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bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂All 100% verified by multiple sources, including the campaign itself you idiot.😂
I’ll guess you dispute the worst fact given, the violent desecration of Arlington by the felon.
They posted the tic tok video and photos of the team taking unauthorized photos and videos of the felon thumbs upping graves and ceremonies in violation of federal law and common decency, using dead soldiers as political props.
Yet again you fall for baseless stupidity posted by failed brainless idiots posting nonsense online from mommy’s basement.
Trump’s team physically pushed past the female guard (who has received death threats despite not pressing charges, just for speaking up) after ignoring the clear long standing rules/laws that were repeatedly explained to them because they couldn’t understand it wasn’t ok to shoot a tv commercial in Arlington…or anything political.
What he took were political photos and a political video almost instantly posted by the campaign, taken by photographers and videographers hired by the campaign that were not allowed at the event but with the felon’s violent team’s help forced their way into a sacred ceremony in the special area where only official Arlington videographers and photographers are allowed to film at all BY FEDERAL LAW.
Multiple gold star families have publicly complained about the desecration of their family’s graves when the felon abused staff and violated laws to use them as unwitting political props in political propaganda.
BTW- this was not the first time he has used Arlington, and area 60 itself, as a backdrop for political photos, nor the first time it was a scandal. He absolutely 100% knew it was wrong and illegal, he simply doesn’t care and neither do you.
Trump has zero respect for the military, always has since cowardly buying a 100% fraudulent deferment and sending others to fight in his stead that didn’t stop him from dancing and little girl screwing through the Vietnam war era. He thinks the military are suckers and losers. It shocks no one his team disrespected Arlington and the heroes buried there by using it as a backdrop for a political ad and political photos where he thumbs ups a fallen soldiers grave.

Bidenomics is absolutely great for America, better recovery from a worse covid response and worse economic collapse than any other large economy in the world, not so great for Russia or traitors, figures you hate it. You bought Tesla at $400. I bet you have some DJT too. People not invested in stupid maga bullshit are making bank…markets are consistently hitting record highs, companies are raking in record profits (accounting for a huge/majority percentage of “inflation”)…I made >6% in the last 2 months alone.

My team can speak English and count…yours can do neither. You can’t show one time I failed to give the verifiable facts, nor a single time you presented any.

Too bad all you can do post and repost other morons lying about everything under the sun. Always idiotic nonsense, no exception this time.
Really, an instantly corrected on the spot misstatement from memory about precisely which military honorariums Harris attended 3+ years ago is the best you’ve got to show some media bias? Nobody is going to pay $787 million over that, sucker! Donny beats that “lie” daily before he wakes up.

Here’s Harris paying homage to those fallen soldiers at Arlington like you say she didn’t…you probably didn’t know because she and Biden didn’t use the multiple solemn events as political opportunities, didn’t create campaign commercials there, didn’t create a scandal by assaulting guards and violating the law, civility, and decorum, and were actually there for the soldiers and their families not themselves and their campaigns.

Notice the lack of idiots everywhere filming with phones and professional video cameras and no happy thumbs up, just the one official shot by the Arlington videographer and deep respect being shown.

Last night the felon directly and unequivocally admitted on Fox that he interfered in the 2020 election…probably not good for his election interference cases.
He’s also holding “The Treasonies” an awards ceremony/fundraiser for the Jan 6 insurrectionists (likely another felony since he is barred nationwide from having any involvement in any charity)…probably not good for his Jan 6 cases, definitely doesn’t put distance between him and the mob he directed.

bobknight33 said:

Yet again you fell for the fake news.
Just like you think Bidenomics is great for Americans.. NOT!

Me 5 you 100000 fails.
You on the wrong team.

‘I believe any idiotic thing they tell me’

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Bidenomics saved America from the disaster that was 2020 and before. His worst economic numbers were better than the last guys best. He kept unemployment at a record low for most of his term, and it’s still lower than under the felon who lost almost 3 million jobs and near a million small businesses. 4.2% is pretty much the Goldilocks number, btw. A healthy unemployment is between 3%-5% with around 4% being preferred. 😂
The trade deficit he insisted would be his crown jewel and would turn to below zero instead went UP by 36.3% from 2016 to 2020 despite his trade wars and hundreds of billions paid by American consumers in tariffs and more in subsidies to American producers.
“Illegal immigration” increased 15% under the felon.
Economic growth was a NEGATIVE 2.2% under the felon.
The crime and murder rates rose faster than ever in history under the felon, and are down over 25% under Biden.

And don’t forget Biden just got his 70th political prisoner released including 2 taken by Russia during the last administration without paying a dime or removing sanctions or handing over Ukraine and got 2 prisoners for each criminal we released, unlike the last administration that only got 50 something released, paid cash, removed sanctions, and always got the short end of the deal, once releasing 5000 Taliban for nothing but an agreement they wouldn’t attack us if we left fast. The contrast is stark.

You are such a delusional tool, constantly regurgitating the lies you ate hook line and sinker…like your last post of an adult only closed event you claimed was happening right in front of children.
No surprise you won’t admit it….again. You never can, you have no spine, zero testicular fortitude, zero honor, zero honesty….you are an infant whining in his full diaper screaming that he didn’t poop in them. I’m done listening. I bet your family is too.
The felon has lost, his racism and sexism are on full display, his complete lack of self control is too. His vp is the biggest loser ever, worse than Palin and that’s not an exaggeration (his favorability rating started at -6 and has plunged to a disastrous -15%! The average favorability rating is +19%. The campaign is now at around -9%), and his project 2025 that he supported and praised since 2022 is an anchor he cannot escape. Even Fox polls have her up by as much as 10% and she hasn’t chosen her vp…she’s at a 50%favorable 46%unfavorable (+4%) now, Butigieg could get her to 75% favorability. Good job morons, you couldn’t keep your fascist dictatorial plans to yourselves and now no one believes you about anything but your fascism.
The felon won’t get to use the presidency to escape his vast array of crimes like he planned, and will end his days in Ryker’s Island.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Jesus Christ…get Don Jr some help. His “interview” with the Sofaking was channeling Matt Foley on speed, and without daddy’s money the loser would already be eating government cheese out of a van down by the river.

If he isn’t doing a half ounce of cocaine or more every single day he’s absolutely hooked on crack…he was hanging out with Mike Pillow the crackhead. He has burned out his tiny brain and his podcasts are drug fueled psychosis displays every time. Holy crap….you guys talked about Hunters drug problem, he beat it. Don JR is going to OD before the election, if he didn’t last night.
Get him help…don’t pretend wild random rambling at 144 speed sweating and spitting, veins a poppin eyes bugging is normal. He’s in full blown cocaine addiction and it is obvious to everybody. Keep that drug addict far away from the whitehouse.

Even JD thinks they should lose.

Bonus - Defendant Don lost his final appeal to Engoron and the MAGGOT landlord/tenant lawyer who accosted the judge in the hall then tried to call that an inappropriate exparte conference on Fox will likely be disbarred for not just trying to screw the case but chasing the judge into a private “judge only” exit. The felon tried to have him removed over that….FAIL!

What Happens Now That Biden Dropped Out?

newtboy says...

The assassin is a MAGGOT. It was Trump’s teams assasination plan, idiot, hoping to replace the loser with someone palatable and not bat shit crazy…that’s why his own security team allowed so many blatant indefensible failures. They missed, so they cut his ear for sympathy hoping to at least gain him a few votes…it failed he’s lost many…there’s no real injury at all just an ear diaper. None. (On a side note, it’s hilarious that the same people who wouldn’t wear a mask for public safety or to end lockdowns sooner because it made them look silly will wear a sanitary napkin on their head to emulate great leader’s tiny ear scratch 😂)

If it had been successful and a real Republican candidate emerged with the sympathy for the last candidate’s assassination, Republicans would likely have beaten Biden easily, especially if their candidate was 60 or under. Trump is like Clinton, he draws votes for the opposition more than himself.

Yes, the people, the money people, and the super pacs already overflowing with cash to defeat the felon are 100% behind Harris, she already has more delegates than needed for the nomination, and between her and one superpac she has raised $240 million in 24 hours after the announcement, mostly small donations despite tricks like Elon blocking access to her campaign page. This is on top of the $240 million in Bidens super pac that will soon be hers.

It’s hilarious to hear the right try to paint a career successful prosecutor who in just one case recovered $18 billion for consumers, AG, multi term Senator, and VP as a puppet with no experience and no accomplishments but their candidate, a jr 2 year senator with no other experience (who will end up as president as soon as Trump pardons himself, sells a few billion in state secrets, and decides he’s tired of president ing and retires) and no accomplishments at all besides a book lambasting Appalachians like his mother as weak minded lazy drug addicted welfare queens and called Trump “America’s Hitler” before spinning 180 degrees is fine, not an inexperienced “yes man” puppet.

Joe is the most successful president in our lifetime, avoiding a depression Trump steered us into and cut the brakes before leaving, ending Covid, rescuing American manufacturing and (unfortunately) oil production, making America not just energy independent but an exporter, rescuing gdp from a negative, rescuing jobs better than every Republican president in my lifetime combined, even if you remove the massive negative that was Trump’s record (worst ever in history by far), slowed immigration significantly during the season when it normally explodes (despite Republicans blocking bipartisan border security measures), saving NATO from the likes of Trump, saving Ukraine from Putin (and now returning Crimea) which Trump would stop day one, reaffirming our support of Taiwan (which Trump would let China have), reaffirming our support of S Korea (which Trump will let N Korea have out of fear of nukes). Trump is the puppet president, fool, but the strings all lead to foreign dictators.

bobknight33 said:

Joe stayed in until his planned Trump assassination attempt failed.

If successful then Joe would have be an easy win.

Since it failed Joe came up with "COVID" as an excuse to step out.

Now the $ people will put up KH as not to rock the boat until the Dem Convention and possible swap her out.

If kept they will puppet string control her just like they have been doing with JOE.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

It was his jilted boyfriend…a lover’s spat.

Before you start parroting the insane Biden blaming, sorry, won’t fly…reports are he’s Thomas Mathew Cooks, 20, registered Republican (so Trump Republican or farther right), wearing a Demolition Ranch (a far right gun rights channel) “Demolitia” shirt. (Will Don Jr be wearing that for his Halloween costume this year like his David DePape Halloween costume after Paul Pelosi was attacked? Why not?)

It wasn’t a democrat.
It wasn’t an undocumented immigrant.
It wasn’t an LGBTQ+ person.
It wasn’t an African American.
It wasn’t any of the people he says are “poisoning the blood of America”.
It was a young white male registered Republican gun advocate.

...and you should be glad he’s another loser idiot MAGGOT. A thinking assassin (so not a MAGGOT) would not use an assault weapon for a long range sniper shot, and would not have missed. That in itself indicates this was a setup, a false flag fraud…he meant to miss or just wing him…what actual gun user would think they could make a perfect 300+ yard shot with a short rifle…or would aim for the head and not center mass? Please. What a loser.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Reminding you that your guy partied in private with Epstein and unchaperoned prepubescent girls from at least 1991-2007 (2 years after he was finally indicted for running a child prostitution ring for years) without pause and didn’t hide or deny it, indeed he bragged about it often. No one travelled to child rape island for naked prepubescent girl massages more than your hero.

Every accusation you make is an admission…Don’t pretend you care about child rape and make baseless blatantly false accusations about your rivals then go silent when evidence proves it’s your guy who has been raping children for decades, or you’re going to have your nose rubbed in it like this.

PS- Hilarious comparison…Biden spoke at a black church where he was invited by the congregation, which attended and worshipped as normal before Biden gave a speech about the promise of America and the advancements we’ve made…compare to Trump who rented a black church embroiled in scandal with a felon pastor willing to rent it out, filled it with white Qanon/2025 believers who worshipped Trump, chanting his name and praising him while he described an apocalyptic America crumbling and devolving in criminal debauchery and bankruptcy (he aught to know!) when he wasn’t talking about himself.

Uh-oh. Pro-life activists and evangelicals are splitting from Trump because the campaign has been clear that he does not support a national abortion ban, and they insist on one. The rift is bad enough that the RNC has banned cameras from meetings of the party platform committee to hide the rift and infighting… which has never been done.
It’s a catch 22…oppose a national ban, lose the evangelicals which are your base now. Support a national ban, lose 75%+ of women and a majority of men. 😂

French MAGA lost bigly…3rd place. Their candidate was proud that her policies are the same policies as Trump, which are the same policies of Putin…yes, she admits that without flinching…that loser French woman has far more spine than little Donny.

Same results in the UK, but that was expected after the unmitigated disaster that has been far right rule there.

Just to remind you,
Trump needs a new VP because he tried to murder his first one.
Trump needs a new cabinet because his old cabinet thinks he’s a criminal fascist psychopath.
He needs a new First Lady because Melania refuses to be seen with him or to be First Lady again (not that she fulfilled the position the first time, but she won’t even live in DC this time…wanna bet that some young blond Ivanka clones will?).
Trump needs a new legal team because his old one has all been disbarred for criminality they did for Trump.
He even needs a new strategist because Bannon is busy in prison despite his pardons. 😂

But you think Joe stuttering is worse.

BTW- since you love to use the “even CNN says” and “liberal media says” nonsense…
CNN - CEO = Trump donor
ABC - CEO = Trump donor
NBC - CEO = Trump donor
CBS - CEO = Trump donor
MSNBC - CEO = Trump donor
NYT - CEO = Trump donor
Wall Street Journal - OWNER = Rupert Murdoch
FOX - OAN - Blaze - Newsmax - Infowars - do I need to say a word?
Where is this liberal media bias again? I can’t find it.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Awwww….you don’t wanna talk about today’s MAGA pedophile groomers caught having sex with students…but without blue hair, not transsexual, not gay, not Democrats but hyper MAGA married “Christian” women.?!? SHOCKER!!!
You don’t wanna talk about the phone and message records showing near daily calls with Epstein and “massage appointments” for Trump on kiddie rape island multiple times in 2004 alone, exactly when Epstein was KNOWN to be running a child prostitution ring on the island with client’s liaisons called “massages”? Or the 3 credible underaged witnesses/victims of rape with his aged minuscule shriveled penis? SHOCKER!!!


Yes they have been revised…and they are STILL WAY ABOVE all estimates for those two months. WAY ABOVE!! 😂 LOSER! 😂

Yes, up to 4.1%…which is starting to be sustainable. 3% was not, hence the high interest rates today. The economy was doing TOO GOOD after just over a year of Bidenomics and the fed had to slow it down, unlike 2020 when the fed couldn’t give money away for free and oil was at zero…YES ZERO in 2020…and people still couldn’t afford gas. (or find TP or eggs or bacon or other staples on shelves)

Also, don’t think it went unnoticed that the horrific unemployment numbers from the felon’s last year were still artificially low because of the (set up to be defrauded) PPP handout program that kept people “employed” that were suddenly unemployed when it ended spring 21 ramping up unemployment NUMBERS under Biden in 21 with millions that really lost their jobs in 20 under Trump but got Trump-welfare/socialist handouts (but were not working).

Yes, Biden had record LOW unemployment numbers SINCE NOVEMBER 2021, and a low 4.1% is the highest he can be held responsible for…I’m surprised you want to bring that up yourself…how about your guy, what’s his high unemployment number? (Hint, it’s over 14.7% but under 15%) 😂

bobknight33 said:

The official jobs numbers from the past two months have been revised downward by -111,000.

The unemployment rate has risen to 4.1% — the highest since November 2021.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Republicans just killed their chances of even holding seats in November by twice voting against a national right to contraception, because their plan is to ban contraception. This is hugely unpopular, and they just went all in on it publicly. It’s going to be really hard to pretend this isn’t their plan for 2025 when they already tipped their hand today.
For decades they claimed abortion should be a states rights issue, and now that there’s no national right, they are clear they intend to ban it nation wide. Contraception is exactly the same thing, they are already banning contraception in red states and talking about a national ban behind closed doors. Todays votes to preserve their ability to ban contraception nationwide prove it.

Polls are showing fully 1/3 of Republicans don’t support convicted felon Trump to be president, say he’s the wrong candidate…that was before his convictions and before telling the nation to prepare for no contraception and an outright ban on recreational sex…unbiased non partisan polls of Americans done from Canada.

18-37 year old Republican voters are worse, 47% say he shouldn’t be on the ballot.

Hannity tried to feed him answers in a kid glove softball interview and he still couldn’t answer questions, or did answer them by saying “yes, I’m not joking, I do plan to be a dictator for at least a day (then we’ll see if I like it) and I do seriously plan retribution against my political enemies.” (which include my own supporters if they ever question my plans).

Starting next month convicted felon Trump won’t be able to campaign outside his state (Florida?) without getting prior permission from his probation officer! But he’s still the best you’ve got!

Those numbers are going to get worse as reality sinks in that he’s a felon, with all the restrictions and conditions of a felon, and is not only not the best but likely the worst possible candidate, and a loser, who can’t vote, travel between states, leave the country, has to report to his probation officer (if he’s not in prison), etc, and all the bluster about how he can run the country from prison is suddenly reality and they see that’s insanity, and only an actual cultist would be so delusional as to think they couldn’t find a better conservative candidate (Haley likely would have beaten Biden)…too bad for them those cultists have total control of the party. 😂

Oof…convicted felon Trump held a mid day rally in Arizona (so he could go to a San Francisco fundraiser in the evening) during a heat wave and a dozen maga were hospitalized with heat stroke. More proof you are nothing but a vote for him, and you suffering to near death doesn’t even register to him. Guaranteed he won’t be reimbursing the Phoenix fired department that had to use up its resources taking care of convicted felon Trump’s mess.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

😂 You expected differently…or at least you said you did. So did he. Nice try.
It’s so hilarious how certain you always are about winning, even right after you just lost everything. Never being able to admit even to yourself that you (and therefore Trump since you are just repeating his claims) were 100% wrong leads you into some pretty hilarious positions…and him into prison!

GUILTY ON ALL COUNTS! Not one or two…every charge.
Will they replace him as the repugnant candidate before the convention in July?

You can’t point to a single order or decision that the judge didn’t bend over backwards to give Trump more leeway than any normal defendant, or a single decision that was biased and not based in the law. Trump tried repeatedly to remove him hoping for a judge cannon that would defend him, but failed because there was no evidence whatsoever of bias, not a shred. Everything Trump made up about him and his orders was proven to be false…big surprise. You still believe what he tells you, then just can’t understand why everything you believe turned to shit….hint, it’s about that fundraising email he sent you, not reality.

The only ignorami are those getting their information from Trump and his mouthpieces. The jurors, including the OAN watching right wingers, saw the evidence and were unanimous about his total guilt on every charge. They are not ignorant, they have more information than anyone and found him guilty.

That is hardly surprising, he put on no defense at all…one sycophant who said Cohen lied once and was caught lying himself…nothing contradicting the evidence.

“Dickhead”…considering the under oath descriptions of Trumps penis, all little mushroom head and no shaft, you might want to look for another insult and stop reminding us. 😂

Enjoy your felonious leader. He just lost far more support than he could afford to lose. Rational people don’t want a president who is a multiple felon and can’t even vote or leave the country, especially one as immoral as him.



bobknight33 said:

What did one expect. Blood thirsty Trump hating Judge and jurors.

These are ignorant dickheads like you.

Bragg Trial IMPLODES after Witness EXONERATES Trump

Bragg Trial IMPLODES after Witness EXONERATES Trump

newtboy says...

To my “just a loser afraid of reality”-

How’s that exoneration going? Did reality crack your thin skin and that’s why you are quietly crying in your beer tonight?

Q- How exactly are you going to claim to be the law and order party but your presidential candidate is a convicted business fraud, charity thief, and felon dozens and dozens and dozens of times over? Probably the same way you call yourselves patriots despite supporting the attempt to overthrow the American government….by lying to yourselves.

bobknight33 said:

Do you know how to read?
Even you, at a 4th grade level can follow along and block out the colorful commentary.

Or does this does crack you delicate thin skin of yours.

Your just a looser- afraid of reality.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Violent Trumpist nutjob Pelosi attacker got 30 years…with more state sentencing to be served afterwards. He will never leave prison alive.
This is the guy you claim is Pelosi’s boyfriend for absolutely no reason besides spite and the embarrassment that he is exactly like you with balls enough to follow his convictions and not just whine like a bitch. Another lie you continue to repeat despite knowing full well it’s a lie…no issue for worthless liars like yourself.
Actually, he was also more tied to reality than you are, you are in fact more delusional and gullible than this criminally insane sucker who believed Trumps lies and acted. All those who have are in prison. You are only free because you are a sniveling coward.

Trump, as expected, is too petrified to testify. SHOCKER!!
What a cowardly loser.
He rested his case after one blatantly lying overtly hostile hyper maga witness who was in fact auditioning to be Attorney General in Trump’s Reich. No defense at all, and insulting to the jury, the court, and the idea of holding Trump to any standards at all.
He did not introduce reasonable doubt, his entire testimony was worthless twaddle, blatantly making up things he couldn’t possibly know about like the content of a private phone call he wasn’t on to protect his master.
Guilt is not questionable. His only chance is jury nullification and a hung jury…that is when they know beyond doubt that he’s guilty but vote not guilty for personal/political reasons.
Edit: DJ needed to show the strong support Daddy has in New York so posted a video of the huge crowds cheering on the motorcade….problem is it’s actually a video of Biden’s motorcade, not Trump who has no crowd cheering for him and is apoplectic about it.

HOLY FUCKING SHEEP SHIT! Trump media finally released its financial report, the first not generated by the fraudulent audit mill he tried to trick investors with…just last quarter Trump media LOST $327 MILLION with $700k in revenues. No wonder they were faking their financial reports, that’s Enron level failure. The stock should be going for 4 shares to the dollar, (Edit: actually 6.6…revenue is $3 million, give a generous 10x for $30 million value, 200million shares, that’s 6.6 shares per $1.… but Trumpists are still paying $43! You are all going to be on welfare after it tanks, I hope you mortgaged your house like so many did.
Lost $327 million in one quarter…on track to lose $1.3 BILLION this year, with basically no income, and now no cash (didn’t they only have $30l million in reserve?). D’oh!
The best part is they say in the disclosure that the success of the company is tied directly to Trump’s popularity…and it’s a totally unsuccessful shit show of fraud and massive losses. Um….😂

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Again you can’t think or speak for yourself and need to cut and paste someone else’s words.
I won’t waste my time, and I’ll downvote on the principal that it’s not even your reply, it’s someone else spewing nonsense (otherwise you wouldn’t post it). If you can’t even take the time to say what you think, I won’t take the time to watch what you like.

Try again loser. You are a waste of skin with nothing to say, but you won’t shut up.

I am correct, Trump is already trying to get out of the debates he agreed to, making up other debate dates no one agreed to like one on Fox, making up new conditions he will debate under no one agreed to, trying to get out of the terms he agreed to, etc. In other words, chickening out. 😂

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

newtboy says...

Yes, you are a loser in the eyes of leftists, bigots, righties, inclusives, centrists, the intelligent, the educated, and the rational…there are many on the sift and in life, they all see you, loser.

I can deny he lied under oath, or at least that that has been proven…you have no evidence that he did, only the unreliable memory of a disgraced maga lawyer who suborned perjury before claiming so. Nothingburger Royal with cheese. Still would be a nothingburger if he went under oath and testified to his claims, but he won’t.
You think the accusation that he talked about being harassed means he absolutely didn’t talk about the payoff…because you have never talked about two things in one call?
This is not the gotcha you believe it is. Even if the disgraced ex lawyer speaking not under oath making this accusation was correct about the specific phone call, highly suspect but giving him the benefit of every sliver of doubt, his contention doesn’t even contradict the testimony that he spoke to Trump on that call, and even if it had (and again, it did not) this was one call among many others from 8 years ago he might be recalling happening at a slightly different hour on the same day during one of the dozen calls they had that day.
It doesn’t impeach his testimony in any way, nor any of the evidence Trump knew exactly what he was doing and knew this was criminal, evidence including texts from Trump and audio recordings of Trump discussing the crime.
If Cohen was making it up as you claim, he has plenty of other calls they can’t deny or explain away he could have said were about the details of hiding the secret payoff to hide sex with a porn star while married and dating a playboy model on the side, instead he testified honestly to the best of his recollection…which further enforces the idea he’s now being honest (has been since he left Trump’s employment).
Wait for re-direct. This minutiae will evaporate into pure warm zephyrum and you will still be grasping at straws…loser.

bobknight33 said:

I'm a loser in the eyes of leftest bigots. There are many on the sift. You being 1 of many.

That being said you can not deny what this guy said.
Can you deny that Cohen lied again under oath the other day.
The most important link to Trump was a recorded call, suspect as it is.

Cohen provided the date and time of this call any yet on Cross this lie was corrected. This "link" call was about a crank caller harassing Cohen and he asking Trumps bodyguard to take care of it.

Total fail that even CNN is WTF about this.

So If I am the piece of shit for pointing out truth, that has to make you a much lower commie turd. you and newt need to take you head out of you asses and start looking around.

Michael Cohen LIED AGAIN in TRUMP TRIAL says Ex-Lawyer

bobknight33 says...

I'm a loser in the eyes of leftest bigots. There are many on the sift. You being 1 of many.

That being said you can not deny what this guy said.
Can you deny that Cohen lied again under oath the other day.
The most important link to Trump was a recorded call, suspect as it is.

Cohen provided the date and time of this call any yet on Cross this lie was corrected. This "link" call was about a crank caller harassing Cohen and he asking Trumps bodyguard to take care of it.

Total fail that even CNN is WTF about this.

So If I am the piece of shit for pointing out truth, that has to make you a much lower commie turd. you and newt need to take you head out of you asses and start looking around.

surfingyt said:

bob is a disgraced moron. he only provides fun in that hes such a loser.

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