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Mother of Four Cures PTSD With MDMA

Trancecoach says...

First of all, you're confusing remorse/regret with post-traumatic stress disorder. They're not the same thing.
Secondly, military soldiers aren't the only ones that experience PTSD.
And third, you seem to have a misunderstanding of what constitutes "trauma," and ways to treat it.

billpayer said:

If you go to war and kill people you are actually SUPPOSED TO FEEL BAD FOR THE REST OF YOUR LIFE.
No amount of Ecstasy is going to change that.
The idea of 'Curing' that kind of Trauma is ridiculous.

Afterlife debate

RedSky says...

Listened to this the other day.

Everyone pretty much ignored the philosopher because he had nothing substantive to say in a debate grounded in fact.

Traumatic brain injury can result in significant personality changes, and I recall reading on occasion that one of these can be a predisposition to religious belief (can't find a source right now).

I wonder if this is the case for the neurosurgeon here as nothing he says really explains why what he perceived wasn't simply imagined reality.

I thought the really straightforward and clear cut rebuttal here from the con side was that people's interpretations of the afterlife always seem to mirror what their religious upbringing would have assumed to be the case.

Also, that of course no revelatory information seeming to confirm the veracity of the experience (say the location of a valuable buried family heirloom) has ever been recorded to occur.

Fuck The Poor

shoany says...

While I see where you're coming from, I have a few issues with what you're saying:

1. The organization you're referring to is staffed, has offices and overheads. Assuming it isn't corrupt and skimming and holding multi-million-dollar appreciation nights and galas (and we probably shouldn't assume that it isn't), the money you're giving this organization still gets portioned off quite a bit. Your point about helping on the systemic level is quite valid (provided you are channelling your concern into actually doing so), but I'd look more into local community health centres or the nonprofit down the street, and still, that money isn't guaranteed to reach the person in front of you. Much as a social worker can help him connect to essential services, advocate for fair and affordable housing, counsel him on trauma, etc, he will still need money for a lot of basic needs.

2. You are vastly oversimplifying the needs and situation of every person on the street. That person may actually depend on money from strangers to make rent (being that welfare barely puts a dent in even the lowest affordable housing costs), feed kids, buy food that isn't McDonald's or canned food, get a haircut, or a million other things that everyone needs money for.

3. Even if that person intends to spend some of your money on oxy or crack, it is not in your right to judge that. While addiction can very generally be called "bad", this person may suffer from chronic pain, trauma, mental illnesses, or some combination and short of governments finally realizing that housing and caring for the poor is cheaper than incarcerating them and treating emergency health conditions, self-medicating is the only reasonable way they can continue functioning for another day. This isn't even an unlikely scenario; think how easily someone can go from your (or my) comfy life to homeless, poor and desperate. It isn't always "bad decisions"; you could be a contractor that falls and gets a serious injury, hit by a car, stricken with a mental illness you have no control over, traumatized earlier in life, born into a high-risk environment or social strata, or anything else, and then start sliding from there. You develop an addiction, your income comes to a screeching halt, your loved ones can't or get too tired to support you, bills that were routine become suffocating, and there you are on the street, pain exploding relentlessly in your body/mind, on the other side of the decision, seeing chins turned up and eyes turned away from you and hearing people mutter "Don't give anything to him; he's just gonna use it to get high," to each other.

4. Not a single person in the video (and really, in just about every situation you see on whatever street you're on) speaks to or even looks at the guy.

While I wouldn't expect that everyone gives money to folks on the street (I myself have only done it a few times), it frustrates me to hear people insist that nobody should. "He's just going to use it for drugs/booze" is a presumptuous and ignorant statement and mindset.

One more thing: if you really care about urban poverty and those suffering from it, the biggest thing (IMO) you can do is vote for politicians/parties who openly and strongly support social services and welfare, then hold them to their promises. I don't make a ton of money, but I am happy to pay higher taxes and lose some luxuries if it means people who need help just to get by get it.

Fausticle said:

Exactly, a lot of the time giving money on the street is counter productive. It's best to give it to an organization that can make the most use of that money to help people. The majority of people begging on the street are either mentally ill or addicts and they need more then just a couple of bucks to get another fix they need real help from the community.

Superman with a GoPro

chingalera says...

Like the comic books of old leaving-out the subtle nuances of physics like whiplash, shock, or the smartest guy on the planet taking the word of a traumatized (or in this case, apparently love-struck-and-with-full-faculties building superintendent) hottie over a quick-fly-back and a glance through with x-ray eyeballs to maybe, make sure the gal was correct?!

Never could stand the inconsistencies of DC's bread-and-butter character, who seems to like his flesh-and-blood human male counterparts, becomes more dim-witted and effeminate with each passing year. Still at the Daily Planet for the day job? C'mon Superman, really?! You should at the very least have a gig with naval intelligence, I hear-tell they still issue the birth-control glasses you so effectively use for that awe-inspiring disguise.

iaui said:

"Oh, you mean that burning, exploding building I just fell out of? No, Superman, there's no one else in there. Yes, I'm absolutely sure of that. No need to think anything more of it. And yes, I'm normally this calm when I'm blown out of skyrises."

Ellen Page Announces She's Gay At Las Vegas H.R. Conference.

VoodooV says...

prove it's a gay for a year. If it's just a silly preference, then it should be easy.

It's already legitimate. you lost that battle remember?

If only you had some method of hiding facebook posts in your feed. I know I're so traumatized by seeing facebook posts you don't like.


Again, you doth protest too much. Again, it shows your insecurity. You sure I didn't lose that bet?

so many posts on facebook, yet you choose to focus on the lesbian posts...insecure? or not very many friends?

you obviously give a shit...or you wouldn't be posting....your insecurity is showing

lantern53 said:

hehe you'd lose that bet

if these sensitive actor types want to be gay, let them go be gay, who gives a shit?

I work with a lesbian, she's a very nice girl but I get sick of reading all the gay news she posts on's like she's trying to legitimize her own preference

go be gay, you have my blessing, God made you too, but I don't want to hear about it.

Can You Imagine Living Without Cats?

PTSD incident.

chingalera says...

Ok firstly, after watching this video without having read your link (me neither)..

Does the driver look 'traumatized' to you? Does his girlfriend's calm, matter-of-fact voice at the end of the video reflect some state of state of 'trauma' or shock even??

Another question. Regardless of the wound-tight individual whose car was maligned in some way (I am supposing) IS NOT the cunt behind the wheel a flat-liner, or is he possibly just exercising his time-honored technique of passive-aggression that he seems to have honed in the most exquisite "I am a fucking asshole" fashion, right down to his horrible taste in clothing, and his smug, "I'm-right-and-you-are-obviously-insane, holier-than-thou-my-shit-driving-is-not-an-issue-with-anyone-but-you, fucking manner??

Think so? Yeah. They're all three of 'em, assholes and Yogi?? Perhaps he WAS raped at some point in his himself.

dannym3141 said:

This has a lot of information on it. It states that the two in the car were too traumatised (also uses the word terrified) to comment. It also says that the guy cut them off and brake checked them a few times before they finally collided on the 5th attempt.

Also, isn't it a bit dangerous to let people like that loose in society? I'm worried enough already that some lunatic will get 'roid rage and randomly attack me without provocation (there are so many young lads on steroids right now) without having to worry about trained killers doing it. With the greatest of respect to anyone that has fought for a moral cause, i didn't necessarily ask them to do it in my name, nor should that be cause to expose people to the danger he poses.

Cat versus Mailman

chingalera says...

Daaaaaamn, kitteh!? WTF?? (That cat is so bad-ASSSS!)

...roommate's black lab Harley used to perforate the stack of mail with one CHOMP if you didn't beat him to the front door..traumatized by a mail carrier as a pup with the pepper-spray.

Woman Stays Deadly Calm During Crash.

chingalera says...

I found out through two incidents in as many days (back-to-back) which happened while working on a contract job on a state highway outside of Newton, Kansas back in the summer of 2002 of an imprinted and innate capacity to "switch-on" in the most dire of circumstances while others on the crew either went into pre-shock or became completely functionless.

Two accidents. two days inna row during our road closures on a dangerous highway fulla truckers trying to beat tolls on the interstate and take the short cut:...both days, 18-wheelers in cruise control blew thorough the closures and caused major fatalities. I was one of 4 people on the crew to switch into rescue and control-mode, when the rest of the world nutted-up. Had state police thinking I was EMS already on the scene...(in my flagman uniform)....Did not know I had it in me, it simply happened. Exhausted me but I had no post-traumatic inabilities the next days, went back to work after the first accident when a couple of guys burned to death with no jaws of life there to save them...did all i could for the victims and my fellow crewmen after.

Next day, assumed flagman position (after having worked on on the main crew having handed my fagging position over to a greenhorn) and another accident, fully-loaded gravel truck was struck by a another 18-wheeler hauling two butane trucks...commanded the scene and kept a woman form going into shock by taking control...5 fatalities when the truck simply compacted two car-fulls of peeps into the back of a fully-loaded gravel truck in the front of the flag line.

I was one of the only people there with my wits about me-Guess I was there for a reason.

I have been in a lot of accidents i simply walked-away from-God works in mysterious ways with the damnedest of sorts.

You want a guy like me around for any potential shit-storm maybe??

Dubstep Cobra.

chingalera says...

What yer probably witnessing is some kind of involuntary traumatic neuropathy maybe from direct trauma to the head or part of her spine-Does not look like she's X'n and dancing all-night-long here.

Hot pavement??

CrushBug said:

Anyone have any idea what is going on?

Kid Thinks He's Going to Jail for Stealing a Cup

eric3579 says...

Trying to curb a bad behavior in a child by creating or allowing them to be traumatized by fear is imo lazy and or poor parenting. Seems like a good way to damage a childs trust of a parent. Then again ive never been a parent so...

10 Second Dad - Momma needs a spanking

shatterdrose says...

It's only funny because you know almost every parent has had that awkward moment, or you were that child . . . and now you're traumatized for life.

Baby Misses Dad's Beard

Stephen Colbert: Super Reagan

cosmovitelli says...

Reagan was just the first stooge hired by the remnants of the Nixon administration. (By Bush Snr {his head of the CIA}, Donald Rumsfeld {2nd in command of the CIA} & Dick Cheney {3rd in command of the CIA}).

Literally an actor. And a 3rd rate cowboy actor at that (only for domestic & retarded audiences).

BTW Dubya was next & a gift to these fellas, none of them dumb enough to be the man out front making excuses.

They decided that a few million dead kids was fine if it swelled the family pile by 20%. Vietnam, East Timor, Iran Chile etc etc etc etc
.....Does anyone really know how much bank Cheney made from the slaughter/'rebuilding' in Iraq? A billion? 10 billion? 100 Billion? Will any American ever ask? Guess not.

In the future analysis of this time, these men will be held up worse that than Hitler, Stalin & Genghis Khan for sure. Their crimes are comparable in every way (especially the massive piles of dead kids) but without the personal trauma to explain psychosis. The US government of the last 50 years consists of the richest, fattest, most privileged men ever to live in millions of years of humanity, and yet they've committed the worst crimes of all time. Millions dead, crippled, traumatized, orphaned.
Is it their fault or the fault of those around them who do nothing or worse; cheer?

TEDTalks | Eleanor Longden: The voices in my head

draak13 says...

This was amazing!

Many mental 'illnesses' can lead to sensory hallucinations, and it's likely that everyone knows someone with some such condition. There are neuroscientific reasons for these hallucinations, where sensory information is cross-linking with different portions of the brain. A person experiencing this is certainly abnormal, though the result can be harnessed as advantageous for a person to gain superhuman powers. A person who hallucinates halos of color around numbers gains an extra pneumonic for remembering them, a person who perceives a halo of color around people gains insight towards some of their own hidden feelings toward that person.

Many of us have problems dealing with traumatic events, or finding a healthy way to emotionally cope with problems. Some of us find healthy ways, and many of us don't, though it's an internal struggle for all of us. In her case, her condition let's her have an EXTERNAL struggle with her problems, which she uses as a tool to help her cope with otherwise unmanageable emotional issues.

Kudos to her for helping to remove some of the stigma for some of these mental disorders! I wish she could expand her horizon to people with other disorders, to help them achieve the same level of understanding and benefit.

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