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Cecil the sheep is quite the jerk

bremnet jokingly says...

And there it is, the undying stereotype - for decades, perhaps centuries, even in these modern times of equality and respect for all, when a fella takes one in the junk, girls giggle while he collapses to the ground.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

newtboy says...

I don't think he's mocking the stereotype, he's spreading it under the guise of humor. If Hart did that for a laugh, you can be certain he would then call out white people in the front row for laughing.
Joking about your own groups foibles is a form of owning up to them, joking about another's group's perceived foibles is denigration.

BSR said:

Well... no, it's funny also. If a black comedian like Kevin Hart said the same thing it would be funny. It's a stereotype that needs to be mocked. If only black people are allowed to mock black stereotypes, isn't that racist also.

As far as stealing food goes, if you are making the case that food is being taken to fight hunger, and compassion is in order, I don't think that's the case here. Its being taken just the same anything else is, regardless. A grabber is no different than thief in this scenario. You break it, you buy it.

Black or white, this is just mob mentality and anyone who participates knows what the consequences are. If any. If nothing else, the store has learned something hopefully.

As far as what @bobknight posted, he did push the "jokingly says" button so I can choose to believe he mocks the very stereotype that was posted. And I did say it was wrong too.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

BSR says...

Well... no, it's funny also. If a black comedian like Kevin Hart said the same thing it would be funny. It's a stereotype that needs to be mocked. If only black people are allowed to mock black stereotypes, isn't that racist also.

As far as stealing food goes, if you are making the case that food is being taken to fight hunger, and compassion is in order, I don't think that's the case here. Its being taken just the same anything else is, regardless. A grabber is no different than a vandal in this scenario. You break it or steal it, you buy it.

Black or white, this is just mob mentality and anyone who participates knows what the consequences are. If any. If nothing else, the store has learned something hopefully.

As far as what @bobknight posted, he did push the "jokingly says" button so I can choose to believe he mocks the very stereotype that was posted. And I did say it was wrong too.

JiggaJonson said:

No, it's just wrong - the job applications are online only, and if you actually watch what they're stealing, it's almost entirely food.

And actually, most of them don't steal anything, they're there to vandalize, not for theft.

60 teens vandalizing and looting Walgreens

JiggaJonson says...

I'm not saying we're all guilty of something, or that everyone is to blame. But Bob's "joke" isn't really a joke, it's not calling out the morality of anything these people are doing, it's just two back to back stereotype slurs.

Have you ever seen a thief take a job application? Take a greeting card?

Those things have nothing to do with what's happening here, it's just an attempt to reenforce racial bias under the guise of being a joke.

BSR said:

Yes. None of us are innocent.

Jim Says Christian Leaders Will Be Murdered If Trump Loses

cloudballoon says...

"The world would be a better place without religion..."

Maybe. Probably not. We just can't will it into non-existence regardless. My hypothetical concern is, say we do get rid of all religion (by what? Burn all the books? Put them all in an Island? Killing them all once and for all? I'd LOVE to know your methods... but hey, off topic), then what? Human by nature will believe and follow in something/someone... Chinese followed their religion-banning dear leader MZD to their deaths by the millions. Germans got played into Nazis by a charismatic madman that resulted in WWII... my point is, we can't let any harmful idealism fall into the hands of charismatic leaders that cause real harm and be silent. Star Wars (and its mortal religious rival Trekkies) is a registered, legit religion to some but mostly for fun and harmless. Trumpism is arguably a religion itself in America now, and alt-right ideals are spreading all over the world from its aftermath that's 100% harmful IMO.

Religion as a practice can do immense good & evil in equal measure. We should all do our part in not letting people in power weaponize religion.

"Its the biggest sham in human history. " IMO, it's people in (religious/political) power that twists religion into a sham. And continues to. I blame these people, not the religion. Don't let these douchebags have their way!

A lot of people (majority even) fails to put the words of these religious books into historical context. Civilizations and cultures
evolve. Societal practices and knowledge of the physical world too. Look into the intent and context, then it'll do good. Twist religion into self-serving gavel of judgement (to others, NEVER to oneself!) then nothing good will come of it.

"Just goes to show how stupid the sheeple are."

Thing is, people get into (and out of ) religion for all kinds of reasons. Calling them all sheeple and stupid isn't doing anyone good service, merely shows your narrow view of religion (and stereotyping people of faith) more than anything, no? It's as wrong as a priest calling atheists must be lacking of a moral compass.

I'm with you in your disdain for mindlessness.

Are there sheeple? OF COURSE. Are blind followers stupid? Yes to a degree. But IMO these sheeple are stupid not because they're into a faith, but follow the words and commands blindly of their faith leaders without thinking of the intentions and lacking a firm grasp of reality and consequences.

We need to eliminate sheeple mentality, religious absolutism and self-righteousness that disrespect others, that thinks one is better than others because of following a religion.

I'm fine calling out the ridiculous among them, I do so in my church. Just don't call and treat everyone a sheeple. Besides, sheeple is not exclusive to religion, there are Apple sheeple, celebrity sheeple, political sheeple. Do we treat all of these people as sheeple with disdain?

But man... it's extremely disheartening to see the state of religion in the USA. I can see why some people are so against it there. I seriously can't feel defensive about it if I'm a US citizen, because watching videos like these do make sensible people wanting to punch that guy. But how can people NOT see through the idiocy and out right ban/disown that shit? That's the most concerning to me of American Christianity.

Mystic95Z said:

The world would be a better place without religion.... Its the biggest sham in human history. Just goes to show how stupid the sheeple are.

Fresh Prince of Bel-Air - Will's Father leaves.

C-note says...

This hits home for me. It is a stereotype that is over hyped and excessively portrayed in the media. The truth is there are fathers that want to be with their kids and cannot due to being alienated. To my knowledge there has only been one movie I can recall that shows the struggle of a father trying to have custody of his kid (Kramer v Kramer 1979). Hollywood needs to put out another film to show what it’s like for a father to try and be involved in his children’s life when a narcissistic mother actively fights to prevent it.

Photographer portrays two different worlds in a single image

newtboy says...

Just a guess based on the rest of the photos, not an accusation. It could just as easily be juxtaposing strong family involvement VS absentee parenting. That said, her expression is not a happy one.

I paid more attention to the man's clothes and weapon than hers when making my guess. I honestly didn't notice her head scarf on my tiny screen.
The impression I've always had is that in many if not most middle eastern/North African areas where traditional clothes and weapons like he's wearing are common, women are usually banned from least until recently. I do admit that's a stereotype, and perhaps ignorant.

ChaosEngine said:

I don't see any evidence of that. Sure it definitely does happen, but it's equally ignorant to say that this kid is miserable simply because .... what? she's got a dress (and maybe a hijab... can't tell from the crappy low res video ) and is standing beside an older man?

Things about Relationships I wish someone told me about

Payback says...

They way she talks, she comes off like a stereotypical Millennial, the way they yammer about "microaggressions" and shit like that, but the illustrator is focusing on really large "in your face" toxic situations. The ones that make you shake your head and go, "how the Hell did you stay around that person?"

Is incongruous is all.

We Believe: The Best Men Can Be - Gillette Ad

bcglorf says...

IYou don't want people looking at anyoneyou and falsely judging themyou as scum on the basis of their genderthis ad.

The ad is just a big yawn for me. The symptom of people still using generalizations and stereotypes to classify a group of people and saying it's "caring, loving, intelligent and brave" is repulsive to me, and needs to be called out. That doesn't hold ONLY when it's blacks, mexicans, muslims or women being targeted but yes, even if it's whites or men.

BSR said:

I don't see it as wrong. I see it as a strategy created by caring, loving, intelligent and brave people. I think you may feel attacked and accused by this ad. You don't want people looking at you and falsely judging you as scum on the basis of this ad.

I'm not sure you have faith in your foundation.

Hold up. Wait a minute. Something ain't right!

Robbery Stopped With Swords

Mordhaus says...

It’s very important to note that drawing direct parallels between countries when it comes to crime is very murky, as these difference could be due to differences in laws, the way the criminal justice system is set up, how policing is done, how crimes are reported, and much more.

Quoting this: Harold Pollack, co-director of the University of Chicago's Crime Lab, called Zimring and Hawkins's book "an excellent source." In a 2015 phone interview, he pointed to a number of more recent studies that fit the pattern it identified.

"There's no question the United States faces a number of distinctive social policy challenges, some of which affect the crime rate. But many other OECD countries face their own distinctive problems that affect their crime rate," he told me. Western Europe, for example, has a major problem with drug use. Canadian cities have "very high" rates of property crime like car theft. And yet, the US still stands out on murders.

"I think that Americans have this view of Western Europe, or Toronto for that matter, which is very stereotypical and doesn't take into account the challenges that many of peer industrial democracy problems face," he points out. "There's a lot of drug sale, a lot of ethnic stratification and conflict, there's a lot of just general crime."

Crime rates in Canada aren't that much lower than the USA, there are just fewer violent crimes, like homicides.

In addition to this, a major factor might be considered in regards to Canada. Population and population density. Canada is lower than the USA across the board, 36.71 million to 325.7 million and density of 3.9 people per km to almost 90 people per mile (last census data).

I don't support the NRA, btw. I think they are idiots. I do support logical gun laws. I don't care for fake news.

I also think I was civil in my response to your original comment. I have tried to remain that way even though one could classify your response to mine as hostile and provocatory.

Drachen_Jager said:

Oh yeah, thanks, that totally explains why gun violence, violent crime, and non-violent crime are all way higher in Canada than the US.

Oh, no... did I get that backwards? I guess all your gibberish just doesn't play out in the real world, huh?

TWICE in recent weeks, the NRA's wet-dream-come-true, the "good guy with a gun" was on the scene and got shot and killed BY THE POLICE because they saw a guy with a gun and just shot. That's a pretty big fucking hole in your theory, isn't it? I mean aside from the fact that reality simply doesn't jibe with your theory.

But I guess you'll go do what your type always does when a theory doesn't match the real world. Call "Fake News!" and pretend you're right no matter what happens.

The Best Bouncer Fight Ever

noims says...

I'm pretty sure I was in there a couple of nights back. Not to push the stereotype, but it's an Aussie pub in *celtic Dublin.

Like the rest of the world, we have Irish bars, but i's nice to have a bit of variety.

Nice to see appropriate use of force, though. Give the man a raise.

The Kind of Story We Need Right Now: Server Bodyslams Jerk!

Digitalfiend says...

Don't get me wrong, I'm of the same mindset but aren't we all supposed to be treating each other equally now? Aren't we trying to get rid of these stereotypes (e.g. you don't think women should just be house-wives and get back to the kitchen, do you?) Therefore, women are the same as men and the law should apply equally to all? Clearly, that isn't the case.

As I said, I don't really care that this woman knocked the idiot down but she could have just as easily grabbed his arm and confronted him that way, without yanking him by the neck and throwing him backwards - it's not a proportional response to the sexual assault. Once detained - and I'm sure other employees or customers would have assisted - the police could have been called with the same outcome (i.e. the man being charged with sexual battery). But then she wouldn't have been able to "feel empowered"...

Mordhaus said:

That ship done sailed. Men are supposed to just suck it up and not retaliate.

DL Hughley - Anyone Who's White & Broke in America...

Is "Talking White" Actually A Thing?

vil says...

Dude I cant tell your "race" even seeing you. I mean I see you are not scandinavian, but thats it.

People pretend all the time.

People pretend to be tall (or at least have long legs), be intelligent, have a pleasant symmetrical face, good eyesight, no speech impediments, facial and other hair under control, real teeth, clothes, watches, handbags, cars, its all a game. Why would race be the exception?

So you generally make a better impression over the phone if you talk white, does this mean that white people buy that much more stuff or is this particular form of racial favoritism prevalent among black people too?

We have an almost reverse form of this that is quite perverse. A lot of vietnamese small shop owners operate here and speak in peculiar mangled Czech - turns out some of them can speak well, but play along with the stereotype because it makes their racist customers happy.

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