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George Zimmerman Reenacts Trayvon Martin Shooting for Police

Porksandwich says...

>> ^shang:

He's a hero in my book, but many would call me a "redneck hick" so I really don't give 2 shits about retarded political correctness. I do believe in a right to protect your home and neighborhood. And I have pulled a gun and fired it on a trespasser before, my situation we had trouble with groups of guys "cruising" the roads late at night drunk, in a small town where usually only half a dozen cops on duty any particular shift, cops were called and told to call back if they were seen again.
This time they had stopped car got out and being loud, cursing, raising hell, my and neighbor called police and were waiting when my neighbor was threatened, I went inside got my gun, fired it once into air, they scattered except 1 ran at me and I shot him, course being scared in the moment I hit him in the thigh and he didn't die but him and his friends were locked up and the guy I shot wound up having to pay restitution to me and my neighbor the judge ruled which even surprised me.
anyhow that was nearly 18 years ago today and yes it was bunch of black thugs but hell trespassers get shot every few months in these areas and in plenty of rural areas.

I guess if you picked a car and decided it was going to be the guys "cruising", followed it, and provoked it by following you might have an analogy.

1) No trespassing if the guy is on the sidewalk and has reason to be in the neighborhood (which he did).

2) No proof of any wrongdoing besides Zimmerman's word, and Zimmerman's word is garbage. Not even one witness to the events...just parts and pieces through multiple people who "know" Zimmerman and are going to make assumptions based on him being neighborhood watch and the captain of it at that... an "authority" if you will. They'll argue Trayvon's past comes into question because he was supposedly caught with marijuana and probably "dealing" it. But of the two, Zimmerman has a police record which is used as an example of him "learning from his mistakes". And he and his wife got caught for perjury within the last month.

So....I'm not seeing someone who "did everything right and above board" here.

While in your circumstance you were on your own property and had saw your neighbor get threatened and had someone charge you. It's about as clear cut as it gets when it happens on your own property. Be a little different if you shot the guy near his house when he was on his way home after you followed him into a dark walkway when he ran from you.

If he's a hero, we're screwed.

George Zimmerman Reenacts Trayvon Martin Shooting for Police

shang says...

He's a hero in my book, but many would call me a "redneck hick" so I really don't give 2 shits about retarded political correctness. I do believe in a right to protect your home and neighborhood. And I have pulled a gun and fired it on a trespasser before, my situation we had trouble with groups of guys "cruising" the roads late at night drunk, in a small town where usually only half a dozen cops on duty any particular shift, cops were called and told to call back if they were seen again.

This time they had stopped car got out and being loud, cursing, raising hell, my and neighbor called police and were waiting when my neighbor was threatened, I went inside got my gun, fired it once into air, they scattered except 1 ran at me and I shot him, course being scared in the moment I hit him in the thigh and he didn't die but him and his friends were locked up and the guy I shot wound up having to pay restitution to me and my neighbor the judge ruled which even surprised me.

anyhow that was nearly 18 years ago today and yes it was bunch of black thugs but hell trespassers get shot every few months in these areas and in plenty of rural areas.

BBC2 Radio documentary: Bill Hicks - the Dark Poet (Comedy Talk Post)

What the hell is the subtext here? Dumb Hicks? That music!!!

heropsycho says...

Did you just advocate to do whatever it takes to win, no matter what, instead of doing the right thing?

Even if that means you turn a blind eye to unadulterated racist, hateful, ignorant drivel from your very public supporters?

There's no dodging this - you just criticized McCain for doing something that is absolutely, positively, no doubt about it the right thing - attempting to dissuade racist elements of his party.

There's something a hell of a lot worse than your guy losing. Do you not get that standing idly by while people spew this ignorant crap, or even flaming it like Trump has done, can lead extremists to attempt assassinations, and that kind of thing?

Hell, if you think what should be done is whatever it takes to win, why not advocate assassinations of charismatic leaders that aren't on your side?

What is wrong with you?

>> ^quantumushroom:

Good old McLame, the taxocrats' pick for Republican candidate. McLame would rather be liked and lose the election than win, so that's exactly what he did! Then he hobbled home and the good people of AZ were easily fooled into voting for him again, while the rest of us were stuck with the 5 trillion extra-in-debt kenyawaiian.
Romney wants to win. If the peeps are dumb enough to vote for His Earness again, Romney can at least say he ran to win.

What the hell is the subtext here? Dumb Hicks? That music!!!

rottenseed says...

Oh jeez where have you been, buddy?!>> ^quantumushroom:

Good old McLame, the taxocrats' pick for Republican candidate. McLame would rather be liked and lose the election than win, so that's exactly what he did! Then he hobbled home and the good people of AZ were easily fooled into voting for him again, while the rest of us were stuck with the 5 trillion extra-in-debt kenyawaiian.
Romney wants to win. If the peeps are dumb enough to vote for His Earness again, Romney can at least say he ran to win.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

gwiz665 jokingly says...

Lol, if they weren't stupid, they shouldn't have such a stupid accent. >> ^VoodooV:

>> ^spoco2:
>> ^VoodooV:
>> ^spoco2:
Holy crap that is an amazing level of stupidity.
Such a hate filled women. Hate for people who are smarter than her. Hate for people who are different to her.
Now, here's a question for the sift. Can someone point me to a video of someone speaking with that accent and saying something of intelligence? Because I can only think 'STUPID BIGOT!' whenever I hear that accent, and that can't be correct, there must be smart people in the areas that have that accent.
they talk like hicks, but they know their shit.

From the clip I just watched, not so much in the way of that accent. Also, it shows they know guns. That's just reinforcing the stereotype. It'd be like you presenting a clip of someone talking in depth about Nascar.

uhh, no. The challenge was to find a southern speaking person speaking intelligently. Challenge accepted and completed. You're talking about the stereotype of their hobbies....different stereotype.
And again, try to be the better person here and stop judging people on their accent please. I thought the sift was better than that.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

VoodooV says...

>> ^spoco2:

>> ^VoodooV:
>> ^spoco2:
Holy crap that is an amazing level of stupidity.
Such a hate filled women. Hate for people who are smarter than her. Hate for people who are different to her.
Now, here's a question for the sift. Can someone point me to a video of someone speaking with that accent and saying something of intelligence? Because I can only think 'STUPID BIGOT!' whenever I hear that accent, and that can't be correct, there must be smart people in the areas that have that accent.
they talk like hicks, but they know their shit.

From the clip I just watched, not so much in the way of that accent. Also, it shows they know guns. That's just reinforcing the stereotype. It'd be like you presenting a clip of someone talking in depth about Nascar.

uhh, no. The challenge was to find a southern speaking person speaking intelligently. Challenge accepted and completed. You're talking about the stereotype of their hobbies....different stereotype.

And again, try to be the better person here and stop judging people on their accent please. I thought the sift was better than that.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

spoco2 says...

>> ^VoodooV:

Don't get me wrong. I do know a lot of people who do reinforce the stereotype of a "stupid hick and talks like one too."
but it is a stupid question and it pretty much is the definition of prejudice. You're literally judging someone based on their accent.
I know it's easy to jump on this woman for reinforcing the stereotype, but can we be the better people here and restrain ourselves just a bit?

Was my question not asking for examples of NOT conforming to the stereotype? Did I not mention that I'd love to not have that stereotype in my head?

Everyone believes things of varying amounts they know are not true in all cases. We all stereotype to a certain degree. People do it at a race level, a sex level, a class level. Everyone does it.

I'm saying I DO do it with people with this accent, and I'd love to have more examples of people speaking like this yet saying smart things so that my internal prejudice against this accent can be diluted.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

spoco2 says...

>> ^VoodooV:

>> ^spoco2:
Holy crap that is an amazing level of stupidity.
Such a hate filled women. Hate for people who are smarter than her. Hate for people who are different to her.
Now, here's a question for the sift. Can someone point me to a video of someone speaking with that accent and saying something of intelligence? Because I can only think 'STUPID BIGOT!' whenever I hear that accent, and that can't be correct, there must be smart people in the areas that have that accent.
they talk like hicks, but they know their shit.

From the clip I just watched, not so much in the way of that accent. Also, it shows they know guns. That's just reinforcing the stereotype. It'd be like you presenting a clip of someone talking in depth about Nascar.

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

VoodooV says...

Don't get me wrong. I do know a lot of people who do reinforce the stereotype of a "stupid hick and talks like one too."

but it *is* a stupid question and it pretty much is the definition of prejudice. You're literally judging someone based on their accent.

I know it's easy to jump on this woman for reinforcing the stereotype, but can we be the better people here and restrain ourselves just a bit?

Dumb Homophobic Christian Takes Stupid to New Depths

VoodooV says...

>> ^spoco2:

Holy crap that is an amazing level of stupidity.
Such a hate filled women. Hate for people who are smarter than her. Hate for people who are different to her.
Now, here's a question for the sift. Can someone point me to a video of someone speaking with that accent and saying something of intelligence? Because I can only think 'STUPID BIGOT!' whenever I hear that accent, and that can't be correct, there must be smart people in the areas that have that accent.

they talk like hicks, but they know their shit.

Denis Leary Talks About Cocaine

Total War on Islam, Destroy Mecca Hiroshima style: U.S. Army

A10anis says...

>> ^messenger:

You suggest at the end of your first comment that Shure and Dore think Islam is moderate. But they don't say that. All your arguments against Islam are word for word equally applicable to Christianity as well.
As for your defence of Christianity, first, I don't know what the term is, but posing rhetorical questions, the answers to which don't conclude anything is a false argument. Like, I can make a false argument in the same way by asking, "When was the last time a Muslim burned a black man on a cross? When was the last time Muslims conducted witch hunts or a Spanish Inquisition?" It sounds like the answers must be conclusive, but they're meaningless. If you want to say something, just say it.
Second, using the craziest of the sickest crazies to exemplify Islam is like using the KKK and the hick communities they draw from to exemplify the western civilization. It's bullshit. Most Muslims just go about doing their thing and don't give a shit what other people think, and certainly don't advocate killing non-believers. And the ones who do, it's not because they're Muslim: it's because the U.S. installed or supported religious dictatorial leaders. What do you think are the three most batshit crazy Islamic countries? I bet the U.S. created or supported the creation of their non-democratic power structure. Am I right? Lack of democracy is the difference, not the text of the religion. Give Muslims democracy and they'll chill out because democracy is better than any religion.
You offered to clarify though. You said you agree with everything else Dooley said besides those two statements, right? So, can you clarify that you:
support "total war" against all Muslims and the reduction of the religion of Islam to "cult status"?
think the U.S. is OK to go ahead and do this?
consider Muslims to be the "enemy of the West"?
assert the Geneva Convention is no barrier to militarily targeting non-combatant Muslims abroad (which currently is all of them)? How about American Muslims? Can they be targeted militarily as well?
claim there is no such thing as moderate Islam?
believe there are 140 million Muslims who hate "everything you stand for"? Really? Everything?
believe the Crusades were justified? Even the ones waged against other Christians?
Backpedalling in 3, 2, 1...

I made my point in my first comment. I explained my point to you - as you needed it explaining- in my second. You are an idiot. I will not respond again.

Total War on Islam, Destroy Mecca Hiroshima style: U.S. Army

messenger says...


You suggest at the end of your first comment that Shure and Dore think Islam is moderate. But they don't say that. All your arguments against Islam are word for word equally applicable to Christianity as well.

As for your defence of Christianity, first, I don't know what the term is, but posing rhetorical questions, the answers to which don't conclude anything is a false argument. Like, I can make a false argument in the same way by asking, "When was the last time a Muslim burned a black man on a cross? When was the last time Muslims conducted witch hunts or a Spanish Inquisition?" It sounds like the answers must be conclusive, but they're meaningless. If you want to say something, just say it.

Second, using the craziest of the sickest crazies to exemplify Islam is like using the KKK and the hick communities they draw from to exemplify the western civilization. It's bullshit. Most Muslims just go about doing their thing and don't give a shit what other people think, and certainly don't advocate killing non-believers. And the ones who do, it's not because they're Muslim: it's because the U.S. installed or supported religious dictatorial leaders. What do you think are the three most batshit crazy Islamic countries? I bet the U.S. created or supported the creation of their non-democratic power structure. Am I right? Lack of democracy is the difference, not the text of the religion. Give Muslims democracy and they'll chill out because democracy is better than any religion.

You offered to clarify though. You said you agree with everything else Dooley said besides those two statements, right? So, can you clarify that you:
* support "total war" against all Muslims and the reduction of the religion of Islam to "cult status"?
* think the U.S. is OK to go ahead and do this?
* consider Muslims to be the "enemy of the West"?
* assert the Geneva Convention is no barrier to militarily targeting non-combatant Muslims abroad (which currently is all of them)? How about American Muslims? Can they be targeted militarily as well?
* claim there is no such thing as moderate Islam?
* believe there are 140 million Muslims who hate "everything you stand for"? Really? Everything?
* believe the Crusades were justified? Even the ones waged against other Christians?

Backpedalling in 3, 2, 1...

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