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Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

Once again, your grasp of the English language tends to point to who is really stupid here. “Your are stupid”? So close…keep trying, you’ll pass first grade English some day. 😂 😂 😂

They aren’t gaining territory…not for a while. You are over a year behind, and were never right on the facts.

Russia is trying to get Ukraine to agree to the current frontline as the permanent border…they wouldn’t be doing that if they were gaining ground. Ukraine says absolutely not…they wouldn’t be so quick to say no if they were losing territory still.

Russia has made no significant progress since last years Ukrainian counter offensive that granted wasn’t a total success but did drive Russia out of territory they had held…learn to read. Russia now holds approximately 20% of Ukraine, a serious shrinking from the maximum seized territory.
They are being pushed back or at worst held in place by a force that is essentially unarmed (after maggots blocked aid) and under 10% in numbers…and we just rearmed them.
Russia is losing territory they stole, slowly but they are losing. Their spring offensive was not very successful (but was costly) and when the squadrons of F-16s start flying and M1-Abrams start rolling they will be destroyed, they cannot defend against them.
They are now completely insecure in Crimea and may lose it, cannot sail the Black Sea fleet (they are hiding their best ships in Cuba!), and does not have an air force that can compete with F-16s. They are also enjoying attacks deep into the mother country with multiple groups of saboteurs in the country doing major damage daily.
The Russian people no longer support the war, and know the reasons for it were outright lies. The economy is non existent, banks closed, stock market offline, their sons are all dead, injured, in Ukraine, or on the run, their military is completely decimated, their oil infrastructure is being destroyed…and no one is coming to rebuild them , they will remain global pariahs for decades to come. North Korea is supplying their ammunition, and it’s so bad that it is more dangerous for the Russians than the Ukrainians. China and N Korea aren’t going to help rebuild the Russian economy, they can’t. Europe and the US are going to rebuild Ukraine. It will be the shining star of Eurasia.
Ukraine may expand into Russia soon. It’s incredibly likely they will take Crimea back.
Russia overplayed its hand and is so screwed it may actually fold as a country SOON, it has destroyed itself and now that we are actually backing Ukraine (not piecemeal drippings blocked by MAGA every time they can cause damage and help Russia) they have lost, they just won’t admit it yet (kinda like you)….who is surprised you believe they are “WINNING”? They’re “winning” about as much as the convicted felon and rapist has been since November 2020….which is not at all. The tiny temporary territory gains they’ve made this month were so costly they aren’t “wins”. If it costs you 20000 troops and 4 armored divisions to take a town that’s now rubble, and your enemy held you back for months and only lost 1000 troops…. you lost.

bobknight33 said:

Christ your are stupid.

If Russia is Losing as you say, Why are they gaining territory and holding it?

You do know what a map is?

If Russia is losing as you say, Why hasn't Ukraine pushed back the Russians?

Zelensky Celebrates Signing Security Agreement With The US

newtboy says...

Hilariously clueless.
Russia is losing a war they’ve been fighting by choice since 2014, and has destroyed itself, an entire generation, it’s military, it’s economy, it’s fight against NATO and EU expansion, it’s blossoming commercial relationship with the US and the west, and it’s position on the world stage over a desire to rebuild the USSR and an invasion based on the absolutely ridiculous lie that a Jewish comedian/president has turned an entire country of peaceful Democratic Ukrainians into a war bent nation of rabid bloodthirsty Nazis with biological weapons factories on the border ready to strike mother Russia overnight. It is asinine, and no surprise you repeat it.
After Biden’s new treaty announced today, Ukrainian military superiority is assured (they were winning already using RC boats and planes, how do you think they’ll do with F-16 squadrons and Patriot missile systems?).
😂 As if they did it just to make you look silly, Russian state tv announced today that it is so dire that banks have actually stopped allowing any withdrawals, and Russian stock markets collapsed and went offline after announcing they would no longer trade with dollars or euros!

Russia is winning? ARE YOU KIDDING!?! Russia is COLLAPSING!! 😂

BTW-Russia was a party to the trilateral agreement that by treaty secured Ukraine’s borders against all incursions. They not only chose to invade purely by choice, it was a clear violation of the anti nuclear proliferation agreement and in fact (by some interpretations) gives Ukraine the legal right to respond with nuclear weapons….if only they still had any, but they gave them all up voluntarily for those exact assurances from Russia and ourselves to protect their borders in perpetuity (forever).

bobknight33 said:

A historic day (for the Military Industrial Complex).

Russia is winning a war that that they didn't want.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Uh oh….Kushner’s $3.7 BILLION that he raked in while in the White House (not elected) and the Saudi refinancing that helped pay off his $1.8 BILLION in real estate debt only AFTER he had a meeting with the Saudis and changed US policy to help them blockade Quatar (who had refused to refinance his real estate and who said clearly and officially that they interpreted the military blockade and troops on their border as “If you don’t pay me or my father in law the Americans are going to sanction an invasion of your country.”) is under congressional investigation by the senate finance committee.
He also sold lists of foreign agents who were killed and sold them billions in arms we previously refused to sell them, and hid his direct involvement in the assasination of an American journalist. The crown prince brags he has Kushner (and therefore Trump) in his pocket (thanks to billions in bribes).

The investigation also involves implications that laws requiring registration of foreign agents and foreign investments have been not just ignored but actively broken possibly to hide the sale of stolen classified documents. The hundreds of millions in “fees” paid to failed real estate investor Kushner every year for “managing the over $3 billion of foreign money (not one cent invested in America) are also incredibly shady and are not properly reported.

Just to be clear because I know you cannot follow along…Kushner sold official US foreign policy (blockading Quatar), state secrets (our intelligence about our allies agents), and helped hide a live dismemberment murder of an American (Kashogi) for up to $3.6 billion to invest, $1.8 billion in “refinancing” (paid off his debts) and a hundred million +- per year for doing it…and is going to be under congressional investigation (along with his wife and step dad).
Pretty much exactly what you morons CLAIMED about Hunter but could find no evidence whatever of ANY payments or policy shifts, none. Now being investigated.

Er-mer-gerd! The campaign paid $75-$125 to attend the rally in Las Vegas…$75 to show up, $50 more if you get on a broadcast….and it still wasn’t a big crowd!
At least you know where your campaign contributions are going…to feed one convicted felon’s ego.

Cannon Fodder Intro - Amiga Version

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

In case there was any question about Trump idolizing and emulating Hitler and Nazis, his campaign put out a video saying if he wins the election America will be a “Unified Reich”.

No, I’m not providing you sources. If you can’t find it, you didn’t look. Every reputable news outlet has reported it.

In Time, he said he would deploy the military at the border to police migrants and across the country to police citizens, he would encourage states to monitor for pregnancies and keep close tabs on pregnant women (nationally if he can pass a national ban), fire any U.S. attorney that wouldn’t follow his directions to prosecute someone, evidence or not, and he would pardon the Jan 6 seditionists including those who viciously attacked and maimed police and those who plead guilty to sedition.
Sounds like a reich, only unified at gunpoint.


cloudballoon says...

Bob thinks Biden not referring to himself in 3rd person like Trump does all the time means Biden's not talking about the economy, LOL. Mindless cultist only wants to be lead, not to have independent thought, and they're like Sleepy Don, they're too lazy to verify lies and rather make up facts, statistic be damn!

I'm a Canadian, and damn I wish we here across the border is doing as well as the USA. The exchange rate (for us) against the USD is down the toilet, inflation is several times higher than the USA and far from being in check. The labor market is weak as shit. I mean, just look outside of your border and be thankful the USA got through the pandemic years to freak good.

Police And Security Stand Back While Zionists Attack Protest

newtboy says...

I agree with the first sentence as far as Israel goes.

The US dollar is STOPPING the killing in Ukraine. Remember, Russia said it’s objective is to erase Ukraine and Ukrainians, not just rule them. If we weren’t funding the resistance, we would be watching another genocide.

As for the idiotic video, the border fence has cost around $30 billion, not 5, and only added a few miles of “border protection”. It certainly isn’t doing the job of curtailing immigration, now is it? It will cost at least another $20-$40 billion to make it connect border wide if that’s even possible. It’s definitely not legal under current law, and since it’s easily climbed over or cut through in minutes or less, why would we waste more money on such an expensive (5 times the average per mile) and useless fence?

bobknight33 said:

War will stop when America stops funding it.
Yet not forget the US dollar funding the killing in Ukraine.

Follow to learn music theory with me.

Bored to tears? Time to get out and shake it up!

NYC Stores Surrender To Thieves

newtboy says...

The biggest violent crime/murder increase was 2020, since then there’s been significant progress made in lowering violent crime in the last 3 years, down double digits, property crime (like petty theft) is down 25% over the last decade.

“As of 2022, New York City has a murder rate of 6.3 per 100,000. This makes the Big Apple one of the safer large cities in the country. Overall, crime rates continue to go down in New York City. New data released in late 2023 shows an overall decrease in crime — a drop of 4.1% compared to the prior year.Feb 21, 2024”-,compared%20to%20the%20prior%20year.

Again, since it didn’t penetrate the feculent helmet the first few times… If the cities like NY and SF were the shitholes you claim, absolutely no one would want to live there, instead they are the highest valued real estate in the country. Explain this conundrum.

The narrative is bullshit. All actual crime statistics prove that.

Hilariously Right Side Network’s Brian Glen was shocked live on air to find that New York was not the hotbed of liberal crime and debauchery when he was there, only ably to point to seeing scary groups of Hispanics and black men, but no crime or squalor visible.
Reminds me of the MAGtard caravan to the border and when they got there they said “where’s this invasion you said was happening?”.
The Trump crime family leaving New York significantly lowers the amount being stolen in the city…a statistically significant amount likely equal to petty theft.

bobknight33 said:

The narrative is TRUE
Your liberal cities have been turned into shit holes.

Bike tubes have been #taken

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Not only did he say he would give more tax cuts for the ultra rich, he said he would return to family separation at the border, and that Americans who don’t support him are far more dangerous than Russia or China.

Meanwhile righty media is complaining about how good the economy is doing…saying it’s “too good”. Unemployment is too low, jobs are too plentiful, and wages are rising faster than inflation, also bad in their eyes.

You guys have become so silly.

You Can't Leave Like This

I Got Wood

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