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Let's talk about Hannity not believing it for a second....

kir_mokum says...

FOX and GOP leaders never believed the election was stolen. they don't care about the war on xmas, who uses what bathroom, who got vaxxed, what suit a person wears, any of it. it's always been a grift for advertising/donator dollars and to aggregate power. the entirety of modern conservatism has been about this: money and power. all the pearl clutching and outrage and culture war is and has always been a theatrical performance.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So….Mike Pillow for RNC Chair. Endorsed by Trump.
Yes please.
Nothing could possibly end the party faster than putting a bat shit crazy crack head in the top party position and a convict as your presidential candidate with an ignorant crazy Karen as his VP.
Always running to the lowest common denominator, and in your case that’s LOW. Like pedophilic Nazi on meth low.

Wannabe Werewolf Walker saying people under 35 shouldn’t get to vote (because they aren’t voting for him), and anyone (on the left) with any complaint against America should leave and lose their citizenship (not realizing his entire campaign is about complaints he has against America) is pretty much perfectly on brand….this was in response to a question about children being bullied online.

And Elon, by removing misinformation rules and fact checkers and bringing back the crazed right wing nuts spreading misinformation and planning terrorism on Twitter, has violated Apple’s terms of service, prompting them to 1) stop advertising on Twitter (around $200 million per year) and 2) consider removing the app, meaning all apple products can’t download or update the app…essentially killing Twitter.
He tweeted that he carried the sink in to “let this sink in” when he took over, but now it’s clear it was just his intent to “sink” the company from the start. He’s personally lost $100 billion in net worth so far, and still plummeting. That’s making it harder to get funding for his other companies. Tesla is down 55% ytd. “All in” is not looking great these days. It’s always a huge risk. Can’t say you weren’t warned.

Elon Musk's Space-X Rocket Riding Goat Statue

newtboy says...

This is an advertising stunt for Elon Goat Token, a fairly new crypto currency that spent $600000 on this statue, apparently as a gift to Elon. It was due to be delivered in Austin Saturday, the 26th, but when they arrived Elon was nowhere to be found to accept the “gift”, and did not make the hoped for endorsement of the crypto currency bearing his name.

In the last week Elon Goat Token has plunged by over 70%. Many investors are claiming they are not able to sell their holdings at all, some suggesting a conspiracy and con game. Ruh-roe!

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You were warned…

3 weeks and Twitter has closed its doors and is likely soon to be gone.
Forced loyalty pledges.
Employees locked out, the very few left that is.
Verification, gone.
Advertisers, gone.
Parody, gone.
Freedom of speech, gone.
Misinformation teams, gone….but that was the reason he bought it, to remove fact checks of conservatives.
Safety, gone.
Design teams, gone.
Functionality teams, gone.
Building maintenance teams, gone.
Twitter employees tweeted each other goodbye because they see it’s dying. Even most of the few that signed the loyalty pledge to become “hard core Twitter” say it’s temporary, they just didn’t want to lose their jobs right before the holidays. Good luck automating everything and pleasing your customers. He already drove off almost all advertising and revenue.

$45 billion of Tesla cash down the drain, down over 55% ytd and still plunging, and still burning money by the truckload, possibly into bankruptcy, and under multiple congressional investigations….OUCH!…all because Elon couldn’t stand even 2 days of free speech and started perma banning people over nonsense he created.
All in on Tesla must not be looking as bright and shiny today. You can’t say you weren’t warned.

As a bonus, Florida’s moronic infantilizing “stop woke act” law is on hold. Poor baby snowflakes might have to hear actual history for a moment, not white washed “slavery was just a voluntary migration for work just like we see on the southern border and benefited the slaves greatly” nonsense. The judge quoted 1984 in his ruling, calling the law “positively dystopian”.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, today, Trump’s lawyers were sanctioned for filing frivolous lawsuits for Trump, likely to be disbarred. This is just the first of 11 plaintiffs sueing over the same frivolous lawsuit that the judge has already determined was filed in 100% bad faith with no evidence or crime as pure political theater, abusing the courts and defendants. She’s still facing well over $1 million in damages.

Also today, Trump admitted to allegedly abusing his federal powers to interfere in the Florida election in 2018. He’s saying this to 1) add fuel to his “elections are full of fraud” lie (no fraud found) and 2) to claim DeSantis couldn’t win without his interference, so definitely shouldn’t be the nominee.
So far it sounds like this is another pure tantrum lie from Trump, with no evidence he sent federal agents to “secure” any election in Florida. It is another indicator that he will abandon all rule of law if given another chance, and will illicitly interfere in elections.

Also, thin skinned snowflake Musk is driving Twitter into the ground quickly, driving off users, driving off advertising, firing critical staff, losing his executives, turning verification into a receipt for $8 and nothing else then losing his mind over parody pages, banning even clearly labeled parody, going full perma-ban over his hurt feelings, something he said he would outlaw when he bought it, tried but failed to bring back Trump. Sell your Tesla, he still owes over $40 billion, and all his money is Tesla stock, so he needs to take over $40 billion in cash out of his EV money pit to pay for the other unprofitable business he’s actively destroying at light speed.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

You still seem very confused. I’m pissing on you con-y reds and waiving, not pissing into a red wave. WHAT!? (Funny you named your movement after deadly poisoned ocean conditions…red tides are horrific destructive deadly things, not something to aspire to. I’m shocked at the truth in advertising from your ilk.)

Red WAVE this time, eh? Just like the last red tsunami but smaller, right? ROTFLMFAHS!! You might consider stoping making predictions at some point….then again you’re always happiest when being 100% wrong.

MAGAmericans aren’t buying what Democrats are selling….truth, fact, verified statistics, actual plans on how to tackle issues….because they hate truth, fact, or plans because you just have none and it makes you jealous to hear. They aren’t Americans, they are anti American, anti democracy, worshipers of Putin Xi and lil Kim but absolutely not democratic leaders. Look at any Republican’s platform, it’s nothing but “I want to lower crime and fix the economy”, never HOW they plan to do so, just whining that they don’t like the only plan put forward, even when it’s the same plan they put forward before they balk and obstruct because now it’s Biden who might get credit if it helps. They certainly don’t want to look at WHEN violent crime/murder rates shot up, because Biden wasn’t president in 2020 when it happened. Same for the economy….don’t remember 2020, just think about how bad it is compared to 2015….Biden’s fault! Derp!

Without fraud, intimidation, and criminal hyper-partisan election workers Cons have no chance….but fraud, intimidation, interference, and misinformation are all you’ve got. No Con elected is elected “clean”, so they are all illegitimate.

That said, never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter. At least 1/3 of the country are absolute braying morons that believe anything Tangerini Mousolini says, the question is how many rational people will go along with you for weakly promised future personal gains over country.

A reminder how Cons treat vets…

bobknight33 said:

You pissing into the RED wave and it does not matter.

Americans are not buying what Democrats are selling and will be reflected in todays vote.

Chevron Ad

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

luxintenebris jokingly says...

would use the adage; "lead a horse to water" but y'all aren't even near mud.

an arid af desert of awarness.

here's a taste Mr. Ed...

he is as bad as advertised. w/research he's worse.

bobknight33 said:

Who would show up to an improper 1 sided kangaroo hearing?

No one cares about this BS. Trump did nothing wrong . didn't incite any riot.

Republicans Hate Dark Money Until They Love It

newtboy says...

Really?! Just like all knew Jan 6 was ANTIFA, like everyone knows Trump won and Democrats cheated to the tune of tens of millions of votes, but perfectly with zero traces, like everyone knows Covid is just a cold and won’t last 3 months? It’s true, both sides have corruption, but one side punishes and ostracizes those in their camp caught being corrupt, one side makes corruption their party platform and celebrates their members caught flagrantly violating ethics and finance rules, gladly donating towards paying their fines and shielding them from most consequences.

Point to the time Republicans put forth a serious bill to remove dark money that Democrats said no. I don’t think you can, nor can you deny Republicans just voted FOR corruption in government…and not for the first time….you just need to make up fake and false equivalents to pretend blatant Republican corruption is normal.

I’ll point you to Citizens United, the main cause of dark money in politics today, which started as an anti Clinton Republican movie that filed suit and appealed up to the conservative Supreme Court to allow corporations to spend essentially unlimited amounts in secret on political advertising and campaigns (because their “movie” was clearly a political advertisement with secret backers), or to say it plainly, they sued to legalize corporate bribery and conservatives loved it.

Again, point to some “egg on their face” instances that were Democrats fighting for dark money and Republicans trying to ban it, I can point to many times Democrats tried to ban it and Republicans blocked all efforts.

Republicans won’t even limit dark money, and can’t compete on equal funding so refuse to consider getting rid of it.

If you want bribery to be illegal, vote blue.
If you want freedoms beyond just what’s church approved (like in Iran), vote blue.
If you want ethics in government, vote blue.
If you want to fund border control better instead of using its lack of funding as a political ploy knowing your constituents are too dumb to see who caused the surge, vote blue.*
If you want publicly funded campaigns, vote blue.


bobknight33 said:

Why be upset about this? Both sides are corrupt. All know this.
Both sides act self righteous till a vote is placed. This shit happens all to often. The "other side" often puts to vote just to get the hatch video compilation . Today Rebs have egg on their face. Next cycle Rubs will set the trap for dems and they will get egg on their face.

The only fix is to get all public $ out of elections and just use Tax $ at a set amount. No 3 party vids or such just from candidates.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Catherine Leavy, hard core Trumpist, arrested after she called in a bomb threat to Boston Children’s hospital based on the lie that young children were having hysterectomies as part of sex reassignment and were being mutilated intentionally under the assumption that every child born is trans….all nonsense bullshit spouted by right wing talking heads like Carlson…forcing the rapid evacuation of critically ill children. Over a dozen distinct threats against this hospital based on idiotic stupidity your ilk are all too happy to believe without a second thought.

More terrorism, destruction, and death threats against children by the right….the same people who are trying to make it legal to marry 9 year old girls then have sex with them.

Edit: I’m going to guess that you support DeSantis trafficking illegals at insane costs, $12 million of taxpayer money to ship 50 deep into the US as a political stunt/advertisement….how many could have been caught and deported with $12 million? Proof it’s all politics, not about solving the problem at all. Also proof of the unChristian, uncaring, thoughtlessness of the right now, this was an evil ploy to use children as political pawns by attempting to dump them, at night, in residential areas with no social services in the hopes that, out of desperation, one would commit some crime….backfired big time, liberals stood up and took care of these people the right had lied to and abused.
Odd, I thought the right said it dislikes human trafficking, but clearly that’s a lie since you applaud it. Now both the Senator and Governor of Florida are caught red handed child trafficking. Lock them up? Wrong is wrong….child trafficking is wrong….come on friendo, call it wrong AND DENOUNCE THE PERPS, permanently, not for 3 days.

Soft White Underbelly

newtboy says...

I mean, the interviews are interesting, but there’s no way in hell I would want to advertise I’m somehow affiliated. As far as I know, no one in my family ever married someone in their immediate family.

Why GM Says Its Ultium Batteries Will Lead To EV Dominance

bobknight33 says...

Mary Barra GM CEO. Her job is to "say" they are the leader, even when they a are not and wont be. Don't believe her.

There are few YouTube channels to watch on EVs. Sandy Munro is 1 of them.

Ford and GM are the Blackberry of their day.
They may make it through the decade but will be insignificant in the market.

Do you think CNBC would positive spin GM because of all the advertising they do? Would they be 100% honest?

An apple painted with the blackest paint

spawnflagger says...

false advertisement - Vanta Black is blacker, at 99.8% (in spray-on form). It's immeasurably black in raw form (> 99.96% - no spectrometer in the world was powerful enough to measure how much light it absorbs)

probably this mousou stuff is slightly less expensive (ridiculously vs ludicrously?)

The simple tool that can open most US stores

newtboy says...

Unless they have intent to use them, or have knowledge that that’s what they’re made for, no? That’s what it says in the law, isn’t it?

“ Every person having upon him or her in his or her possession a picklock, crow, keybit, crowbar, screwdriver, vise grip pliers, water-pump pliers, slidehammer, slim jim, tension bar, lock pick gun, tubular lock pick, bump key, floor-safe door puller, master key, ceramic or porcelain spark plug chips or pieces, or other instrument or tool with intent feloniously to break or enter into any building, railroad car, aircraft, or vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, or who shall knowingly make or alter, or shall attempt to make or alter, any key or other instrument named above so that the same will fit or open the lock of a building, railroad car, aircraft, vessel, trailer coach, or vehicle as defined in the Vehicle Code, without being requested to do so by some person having the right to open the same, or who shall make, alter, or repair any instrument or thing, knowing or having reason to believe that it is intended to be used in committing a misdemeanor or felony, is guilty of a misdemeanor. ”

I have this opinion, (that police (and some prosecutors) will ascribe intent to anyone in possession of any tools, even those with other uses, so they wouldn’t hesitate to do the same for tools that are clearly purpose built breaking and entering tools having been advertised as such and with no other use,) because I watched a friend be arrested in the 80’s for having a screwdriver and pliers in their backpack that the police called “burglary tools”. He did not have a history of burglary. The case was dropped when they instead charged him with <.5 grams of marijuana for some crumbs found loose in the bottom in his backpack and sent him juvie for 6 months. (I think he was on probation, I know the police wanted to charge him with anything….and did.). I was accused of having lockpicks once because I had picked up a few metal brush bits from a street sweeper in a parking lot and police saw me pick them up, arrested, then released me on site when the supervisor showed up and heard their story.

I think the last sentence of that paragraph puts him in danger, since he clearly has reason to believe at least some of the burglary tools he sells to the public are going to be used criminally.

I don’t want to see you give someone advice that could get them in serious trouble, I know you would feel terrible. You might be correct, technically without intent to commit a crime they’re legal to own, but in reality police and prosecutors decide your intent and I don’t trust them one whit.

eric3579 said:

My understanding is that it is legal for anyone to purchase and possess lock picking tools. Seller does have to obtain info regarding purchaser, but just basic stuff.

Here are the California codes regarding such tools.

Tucker Carlson mad about being less sexually attracted MnMs

luxintenebris jokingly says...


how is 'woke' any different than advertisements reflexing their times? ever seen the ads from the 19th century? or even through the 1900s? like 1950(?) ads promoting cigarettes as safer because x number of doctors smoke 'luckys' (think of the poor unlucky bastards who fell for that).

mercy. they've found ads scrawled on old roman city walls...even recessed footprints on pathways that lead to working girls' abodes. targeted ads for services and goods.

companies knowing their buyers.

come to think of it...what generation made the greens sexy? didn't they go away once? why was that? then they made fun of the myth and brought them back. right? so now, that's viewed as ancient thinking. so maybe mars isn't just for men anymore?

get w/the times old man.

bobknight33 said:

When candy goes woke, Woke has gone too far.

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