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Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

Buttle says...

I'm sure the sign-holder's gallery isn't filled with rainbows and fuzzy ducklings, but he wasn't the equivalent of Illinois nazis marching in Skokie, either. The old school Liberal antidote to hateful speech is more and better speech, not mob violence.

It seems that one of his crimes was showing material in support of Donald Trump, who, loathe him if you will, is still the legally elected president of one of the UKs chief allies. If his supporters can't make their case in public then I fear for the future of civil discourse.

Regardless of the content of whatever expression this guy may have made elsewhere, in the video he really is protesting in favor of free speech, and he really is being assaulted while the cops wander away. I hold with the friends of Voltaire, who, though they might disapprove of what he says would defend to the death his right to say it.

As for editing the video, what could he have been doing in the lead up to this scene? Hawking Trump bobble-heads?

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Sorry @Buttle it seems you fell for some far right bullshit.
This video is apparently three years old.
It also hides the truth of what's happening, this is not some man on the street, he's a public figurehead of white supremacist organisations in the UK, standing in front of what amounts to their headquarters.

From Reddit-
u/kanyeguisada did the work on this three years ago - here's there very level headed account of this.

"So looking into this...
The place being protested was the LD50 gallery in Hackney, London. They and owner Lucia Diego describe themselves as "neo-reactionary" but they are in fact supporting literal fascists and white supremacists and were trying to become the organizing spot in London for such groups to give them legitimacy and attempt to convert white progressives to their cause through the art world:

In the summer, it held a “Neo-reaction conference” which included a talk by Brett Stevens, a white supremacist who has lauded the “bravery” of Anders Breivik - the Norwegian white supremacist who killed 77 people in 2011.

Mr Stevens' writing was said to be an inspiration to Breivik.

The "free speech protestor" in this video is Daniel/DC Miller, who not only gave his name to the media, but is a public figure apparently widely known in Hackney for his support of LD50 and who holds (and tries to hold) public lectures on literal white-supremacist fascists:

Now I'm all for free speech in the US. I think even white supremacists like the KKK have the right to speak their disgusting speech and hold rallies and people thinking otherwise should ask themselves what happens when speech they support suddenly might become considered hate speech. For instance many people on the left who support BDS/sanctions on Israel are often accused of "hate speech" simply for calling Israel an apartheid state. Free speech isn't just something the right cares about.

However, other people have the right to free speech too, and can yell right back at you and of course The guy in this video wasn't just some guy off the street supporting free speech rights but was actually a supporter of literal far-right white-supremacist fascism and was known to the community before this happened, so maybe hold off on the outrage about how mean the protestors were to him until you get the whole picture."


The Walk.

newtboy says...

Not strictly, as I pointed out in multiple ways.
Do you contradict anything I said, or are you switching to a constitutional interpretation discussion to avoid it?

If they don't, he vetos, back to square one. It's happened, but it's rightly seen as a total lack of governance and dereliction of duty by congress to not negotiate and pass a budget that will be signed, so become law. Not sure that's possible anymore, the negotiating with the president part I mean.

They can, if 2/3 of them are willing to push it through twice.....good luck with that anymore.

We were discussing veto, and overriding vetoes.

Not the timeline I recall, but I'm not willing to dispute it.
Did you note how often the Obama administration complained that investigations into Burisma and it's founder were dropped, they never tried to stop an investigation. Did you note Biden wanted Shoken out because he shelved investigations into Burisma and Mykola Zlochevskiy ? Did you note that the UK found nothing illegal when they investigated?

Did you note that Hunter was hired before the investigations (by corrupt Russian prosecutors, btw) mentioned in the article had started, so couldn't have been hired to get them stopped? Impossible according to that timeline.
Did you note there was never any hint that he tried to stop any investigation?
At the time he was hired, there was no investigation to stop....and if he was hired to get American help with future investigations that backfired badly because we went after investigators that DIDN'T investigate or dropped cases, not ones that made cases or investigated thoroughly.

Most importantly, did you notice that there was NEVER any investigation into HUNTER for Biden to try and stop, as is the claim. None at all. Nada.

scheherazade said:

The constitution puts purse authority strictly in the hands of congress. Congress can pass any budget it pleases.
Reviewing any budget submitted by the president is a courtesy, not a requirement.

Actually, congress can pass laws that require (or forbid) the president to do things.

I am not discussing veto. I only mention it as one of the few presidential powers - and that I'm glad he has it, as it means less laws on average.

edit, According to this timeline, Hunter was working there since April 2014, in time for all the investigations.


155th Anniversary of Juneteenth

Buttle says...

The key point here is that the Emancipation Proclamation, although widely celebrated, had no real legal effect. It did not apply to states that had not seceded, and for states that had seceded US federal government proclamations didn't mean much. The real effect of the Emancipation Proclamation was diplomatic, it made it more difficult for European governments, particularly the UK, to support the Confederacy, as was in their economic best interest.

Why This British Crossroads Is So Dangerous

cloudballoon says...

Well, the video already mentioned the cost of getting traffic lights as well as laying down miles (or Kilometres) of electric cables, so this is a rural area (otherwise a city/town would've certainly found the money to do it)... installing traffic cams will need to lay those same cables.

They could do a roundabout maybe? UK & EU are fond of those...

00Scud00 said:

In general I'm opposed to using traffic cams to ticket people who don't stop at lights or intersections, but I think I'd allow it in this instance.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...
bobknight33 said:

Priorities USA. Totally Anti Trump, Anti American.

But hey that the lane your in.

For al the bluster Trump does, He still way teh fck better than Biden or Sanders.

Thump has a good team in place to fight this. Can it be stopped? only in a Communist country can lock down 100%. America cant do that with out bitching and lawsuits and state / local opposing, not to mention the media jumping piling on even more for Anti Trump Slant.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

Joe Biden Accused Of Sexual Assault By Former Staffer

newtboy says...

Sure...she claims an assault/harassment happened in 93, but never reported it anywhere until 2019, and again in 2020, and then only to non profit organizations with direct political ties to Biden and only after his candidacy was announced....but this isn't just a political smear, she really wants it investigated. *facepalm

I guess only Trump can brag about grabbing any woman by the pussy, anyone else is a monster if they're accused of the same by one accuser nearly 3 decades later.

Certainly doesn't sound one whit like Biden, nor does the timeline seem even close to honest. Odd she didn't come forward in 93, or even when he was nominated as VP, doncha think?

Trump, on the other hand, has >26 credible accusations of sexual assault,
most much worse than this one including forcible rapes, many in court now (so accusations made under oath, even though Trump and Bar tried to stop the cases or pay them off to keep silent), all corroborated by his own "locker room" admissions that he assaulted innumerable women, including friend's wives, employees, contestants, and random strangers, grabbing any he wants by the genitals and forcibly kissing them, intentionally barging in on them while they're undressed (including but not limited to underage girls at his pageants), even outright raping them, all of which he says is all fine because he's rich and famous.

Jesus, @bobknight33, you're really being dumb thinking this is an issue to attack Biden on but that Trump has no exposure with. Mind numbingly dumb.

Cop Caught On Video Planting Drugs

Bernie Sanders: I thought this question might come up

cloudballoon says...

What can't the USA and progressives like Bernie talk what's necessary to get universal health care? There are many first world countries that got it. Canada, UK, EU, etc... they are bankrupt like what the Conservative fears.

Tax the rich is part of the equation, compare what the people already pay now through insurance + co-payments averages, and convert that as "tax" to support HC4A, would that be a money saving for the tax-payer? HC4A gives the government huge bargaining power to bulk-buy meds. That alone could save billions and billions.

Original Unchained Melody - 1955

moonsammy says...

According to Wiki the all-knowing there were 3 different versions of this song that charted in the US top 10 in 1955, and 4 different versions of it were in the UK top 20 simultaneously. Certainly a different scene than we have now...

Jarvis Cocker - Running the World

Foundry worker puts wet scrap metal in furnace

Trump VS Trump On The Kurds

wtfcaniuse says...

Turkey and other countries including the USA see the PKK (Kurdish workers party) as a terrorist group after they tried to form their own Kurdish state. Turkey thinks all Kurds are PKK or have ties to PKK.

The US has been adamant that not all Kurds are linked to the PKK. Specifically the YPG and YPJ which are male and female militia groups respectively. YPG and YPJ are predominantly Kurdish but have lots of ex US and UK military, among others, volunteering with them because of their fight against ISIS and work to bring order to and stabilize parts of Iraq and Syria.

There are many good docos about the YPG and a few about the YPJ.

newtboy said:

Wtf do you mean? With all the abbreviations, idk.

Trump VS Trump On The Kurds

wtfcaniuse says...

The USA has said for years that the YPG and YPJ are not linked to the PKK. Now that they're no longer useful they're all linked to the PKK.

Conveniently forgetting that hundreds of YPG fighters are volunteers from the US, UK, etc.

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