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Fartwell gets call out

Trump to be arrested

newtboy says...

You forgot the ultimate puppet master, 92 year old billionaire George Soros who, according to Maggots, is so hyper intelligent and all powerful that he personally controls everything that happens on the planet including specifically the NYDA, and screws everyone out of money for pure greed despite his having donated $32 billion to charities, he’s now worth just over $8 billion.

Can Trump get a fair chance in a court of law?
Considering the number of unqualified judges he appointed to those courts that owe him their positions and are willing to bend over backwards to protect him, no, I think the courts are heavily tipped in his favor not “fair”.

bobknight33 said:

Hard Leftest state, Leftest city, Leftest citizens.
Do you think trump has a fair chance in the court of law?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!! You guys need to stop, I can’t get anything done if I spend all day laughing until my sides split.

Green tried to blame Biden for the fentanyl flood by trotting out a pair of dead teens whose deaths she blamed on Biden….they knew for a fact they had died in the early summer of 2020 from fentanyl brought in on Trump’s watch. When asked about the intentional misrepresentation to the American people her official response was “Do you think they give a f**k about your bullsh*t fact checking?”

Bohbert tried to blame Biden for federal workers abusing work from home to take vacations while getting paid, citing statistics from 2020 when Trump’s administration was incapable of formulating a plan/policy to avoid that…apparently unaware who was president in 2020 or that the administration and policies had changed since then.

Gaetz tried to blame Biden for supplying weapons to a paramilitary force Russia accused of war crimes, citing a Chinese propaganda publication, “the global times”…the reply was “I don’t take Beijing propaganda at face value.” which Gaetz had to admit was a much more intelligent position than his.

Banana Republicans tried hard to show Biden had forced Twitter to censor right wing political speech, but only proved that Trump repeatedly abused the power of the federal government to force multiple private companies to censor private citizens for upsetting him while Biden’s camp only requested they remove nude revenge porn against a private citizen that clearly and blatantly violated their TOS (and some laws).

Oof! The “L”s are coming fast and hard. Pretty sad when you start and run the investigations and just keep proving how guilty you are and how squeaky clean your opponent is by comparison. You must be so proud. I guess you all got tired of winning.

Bonus- Having learned nothing from the banking crash of ‘08 caused by Banana Republican bank deregulation, and despite all the warnings from economists and the CBO report that the plan would likely lead to another round of enormous bank failures, Banana Republicans again deregulated banks in 2018 which has now led to another round of bank failures that taxpayers will likely end up paying trillions for again in the end. Thanks Trump.
Now Fox and Republicans who caused this failure are actively working hard to turn one bank failure into a depression by telling their viewers to start a run on the banks, all banks, because they believe they can pin the results on Biden.
Also, google Larry Householder and Matt Borges

w1ndex (Member Profile)

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

Try again….ask your handler to double check your English. This word salad is completely unintelligible and indigestible.

Ashley Babbitt. Traitor?

Let me attempt to translate….
Is Hunter Biden’s laptop a real story? No. Is it a real laptop? Yes. It it proven the data on it is really Hunter Biden’s? No. It it proven the data on it was really tampered with by republicans trying to create a story about a private citizen who is a relative of a political enemy? Yes.

Was January 6 a real (failed) seditious insurrection? Yes, absolutely, there are convictions on that charge if your eyes and ears aren’t enough to convince you. Attempting to stop the transfer of power so the election loser can retain power is how many coups happen.
Was it just a bunch of people with a few misfits in the bunch, absolutely not, it was a planned, “called up” violent mob directed by the ex president with the intent being to stop the transfer of power by “getting wild” with violent trial by combat and fighting hard by any means necessary, and they came WELL ARMED.

Covid masks BS or a useful tool against pandemic spreads? When used properly, the latter…but not a perfect panecea just like seatbelts don’t stop all traffic deaths. Proper universal mask use and social distancing could have prevented as many as half of cases in the US.

Covid hospitalization rate <3% or way way higher? The last reports I recall I think said around 3% of the overall population, but much higher among just adults….over 10% in some age categories. Were hospitals over run with patients to the point deathly ill people were sent home to die. Absolutely, for months, causing tens of thousands of preventable deaths….what you call a “nothing burger”.

Now you want random political questions as red herrings? Fine.

Biden. Above average president, not great but astonishing on jobs. He beat Trump, so he’s successful no matter what.
Biden mentally fit. Absolutely. Just gave the best, quickest, most intelligent SOU in recent memory, not a rambling self congratulatory stream of consciousness we got before Biden.

Trans surgery for minors? Not a real thing, a fantasy the right invented to be outraged over, like CRT. IF it were a real thing, which again it is NOT, it should be a decision between the minor, it’s parents, mental health professionals, and their physician…not the government that the right wants making medical decisions for citizens now. Reality is surgery is not done on minors unless absolutely medically necessary, only reversible chemical treatments. Another right wing fantasy. I bet you’re ok with fake boobs for teen girls though.

“Trans ideology” (define that) in the classroom? Not a real thing, but inclusion acceptance and tolerance in the classroom, absolutely undeniably good at all grade levels.

Newsom good or bad? Yes, both….but far more god than bad….$52 billion SURPLUS last year…hundreds of millions allocated to mental health programs to service and house homeless.

Now, do you have the spine to answer just one? I guarantee you don’t,snowflake.
Ashley Babbitt, treasonous insurrectionist cunt who violently smashed her way into the chambers before being properly shot by the police she was actively threatening/innocent victim of Biden?

bobknight33 said:

Wow, you are un-hinged.
Biden laptop? real?
Jan 6 a true insurrection of just a bunch of people, with some misfits in the group?

Covid masks BS or truly need.?
Covid hospitalization rate <3% or or way higher? Joe B. Great POTUS / Average/ below Average?
Joe B Fit to be POTUS or mentally lacking and should not be POTUS

Trans surgery for minors? Good or bad?
Trans ideology in the classroom? Good or Bad?

Governor Newsom Good or Bad?

A Few Key Moments From The Jan 6 Committee

surfingyt says...

when youre allergic to intelligence you do this

bobknight33 said:

The treasonous Traitors are our Government leaders. They are bought by those with big $. Those are the traitors. They bow to the highest bidder.

Trump came to office on his own dime. Think about that. He is not bought. What good is a politician if he is not controllable .

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

luxintenebris says...

harm to kids?

what is more harmful to a human than being intellectually stunted?

what is the function of intelligence but to adapt and survive?

i.e. being coddled or cloistered from life details is far and away more destructive.

a matter of degree(s) but shielding any person from what they could understand (& handle) is the antithesis of learning.
i.e. doing more to harm than the worst spiritual debauchery that is freakishly feared here.

A CONFESSION: doubt any of this weighs on you as a person (still suspect you're an agent of chaos, or just need the attention your parents were unable give) but what kinda being would i be if i didn't TRY to help.

BTW: not a dem but I do dig's one tune w/a fitting title...

check out the lyrics

bobknight33 said:

More harm to kids, promoted by the radical left.

Like I've said before . Democrats , the party of death, destruction and debauchery.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

The newest Warnock for senate commercial is the old Walker for senate commercial with Trump endorsing Walker!

The newest disgraced twice impeached ex president Trump property is in partnership with Saudi Arabia….undoubtedly on the crown prince’s dime… in Oman. Now they have Jared and Donny in their pockets.
Remember, Jared gave MBS an “enemies of Saudi Arabia” list based on our top secret intelligence, and MBS quickly arrested and executed them and paid Jared (not the US) $2 billion….now they’re going into business with Insurrectionist Trump for a minimum of $4 billion investment. Trump has zero money to invest in this project, but he still has lots more stolen top secret documents to sell to hostile foreign powers.

Time to raid Maralago for real, unannounced and searching everywhere not just a pre arranged precursors search only where they KNOW stolen documents are hidden like before, and search New York, and anywhere else Trump owns, rents, or has access to (including friends homes, senators homes, etc) before he sells Putin an enemies list (including many American agents) for summary government executions just like he did in Saudi Arabia.

Also revealed today that Trump tweeted out top secret classified images from top secret spy satellites directly from his morning briefings without declassifying them, disclosing to our enemies exactly what orbit our satellite is in and what resolution it can achieve. Specifically, he tweeted super high resolution images of a failed Iranian missile test. He is too dumb to understand why that’s bad.

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Gotta keep an eye on the roaches or they take over.
He’s not living rent free either…and his pathological need to stay in the public spotlight is costing him everything, hundreds of millions and maybe his freedom.

Pelosi has lived in your head for a decade rent free, and no amount of MAGA terrorism will evict her!
Clinton’s been in there three decades, stomping on the floors and overflowing her toilet.
Biden moved in 6 years ago, and so did his son Hunter soon after.

Trump will be out of mine the day he’s sentenced and his anti democracy moronic insurrectionist insane clown posse disbands or goes to prison with him.

If actions are any indication, you are sadly mistaken. He’s never demonstrated even slightly above average intelligence nor any knowledge on any subject….ever. Lol. Don’t forget, according to him, he lost more money than anyone in America more than one year in a row, and went bankrupt what, 6, 7 times? His only claim to fame is inheriting hundreds of millions and doing worse financially than if he had simply put it in low yield CD’s. He’s also facing criminal charges in 4 states and federal court, and more civil cases that I can keep track of including one upcoming for restitution for raping a woman and another seeking $250 million (that he’s unlikely to win). D’oh!

I retired at 30 with a nice comfortable life and few responsibilities. WINNING!

I would ask….since he says his strongest ability is reading people, what is it about him that make SOOOOO many of his “best and brightest” turn on him and according to him become the worst dishonest liars on earth the moment they lose favor or stop benefiting from stroking his ego? His unimpeachable honesty and high level intelligence? I think not.

Now, have you grown enough spine to discuss Ashley Babbitt?

bobknight33 said:

Trump living rent fee in that little head of yours. LOL

Trump in infinitely brighter than you. So don't worry about him Just take care of yourself.

Pelosi gets under Trump's skin in the most brutal way

newtboy says...

She’s right. He’s not man enough to stand behind his own actions, and not intelligent enough to not admit to serious crimes under oath if he testified. If he shows up, he will plead the fifth to every question, because his answers WOULD incriminate him in serious, treasonous crimes. As he said for years, only criminals plead the fifth, and he’s a criminal.
No matter how long he is sentenced to for ignoring the subpoena, it’s less than the time he’ll get if he testifies.

The Scariest Climate Science Paper I’ve Ever Read?

newtboy says...

Any sufficiently intelligent AI might just reinforce climate change as the simplest way to hobble and eradicate us with the least effort.

BSR said:

Artificial Intelligence will probably surpass climate change in destroying humanity.

The Scariest Climate Science Paper I’ve Ever Read?

BSR says...

Artificial Intelligence will probably surpass climate change in destroying humanity.

The List

surfingyt says...

Just another example of the cynical contempt Fox News has for their audience's intelligence. Republicans are complete idiots.

Ken Casey of Dropkick Murphys on an epic rant against MAGA

newtboy says...

Imbecilic ignorant MAGOTS, exactly what you are….actually an insult to maggots. Put your big girl panties on, snowflake. Shouldn’t dish out what you can’t take.

Yes, eliminating the system where, no matter how dangerous or likely to kidnap again or what kind of flight risk, a person can be released if they have cash and stays in jail if they don’t no matter how minor the chance of recidivism or flight, and changing to a system where risk assessments are done and those likely to reoffend are kept while those deemed not dangerous get out without paying exorbitant fees is INTELLIGENT and FAIR. No surprise you’re against it. Also no surprise you completely dishonestly intentionally misrepresent the law.

Clearly Republicans don’t give a shit about reality, you abandoned it in favor of this type of ignorant racist nonsense. Again, you claimed 98% of all crime is black on black crime….because you’re a racist liar who spouts racist lies constantly.

Republicans, frauds who cheat, break the laws, attack democracy itself, steal nuclear secrets and keep them in the magazine rack in the public bathroom, run shit hole states, have higher crime rates, spread anti American values, are horrific sex offenders and child sex traffickers, and are totally fine with 1 million dead Americans, actually said grandma and grandpa would gladly die if it meant they got back to work a few weeks earlier…the party of Death, Debauchery, unDemocratic Despotism, Demonizing, Douchebags, and Dummies.

Edit: to address your inappropriate and dishonest rewrite of my comment-

Joe is pulling real Republicans to the Democrats because they don’t agree with MAGA unDemocratic insanity and are tired of being called RINOS by zealous unDemocratic people who’ve been “Republicans” for 6 years now.…uniting, while MAGA was designed to be divisive from the start, based on an unspoken an insult that Obama had destroyed America and it needed to be made great again….utter nonsense.

Again, look at facts, many deaths at BLM rallies were Trumpsters who committed crimes they tried to pin on BLM. They were prosecuted, there was no evidence BLM committed crimes/murders so no prosecutions. D’oh! Definitely deaths from Jan 6, and a $500000000 price tag from just that one event of many, 100% of which was caused by Trumpsters.

-3.5% gdp…NEGATIVE! Worst unemployment numbers in living history. His judges had often never tried a case, his Supreme Court justice had never heard one. His court packed with unqualified activist “judges” removed reproductive rights from 1/2 the population, which will cost you this election. Every single fraud scheme found, EVERY SINGLE ONE was for Trump’s benefit. With hundreds of millions wasted, not a single real fraud scheme found from Democrats, just Jewish/Italian space lasers changing votes with the help of long dead zombie socialist dictators. 😂 derp. You are so insanely delusional, facts just don’t matter one bit to you.

Trump told people it’s just a cold, don’t take precautions, to not take vaccines, don’t wear masks, don’t social distance, go to work even if you’re sick, inject bleach, take horse dewormer, let grandma die. His fast tracking vaccines actually had nothing to do with the first vaccines available…and his distribution plan was non existent. 9/10 deaths are on his hands…easily preventable by decent leadership.

Caught red handed mishandling highest level top secret stolen documents. About as treasonous as it gets. His lawyers experience, house council for a parking lot. No longer has the DOJ as his personal legal team and shield. He’s fucked. Not every judge is going to destroy their careers for him like his one cherry picked judge has (not the first time he tried hard to have her hear his cases, btw…see his frivolous just dismissed case against Clinton and the scathing teeming the judge gave his team.).

Sure, he likely had hundreds of legally obtained declassified documents, the issue is he also had hundreds of illegally obtained still top level not declassified documents he kept unsecured and lied about having them, likely actively hid them from investigators with warrants. Every part of that is a major felony thanks to Trump strengthening espionage laws trying (and failing) to impugn Clinton.

bobknight33 said:

MAGOTS now. That's not nice. This is your improvements-

Utter failures on all fronts,

Democrats are clearly anti America- Shit hole cites, Crime, Anti family values, Ok with murdering ---

Clearly Democrats dont give a shit about black on black crime. Illegals are just the replacement team of the dead blacks.

Death Destruction, Debauchery is the Democrat party platform

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