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newtboy says...

BTW @bobknight33, his statistics are pure bullshit, totally made up figures, pure *lies.

For instance, the actual divorce rate is 39% or less and dropping, not 67% and rising. In 2019 divorce rates hit a 50 year low, and are expected to drop precipitously when 2020 statistics are released.

It follows that, with the easiest statistic to verify so incredibly wrong-not just nearly doubled but he also got the trend totally backwards, every statistic he quotes is certainly made up in the same dishonest way with zero factual basis.....Like most everything you post.

Bob, why are you such a constant liar? Everything you post is, at best, total misrepresentations of fact and far more often, like this, pure hateful lies coming from a place of weakness and infantile hatred for anyone not a conservative white male. What happened to you that makes you abhor truth and facts along with women and non whites? No, really....what happened? It must be a good story to have this kind of impact on you.

Viral How Much Did Your Divorce Cost

newtboy says...

Try it. If she takes the kid and bolts, it's legal. Even if you manage to get a court order before she leaves state, chances are you won't get equal custody unless she's a documented certifiable nutjob. I say this because you live in a fault state which are invariably the same states backwards enough to automatically give women custody and force fathers to prove the mother is unstable and dangerous, and even then you'll share with her as primary without documented abuse.

So you've been together 20 years and share nothing. What a way to live.

Shared assets when not married aren't divided by the courts. If you want their help, gotta be married or sign an ownership contract with every purchase.

I can find no instance where I said my brother "won". He got custody, that's different from "winning". Be real. If you're going to quote me, please don't make up the quotes. Spending over $100000 on a two week marriage isn't winning by my definition.

That link is off topic. Find a study of similar jobs with similar hours worked and compare salaries, not a study that says average women work X ammount less so overall earning should be X amount less but instead it's X-1 less, so women are overpaid. That's not what their study showed, they're extrapolating there, and ignoring that the lower hours are usually not their choice, but their superiors orders to avoid paying overtime and full benefits to women. Also, they said Married men managers without kids also earn more for each hour at work: they earn $38.40 per hour while married women without kids earn only $28.70. That means that for each hour spent at their jobs, male married managers without kids earn about 34% more than women. 34% more for each hour. Did you read it? Mic drop.

See, more insulting dismissiveness...those women couldn't possibly be more competent or harder workers, they must be succeeding because of preferential treatment. In case you missed it, that's incredibly misogynistic.

What?! Prove it.....with data not an anecdote.

So....You wouldn't marry a crazy person only because of what divorce would cost. Yeah....right.

" I wouldn't even consider marrying anyone that has any adverse indicators" sounds like personal issues to me, they aren't good enough to marry....because of divorce....Again ignoring the prenup that dictates divorce splits.

Lol. Such utter bullshit. Maybe if they have an impairment and no lawyer, and can prove it in court, not because they say so.

Ashley Maddison.

Wedding rings are aphrodisiacs. It's why I don't wear one, hit on repeatedly wearing it, never once without it. My experience differs from your assumptions and statistics, same with my friends. I'm 5'9", so not tall cute and photogenic....but two out of three ain't bad.

Bob said it, you agreed with him and more.

An uncodified partnership is one of convenience or even imaginary. Nothing to stop either of you walking tomorrow if you meet your new soul mate. That's not a stable partnership. It may be exactly what you want. It seems you made up your mind that marriage=bad for men long ago, in which case you should not partake. I hope your path leads to at least half the happiness mine has.


‘This is not a zoo’: Biden administration blocks filming

newtboy says...


Another Bobesque tantrum post? How lovely.

Trying to equate the slight disappointment the international community has with Biden as president to the abject horror of Trump as president as if the disdain were equal. LMFAHS!! Ridiculously asinine.

As usual, right wing apologists can't read. Some gaps were left when construction halted after Biden halted funding, funding the courts had deemed illegal btw, but others were not. Some were planned, some were due to failures of the fence Trump chose, some were due to contractors doing half assed jobs or being incapable of the work, some due to topography, there were many excuses but in the end, it wasn't a wall, it wasn't complete, it barely extended border barriers, and many places were left less secure...none of which is Biden's fault. They knew full well the next administration wasn't continuing this plan. You don't think they should have planned for that maybe? Finished the parts they dismantled at least before the only supporter left power? Nope. Guess not. Perfectly reasonable to leave it half done and expect the next guy who campaigned against it to finish it or take all the blame for all it's failures. Didn't Donny promise to have it done his first term anyway?


I read a few articles from multiple sources on both sides before responding...not just the one particular cherry picked one you linked...i know better.

Not half ever wanted the wall, and likely under 1/3 want more poorly built fencing now that we've seen how horrible it is. Over half want the border secured, but that's not the same as support for the dumb wall/fence. Border security isn't just a fence, it comes in all flavors. Indeed, many agree that the best way to stem immigration is not building barriers both physical and institutional, but to increase anti narco terrorism funding in central America and end the war on drugs. Starve the drug gangs of money, they'll lose power and stop driving families out.

It was absolutely NOT paid for, Trump had to use an executive order to redirect funds that were earmarked by congress to pay for military family housing, because he couldn't get congress to pay for his boondoggle, much less Mexico as promised. If it had been fully funded, it would have been fully built.

Biden is not doing well at immigration. In his defense, he was left a clusterfuck, but he hasn't solved any major problems yet. As an adult, I'm capable of admitting that easily. The level of incompetence between him and Trump, however, are worlds apart, and the approaches are as well. One dehumanized and demonized immigrants, the other seems to be at least trying to get a working immigration and refugee system back in place, but is moving slowly. Your implications that they're both equally awful indicates either a strong bias for Trump, or strong break with reality.

I and others have clearly said many times on other threads, Biden is failing at immigration, and failing at being prepared to accept immigrant children. As a seeming right wing apologist at best, you seem blind and deaf to those complaints from the left and pretend we are childishly hypocritical no, you're far from getting it right, you're getting it totally backwards and twisted. Derp.

Another empty complaint/accusation. What fake news did I spread? Pretty easy but also completely meaningless to shout "your wrong" with no explanation, no correction, no specifics. Very Trumpian of you sir.

Anybody who writes what you did about Biden must be a hypocritical and douchey Trump supporter or just a plain brown wrapper nutjob. Even with his speech impediment, Biden is clear, thoughtful, and coherent...unlike Trump who never said a complete sentence or even complete thought in four years. Your hyper biased characterizations and factless, pointless, non sequitor, insult ridden tantrums masquerading as an argument are what paint you as a Trumpster, not your baseless accusations of hypocrisy.

Now I remember why I had you on ignore. Thanks for the reminder.

Anom212325 said:

"Sorry, there's no cult of Biden." Saying that in the same breath as all the dribble you just posted. lol what's wrong with you? You are obsessed with Trump being the devil. You just have to shout it with all your cult-like might. The guy isn't even in power anymore yet you need a diaper change every post you make. Your obsessed brainwashed little brain can't understand that non-Americans DONT LIKE TRUMP AND DONT LIKE BIDEN! Also what did I expect, Americans can't read past a headline of an article.

Those gaps would not have been there if Biden didn't freeze the construction. Like it or not half of the US want the wall and it was paid for. Stoping it was cutting off your nose to spite the face. Biden realized that hence the plan to finish it. The point of the article if you read past the headline was how bad Biden is handling the border crisis of his own making. Just like trump fucked up handling it Biden is doing the exact same.

Let me just get this straight. Trump child border camp bad. Biden child border camp good. Trump border crisis bad. Biden border crises good. Trump speaking like a senile Bad. Biden speaking like a senile good. Am I getting it right ?
Derp indeed.

You would think shouting and blaming everybody else for spreading fake news you would be more diligent... You're so blinded by your hate anybody who posts about your hypocrisy must be a trump supporter.
This is why the world hate Americans... Self centred fucks.

Impeachment Managers Make Case Against Trump to Open Trial

cloudballoon says...

You got it backward... Republicans with principles, honor and courage will soon be out of work, the rest (i.e. the certified majority ) of the power hungry GOPers is sitting VERY comfortably, happy to keep on plotting and gaslighting and disillusioning people left & right.

luxintenebris said:

the only real question is will the Republicans do their sworn duty? be honorable. just be honest.

believe some will. the ones with principles, honor, and courage.

may the rest find other work. soon.

New Rule: The Tragedy of Trump Voters

newtboy says...

I think that's at the discretion of the judge, if you asked for 15%, likely you'll get your principal back, if you asked for 1500%, chances are you won't get a dime back as punishment, and may end up owing the borrower if you went overboard trying to collect.

I live in California, building codes change constantly. I agree, it is maddening and often backwards. He was specifically talking about codes for building stand alone solar, which are newer building codes. Even old building codes are often poorly thought out and contradictory. I'm not saying there isn't an abundance of red tape here, especially for building.
That said, his contractor should have been aware of all codes, submitted his plan, and would have approval or notes on what to change in weeks tops. There's something wrong when it takes over a year to get a shed built, some reason his plans weren't approved like they weren't to code.
Citation : personal experience - I installed solar in California, it took 3 days for my permit approval....and only that long because my contractor was being lazy.

That's the thing I disagree with, no new laws are needed at all, just a removal of exemptions/deregulations for businesses that pay large enough bribes (contributions) to elected officials. Even making all credit businesses operate on the same rules, allowing them 30% interest, seems ok, but that isn't reality today. It's unconscionable to allow 1600% interest on loans peddled to desperate people that don't actually qualify for a real, legitimate line of credit, many of whom don't understand it's what they're agreeing to, but the payday loan lobby is well funded and connected.
Although U.S. states set their own maximum legal interest rates, a Supreme Court interpretation of the National Bank Act of 1864 preempted state usury laws and created a path toward a national consumer lending economy. The most important federal case in credit card interest rate deregulation was decided in 1978.

Her problems were multifold. The predatory loan took a fixable issue, her terrible customer service, and compounded it with insurmountable and ever expanding debt, which in turn undoubtedly hurt her customer service more, thus increasing her debt..... It sounds like she never should have purchased a service oriented business, and likely overextended herself from day one just to do it.

I'm unsure of your point in the last paragraph.

smr said:

I think you mean they wouldn't have to pay you the interest. They would have to pay you back the principal. And that would be under specific cases and usually when no contract is involved, also all depends on where you live.

Also, I don't think either Bill's building codes are "new" vs. the usury laws being "existing". Please cite to support.

The irony is that additional laws to stop predatory lending are, in fact, what red tape is made of, by definition. So I found it amusing that he would look at her situation, say that Nancy and team were trying to solve it for her by passing new laws, then go on to complain about all the red tape surrounding this building. That red tape exists because someone else before him saw a problem or safety issue or concern, and put yet another policy or law in place to solve it. In reality, as your posts prove, her problem was not that a predatory lender got involved in her life, but that her business was in bad shape because she had gone off the deep end and was thus losing customers.

I could easily imagine a bit where he showed a stack of papers four inches thick that he had to sign to get a loan, and complain about the processing time, then showcase an SMS based loan that works in another country and funds in one day.

VLDL: Getting a USB in first time - USB

Khufu says...

It is interesting that it SHOULD be 50% chance but it's more like 1% for some reason. probably because any bit of resistance from a wrong angle, rotation, wrong port, can feel like it's because you have it backwards, so you turn it around, then it IS backward... just a poor design that is enduring.

A material that destroys the things that try to cut it

SFOGuy says...

oh cool!

What I like is the harkening backwards.
The plastic matrix with the granite chips was the answer to the WW II problem of armor plating merchant ships against strafing. Neat to see it re-emerge

eric3579 said:

Hank explains it quite well

Judge Barrett isn't worth considering

newtboy says...

Lol. Right. More projection. Sorry sunshine, I'm pretty certain I've established a reputation for multiple legitimate sources and verifying my claims in stark contrast to you who only sites illegitimate and unverified far right Russian based internet media.

I seriously doubt that you listened or watched, and I know if you did you didn't understand 4/5 of it. I guess you were totally full of shit saying you're employed and going in to work then.

So, a nominee who can't answer the most basic questions about the constitution should be confirmed as one of 9 people who interpret it? Knowing it forwards and backwards would seem a bare minimum requirement...but not for you or trump, you need a justice who's ignorant of the constitution to get her to ignore and violate it for you. Enjoy the new 19 justice court with 10 new seats filled by Biden and an amendment making adding more unconstitutional. Because we can is now the standard set by Republicans, they have zero legitimacy complaining, and will have zero power to stop it.

So cute, sweety. Pretending to be informed. That's just precious, doll.

bobknight33 said:

Sorry that you get your news from the VIEW.

I listen to the hearing.

On and off for about 4 hours last 2 days

Buttigieg Shuts Down Loaded Fox Question

newtboy says...

Bwaaahahaha. You are hilarious.

So daughter and little girls and employees and acquaintances and friend's wives forcible raping Donny quit, and mother lover Pence too, handing the job to Biden? Hate to tell you, it's Trump in the Whitehouse, genius.

Do you even know who the president is? Are you now claiming it's been Biden the last 4 years and that's why America has gone to shit? Lol. Nice try, your ilk might believe it.

Your plain stupid nickname isn't catching sad. It's just a reminder of the disgusting woman abuser and daughter rapist Don is, and how bend over backwards ignorant Trumpists are to keep repeating baseless claims of PUBLIC abuse from a proven liar who made it up this year, not 12 years ago when he was elected VP or any time before or since. How much you wanna bet she was paid to make her accusation like so many others?
Keep it up, your like a constantly babbling commercial for Biden.

bobknight33 said:

And his name is Finger Banging Joe Biden.

Folded Man Stands Up Straight After 28 Years

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Here's the thing, Bob.
You were wrong. There are NOT known cases of Democrats cheating in elections in the last decade, only Republicans caught cheating thousands of times.

It's ok to be wrong if you can admit it....but you just can't. When you see you can't back up your claim, but you continue to make it, that's when you go from being duped to being a liar. I think you passed that point on this topic 7+ weeks ago.

It's ok to say you were misled, lied to. In fact, I think I can speak for most that that admission is what we all want for, and from you. Whoever told you there were known instances of Democrats cheating outright lied to you, born out by the fact that you can't find a single instance after two months of being harassed over claiming it.

You can't escape a lie until you admit it is one, something Trump has told you is bad, a sign of weakness, but that's backwards. Being unable to admit a mistake is a sign of weakness, an ego so fragile it can't survive being wrong, a lack of confidence so severe that one mistake makes a person worthless, so admitting a mistake is like suicide. That's nonsense, the kind of logic you get from clinically insecure narcissists. You deserve better.

Btw, your obsession with CNN is telling. I don't watch it, something I've told you a dozen times, but you have a pathological need to believe they're the source of anything bad about Trump. Sorry, but that source is Trump himself, not your CNN bogeyman. Nothing could make his words, actions, and plans worse that he makes them himself. He's the one doing us all wrong.

bobknight33 said:

For someone who has the answer on all matter you are suddenly dumbfounded in finding such issues.
Gather that fake news does not mention such things. brian stelter and Rachel Maddow are doing you wrong.


newtboy says...

Just to be clear, Trump thinks you are so dumb you could never count backwards by 7s, or identify the day, month, year, city, and state you're in, or what a clock face looks like at 2:45.

He believes knowing things like this makes him a genius, ahead of everyone in intelligence, and he just can't imagine any questions that might be harder or that anyone else on the planet is intelligent enough to score a 30/30 on a dementia test.

He also brags that not one person who knows him expected him to pass it. *facepalm

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

"Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism"

Snide and factually wrong, it's his televised support for Nazis and their secret meeting gallery and the public perception that he is a Nazi himself because he supports them and doesn't denounce them that's considered support for nazis, not his sign, not free speech.

"Shows a man holding a sign saying ""the right to openly discuss ideas must be defended", in Hackney, England. Apparently this is not an acceptable sentiment these days; I guess classical liberalism had a pretty good run, but it may be over now."

Also snide and factually wrong. It's a blatant lie that the sentiment on his sign is what they find unacceptable, it's his support for what's seen as a secret nazi/white power meeting hall camouflaged as an art gallery in a neighborhood that doesn't want it, not an open discussion but a secret meeting hall for secret alt-right meetings without openness or discussion.

Clear enough?
I'm guessing not, because you would be forced to admit your mistake, something you seem incapable of doing, but I'll surely get over it.

Edit: seems I've been capable of an excess of civil disagreement...I'm incapable of civility with liars....and funny enough you didn't argue that you didn't lie, only that you didn't know you were snide, which title and description clearly are.

Second edit: I wonder if he supported the same gallery nay secret meeting place for secret invite only meetings for terrorist jihadists, would you still bend over backwards to say all speech matters and his support doesn't equate to support for terrorists? What's the difference?

Buttle said:

I'm not sure what you think was "snide". I think all parties here were arguing in good faith. I'm sad that you seem incapable of civil disagreement, but I'll surely get over it.

Time Lapse of Comet Neowise - July 11, 2020

bremnet says...

Great vid & tail points away from the sun, no matter the direction of travel. At first glance, us who learned physics on Bugs Bunny thought it was being played backwards.


newtboy says...

You got that symbol backwards, not surprising since math and science aren't conservative strong suits anymore, and you clearly hate your dog.

My dog > Biden > a ham sandwich > Kanye > a full, leaking, and fermenting diaper in the bed > a racist strain of Ebola > Trump


Edit: perhaps I misunderstood...are these rated on how destructive these things are to America? If so, you may be correct, but then that's one bad dog.

TangledThorns said:

TRUMP > Kanye > my dog > ham sandwich > Biden

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