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After Bullied Kid Suicides, Teens Rejoice His Death At Dance

dannym3141 says...

>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Sooo angsty. Sooo ineffectual in your humanity.
It's okay. We'll all make a deal when you commit suicide too (hopefully). = ]
>> ^gorillaman:
Why not just blame rock music and violent videogames?

What a fucking fantastic thing to comment on a video about a kid being bullied into suicide.

After Bullied Kid Suicides, Teens Rejoice His Death At Dance

After Bullied Kid Suicides, Teens Rejoice His Death At Dance

Bill Maher ~ Why Liberals Don't Like Bachmann & Palin

heropsycho says...

"Now you need to go and get a post-doctorate degree in tax law."

Dispute it all you want. That's what her husband says, and she explained she did it because the Bible says wives must be submissive to her husbands. It's right there in the video. Again, spin that all you want. Even if it's a "suggestion", she did it because the husband said to because wives are to do what they're told. You can deflect all you want about why she got her first degree. I never said anything about that. I said she got the post-doctorate degree because her husband told her to, and she believes she's to do as told by her husband because the Bible says so. Period. Done. To argue against this is completely disregarding what she doesn't even deny.

So you don't deny he ever said Palin or Bachmann were dumb because they're women. Dude, that's the freaking definition of sexism!

sexism - discrimination on the basis of sex, esp the oppression of women by men
discrimination - unfair treatment of a person, racial group, minority, etc; action based on prejudice

Sexism = unfair treatment on the basis of sex, or action based on prejudice from gender

He didn't base one thing on them being women! NOT A SINGLE THING! You can't redefine words to fit your argument! He's slamming them because he thinks they're stupid people, not because all females are stupid.

Was he insensitive? Yes. Rude? Yes. Offensive to some for various reasons? Yes. Sexist? NO! He discriminated based on intelligence or even political philosophies, not on gender.

P.S. It's good to know if I ever invite a black friend over for dinner, I can't serve any of those dishes because that would make me a racist. I'll be sure to let them know that since I'm white, when he's around me, he's never allowed to play rock music, put hockey or golf on TV, ask if I'd like to test drive an SUV, offer me a Heineken, or ask what I don't like about my job. I should be offended if any of those occur.

>> ^Winstonfield_Pennypacker:

You lose.
Do you even watch what you post. Bachman said "The Lord put it into my heart to go to law school". Not her husband. When she finished her basic degree the husband said she should get a post-grad degree. He didn't order her, "go get a tax degree". It was more that she - as previously - had options she came up with and he made his suggestion as to what he thought was a good idea. If she'd chosen something else there is nothing in his history that suggests he's have slapped it down. Quite the contrary. He has generaly come off as a guy who supports his wife in her decisions. It wasn't his choice to have her go into politics. That was hers. But he supports it. Oh - what a sexist pig.
Sure, but understand this - he never once implied that Bachmann or Palin are stupid or anything else BECAUSE they are women.
So what? If some jack-hole serves up watermelon & fried chicken to African Americans, he could turn and say that he NEVER IMPLIED that he chose those foods just because they were black. But that doesn't make the choice insensitive, stupid, and racist. Likewise - Maher's crocodile tears about not being a sexist just because he happens to hate conservative women is bunting tossed on a pile of crap.

Ass Kicking Kung Fu Epic: True Legend

Mazex says...

Yeah this US trailer is entirely misleading, and the rock music is so stupid. The film is decent though, saw it when it got released in China 2010 Feb and the effects and martial arts are great, however the scenes in the film fit together pretty badly.. Jay Chou annoys me as well, just as he annoys me in the Green Hornet. I wish the film had more Drunken Boxing too, it's supposed to be a kinda prequel to Drunken Master with Jackie Chan, which is by the same director, that film is hilarious and awesome.

The Reason for God

BicycleRepairMan says...

I'm commenting as I watch here, he's already screwed on the "problem" of evil. He's got the whole thing ass backwards. The only way to really solve the problem of evil from a theistic point of view is as he rightly points out the "lack of perspective argument" ie "Maybe there is a larger plan"/maybe it isnt evil after all/maybe its all part of gods plan or similar nonsense.

The point about bringing up this from an atheistic point of view is that there is of course a much more elegant, more logical, more reasonable and more probable solution to the "problem" of evil: There is no god.

It seems like Keller hasnt even considered this as a real possibility, because if he did, he would realize that the problem dissappears entirely. And its not just for human acts of evil, of course. Think of the recent Japan Tsunami..Thousands pointlessly killed by the physics of tectonic plate movement. In a godless universe there is no "why?!!" here, we live on a thin crust wrapping around a lava ball, partially covered by water. A tsunami now and again is inevitable.

If you believe in god, you'll have to make up lots of shitty excuses for these kind of events

None of this proves that there is no god, its just one of those many things that makes it unlikely.

Oh and now his dragging Stalins corpse out again to bash atheism. Nothing to do with atheism. Stalinism was a sick personality cult catering to creduilty and superstition in order to promote a form of marxism. The reason they went after Christianity was because they were competing to convert the gullible to a new mindless cult.

Its not just that its pointless "keeping scores" as it were, I would like to see him tackle Hitchens 2-part Challenge:
Part 1: Name for me one good thing done, or one nice thing said, in the name of religion, that it would be unthinkable that a secularist/atheist could just as reasonably say or do.

I've never hard a satisfying answer to part 1.

Part 2: Name for me one bad thing done, Or one bad thing said, in the name of religion,that it would be unthinkable that a secularist/atheist could just as reasonably say or do

I bet you thought of something after reading the fifth word in that sentence.

Its not a tie.

Kelller parroting atheist argument:"Until you prove there is a god, I dont have to believe in god!"

What a dishonest douche.

I've never actually heard any atheist make that argument. Heres how the argument really is: I've never seen a shred of evidence, ever, anywhere, in the history of everything that would even suggest, in the slightest,remotest possible way that there might be a god. None. Zip, Zero. I'm not demanding that you come up with a mathematical proof or anything, far from it, but until there is some evidence, ANY kind of evidence, I dont see any reason to believe in god, any more than santa.

More rubbish: Why do I assume god is "inside" the universe? I dont, douchebag, I'm not assuming anything, its your invisible friend, moron, you can fantasize. Oh great, there you go now... "He might be outside of everything", please do go on wasting brainpower trying to make that work..

"You cant prove anything" "So why do you say to God.."---BEEP-- I dont say anything, Keller, I dont talk to invisible things that arent there.

"You cant prove there is no god, so not believing is an act of faith" Yup, I take the same risk you do, Keller, But I'd wager disbelieving in Cthulhu will land you in much more trouble than the mere wuzzy little lake of fire I'll be surfing on (while listening rock music).

Oh fuck. "Fine-tuning" now.. Yep, this universe, that has almost NOTHING but vaccum at minus 270 celsius instantly deadly to any living thing, where the extremely tiny exceptions are 99.999% nuclear fireballs that will burn anything to death once its close enough not to freeze to death. So among a hundred billion galaxies with a hundred billion stars, we know of exactly one that has a planet at just the right distance. What are the chances, eh? Ten thousand billion stars and one of them has life around it (and in few million years its gonna toast that motherfucker too). Ergo: stars are perfect places to have life around. Yup Finetuning. Four aces? more like one ace and ten thousand billion worthless cards, but whatever.

Of course, if I was god, I might make just , I dont know, lets say ten stars, with lots of fine planets around them with lush green envirionments and no nasty earthquakes, asteroids, hurricanes and so on, perhaps I'd even make sure that the sun doesnt blow up and kill everybody in the end. But then again, what the hell do I know..

Ok, that was half an hour. maybe I'll do the rest tomorrow.

Rock Music is the Work of the Devil

Enter Shikari -- Sorry You're Not A Winner

TDS: Arizona Shootings Reaction

NetRunner says...

@JiggaJohnson, now add another element -- Girl A (aka Fox), actually wants bad things to happen to Girl B (everyone who disagrees with conservative dogma), but doesn't want to be held accountable for it.

Now you're where a diary making the rounds at Daily Kos today is, which calls this process stochastic terrorism.

It's a bit grandiose in name, but frankly it puts a finger on exactly what I think is going on at this point. These outbursts of violence are a feature, not a bug.

Cool kids also call this Becking.

I know I'm stepping on the thrust of Jon's message (rhetoric is no more to blame than rock music, and we should all just calm down and stop being so partisan), but it hearkens back to a moment in Rachel Maddow's interview with him where he said (and I'm paraphrasing here) "even if it's technically true that Bush is a war criminal, the left shouldn't say that he's a war criminal, because that's too partisan".

That's the problem we have right now -- when the left says the truth, it sounds partisan. While on the other hand you have the right constantly lying, and it comes out sounding like incitement to violence.

And the media is all too happy to look at the above and say "they're both doing it". Never mind that one side is vindicated by the facts, and the other is just trying to gin people up to try to get political power; you can't report that, because that would be "partisan"...

Yuki - Joy

JAPR says...

It's interesting the extent at which a lot of music genres have slowly drifted towards trying to be rock music of sorts, with pop (at least some segments of it) and country being the best/worst offenders (pop that has rock elements tends to make for more engaging pop music, country with rock elements tends to sound ridiculous). The simple riffs and pleasant vocals make me think of Miki Furukawa or maybe POP CHOCOLAT.

Do you know if Yuki writes her own stuff at all?

Also, I would post some stuff, but I can't seem to find out how the heck to post the new YouTube embeds, I'll look at the SiftTalk to see if there was some info about that later I guess lol.

Sliding Cars in Seattle Ice/Snow on 11/22/10

griefer_queafer says...

To sum up: precious PacNW people never learn. Get some salt and snow tires, foos--its a coupla inches and its a fuckin shit show out there??! Tsk tsk. World is a'changin'. Global warming and all... nokia makes some sick treading tires.

OMG i loooooove the taunt-y rock music soundtrack, though.

Thermite Thanksgiving

Video games are corrupting our kids!!!

Zero Punctuation: Bioshock 2

entr0py says...

I'm surprised that Yahtzee didn't mention that, shortly after the sales figures of the first game came in (huge success), the publisher (2k) immediately took the franchise away from it's creators (Irrational Games) and gave it to a different developer (2K Marin) to knock off a hasty sequel. He notices who the developers are when it comes to Silent Hill games, why not now?

Speaking in general that's a trend that really bothers me among the gaming press. Publishers want to push the idea that the developers don't really matter and are interchangeable, and everyone should just refer to games as being from the publisher. And somehow the gaming press has signed on.

Think about it, have you ever read a book review where the author is never mentioned but they just say it's by Penguin books? Or ever been got caught up in the hype about that new album everyone wants "Rock Music" by Sony Music? (after all musicians are a dime a dozen)

But I'm just venting about that. Otherwise all his points were spot on. I don't think Bioshock 2 is badly made, it's pretty well made, I just think it's soulless. And a disappointment compared to the true sequel that Irrational could have delivered a few years from now.

Jack White tells how he came up with "Seven Nation Army"

therealblankman says...

The movie was really enjoyable for those fans of pop and rock music who really enjoy understanding how contemporary music is created and fettered. After watching it I have one solid observation to weigh in with... The Edge was really outclassed and outshone by the two uber-musicians in the room with him. Anyone else want to throw in their two bits?

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