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WW2 experimental cargo plane: Fairchild XC-120 Packplane

Bill O Reilly to David Silverman : YOU ARE A FASCIST

bareboards2 says...

Dear Prudie got this letter today. Couldn't help but think of this vid. Yeah, Christianity is a philosophy, BillO. (What an asshole.)

Q. Bigoted Mom: My son's second-grade class is having a "Holiday Month" where they learn about Christmas, Kwanzaa, Chanukah, Ramadan, and other holidays during December. One of the mothers is threatening to sue. She claims that since we live in a Christian country, only Christmas should be taught. She attended the Christmas session last week and said some unbelievably anti-Semitic and racist comments in front of the kids. Some of the kids were in tears. The principal called it a free speech issue and is considering cancelling the rest of the Holiday Month to avoid a lawsuit. He more or less agreed with her that Christmas should be the only holiday discussed. I live in a suburb to a major city in the South, so I've seen this before, but I'm puzzled as to what I can do.

Water truck being hit by a train

Murgy says...

>> ^Ickster:

I literally witnessed a miracle because despite the fact that the train destroyed the truck, the men inside were okay and they are alive, . . .
Actually, you witnessed a driver not paying attention, and being saved by 50 odd years of safety legislation and good engineering.

Heh. I was going to say, seeing as how the actual cabin the drivers were housed in was a good five or so meters from the point of impact, this hardly seems like the appropriate time to bust out the prayer beads.

Unless, of course, one felt like worshiping the mechanical engineers. The cathedrals could operate on the Rube Goldberg Principal.

Shelving System to Hide your Valuables, Guns & More Guns

L0cky says...

>> ^bmacs27:
I still feel an attachment to the revolution, and if you think about, it wasn't that long ago. The minutemen weren't paranoid, they were prudent.

I understand the sentiment. Something along the lines of the principal that if the government prevents you from owning firearms, they are preventing you from overthrowing them. This can be interpreted as a form of oppression.

Maybe that's the real reason the US spends so much on it's military?

Bill Moyers Essay: When Bosses Push Their Politics

Lowen says...

>> ^Sagemind:

In the political jargon and propaganda of Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and the Communist International, western democratic states were referred to as "plutocracies", with the implication being that a small number of extremely wealthy individuals were controlling the countries and holding them in ransom. "Plutocracy" replaced "democracy" and "capitalism" as the principal fascist term for the United States and Great Britain during the Second World War. For the Nazis, the term was often a code word for "the Jews".

Are you seriously suggesting that someone who thinks this video demonstrates plutocratic tendencies are themselves antisemitic, totalitarian and/or fascist?

Bill Moyers Essay: When Bosses Push Their Politics

Sagemind says...

In the political jargon and propaganda of Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany and the Communist International, western democratic states were referred to as "plutocracies", with the implication being that a small number of extremely wealthy individuals were controlling the countries and holding them in ransom. "Plutocracy" replaced "democracy" and "capitalism" as the principal fascist term for the United States and Great Britain during the Second World War. For the Nazis, the term was often a code word for "the Jews".

Rape Survivor fights subpoena for google search,diaries

Trancecoach says...

Ok, so the plaintiff's google searches are never applicable? Is that because they're "not related to the crime?"

>> ^bareboards2:

Principal would be --- the google search is related to the crime. The accused criminal does the action, not the victim of the criminal.
@Trancecoach, in my opinion. And as supported by the judge in this case, who did something unprecedented in voiding the subpoena.

Rape Survivor fights subpoena for google search,diaries

bareboards2 says...

Principal would be --- the google search is related to the crime. The accused criminal does the action, not the victim of the criminal.

@Trancecoach, in my opinion. And as supported by the judge in this case, who did something unprecedented in voiding the subpoena.

High School Girl Spanked By Principal

xxovercastxx says...

>> ^Stu:

You know why kids didn't used to act up in school when I was younger? We got hit. Kids today have no fear of authority. They used to send us to the teacher with a paddle and if she wasn't there, we went to the one with the meter stick. Fuck it. Hit your kids. That's what is wrong with this country. No one has respect anymore.

Respect is taught by example. Fear is taught by intimidation. They're not the same thing. It's no coincidence that the generation that was taught via beatings turned out to be awful, absentee parents with a bunch of asshole kids.

High School Girl Spanked By Principal

Lendl says...

>> ^braschlosan:

Please fuck no more TYT videos. I thought this was VideoSift not YoungTurksSift

Well don't fucking watch them then ffs. It's clearly in the tags, and obviously there are people here who enjoy them, so seriously...don't fucking click on it. Doesn't take a rocket scientist.

High School Girl Spanked By Principal

Yogi says...

>> ^Stu:

You know why kids didn't used to act up in school when I was younger? We got hit. Kids today have no fear of authority. They used to send us to the teacher with a paddle and if she wasn't there, we went to the one with the meter stick. Fuck it. Hit your kids. That's what is wrong with this country. No one has respect anymore.

A child isn't a stereo, it isn't a broken piece of machinery you need to FIX. Some people say "Well my kid was doing something I didn't like so I hit him...and he stopped doing it." REALLY!?!? Is that ALL That happened? You sure that being the sentient human that he is that striking your child didn't effect him in any way whatsoever?!?

I'm blatantly stealing this shit from Louis CK btw, sometimes comedians are the greatest bearer of truth we have.

High School Girl Spanked By Principal

westy says...

>> ^Stu:

You know why kids didn't used to act up in school when I was younger? We got hit. Kids today have no fear of authority. They used to send us to the teacher with a paddle and if she wasn't there, we went to the one with the meter stick. Fuck it. Hit your kids. That's what is wrong with this country. No one has respect anymore.

Ah yes socity is so much better when people fear authority , rather than being motivated by intellectual persute.

If kids are acting up in school its time to put more money into social programs ,schooling and to re-evaluate how education is undertook.

High School Girl Spanked By Principal

chingalera says...

Shit, I got paddled in Texas at least 5 times during the first half of every school about 5 different schools-Still insolent. Still despise authority. The trauma was all my vice-principals', just stung for me for a short while, they had to live with themselves-

What is the point of the down vote system? (Blog Entry by ZappaDanMan)

shinyblurry says...

I'll say a little bit about my experience here, since you brought it up @ZappaDanMan. The reason I signed up to videosift, initially, was to provide a counterpoint to the enormous amount of anti-christian videos I noticed being propelled into the top 15. There was no one here representing the other side of the argument, or posting any Christian videos, so I figured I would be that guy. However, I quickly found out that I was pretty unwelcome here, except, that is, for a few important exceptions. One is @dag. Dag has commented many times that he feels I am a valuable member of the community. Perhaps he recognizes the pitfalls of a lack of diversity in the sift economy. Quite often the comment sections, at least for anything related to religion, are echo chambers for militant anti-theists. That isn't a good thing if you want to have a broad-based appeal.

There are some individual users who have reached out to me, some openly like @enoch, most though in secret. The reason being is because from the beginning there was a concerted campaign to try to get rid of me. The first strategy was to downvote all of my videos and comments and deny my participation in the system. I am sure I am the most downvoted user of all the time. Can anyone (@lucky760) track that? There was a time when I couldn't get a video to last more than half a day. It wasn't because of the nonsense people are posting in this thread, it was because there was a group of people working against me to kill them all off. I have 18 discarded videos in my discarded posts folder. Granted not all of them were that great, but some were sincerely good. Can anyone else claim a number like that? I doubt it, because people don't generally treat eachother like that here.

When that didn't work there was another campaign waged to totally marginalize me by labeling me as a troll. Many people put me on ignore and advised others to do the same. I felt like I had entered into an Amish community and advised them to use zippers instead of buttons. That actually worked because at some point I decided to leave and stopped posting for awhile. I couldn't get any videos published, and every time I posted anywhere people would insult me, or ignore me. It was only because a few people reached out to me that I came back.

These days, it isn't as bad. People just generally ignore me and don't really downvote my videos that much. There has actually been somewhat of a softening towards me and I've gotten a few videos published, which surprised me. I also appreciate @ChaosEngine 's principaled stand and I wish more people thought that way. There have been some people who have consistently given me their votes (I won't name you because it will make you unpopular) even though I know they disagreed with the material. So I am not here to rail against the sift, because I appreciate the people who are being nicer to me, and I pray for all of you whether you like me or not.

The point I am making is that my experience completely affirms everything Zappa said. If you want further proof, just look at the amount of anti-religious vs. religious videos that have been sifted. There is no actual comparison. People downvote for ideological reasons (they hate religion) and that is why you don't see many videos that inform rather than denigrate religion on the sift.

Did You Know: War on Drugs Edition

criticalthud says...

yes, join the movement against stupidity.

a major obstacle in the US against the use of rationality is the dominance of the corporatocracy and the illusion of a democracy. Because of the legalized graft and the depth of political deception, change here will be slower. but it will come. the slowness to change, especially in the spectrum of climatology and planet change, may soon make the US a worldwide villain.

The principal goal of the US, as an empire, is to maintain that empire.
as a pretext, the drug war has always been a method of maintaining that empire.

corruption, climate/planet change and resource depletion will dictate the eventual collapse of that empire, along with it's stupidity.
or so the magic eight ball says

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