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The Northern Boys - Party Time

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bullshit, you liar. You constantly declare the country is doomed because Biden is incompetent and have since before the 2020 election….yet since he was sworn in every metric of national success has improved….but you don’t let a little thing like facts color your opinion.

Or do you mean the shortages nonsense, because you absolutely posted propaganda about fake shortages in summer 21, I remember fact checking you and finding out they were recycling images of empty shelves from 2020 and from other countries on righty media, just like you posted ridiculous nonsense in 2020 claiming BLM had burned multiple entire cities to the ground, using photos from previous years, some wildfire footage, etc to “prove” your point (proving you don’t have one in reality, only in your fantasy world of make believe).

What party? I vote Democrat by default, not choice. Before Trump I never once voted on party lines. He made it a choice of America or Trump. You choose Trump over country, honesty, reality, or sanity every single time. Sycophant!?! Lol. Every stupid accusation a stupid admission. I don’t think there’s one person here besides you and your sock puppet accounts that doesn’t consider you a complete sycophant of and zealous cultist to your Orange messiah who you believe is perfection personified and has never done anything wrong in his lifetime.
I constantly debunk your sycophantic extremist lies, you call that being a lefty sycophant. I don’t think you know what the word means, just like most English words.

What a fool believes, he sees, and you believe some unbelievable nonsense like “indictment will make Trump more powerful and popular than ever. Nov 2020 is a great time to go “all in” on Tesla. Covid is just a mild cold and will disappear by April 2020. Horse dewormer is good medicine for humans, targeted vaccines are bad. Jan 6 was a false flag by BLM and ANTIFA not a failed coup by Trump. 2018, and 2020 will be huge red tsunamis.” Etc. There’s no end to your foolishness, and never once an admission you were wrong despite being wrong over 98% of the time, you just change the subject and refuse to look back at your lies (Ashley Babbitt, Pelosi, etc).

If fools like me were a dime a dozen, this world would be a MUCH better more sane place. Sadly, it’s fools like you that are easy to find and dupe with pleasing (mostly hateful) ridiculous lies. Fools like me rank and score in the 99th percentile, friendo. You don’t even know what that means.

bobknight33 said:

never said such in 2021.

I understand your sycophant mindset towards you party.

Fools like you are a dime a dozen.

Tesla Cam captures INSANE crash

cloudballoon says...

Not an expert, but it could be a domino effect of a loose screw scenario, causing all the screws to be snapped off. Here in Toronto (Canada), we've seen significance increases of fatal accidents of these type because of (mostly truck's) poor maintenance causing wheels flying off & killed people. It's the driver's (or trucking companies') fault. The interviewed Police usually warn viewers that because we here often need (and should!) change between summer/winter tires, we need to make sure the tires are balanced and the screws are properly tightened. The garages usually wash their hands off from accident liabilities and insurance companies rarely go after the garages as well.

visionep said:

I hope everyone escaped without long term injuries.

I wonder how liability works in a case like this.

Possible scenarios:
1. Freak accident, no one is liable.
2. Truck owner is liable, but only because they modified their car from manufacturer spec?
3. Truck manufacturer is liable, faulty construction?
4. State or federal government is liable because of something in the road that make the truck's tire fall off.
5. After market kit provider or after market kit installer is liable because their modification lead to the failure that caused the tire to come off.

I wonder how it all worked out.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!! You guys need to stop, I can’t get anything done if I spend all day laughing until my sides split.

Green tried to blame Biden for the fentanyl flood by trotting out a pair of dead teens whose deaths she blamed on Biden….they knew for a fact they had died in the early summer of 2020 from fentanyl brought in on Trump’s watch. When asked about the intentional misrepresentation to the American people her official response was “Do you think they give a f**k about your bullsh*t fact checking?”

Bohbert tried to blame Biden for federal workers abusing work from home to take vacations while getting paid, citing statistics from 2020 when Trump’s administration was incapable of formulating a plan/policy to avoid that…apparently unaware who was president in 2020 or that the administration and policies had changed since then.

Gaetz tried to blame Biden for supplying weapons to a paramilitary force Russia accused of war crimes, citing a Chinese propaganda publication, “the global times”…the reply was “I don’t take Beijing propaganda at face value.” which Gaetz had to admit was a much more intelligent position than his.

Banana Republicans tried hard to show Biden had forced Twitter to censor right wing political speech, but only proved that Trump repeatedly abused the power of the federal government to force multiple private companies to censor private citizens for upsetting him while Biden’s camp only requested they remove nude revenge porn against a private citizen that clearly and blatantly violated their TOS (and some laws).

Oof! The “L”s are coming fast and hard. Pretty sad when you start and run the investigations and just keep proving how guilty you are and how squeaky clean your opponent is by comparison. You must be so proud. I guess you all got tired of winning.

Bonus- Having learned nothing from the banking crash of ‘08 caused by Banana Republican bank deregulation, and despite all the warnings from economists and the CBO report that the plan would likely lead to another round of enormous bank failures, Banana Republicans again deregulated banks in 2018 which has now led to another round of bank failures that taxpayers will likely end up paying trillions for again in the end. Thanks Trump.
Now Fox and Republicans who caused this failure are actively working hard to turn one bank failure into a depression by telling their viewers to start a run on the banks, all banks, because they believe they can pin the results on Biden.
Also, google Larry Householder and Matt Borges

Vox: Why kids don’t get as cold as adults

newtboy says...

Makes sense, but growing up in Houston I liked it hot no matter what I was doing, even in school. Now that I’ve been in far N. California for 25+ years I’m ruined and 95 is oppressive even on the river. NorCal made me soft…our summers are usually 75-80 highs.

Khufu said:

Because playing in a river or on a beach in intense heat is great... painting a fence or working on your car in same heat is shit:)

Katie Porter Proves Borders Are More Secure

newtboy says...

CDC says the increase in overdose deaths was cut nearly in 1/2 to 15% in 2021 from what it was in 2020, 30% increase.
The CDC numbers do not match yours.

Also, note using your statistics it went from 54k total deaths to 92k deaths under Trump, and 92k to under 107k under Biden. Also, 1 month of 2021 was Trump….the worst month by FAR….indeed, the first half of the year was still under Trump’s policies, they changed mid summer to Biden’s border policy, and still he cut the increase in half. Wait for 2022 numbers and see, I bet they prove me right and increase rates drop again by near half once the entire year is under Biden border policy.

It’s more pronounced when you target opioids, where in 2019 overdose deaths were under 50k, and 2020 were up to 68.6k, up 19k or 38%…2021 had 80.4K, up 12k or 17%. FYI, 17% is less than 38% increases in overdose deaths. These statistics strongly imply more new fentanyl use under Trump both in total and per year so far….with rates of increase going down under Biden but doubling under Trump. Before Trump, I had hardly heard of fentanyl outside MJ’s death…now it’s as ubiquitous as meth. Yes, there is more now than last year, but the rate of increase is much lower.

Directly on topic, Heroin death rates involving fentanyl plummeted in 2021 from 13.1k to 9.1k, almost 1/3 lower. In 2016 they skyrocket from 13k to 15.5k…up near 20%. Clear evidence that Biden’s drug policies on his worst day are doing better than Trump’s on his best day.

you know I don’t click your links since you posted multiple links to fake sites that were virus hosts, but I found the same data.

As to your assertion that these numbers “ All with fentanyl being the main reason for this upswing. ” that is a total lie. The numbers you list are for ANY substance caused death from drugs AND controlled substances including prescription drugs and include intentional suicides. The numbers for heroin/fentanyl are down. You didn’t, or couldn’t read.

Cut the increases in overdose deaths in half, yep, Joe did that.

Lol….burn? I think you burned yourself, dummy. People who can’t understand statistics shouldn’t try to use them in arguments. I got an A in statistics, how about you?

Your argument is like saying “sure, Joe cut the deficit by 2/3, but the debt still went up to the highest number ever so he’s clearly causing the all of the horrific debt problem, Trump had nothing to do with it.”…just idiotic.

Now, have you had time to prepare to discuss the rightly executed traitor Ashley Babbitt? You’ve had 2 years.

bobknight33 said:

Under Joe More drugs caught and more overdoses ... This implies that more fentanyl / drugs are coming in .

More deaths occurring since Biden stepped in. Way up under your boy Joe.

OD deaths:
2015 54K
2019 70k
2020 91K
2021 107K
All with fentanyl being the main reason for this upswing.

Yep JOE did that.

A pinhead once said:

"Your suppositions ALWAYS turn out to be wrong, unsurprisingly since they are based on lies and a complete lack of understanding. You might want to stop making guesses, they never work out for you."


Undaming The Klamath : An Arial Perspective

newtboy says...

Due to begin this summer with Copco lake, and completed by 2024 with Iron Gate Dam removal as the last in the series.
Time will tell…it’s been scheduled for removal before only to be delayed for years.

22 Problems Solved in 2022

newtboy says...

I see….they have a much different definition of “solved” than I do.
I think that word indicates the completion of a solution to a problem.
They mean simply beginning to address the problem, sometimes just agreeing there IS a problem.
Don’t get me wrong, all these are *quality steps in the right direction, but very few were actually solutions by any stretch.

For instance….#18 is a local concern.
This is far from the first time Klamath River dam removal has been scheduled for “next summer” only to be delayed time and time again. This has stretched out for so long that a few species of salmon the removal was supposed to save are no longer detected in the river. Multiple drought years and heat waves paired with mismanagement and neglect have spawned multiple full river toxic algae blooms making the water poisonous even for swimming, lots of dead dogs, lots of dead and sick wildlife, millions of dead fish.
It wouldn’t surprise anyone if new challenges to removal are started based on that alone, further delaying removal until all strains are gone.
20 years ago the Klamath was a world class salmon river, today it’s often closed to fishing even for native tribes that subsistence fish to survive.
I hardly consider another new projected project START date for the multi year 4 stage removal project to be “problem solved”. After that part is finished, massive river long restoration STARTS. If that can be successful at all, it takes decades and mountains of cash.

Sorry to be a Debby Downer.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Exactly the non-answer know nothing twaddle I expect from you, even when you are warned against such stupid vapid nonsense that only indicates you have absolutely no clue what you’re talking about, as usual, and are just regurgitating propaganda as best you can, which is pretty damn bad because you clearly don’t understand it.

Prices will go up….by 1/1400 of one cent per gallon? Little boy, you are such a troll with nothing to say….and you’re undoubtedly wrong as usual.

In total under Biden 180 million barrels have been released, most over the summers when prices spike. Under 16 days worth over 730 days. In Oct he announced the final release…10-15 million barrels, through the end of the year. .8 - 1.2 days worth over 90 days. Barely over 1% of demand maximum. If you think that dramatically changes prices at the pump, you’re dumber that you sound….which is unbelievable.

Meanwhile, oil company profits have tripled from pre pandemic levels after a few oil companies had 2 bad quarters in 2019- 2020. They recovered their losses and then some in 2021, 2022 they raked America over the coals, intentionally creating shortages while their profits skyrocketed.

Tapping the strategic petroleum reserve was never about lowering prices, it was about showing he was trying everything to lower them as they rose worldwide faster than in America. It was a political show to stop the Cons from claiming he was doing nothing as they blocked every legislative move he tried. It would never make a noticeable difference by itself.

What will happen to gas prices, I expect they’ll continue to fall precipitously like they have since June because 1) our supply has returned to close to normal and 2) we are in winter, when natural gas price rises and gasoline drops EVERY SINGLE YEAR. Duh.

The quality of your trolling has depreciated noticeably since your numerous political and financial losses piled up. What’s wrong? Are your handlers too busy preparing their defenses, and looking for new networks, to spoon feed you today’s fabricated Con positions?

bobknight33 said:

Biden is using the SPR which has lower prices. by stopping its use prices will go up.
There is no long dissertation needed. It is simple supply and demand -little man

So what do you think?
When the SPR is depleted or stopped being used what do you think will happen to gas prices?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Odd, the Trump unsupervised PPP “loans” that Cons all took advantage of, then had forgiven (the same rich people who fought against student loan forgiveness)….that has no impact I guess?

Yeah…the timeline says no, not really. The QE and handouts happened in 2020 and early 21 as Tesla was skyrocketing, not what made them crash. You are just blathering.
Remember, you 100% denied the insane unheard of level of QE Trump did had anything to do with inflation, proving you have 0 grasp of economics.
Pumping money into the system is the only guaranteed way to cause inflation, and Trump did it more than any other president in history. He saw it as a way to spend more off the books. In fact, it was an unapproved tax on every American in the form of massive inflation you simply blamed on Biden for years. Kind of hard to swallow your sudden realization that printing money hurts the economy when you absolutely denied it when your guy printed money….over 40% of all money ever printed was printed in 2020. Where was this bob in 2020? It’s true, the money printing by Trump and to a much lesser extent Biden increased inflation significantly…but that doesn’t account for Tesla crashing twice as bad as other car companies.

He’s correct, we will end the fossil fuel industry. Importantly he gave no timeline in your clip. Reality is under Biden oil and gas production is up….but refining capacity down. The only way he could directly effect that is nationalizing oil and gas companies and forcing them to lower their profit margins to pre pandemic levels.
Reality is you were simply lied to, again, we were not a net exporter of energy under Trump. Only during the summer, in winter we imported more than we shipped out in summer. Net importers.

Since you’ve been misled, you should understand Biden only halted NEW leases of federal oil fields until the companies that want them use the leases they already have. Oil companies want to buy the fields but not drill, creating more shortages and higher prices/profits. Biden insists they make use of the land already leased before locking out tens of millions more federal acres from exploitation by their competition or any other use.

We still export oil, and import it. Our refining capabilities went down under Trump when he ok’ed the sale of the biggest refinery in America to the Saudis and they instantly cut production. In 2020, our demand went down, but not below our production.

Oil companies lost a combined $76 billion over 2020, then made over $2 trillion profits 2021 and $4 trillion 2022. Utter bullshit it’s just making their losses back. An outright bold faced lie that relies on ignorance of any facts to be believed.

Trump ok’ed the murder of American citizens by the crown prince, bragged about protecting him from murder charges. Trump gave the Saudis top secret information about dissidents in their country which they paid son in law Kushner $2 billion for then murdered them. These included people working for America.
Trump also sold the Saudis our refining capabilities without which them being pissed would make no difference if we were actually a net exporter (we aren’t, never were) and still owned our infrastructure (we don’t), the evil murderous Saudis would have no leverage at all. Duh.

bobknight33 said:

QE Quantitative Easing
helicopter $ All those Gov Checks that kept people home.

Gas policy. Biden want to kill the oil industry. Transition to cleaner forms of energy is great but you can't just switch off our dependency of oil.

under Trump we were a net exporter of oil. Now we need to import.
oil companies are reporting record breaking profits. But it follows pandemic-fueled losses.
Biden pissed the Saudis over the assassination of the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi so they say no oil for you, Joe..

When the SPR is depleted or stopped being used what do you think will happen to gas prices?

Border Collie Disc Caddy

BSR says...

Get that dog some booties.

"If your dog spends a lot of time outdoors — whether in summer or winter — investing in dog boots is a good idea. Paws are sensitive to extreme heat, extreme cold, and sharp particles such as ice shards or sticks while hiking."

Qatar World Cup: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)

spawnflagger says...

1 small point of correction - the workers are on break between 10am-3pm in the summer, which is when you see those >50C temperatures. They worked all through the night, and you can't pour concrete in the day because it's too hot and dries too quickly.
An exceptional (i.e. not the norm) construction company was one that paid it's workers what was promised, and on time. All local companies had to be 51% owned by Qataris, not sure if that changed as part of their 2018 reforms.

Trump Announcement So Boring, Staff BLOCKED Crowd from Leavi

Beau schools on schooling: why 'FREE' scares Biff & Babs

spawnflagger says...

I think there should be free Community College for anyone that wants to go, but I also think college isn't for everyone, and Trade schools should also be free (I've seen plenty of plumbers that charge hourly rates more than lawyers).

As far as other colleges, there should be merit scholarships for anyone who does well at Community College can transfer to those for years 3 & 4.

I had a merit-based scholarship for my undergrad, but it was conditioned on maintaining a 3.0 GPA (B average or higher). If it went under 3.0 for two semesters, scholarship gone. Also required finishing in 4 years, so I had to take 15-18 credits every semester. I also worked part-time during semester and full-time in summers to pay down the loans (that the grants & scholarship didn't cover), so graduated debt free. I also can see I'm an exception rather than the norm.

I wouldn't begrudge anyone getting higher education. I also think some people who drop out when they are 18-22 years old, could go instead when they are older and more mature and totally succeed, so don't force it immediately after high school. Part of that is pressure from being allowed on your parents health insurance if you're in school up to a certain age... universal health care coverage (public option) would fix that and should be a higher priority than universal college. I voted for Bernie.

TRACTOR PULLS: It's Not What You Think - Smarter Every Day

newtboy says...

I’ve been to demolition derbies and monster truck shows in the 80’s where tractor pulls were part of the show, but not a pure tractor pull competition.
Yes, I had fun. It was back in the original Bigfoot days when monster trucks just drove over a few cars and everyone was amazed.

I still really want to go to the Mile of Mud in Florida and see swamp buggy racing in person before I die….but that means going to Florida in the summer.

eric3579 said:

This made me want to go hang out with southerners.

Has anyone been to a tractor pull, and is it fun?

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