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Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

Throbbin (Member Profile)

JiggaJonson says...

I just read through several pages of the youtube posts as well. It inspired me to write to the congressman. *Sigh* It's an overused expression but what are we coming to?

In reply to this comment by Throbbin:
Go to youtube, and there are hundreds of comments like "Obama got Owned!", "Obama had his black ass handed to him", and "Joe Wilson is my new hero!"

Oh Videosift...I'm so sorry I was just happened...I got there and realized it wasn't worth it...take me back!

Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

Throbbin says...

Go to youtube, and there are hundreds of comments like "Obama got Owned!", "Obama had his black ass handed to him", and "Joe Wilson is my new hero!"

Oh Videosift...I'm so sorry I was just happened...I got there and realized it wasn't worth it...take me back!

Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

videosiftbannedme says...

Seems like Joe Wilson tried to hop on the "outburst" bandwagon so many of his party's supporters have used as of late. Rather than properly debate, let's yell. I'm glad his condemnation was swift and fierce from both sides. Political posturing to be sure, but at least condemned publicly.

Congressman Yells "Liar" At Obama During Health Care Speech

Was the DC Madam murdered?

kronosposeidon says...

Gundam, you make some good points. There is a possibility that both women committed suicide.

However, I cannot blame anyone for having conspiracy on the brain these days, because the biggest conspiracy of our time - the deliberate LIES told to the world to justify a war in Iraq - turned out to be TRUE. Also, the outing of covert agent Valerie Plame as retribution against her husband Joe Wilson turned out to be TRUE. So even though I don't believe in 9/11 conspiracies, I certainly don't fault anyone else for believing them, nor would I fault anyone for believing a conspiracy in these suicide cases. Let's not forget how Republican operatives tried to peddle the Vince Foster suicide as a murder, even though separate investigations clearly indicated that it was a suicide. Therefore the pundits and the media in general will probably try to say that Ms. Palfrey's suicide is nothing more than Vince Foster's was, regardless of any differences in the cases. I'm afraid that unless we catch someone, with evidence, AND with a confession, we will never know for certain what happened one way or another.

The huge fucking elephant in the room is that the Iraq War was based on lies, 4000+ Americans and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis are dead, and yet all the perpetrators of this crime against humanity are free. How sad and disturbing is that?

Have You Ever Heard Of Conservapedia?

ShakaUVM says...

Eh, Wikipedia does have a liberal bias. When I tried to put the (verifiable) fact that Joe Wilson (the husband of Valerie Plame, and instigator of that whole mess) was part of the Kerry Campaign, it was removed repeatedly as "Well Poisoning". Meaning, of course, that it would give a reader a negative opinion of Wilson as the result of a fact.

Actually, checking the article on Joe Wilson, it's in there now but doesn't appear on any of the related articles on the Plame Affair.

9119 (Member Profile)

qruel says...

you'd get a lot further around here if you'd provide sources for your assertations.

In reply to this comment by tbarney:
I guess the "Lies" tag is to set the record straight that the White House did NOT out Valerie Plame. A reporter named Corn did in the New York Times with the information from Plame's husband Joe Wilson. and After that Bob Novak wrote about it.
Keep drinking the Kool-aid that CNN, MSNBC, and the others are feeding you....

John Gibson: White House deserves medal for outing CIA agent

9119 says...

I guess the "Lies" tag is to set the record straight that the White House did NOT out Valerie Plame. A reporter named Corn did in the New York Times with the information from Plame's husband Joe Wilson. and After that Bob Novak wrote about it.
Keep drinking the Kool-aid that CNN, MSNBC, and the others are feeding you....

Joseph Wilson on Olbermann talks about Plame and Libby

Valerie Plame testifies in CIA leak hearings - CSPAN

k8_fan says...

Scooter Libby is the fall guy. Karl Rove and Dick Cheney are the two people who should be hanged. This is a scandal far, far beyond any previous Presidential scandal - in the words of John Dean's book "Worse Than Watergate". In Joe Wilson's book, he mentions that there is a wall of honor in the lobby of CIA headquarters, a wall covered with gold stars, each honoring a life lost in service. There are no names under the stars. Even in _death_ the identity of these people is a secret! Not only was Valerie Plame Wilson's entire career sacrificed in a fit of political pique, but all of her sources were sacrificed as well. She worked in the absolutely vital area of "nuclear non-proliferation"...her job was trying to keep nukes out of the hands of dictators! She specialized in the Middle East, trying to keep Iran from getting a nuke. Instead, her entire carefully built cover gets blown by Dick Cheney at the urging of Karl Rove (this is exactly the sort of dirty trick that exemplifies Rove's entire career).

By the way - where are Videosift's "conservitive" trolls on this one? C'mon quantummushroom! Smear Valerie Plame Wilson! Defend this administration's destruction of someone who actually was working to keep our nation, and the entire world, safe from nuclear terrorism all so they could justify attacking the one tinpot dictator that we knew DIDN'T have an active nuclear program! I dare you! I double dare you!

Decoding Republican (chickenhawk) Marketing of Bush

Slyrr says...

"Yeah - we said Bush lied!
I never meant it personally, I just improvised!"

The only 'evidence' of Bush 'lying' about pre-war intelligence came from Joe Wilson. Remember all that? "Plamegate"? One of the many other scandals the left cooked up which they thought would be the issue they would use to get Bush impeached, Karl Rove 'frog-marched' out of the White House, Cheney charged as a criminal, and so on and so on and so on.

And where is Joe Wilson now? Where are the criminal charges the left and the media were so SOOOOO sure would be levelled? All gone. Because it has been proven that Bush didn't lie. He was right. It was Joe Wilson who lied. It has been documented in British Intelligence that Saddam's Iraq DID try to get uranium from Niger.

The simple truth is, the Dems and the lefties were given access to the same pre-war intelligence that Bush had. And they still voted FOR the war. If it was as flimsy as all that, then why did they vote for it? Why won't they publically recant their votes? Why don't they level criminal charges against Bush or impeach him? After all, if you're right, he's a criminal and a war criminal to boot - right?

Again - if you're so sure that Bush lied, the bring forth the evidence. Bring it to your congressman. He's there to represent you - right? To represent your point of view. Bring your evidence to them, and to the media. Lay it all out on the table and then demand that they go in front of those cameras and declare it to the world. No one's going to believe you if you use comic-book characters like Michael Moore. He's too over the top and frankly he's no more trustworthy than Joe Wilson was. You need to get credible people in Congress or the House to take your conspiracy theories and start using them in their debates and campaign appearances.

Go ahead - try it. Get your elected representatives to use your theories and run with them in the upcoming elections.

But you won't do it. Because you know these theories can't be proved. You can stand there and say "Bush lied" all you want. But you know as well as anyone there are perfectly reasoned and logical counters to them. Any debater worth his salt could blow them out of the water.

Which is why, even if you DO take your arguments to your Congressman, they'll ignore it. They wouldn't dare to use that kind of clap-trap in an actual political debate.

Think about it. Have you ever heard your leftie politicians repeat any of the stuff you see on the left-wing blogs? Your bloggers are the ones who supposedly have 'all the answers' - right? So why aren't they using them to recant their votes, demand an immediate withdrawl from Iraq and impeach Bush to boot?

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