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Taylor Swift and Screaming Goat Duet

siftbot says...

Invocations (dupeof= cannot be called by mxxcon because mxxcon is not privileged - sorry.

Idiots Topple a 20 Million Year Old Rock Formation

longde says...

The plot thickens:

"A Boy Scout leader who came under fire for pushing over an ancient boulder in a national park filed a suit last month claiming he was suffering permanent "disability" and "impairment" from an auto accident four years ago.

Taylor initially faced scrutiny after a video of him pushing over a Jurassic era rock formation in the Goblin Valley State Park in Utah went viral.

Taylor, a Boy Scout leader, told ABC News that he should have handled the incident differently but thought the boulder was dangerous and thought it would be safer to push it over.

"The Boy Scouts didn't teach me to do this," Taylor told ABC News. "Would I do it again? Yes, with a ranger standing there. That's what we should have done.""

19-year-old hopes to revolutionize nuclear power

bcglorf says...

What Taylor built though was a fusor though, not a breeder reactor. A fusor is basically a vacuum chamber with a high voltage wire run into the center and a place to puff in a bunch of fuel gas. With a fusor you get a short term burst of radiation, but nothing before or after is contaminated. With a breeder reactor you start with a bunch of dirty material and make more even dirtier material.

shang said:

he's copycatting the "Radioactive Boyscout" who built a reactor in his backyard in 1995

it leaked radiation and he was picked up and his back yard was dug up, garage and all, and put into barrells and taken to nuclear waste area. The EPA were all in "space suits" in his yard, and he had tricked the nuclear regulatory agency and several places into providing him with info by faking his age and making fake letterheads.

the wild thing is the boy scout actually made a breeder reactor, but it was leaking a lot of radiation the EPA was registering radioactive material all over the yard and into neighbor yards.

Overly Attached Taylor Swift

siftbot says...

Tags for this video have been changed from 'overly attached girlfriend, taylor swift, lyrics, songs, read' to 'overly attached girlfriend, taylor swift, lyrics, songs, read, laina walker' - edited by xxovercastxx

19-year-old hopes to revolutionize nuclear power

enoch (Member Profile)

Trancecoach says...

@enoch, thanks for your comments. I thought it better to respond directly to your profile than on the video, about which we're no longer discussing directly. Sorry for the length of this reply, but for such a complex topic as this one, a thorough and plainly-stated response is needed.

You wrote: "the REAL question is "what is the purpose of a health care system"? NOT "which market system should we implement for health care"?"

The free market works best for any and all goods and services, regardless of their aim or purpose. Healthcare is no different from any other good or service in this respect.

(And besides, tell me why there's no money in preventative care? Do nutritionists, physical trainers/therapists, psychologists, herbalists, homeopaths, and any other manner of non-allopathic doctors not get paid and make profit in the marketplace? Would not a longer life not lead to a longer-term 'consumer' anyway? And would preventative medicine obliterate the need for all manner of medical treatment, or would there not still remain a need to diagnose, treat, and cure diseases, even in the presence of a robust preventative medical market?)

I realize that my argument is not the "popular" one (and there are certainly many reasons for this, up to and including a lot of disinformation about what constitutes a "free market" health care system). But the way to approach such things is not heuristically, but rationally, as one would approach any other economic issue.

You write "see where i am going with this? It's not so easy to answer and impose your model of the "free market" at the same time."

Yes, as a matter of fact, it is. The purpose of the healthcare system is to provide the most advanced medical service and care possible in the most efficient and affordable way possible. Only a free competitive market can do this with the necessary economic calculations in place to support its progress. No matter how you slice it, a socialized approach to healthcare invariably distorts the market (with its IP fees, undue regulations, and a lack of any accurate metrics on both the supply-side and on the demand-side which helps to determine availability, efficacy, and cost).

"you cannot have "for-profit" and "health-care" work in conjunction with any REAL health care."

Sorry, but this is just absurd. What else can I say?

"but if we use your "free market" model against a more "socialized model".which model would better serve the public?"

The free market model.

"if we take your "free market" model,which would be under the auspices of capitalism."

Redundant: "free market under the auspices of free market."

"disease is where the money is at,THAT is where the profit lies,not in preventive medicine."

Only Krugman-style Keynesians would say that illness is more profitable than health (or war more profitable than peace, or that alien invasions and broken windows are good for the economy). They, like you, aren't taking into account the One Lesson in Economics: look at how it affects every group, not just one group; look at the long term effects, not just short term ones. You're just seeing that, in the short-run, health will be less profitable for medical practitioners (or some pharmaceuticals) that are currently working in the treatment of illness. But look at every group outside that small group and at the long run and you can see that health is more profitable than illness overall. The market that profits more from illness will have to adapt, in ways that only the market knows for sure.

Do you realize that the money you put into socialized medicine (Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security, etc.) is money you deplete from prevention entrepreneurship?

(As an aside, I wonder, why do so many people assume that the socialized central planners have some kind of special knowledge or wisdom that entrepreneurs do not? And why is there the belief that unlike entrepreneurs, socialist central planners are not selfishly motivated but always act in the interest of the "common good?" Could this be part of the propagandized and indoctrinated fear that's implicit in living in a socialized environment? Why do serfs (and I'm sure that, at some level, people know that's what they are) love the socialist central planners more than they love themselves? Complex questions about self-esteem and captive minds.)

If fewer people get sick, the market will then demand more practitioners to move from treating illness into other areas like prevention, being a prevention doctor or whatever. You're actually making the argument for free market here, not against it. Socialized bureaucratically dictated medicine will not adapt to the changing needs as efficiently or rapidly as a free market can and would. If more people are getting sick, then we'll need more doctors to treat them. If fewer people are getting sick because preventive medicine takes off, then we'll have more of that type of service. If a socialized healthcare is mandated, then we will invariably have a glut of allopathic doctors, with little need for their services (and we then have the kinds of problems we see amongst doctors who are coerced -- by the threat of losing their license -- to take medicaid and then lie on their reports in order to recoup their costs, e.g., see the article linked here.)

Meanwhile, there has been and will remain huge profits to be made in prevention, as the vitamin, supplements, alternative medicine, naturopathy, exercise and many other industries attest to. What are you talking about, that there's no profit in preventing illness? (In a manner of speaking, that's actually my bread and butter!) If you have a way to prevent illness, you will have more than enough people buying from you, people who don't want to get sick. (And other services for the people who do.) Open a gym. Become a naturopath. Teach stress management, meditation, yoga, zumba, whatever! And there are always those who need treatment, who are sick, and the free market will then have an accurate measure of how to allocate the right resources and number of such practitioners. This is something that the central planners (under socialized services) simply cannot possibly do (except, of course, for the omniscient ones that socialists insist exist).

You wrote "cancer,anxiety,obesity,drug addiction.
all are huge profit generators and all could be dealt with so much more productively and successfully with preventive care,diet and exercise and early diagnosis."

But they won't as long as you have centrally planned (socialized) medicine. The free market forces practitioners to respond to the market's demands. Socialized medicine does not. Entrepreneurs will (as they already have) exploit openings for profit in prevention (without the advantage of regulations which distort the markets) and take the business away from treatment doctors. If anything, doctors prevent preventative medicine from getting more widespread by using government regulations to limit what the preventive practitioners do. In fact, preventive medicine is so profitable that it has many in the medical profession lobbying to curtail it. They are losing much business to alternative/preventive practitioners. They lobby to, for example, prevent herb providers from stating the medical/preventive benefits of their herbs. They even prevent strawberry farmers to tout the health benefits of strawberries! It is the state that is slowing down preventive medicine, not the free market! In Puerto Rico, for example, once the Medical Association lost a bit to prohibit naturopathy, they effectively outlawed acupuncture by successfully getting a law passed that requires all acupuncturists to be medical doctors. Insanity.

If you think there is no profit in preventative care or exercise, think GNC and Richard Simmons, and Pilates, and bodywork, and my own practice of psychotherapy. Many of the successful corporations (I'm thinking of Google and Pixar and SalesForce and Oracle, etc.) see the profit and value in preventative care, which is why they have these "stay healthy" programs for their employees. There's more money in health than illness. No doubt.

Or how about the health food/nutrition business? Or organic farming, or whole foods! The free market could maybe call for fewer oncologists and for more Whole Foods or even better natural food stores. Of course, we don't know the specifics, but that's actually the point. Only the free market knows (and the omniscient socialist central planners) what needs to happen and how.

Imagination! We need to get people to use it more.

You wrote: "but when we consider that the 4th and 5th largest lobbyists are the health insurance industry and the pharmaceutical industry is it any wonder that america has the most fucked up,backwards health care system on the planet."

You're actually making my point here. In a free market, pharmaceutical companies cannot monopolize what "drugs" people can or cannot take, sell or not sell, and cannot prevent natural alternatives from being promoted. Only with state intervention (by way of IP regulations, and so forth) can they do so.

Free market is not corporatism. Free market is not crony capitalism. (More disinformation that needs to be lifted.)

So you're not countering my free market position, you're countering the crony capitalist position. This is a straw man argument, even if in this case you might not have understood my position in the first place. You, like so many others, equate "capitalism" with cronyism or corporatism. Many cannot conceive of a free market that is free from regulation. So folks then argue against their own interests, either for or against "fascist" vs. "socialist" medicine. The free market is, in fact, outside these two positions.

You wrote: "IF we made medicare available to ALL american citizens we would see a shift from latter stage care to a more aggressive preventive care and early diagnosis. the savings in money (and lives) would be staggering."

I won't go into medicare right now (It is a disaster, and so is the current non-free-market insurance industry. See the article linked in my comment above.)

You wrote "this would create a huge paradigm shift here in america and we would see results almost instantly but more so in the coming decades."

I don't want to be a naysayer but, socialism is nothing new. It has been tried (and failed) many times before. The USSR had socialized medicine. So does Cuba (but then you may believe the Michael Moore fairytale about medicine in Cuba). It's probably better to go see in person how Cubans live and how they have no access to the places that Moore visited.

You wrote: "i feel very strongly that health should be a communal effort.a civilized society should take care of each other."

Really, then why try to force me (or anyone) into your idea of "good" medicine? The free market is a communal effort. In fact, it is nothing else (and nothing else is as communal as the free market). Central planning, socialized, top-down decision-making, is not. Never has been. Never will be.

Voluntary interactions is "taking care of each other." Coercion is not. Socialism is coercion. It cannot "work" any other way. A free market is voluntary cooperation.

Economic calculation is necessary to avoid chaos, whatever the purpose of a service. This is economic law. Unless the purpose is to create chaos, you need real prices and efficiency that only the free market can provide.

I hope this helps to clarify (and not confuse) what I wrote on @eric3579's profile.

enoch said:


'Prancercise' Lady Stars in John Mayer's New Music Video

shang says...

Nice reply to Taylor Swift's Dear John

lot of the verses answer Swift's song

Taylor on Dear John : "You paint me a blue sky, and go back and turn it back to rain,"

Mayer on Paper Doll : "Someone's gonna paint you another sky,"

Also Joanna was on Opie and Anthony radio show, they trolled her hard, she thought it was a legit interview and they totally trolled her. check out the audio clips on youtube it's hilarious

What it feels like to have a Stroke

Maher exposes Republicans Secret Rules

bareboards2 says...

@eric3579, here is a transcript. So you can get the info without the annoying delivery:

And finally, New Rule: there are scandals, and then there are scandals. And perspective is important. Yes, to explain Benghazi, Susan Rice used talking points. But at least she didn't have to read them off her hand! [graphic of Palin looking into her palm]

Now this week, someone was taken off a cross-country flight in handcuffs for singing "I Will Always Love You" for three straight hours. And that's still fewer times has said "Benghazi". I've seen this woman [Megyn Kelly] say Benghazi on my TV so many times, I don't know if it's a problem with the set, or I'm in an Asian horror movie, and there's a monster named Benghazi.

Congressman and friend of Real Time Darrell Issa is the Chairman of the Oversight Committee, and as most Californians know, he made his fortune in car alarms. And now, ironically, has become a loud, repetitive, but ultimately pointless device that you wish to God someone would shut off so you could get some sleep. (audience applause)

But here's the difference between Darrell Issa and a car alarm. Sometimes when a car alarm goes off, there's an actual crime. I keep looking for the crime here, I feel like Reese Witherspoon arguing with the cop. Why are you arresting me? Susan Rice said "mob" instead of "al-Qaeda"? Obama said "act of terror" instead of "terrorist act"?

Republicans are constantly coming up with these never before stated secret rules, that they only tell you about once you've broken them.

"You don't make important speeches from a teleprompter!"


"No golfing until we have a budget!"

All right.

"Thou shalt not criticize the President when he's on foreign soil, unless he's a Democrat, of course, then it's OK."

Congressman Peter King thundered that the President was almost four minutes into his first Benghazi statement before he mentioned an act of terror! Ah yes, the four-minute rule. Fuck, how could I forget?!

'Scuse me, Nixon ran a burglary ring out of the Oval Office. Reagan traded arms with terrorists. Bush ginned up a war where thousands died by sending Colin Powell to lie to the UN with props, remember that? He turned an American hero into General Carrot Top! But I let it go. I said this is the business we've chosen.

But please, don't tell me that freedom died because Susan Rice broke the scared bond between citizens and talk shows. In a poll this week, 4 in 10 Republicans said Benghazi is the worst scandal in American history. Second worst? Kanye West snatching the mic from Taylor Swift.

If you think Benghazi is worse than slavery, the Trail of Tears, Japanese internment, Tuskegee, purposefully injecting Guatemalan mental patients with syphilis, lying about WMDs, and the fact that banks today are still foreclosing on mortgages they don't own, then your hard-on for Obama has lasted more than four hours, and you need to call a doctor. (wild audience cheering and applause)

And while the press has been occupied with scandal, the biggest scandal, and the most important story of the century so far, happened last week. Scientists reported that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere has passed the long-feared milestone of 400 parts per million. And unless you're a chimney sweep, that's bad news. Because humans have never lived through it.

You think Susan Rice gave bogus talking points about Benghazi? What about the bullshit talking points the entire Republican Party has been spewing on climate change since the 90s? (audience applause)

I wanna see the e-mails to find out who came up with the talking points that global warming is just a theory, and that it needs more study, and climate change is a hoax. The Obama administration isn't dirty, the air is.

What Is Your Favourite Video Game Music? (Videogames Talk Post)

ant says...

Here's mine:
01/21/2008 06:35 AM 1,126,396 Activision-Aliens C64's Drop Ship Soundtrack.mp3
02/13/2006 01:00 AM 2,836,608 Day of Defeat Source Theme.mp3
12/19/2000 04:31 AM 5,318,656 EMPEROR-BATTLE FOR DUNE -- HARKONNEN THEME.MP3
05/27/1999 06:01 AM 5,095,424 Lee Jackson - Duke Nukem Theme (Grabbag).mp3
11/01/2009 05:05 PM 3,183,221 NIGHTkilla - Tetris Remix.mp3
11/12/2005 06:34 PM 1,646,592 No One Lives Forever 2 theme.mp3
10/31/2009 02:16 PM 2,971,316 Parkerman1700 - Tetris Remix.mp3
10/21/2007 11:27 AM 4,893,946 THC Flatline - Rastan Saga (Song 2).mp3
09/24/2006 12:49 PM 2,105,472 The Maniacs of Noise - Golden Axe Level Music (C64).mp3
9 File(s) 29,177,631 bytes

10/27/2007 01:41 PM 5,012,365 Christopher Tin - Baba Yetu (Civilization 4 Opening Menu).mp3
08/16/2008 03:19 PM 12,081,866 Christopher Tin-Video Games Live - Bab Yetu-Civilization IV Medley.mp3
2 File(s) 17,094,231 bytes

Command & Conquer Series\Red Alert 1 (RA)
01/04/1998 06:55 AM 6,132,818 01 - RA Hell March.mp3
05/22/2000 05:14 PM 3,914,378 02 - RA Radio.mp3
01/04/1998 06:56 AM 3,662,510 03 - RA Crush.mp3
01/04/1998 06:55 AM 3,750,914 04 - RA Roll Out.mp3
01/04/1998 06:56 AM 4,611,184 05 - RA Mud.mp3
01/04/1998 06:56 AM 3,761,018 06 - RA Twin Cannon.mp3
01/04/1998 07:12 AM 5,368,542 07 - RA Face Enemy.mp3
01/04/1998 07:12 AM 4,996,076 08 - RA Run.mp3
05/22/2000 05:07 PM 5,031,520 09 - RA Terminate.mp3
11/04/2000 03:37 PM 6,295,552 10 - RA - FRANK KLEPACKI - BIGFOOT.MP3
05/22/2000 04:59 PM 4,537,792 11 - RA Workmen.mp3
05/22/2000 05:07 PM 1,757,236 12 - RA Militant Force.mp3
05/22/2000 05:07 PM 7,784,138 15 - RA Smash.mp3
13 File(s) 61,603,678 bytes

Command & Conquer Series\Tiberian Dawn (TD)
05/22/2000 04:55 PM 2,760,538 01 - TD Act on Instinct.mp3
05/22/2000 04:56 PM 3,214,652 02 - TD No Mercy.mp3
05/22/2000 04:56 PM 2,769,296 03 - TD Industrial 1.mp3
05/22/2000 04:56 PM 3,029,086 05 - TD We Will Stop Them.mp3
05/22/2000 05:14 PM 2,894,396 06 - TD Radio.mp3
05/22/2000 04:57 PM 2,908,990 07 - TD On the Prowl.mp3
05/22/2000 04:57 PM 4,195,436 08 - TD Re-con.mp3
04/05/2013 05:18 PM 3,714,765 10 - TD In The Line of Fire.mp3
05/22/2000 05:00 PM 2,899,334 11 - TD Prepare for Battle.mp3
05/22/2000 05:09 PM 4,070,336 12 - TD Depth Charge.mp3
05/22/2000 05:12 PM 2,465,302 13 - TD Rain In the Night.mp3
05/22/2000 05:13 PM 2,757,620 15 - TD Target.mp3
05/22/2000 05:11 PM 2,281,406 16 - TD Just Do It.mp3
05/22/2000 05:08 PM 3,079,126 17 - TD C&C Thang.mp3
05/22/2000 05:13 PM 2,646,698 18 - TD To Be Feared.mp3
05/22/2000 05:09 PM 4,265,074 19 - TD Drilled.mp3
05/22/2000 05:10 PM 2,511,458 21 - TD In Trouble.mp3
05/22/2000 05:08 PM 2,281,274 22 - TD Airstrike.mp3
18 File(s) 54,744,787 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\Bigfoot-Tunes
11/01/2009 04:32 PM 2,565,059 Bigfoot-Tunes - Doom 2 M9 - The Pit.mp3
11/01/2009 05:26 PM 1,534,372 Bigfoot-Tunes - DOOM E1M1 Remix.mp3
11/01/2009 05:26 PM 728,129 Bigfoot-Tunes - DOOM E3M1 Remix.mp3
3 File(s) 4,827,560 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\DOOM1
06/02/2000 12:14 PM 1,704,148 DOOM - At Doom's Gate.mp3
06/02/2000 12:33 PM 3,483,818 DOOM - Hiding The Secrets.mp3
06/02/2000 04:57 PM 4,609,382 DOOM - Into Sandy's City.mp3
06/02/2000 05:36 PM 3,722,055 DOOM - Kitchen Ace.mp3
06/02/2000 05:52 PM 1,534,874 DOOM - On The Hunt.mp3
06/02/2000 06:31 PM 3,992,056 DOOM - Running From Evil.mp3
06/02/2000 07:14 PM 4,850,544 DOOM - Sign Of Evil.mp3
06/02/2000 07:44 PM 2,952,174 DOOM - Sinister.mp3
06/02/2000 08:20 PM 3,352,161 DOOM - The Demon's Dead.mp3
06/02/2000 08:53 PM 2,861,477 DOOM - The End of DOOM.mp3
09/11/2002 10:43 AM 1,230,848 E1M2 - The Imp's Song.mp2
09/11/2002 10:42 AM 1,187,840 E1M7 - Demons on the Prey.mp2
09/11/2002 10:42 AM 1,198,080 E2M1 - I Sawed the Demons.mp2
09/11/2002 10:42 AM 1,202,176 E2M2 - The Demons from Adrian's Pen.mp2
09/11/2002 10:44 AM 831,616 E2M7 - Waltz of the Demons.mp2
09/11/2002 10:44 AM 764,032 E3M1 - Untitled.mp2
09/11/2002 10:45 AM 934,016 E3M2 - Donna to the Rescue.mp2
17 File(s) 40,411,297 bytes

DOOM1\Sonic Clang's Classic DOOM Soundtracks
12/18/2005 12:02 PM 3,850,240 Sonic Clang - Classic DOOM E1M2.mp3
12/18/2005 12:02 PM 3,928,064 Sonic Clang - Classic DOOM E1M5.mp3
12/18/2005 12:02 PM 2,197,504 Sonic Clang - Classic DOOM E1M6.mp3
12/18/2005 12:02 PM 3,715,072 Sonic Clang - Classic DOOM E1M7.mp3
12/18/2005 12:03 PM 5,836,800 Sonic Clang - Classic DOOM E1M8.mp3
5 File(s) 19,527,680 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\DOOM2
09/11/2002 10:48 AM 1,820,800 Map01 - Running from Evil.mp2
09/11/2002 10:52 AM 2,308,224 Map02 - The Healer Stalks.mp2
09/11/2002 10:52 AM 1,816,704 Map03 - Countdown to Death.mp2
09/11/2002 10:53 AM 2,054,272 Map05 - DOOM.mp2
09/11/2002 10:53 AM 2,039,936 Map07 - Shawn's Got the Shotgun.mp2
09/11/2002 10:54 AM 2,375,808 Map08 - The Dave D Taylor Blues.mp2
09/11/2002 10:55 AM 2,420,864 Map18 - Waiting for Romero to Play.mp2
7 File(s) 14,836,608 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\Remixes

09/09/2002 06:04 PM 1,524,884 Doom 02 - Victory Music.mp2
09/09/2002 06:08 PM 2,276,594 Doom 2 03 - Endgame.mp2
09/09/2002 04:45 PM 4,961,175 doom02.mp3
09/09/2002 04:50 PM 4,522,736 doom03.mp3
09/09/2002 05:01 PM 4,745,090 doom05.mp3
09/09/2002 05:18 PM 5,329,397 doom08.mp3
09/09/2002 05:23 PM 5,015,510 doom09.mp3
09/09/2002 05:28 PM 4,664,424 doom10.mp3
09/09/2002 05:34 PM 4,929,410 doom11-victory.mp3
09/09/2002 05:38 PM 3,540,950 doom2_06.mp3
09/09/2002 05:47 PM 4,001,123 doom2_09.mp3
09/09/2002 05:51 PM 3,520,470 doom2_10.mp3
09/09/2002 06:02 PM 2,594,272 doom2_18.mp3
13 File(s) 51,626,035 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\Steve Rot's DOOM Tribute\Hell On Earth - DOOM 2
08/14/2010 01:44 PM 6,738,831 2-05 Map02.mp3
08/14/2010 01:44 PM 5,600,937 2-06 Map03.mp3
08/14/2010 01:44 PM 6,491,713 2-12 Map09.mp3
08/14/2010 01:44 PM 6,168,840 2-13 Map10.mp3
08/14/2010 01:44 PM 7,026,701 2-14 Map18.mp3
5 File(s) 32,027,022 bytes

DOOM soundtracks\Steve Rot's DOOM Tribute\Phobos Anomaly - DOOM 1
08/14/2010 01:43 PM 2,912,778 3-02 E1M1 Hangar.mp3
08/14/2010 01:43 PM 4,202,189 3-03 E1M2 Nuclear Plant.mp3
08/14/2010 01:43 PM 2,672,463 3-07 E1M6 Central Processing.mp3
08/14/2010 01:43 PM 4,302,500 3-09 E1M8 Phobos Anomaly.mp3
08/14/2010 01:43 PM 3,731,463 3-10 E1M9 Military Base.mp3
5 File(s) 17,821,393 bytes

Duke Nukem 3D
12/27/2009 05:23 PM 1,599,197 Potorrero - Aliens, Say Your Prayers (Rock) [Duke Nukem 3D E2M7].mp3
12/22/2009 11:42 PM 2,668,975 Robert C. Prince III - Aliens, Say Your Prayers! from Duke Nukem 3D E2M7.ogg
2 File(s) 4,268,172 bytes

Duke Nukem 3D\Bobby Prince and Lee Jackson
12/27/2009 05:54 PM 1,020,895 Bobby Prince and Lee Jackson - Grabbag (Short Duke Nukem 3D Theme).wma
12/24/2009 01:56 PM 2,646,367 Bobby Prince and Lee Jackson - Stalker (Duke Nukem 3D E1M1).wma
12/24/2009 02:04 PM 5,777,791 Bobby Prince and Lee Jackson - The City Streets.wma
3 File(s) 9,445,053 bytes

Duke Nukem 3D\Mark McWane and others
12/24/2009 02:01 PM 3,039,203 Mark McWane and Lee Jackson - Stalker (Duke Nukem 3D E1M1).mp3
12/23/2009 11:09 PM 3,045,302 Mark McWane and Robert C. Prince III - Aliens, Say Your Prayers! - Episode 2, Level 7, Duke Nukem.mp3
12/24/2009 02:02 PM 5,729,412 Mark McWane and Robert C. Prince III - The City Streets - Duke Nukem 3D (E1M3).mp3
3 File(s) 11,813,917 bytes

Golden Axe Soundtracks
09/17/2011 08:04 PM 4,340,464 Aki Jrvinen - Golden Axe - Path of Fiend Metal Remix.mp3
09/17/2011 07:55 PM 4,359,400 Aki Jrvinen - Golden Axe First Level Metal Remake.mp3
09/17/2011 08:10 PM 8,840,613 daXX - Golden Axe Orchestra Remix.mp3
01/29/2001 06:20 PM 4,757,504 DJ Pretzel - Golden Axe Death Adder Trance - OC ReMix.mp3
01/29/2001 06:20 PM 3,768,320 Golden Axe - Battlefield.mp3
01/29/2001 06:21 PM 2,515,072 Golden Axe - Fiends Path.mp3
01/29/2001 06:21 PM 3,440,768 Golden Axe - Wilderness.mp3
10/14/2012 09:44 AM 3,891,182 Jeroen Tel - C64 - Golden Axe - Battle Field (Boss).mp3
10/14/2012 09:45 AM 7,150,427 Jeroen Tel - C64 - Golden Axe - Wilderness.mp3
02/20/2013 07:19 PM 7,241,856 MusicWizard - Golden Axe - Stage 1 v.2 FINAL [Remake].mp3
10/29/2006 02:38 PM 2,492,544 Sega - Golden Axe 05.mp3
10/29/2006 02:38 PM 2,328,576 Sega - Golden Axe 09.mp3
12 File(s) 55,126,726 bytes

Golden Axe Soundtracks\Playstation 2
06/08/2004 10:05 PM 4,653,056 Golden Axe (PS2) - Battle Field.mp3
06/08/2004 10:05 PM 3,792,896 Golden Axe (PS2) - Fiend's Path.mp3
06/08/2004 10:05 PM 5,234,688 Golden Axe (PS2) - Wilderness.mp3
3 File(s) 13,680,640 bytes

Jonathan Coulton - Still Alive (Portal)
01/29/2008 06:18 AM 3,990,907 Jonathan Coulton - Still Alive (J.C. Version) [Portal].mp3
01/29/2008 06:17 AM 4,131,754 Jonathan Coulton and GLaDOS - Still Alive (Portal).mp3
2 File(s) 8,122,661 bytes

Stuart Chatwood - Prince of Persia: Sand of Times
03/17/2004 11:17 PM 7,262,208 Stuart Chatwood - The Fight (Prince of Persia-SOT).mp3
03/17/2004 11:10 PM 6,262,784 StuartChatwood-TimeOnlyKnows (Prince of Persia-SOT).mp3
2 File(s) 13,524,992 bytes

Total Files Listed:
124 File(s) 459,680,083 bytes

Also, I have Turbo Graphx 16/PC Engine and Sega Genesis' soundtracks for Aero Blasters and R-Type 1 games.

How Sifter CHINGALERA Treats His Toys!!!

chingalera says...

SO the set-up for this one take was

1 Col. George Taylor POA Heston doll (Snapped on E-Bay when Heston died, new -in-box)
1-paper cut-out Statue of Liberty lower, left frame)
2-Estes D rockets, duct-taped to back
1-scavenged fuse from leftover Chinese sky-candy
1-Micro-cassette recording of National Anthem (Foley)
1 FUJI Finepix F1000

The tree-bounce-around is off-camera....only one recording of that so here it is: As soon as he leaves frame he's in the tree and barley freed himself of the tangled bounce in the top before ditching in the pond at full throttle-Had he made air he had about 40 feet up inna swirl before thrust would have pooped-out.

...done this before so any way it could have gone might have-

deathcow said:

At the end he stands up, sees a broken plastic model of the statue of liberty and realizes, my god, this is Earth.

How Sifter CHINGALERA Treats His Toys!!!

Game of Thrones Cello Cover

What it feels like to have a Stroke

What it feels like to have a Stroke

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