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spoco2 (Member Profile)

PlayhousePals says...

In reply to this comment by spoco2:
Hey there!

I hope that the truly bizarre welcome you got to the sift doesn't put you off, it's a great place for discussion.

I'm from way down south of Oz in Melbourne, but I've been to Byron Bay for a wedding, and it's a lovely place.

In reply to this comment by PlayhousePals:
HI there, thought I'd introduce myself. It's my first week anniversary sifting here ... I see you are from Australia. I had a chance to visit during a whirlwind tour back in 2001 [My friends were headlining the Byron Bay Blues Festival that year, so I got to tag along] ... didn't get to spend NEARLY enough time in your country, but was impressed with how beautiful it is and how GREAT the people we met are. I hope I can go back some day, it was absolutely one of the most memorable trips I've ever embarked on, HoyHoy

Thanks! It was a bizarre introduction to the site, but hey, who doesn't like a bit of drama [when it's warranted that is]. I really enjoy it here [now] =oD

The band played the Mercury Lounge in Melbourne and the Metro in Sydney before popping over the Auckland for a show at the St. James Theater. It went by so fast! I really wish we'd had longer than ten days down under. My favorite little town was Nimbin in NSW ... my kind of people!

Blankfist's new sock puppets (Sift Talk Post)

jazzy77 says...

Wow I came into this drama late in the game. I am rather shocked by it all. I am a puppeteer who makes cat videos (see an example I am not a sockpuppet plotting evil attacks on users here. I am innocent even though it looks like I was found guilty without a trial. Thank you to those folks here who stood up for my friends and I. Yes we are all youtube creators and new here. Now some of us are trying to lick our wounds from this character assault. I am limping away and thinking to myself.. Forgive them for they know what not they do. I was loving it on the site too> Ok I will have to think about this awhile.

Thank you Silverpoint16 and pumkinandstorm for trying to enlighten this group.

lv_hunter (Member Profile)

BoneRemake says...

I noticed you put your dual barrel 1911 video in metal. metal is not for actual "metal" it is for metal MUSIC -

" For all things metal, including sub-genres, can be found in metal sift.

No rock and roll. No soft rock, or rock of any kind.

Gothic, Doom, Heavy, Thrash, Speed, Death, Black, New, Post,Industrial, Symphonic, Operatic, Power, Viking, Folk, Extreme, Viking,MetalCore and many others can all find a home here.

Now stop reading this, and mosh. "

yea its pretty stupid of a channel name, It depicts actual METAL not metal music.... But I wanted to let you know so you can "Modify details" under the title and change the channel assignments yourself.


The World's Largest Restaurant - Thailand

MilkmanDan says...

>> ^deathcow:

i'll take some fresh spring rolls, crispy spring rolls, pad ped kai, pad thai, basil chicken extra spicy, kang karie and some chicken satay

Since you clearly like your Thai food, I thought I'd reply here with some pronunciation and literal translation quirks about those menu items -- the staff at a Thai restaurant (assuming they are Thai anyway) will get a kick out of it if you play up the right angles. This gets long (sorry), so anyone not interested skip to the next post...

Spring rolls - "bpo bpeah" in Thai. The bp is a phoneme that we don't really have in English -- try to combine the two sounds but err on the side of sounding more like "p" than "b". The second word sounds sort of like "bpEEE-uhhh", or like how somebody with a thick Massachusetts accent would say "beer" or "peer". For crispy spring rolls, you would just add the word "toht" to the end, which means "fried" or deep fat fried -- "bpo bpeah toht".

Pad Ped Kai - Pad means "fried" also, but more like pan fried. Ped (sounds more like "pet") means "spicy". Kai means "egg". So all together I would think that would mean "stir-fried spicy egg", but it isn't a menu item that I have heard of before. I think that maybe the Kai should be Gai instead -- Gai means "chicken". The "g" sound in Thai is sort of halfway between a g and a k, so sometimes things get phonetically translated in different ways. But if it is chicken, make it sound more like a g; like "guy".

Pad Thai - sort of indirectly translates as "that fried dish that is famous/popular in Thailand", which is descriptive but not in a content / culinary way like most Thai food.

Basil Chicken Extra Spicy - the most popular Thai dish that is heavy on basil is Pad Kapow (sounds like the word for hitting someone; ka-POW). So, I bet that the Thai name for your Basil Chicken would be Pad Kapow Gai. Throw a "Pet Maak" on the end to specify extra spicy -- "pad kapow gai pet maak".

Kang Karie - I usually see this one romanized into G's instead of K's. Usually "gaeng gallee" (I'd argue that is the best phonetic guide also). "Kang"/"Gaeng" means "curry", and "Gallee" is a specific type of curry. However, point of interest, "gallee" also means "whore". This Thai homonym is responsible for menu translations like the one you can see here. To explain that link, "gallee" curry comes in powder form. The Thai word/phrase for gallee curry powder is "foong gallee". Run that through google translate or the like, and instead of getting "gallee curry powder" you get "whore dust". This is a source of great amusement to Thais, making fun of their friends when ordering, etc.

Chicken Satay - not originally a Thai thing (loooong time ago), but it is very popular here now. In the US I always heard it said like "saw-tay", but in Thailand it sounds more like "SUH-tae". Chicken satay is available, but generally more popular among foreigners here. In areas without a large farang (western foreigner) population, 99% of the time satay will be pork. I actually like the pork version better now. Anyway, in Thai chicken satay would sound like "gai suhtae" and pork would sound like "moo suhtae".

Krupo (Member Profile)

RhesusMonk says...

Not sure. I found a couple contemporaneous comments back and forth between him and @dag before he disappeared, but they seem to have vanished. (Seriously @dag, if that's not true, please tell me.) He'd been mildly trolling MFers for a while, but nothing really awful unless it was private. There was also a killed video that I didn't really understand, but I think it was some kind of asshat retaliation. Other than that, there wasn't really much. I've seen other banned members held before multiple tribunals before being exonerated for a whole lot more. Btw, there were a LOT of members I wanted to invoke in that post for being the reasons I joined, like you, like @Sarzy, like @Eklek, @Fletch, @jwray, @lucky760, @spoco2, @gwiz665, @mintbbb, @gorgonheap, @Issykitty, @JAPR, @ant, @videosiftbannedme, @Trancecoach, and on and on and on. We used to create the quality here; now, it seems, we're subject to it. It'd be nice to live up to our reputation.

In reply to this comment by Krupo:
Yeah, what exactly happened there??

In reply to this comment by RhesusMonk:
Hey, buddy. I don't know whether you'll be checking your profile much now that you've been sent on the CircleLine cruise, but I wanted to tell you that I for one am rather disgusted by the way this played out.

therealblankman (Member Profile)

eric3579 (Member Profile)


Ryjkyj says...

>> ^sirex:

>> ^Ryjkyj:
>> ^sirex:
"ever notice feminists are always people you wouldnt wanna f anyway?" - george carlin.

God I fucking hate it when people misquote Carlin.

o_O That comment was 4 years ago. Anyhow I looked this up, and it's "Have you noticed that most of the women who are against abortion are women you wouldn't want to fuck in the first place, man" So yes, you are arguably right. This may have been was mixed up with "feminists want to control your language".
On the other hand, this was from his shows like in 1997 or so. Memory isn't infallible.

Wow, I didn't even realize you weren't a long-gone lurker or something. Sorry about that, I get confused with the sheer number of people that comment here.

Now, I apologize for beating a dead horse, but the quote is, "Why is it that most PEOPLE who are against abortion are people you wouldn't wanna fuck in the first place?" It's from "Back in Town" (1997) and even though memory might be fallible, Videosift isn't:

I just wanted to point it out because George Carlin was absolutely a feminist, even though I'm sure he would hate the label. That said, I can't stand this video.

The Reason for God

BicycleRepairMan says...


I think what you are doing with the argument about consciousness is rather confusing to me. It seems to me that you are applying our own consciousness to the universe as a whole, in the same way I look at my dog as a human ie: applying human reasoning to an animal that I really know isnt capable of it. (such as predicting or planning future events, like "My dog feels a sense of abandonment when I'm on vacation" etc.) My dog, and even more probable, the universe, doesnt give a shit that I'm in the next room or 4000 miles away, it doesnt know that I'm in a different country and it has no idea how long I might be gone. But its in our human nature to treat the things around us, and even the environment itself, as if it was socially connected with us, the way a fellow human might be.

Now, dogs may be more perseptive than one would think, and us dog-owners may be more right about our relationship with these animals than our research has been able to establish at this point, and there is even some mounting evidence that they understand us better than we could imagine. But again, we are talking about complex animals with very sophisticated brains that have undergone domesticating selection for thousands of generations. In other words, the human and conscious qualities that I unwittingly apply to dogs may not be entirely fictional.

But to apply this (consciousness,awareness,prediction or social behaviour of some kind)to the universe itself, is another matter entirely. Unlike the case with dogs, for example, there really is no evidence for this, there is no known mechanism, or even a credible potential mechanism, to give the universe an intelligence capable of conscious thought. In fact, all the evidence and knowledge we DO have, suggests that the universe is overwhelmingly indifferent, unintelligent, unconscious, and contains nothing but physical energy condensed into matter.

If the universe was conscious in some way, why would it, for instance spend 4 billion years evolving life, and eventually creating conscious creatures like ourselves around a burning fireball thats destined to explode and destroy it all within a few additional billion years, rendering the entire excercise completely pointless in the grand scheme of things. The universe will go on existing for at least a hundred billion years after that, and there will be no, absolutely NO sign that life ever existed in this part of that insignificant little galaxy (one out of a hundred billion) In fact that galaxy itself would be nothing but a supermassive black hole with fading stars(literally) around it. All our books and all our efforts, all our suffering and all our triumphs will be gone. forever.

Allright too gloomy, I know, but its the truth. we live here.. now, and we should appreciate our tiny visit to the spotlight. We are the universe understanding parts of itself, in a few short decade I will be no more, and in a few million years, mankind will be no more. We are conscious, now, and we are as far as we can tell, the only things that are.

We are the universe's consciousness.
As far as we can tell.
I say enjoy it while it lasts.

Toshley (Member Profile)

jonny says...

I'm sorry that you were disappointed. As you may or may not have noticed, the very first comment was my own acknowledgement that it was not something I would typically post. That said, it seemed fairly obvious to myself and others that it was intended as parody by the original author (youtube user tamtampamela), and as such was pretty harmless.

I can appreciate your discontent with the level of discourse on religion, faith, and spirituality here at VideoSift. I gave up trying honestly to engage people in such subjects quite a long time ago. It's particularly disappointing given the otherwise high level of intellect found here.

Now that you are a fully signed up member, though, I urge you to engage when and where you will.

In reply to this comment by Toshley:
I've been using Videosift for a while now, never felt compelled to comment until I watched this video and read the comments. I've watched every atheist video that's been uploaded and watched it with an open-mind, I was ashamed to see this had been posted merely for comedic purposes.

It's a bit "Fox News" to only promote one side of an argument and then show the worst of the opposing view. I know that it's a long standing debate whether there is or isn't a God but let's try and be mature about how we discuss it.

4X4 washing down the street in Toowoomba

How a Crane Builds Itself

How a Crane Builds Itself

All The Galaxies in the Known Universe

GeeSussFreeK says...

I am not sure what you mean by Pre-inflation exactly. If you mean when the universe was a singularity I would argue that concepts of center do not apply to objects that do not have dimension. More to the point, there was no space when there was just a singularity, a concept of center needs space, it is a quality of center.

I like your analogy, but I don't know if that works in our case. The problem lays in space itself, it has no markers or identifiers. A single unit of space is no different than any other, it is also impossible to know if something is space, or not space. The only thing that is possible to know is the distance that exists between objects in space. Relativity tells us that no observer has the authority to say anything about rest or motion objectively, they are both trapped in subjective prisons. As a result, there is no way to know if something is moving away from a position in space, you can only know if it is moving away from something else. That is the problem with objective space, as far as it concerns humans, there is no such things, so talk about a center of space is meaningless to us. We can only understand objects in space relative to other objects in space, not about space itself.

That is my take on it though, I am not sure I completely understand how relativity is supposed to work in space/time when concerning absolute space. As far as I know, there is not such thing as absolute space in relativity.

>> ^Mcboinkens:

I disagree. Pre-inflation there was a center, and therefore post-inflation must also have a center. Not being able to observe of calculate that center is another story.

Here's my anology: if you took a blob of water(floating, you'll see why in a second), you would have a center in that blob. Add enough heat to vaporize it into a steam cloud instantaneously, and you have a more expansive form of water. However, there is still a center, since it the molecules spread out evenly in all directions(obviously this doesn't happen in the real world but work with me here). Now imagine this cloud is diffusing throughout the room, but the room has no physical limit. It has infinite volume. It may spread unevenly, but logic(and physics) dictates it will tend to spread in all direction. It is expanding still, yet it would still have a center, which was where the blob was initially or close to it.. However, if we just began to observe this steam at the time where it was already spreading throughout the room, we would have no idea where that center was, because it all looks the same density and structure-wise.
Just my thoughts on the subject.

All The Galaxies in the Known Universe

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