wrong. This also goes for you imstellar28. Why do all Objectivists seem to miss the point of every fucking thing? And vairetube, or as I like to refer to you: westy-lite. Your spelling is better than his, but... yeah... what the fuck, dude? Did you roast me or was that a stream of conscious letter to Santa Claus asking him for shellfish?

[edit] And Crosswords, I totally skipped you. You're probably used to that, though, being that you're so unremarkable in every way. Hell, I tried to find something interesting on you, but could only find this. So, fuck you for being too boring to make fun of.

Anyhow, thanks to all of you who showed up and gave it your best shot. At least you tried. Fucking douches.

Married With Children - Mmm Hmm Him....

Married With Children - Mmm Hmm Him....

Olberman: Glenn Beck Encourage Americans to Shoot Americans

spawnflagger says...

I live in Pittsburgh.
Western Pennsylvanians like guns (look up some statistics).
I don't own one, but I have nothing against them.
I don't think you should be able to own assault rifles unless you are police or military trained (and pass psychological exam).

Canadians also like guns, but they are responsible with them (go watch bowling for columbine).

Richard Poplawski is a nutjob (he's still alive in jail, someone above said it was suicide). He is a neo-nazi. He believes FEMA is going to round up americans and put them in containment camps. He has no remorse for what he has done, and only wished he had killed more cops.

All the police who showed up for the memorial of the 3 dead officers was touching. They came from as far away as toronto, boston, virginia, to show respect for their fallen brothers. 2 banks were robbed whilst 10,000+ policemen were in town. Hooray for humanity.

I like what Olberman says, but not how he says it. He is so incredibly fake. He's trying so hard to be the white Malcom X that it's distracting.

Glenn Beck is a nutjob, but he didn't create Richard Poplawski or Ted Bundy or Ted Kaczynski or Ted Danson.

Glenn Beck Tries to Scare Atheist Children

jacobrecker says...

i feel like i just watched the twilight zone. up is down - down is up on fox.

also, i expected the religious businessman to say that ted bundy was an atheist, that atheism caused him to commit crimes and that before he died, bundy called him to profess his belief in god (foxholesss). isn't that dobson's job? (besides cashing in on stupidity)

kronosposeidon (Member Profile)



Joe Biden Another 'Israeli Firster' Zionist.

volumptuous says...

-William Bundy credited the CFR's study groups with helping to lay the framework of thinking that led to the Marshall Plan and NATO.

-The Council served as a "breeding ground" for important American policies such as mutual deterrence, arms control, and nuclear non-proliferation.

-Dwight D. Eisenhower chaired a CFR study group while he served as President of Columbia University.


-The John Birch Society believes that the CFR plans a one-world government.

So you've got Alex Jones, Ron Paul and a bunch of Birchers, all pissing and moaning because of 1)The Marshall Plan & NATO 2) Nuclear Non-proliferation 3)The guy who warned us all against the "military industrial complex".


You guys should go back to your "WTC7 was a timed demolition!!"

Hitler: Rise of Evil (2003)

rasch187 says...

Robert Carlyle does not give a good performance in this film. He portrays the young Hitler as an absolute madman who seems psychotic in everything he does. And while that is how he'll be remembered, Hitler was actually also a very charming man during these years of his life...but so was Ted Bundy.

eff (Member Profile)

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