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What do you get when you take a boxy little hatchback, replace the backseat with a high-performance engine, and add a turbo? You get one of the most badass pieces of automotive engineering thought up by... continue reading

posted by Joe Motion (lurgee) 6 years 2 weeks ago • 63 views • 13:02

YouTube Description: Joseph Haugh, member of the Williams F1 Team pit crew, talking about the role of a wheel gun man in an F1 pit stop. Practising 60 pit stops every race weekend, there's no time for... continue reading

posted by Aard Vark (oritteropo) 1 decade 1 year 10 months 2 weeks ago • 393 views • 1:08

YouTube Description: Dickie Stanford, Race Team Manager of the Williams F1 Team talks about the pressures of an F1 pit stop, including how he used to hate it and how the whole world is watching... About Williams ... continue reading

posted by Aard Vark (oritteropo) 1 decade 1 year 10 months 2 weeks ago • 243 views • 1:02

Pit stops have been getting faster and faster in Formula 1. McLaren are the fastest in the business at the moment, and reports have them aiming for 2.0 seconds next season. Here is a comparison between... continue reading

posted by Aard Vark (oritteropo) 1 decade 2 years 7 months 1 week ago • 963 views • 24 secs
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