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High School Senior Takes Book Banners To School

newtboy says...

ROTFLMFAHS!!! Triggered much!?

No, I think it’s disgusting the way Republicans groom and indoctrinate kids with intolerance and intentional ignorance.

As noted above, you do not know what the word “indoctrination” means.

Republicans want to eradicate any diversity in thought or action that doesn’t fit their tiny narrow mindset. Republicans want a world where children are taught early on that only cisgender white men are capable of leadership or honest success, and all others are peons or untouchables. That’s indoctrination.
Removing or hiding any diversity to force one “proper” whitewashed syllabus on all students is indoctrination.
Teaching religion or religious morals and ethics is indoctrination.

Teaching diversity is the opposite of indoctrination.

If you want your children to have most knowledge kept from them, to be indoctrinated with ignorance and intolerance, go ahead and send them to school in Afghanistan where your ideas are accepted, and stop trying to turn America into another failed theocracy.

If your ethics and morals are threatened by diversity, they are weak or non existent.
If your world viewpoint is threatened by knowledge, it is ignorant and immature.

If you want to make a real dent in child molestation, close religious schools and pull all Republican teachers who are more than twice as likely to be abusers than the general population, and keep getting caught doing it WHILE whining incessantly about “groomers”.

One more, who is Mark Foley, bob. Why do you know that name? It’s because he was caught molesting 16 year old male congressional pages for YEARS, with many many witnesses and proof, proof the Republican led congress hid and destroyed to shield him from prosecution for child porn. He is still a big wig in your party, still courted by your leaders (much like Epstein), still accepting massive donations from this serial child molester, still wining and dining him and begging for his support. Why? Because so many of them are also child molesters, more caught every week.
Republicans LOVE child molesters and vote for them constantly, almost never voting them out “just because they touched some children” or just because they “covered up for others touching and penetrating multiple children in their care for years allowing the abuse to escalate to hundreds of young victims.” (Jordan).

Remember, it’s a fact that every accusation you make is an admission….we all see it. Your whining about “indoctrination” is, like every complaint, simply more of your own self loathing. There are better ways to deal with that you might have been taught if only your school had been allowed to teach you.

bobknight33 said:

Indoctrination of kids .. And you approve?

bobknight33 (Member Profile)

newtboy says...

So, Bob….you know who Patricia Kent is? Failed Republican candidate for top election official in Washington County, Utah, a right-wing hate group leader, and a child molesting groomer fired from her middle school teaching job for having sex with and grooming her young girl students.
Blends right in with the rest of you destructive debauched death cultists.

Can you come up with a list of 10 top Democrats that sexually abused children? How about 10 Democrat candidates? Because you are completely incapable of ever answering questions I’ll answer for you. No, you can’t.

Trump Announcement So Boring, Staff BLOCKED Crowd from Leavi

newtboy says...

Your article failed to mention the Republican candidate from the next district, Joel Koskan,a Republican who ran unsuccessfully for District 26 senate, was charged with child abuse last week after allegations came to light that he groomed a female in his care over the course of several years.
Sweet zombie Jeebus, that list is growing faster than I can write!

Funny that he lost the election to his mother!

luxintenebris said:

ironically, the term "not a cult" comes to mind.

Colbert did a segment...
...that was pretty good coverage on the event (loved the 'snow storm' comment).

BTW: you can add Bud May to your list of GOP violent and/or sexual perverts...
...any odds on him being a maga-mutt?

Arrest In Break-In At Democrat Hobbs' Campaign Headquarters

newtboy says...

Bob- “Derp….that news outlet isn’t in the Trump cult, so I can’t listen. FAKE NEWS!”

Now what?

You don’t burglarize a campaign headquarters for cash or food, all they have there of value is campaign materials, you only do it for political motivations. Even a sub 75 iq individual like yourself knows that.

Joe wiped the floor with tiny dick energy Insecure Don from that basement without breaking a sweat.
Lake told her crowd to go ask their little kids if Trump has big dick energy (they all said no)….party of debauchery, grooming your own children to be Trump’s next…he doesn’t have Epstien or Maxwell around to get more little girls for him, now he needs Lake.

Now, how about Ashley Babbitt….she sure did ask for it, didn’t she?

bobknight33 said:

"It’s possible, but highly unlikely, that Carrie Lake or her campaign is not involved…it’s not possible that it’s not politically motivated."

Such biased speculation. Oh wait this is a fake news outlet

Hobbs is a failed canidate ,, Like Joe she hides in the basement

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

JiggaJonson says...

Just, the audacity. fuck.

let me be as clear and direct as I can be: I have no interest in the personal sexual lives or private decisions of people i'm not married to.

@bobknight33 Do you want the United States of America to make decisions about what gender an individual can be or has to be?

Let us say that a human being has XX Male Syndrome where the person would present as male although have XX chromosomes, have a penis and testicals that are non functional sexually, and will NOT grow facial hair but WILL grow breasts.

Which bathroom should the person use? You want to answer don't you? See? that's the difference between you and me. I don't fucking care where this person takes a shit just as long as it's not on my front porch.

YOU, meanwhile, for someone tossing around accusations of "groomer" (grooming is defined how again? ohhh right you do things so that the child does what YOU want kind of like training a dog i imagine)
YOU seem to have a lot to say about what they do and dont do sexually. What they do or don't do with their genitals. What in the fuck kind of person spends their time dictating what children can do with their genitals or not and wants to tell them where to shit and what drinking fountain to use "HEYYY that's a water fountain for non-queers only!"


is your problem?

HOW in your mind can YOU be the one strongly opinionated on what these kids do or dont do and you go out of your way to advocate for that and support politicians who think alike

How can THAT be,, AND you are accusing the people who are disinterested in the insanely personal and private decisions of gender and sexuality, the people who don't care about that stuff and want to leave it to the individuals, but you

YOUUUU want to tell them what bathroom to use and which sports teams they cna play on and which hospitals they can get care at and if they can receive care as a person who is transgendered YOU (the one wanting to make decisions about kids genitals via your elected officials, YOU) YOU are calling someone else a groomer.


You groom animals because you want X behavior to happen, and you don't want Y behavior to happen.

YOU, are doing the thing, where you're doing stuff... that leads to the modification of behavior. Do you understand that?

kir_mokum said:

bobknight has repeatedly shown he has no problem groomers, sexual predators, or pedophiles so long as their nihilistic politics seem useful to him.

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

JiggaJonson says...

That's a sick equivocation. Moreover, dont you realize, YOU are the groomer in this situation?

There's one side saying

"This is the person type you must be attracted to if you are like this. This is the only type you can be. Any thing other than the prescribed way of doing things and it's sick and you're a pervert."

Another side is saying
"Be who you want to be, do what you want to do. It's okay if you feel X way about Y."

Dont you get it, it's not adults trying to push kids to do anything. The kids are the ones saying it. Seriously, you think I'm trying to call kids by the wrong name intentionally? THEY come up to me and Chris will say "actually call me Christy" "Ohhhkay Christy, have a seat and dont come up to my desk like that."

The KIDS are the ones who seem to not give a fuck about who goes in what bathrooms, but there are people "directing" (grooming?) their behavior saying "you must go to this one if X condition is met"

What state was it they were even doing genital exams to make sure only boys went to the boys and girls went to girls.

Which side here^ is saying "just let them play" and which side wants to actually ask a child to physically expose themselves because of their dogmatic religious ideas about sex and gender?

I am proud to be on the side NOT asking children to expose themselves. Who's in charge of the lawmaking body for that school in Ohio, Let me know and I'll register to vote with the other side.

bobknight33 said:

No No they are not.

You know better or should know better.

Or are you a Groomer?

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Yes, they are capable. Normal children anyway….you probably were not.

I do know better than to accept your ignorant, fear driven nonsense as anything more than the cowardly ignorant whining it is.
I’m a human being that was once a child. I was totally able to understand these topics without any issues by 8 years old if not earlier. My parents told me the truth, and didn’t hide things from me just because they were embarrassed or incapable of explaining them to me. Maybe you were just slow…..forget the maybe.
You still can’t get past your ignorance and hang ups about it as an adult, and are still incapable of a rational discussion because of your fear of the unknown.
You are still a child….a slow, learning deficient child.

Absolutely I’m a groomer. I groom myself daily…you disgusting slob. You probably think bathing is bad for you.

bobknight33 said:

No No they are not.

You know better or should know better.

Or are you a Groomer?

Transgender Rights II: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver

newtboy says...

Yes. Kids are capable of understanding these concepts at very young ages if you’re just honest with them and don’t dance around facts. It’s the lies, obfuscation, misdirection, and misinformation that makes them confused and prone to stupid permanent decisions and unhealthy/unsafe experimentation.
Just say no was an abject failure. Same with abstinence only sex education. Every attempt to hide the facts from kids ends with kids finding out the hard way.
What’s more, it’s often painfully obvious when a child born with male genitalia has a female brain, and vice versa, and stopping or delaying puberty is a reversible way to make their transition as adults much more successful and less invasive. There’s no legitimate reason to oppose that type of reversible treatment when everyone involved agrees it’s called for.

No. Ignorance ALWAYS does more harm than good….as do palatable lies.

Keeping kids ignorant leads to dangerously ignorant adults….something you know about.
More knowledge is always better and leads to informed, well considered decisions.
More ignorance is always worse and always leads to kids making uninformed decisions, often horrible decisions.

But the GOP says “to keep ‘em dumb, get ‘em young.”

The idea that informing curious children that their sex can be altered (with years of difficult, very expensive treatments and eventually painful risky surgeries after years of long term psychological counseling and doctor consultations) is “grooming” them, is convincing them to alter their sex, is moronic and says WAY more about those that claim it than they understand.
Did you want to change your sex from the first time you heard it was possible? Is that why right wingers say they think that? It’s the only logical conclusion.

Sad you are still incapable of addressing the traitor Ashley Babbitt who fucked around with police and found out. That says volumes.

bobknight33 said:

Your talking about kids, not adults.

This is more harm than good.

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

newtboy says...

What’s their problem, he says he waited until his wife’s sister turned 16.
Certainly it was fine for him to force himself on a 16 year old and for 10 years afterwards.
That’s not grooming.
ANY baseless charge Republicans lob at Democrats is projection…every time.

That’s what makes me worried that somewhere out there is a pizza place with a basement where Republicans rape, murder, then eat babies to magically retain political power.

luxintenebris said:

just wanted to make sure you caught this tidbit...

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

luxintenebris says...

just wanted to make sure you caught this tidbit...

Republicans’ use of “grooming” rhetoric comes as one of their own, former state House Speaker Lee Chatfield, is under investigation for allegedly sexually assaulting his future sister-in-law starting when she was a minor.

Clips from NBC NEWS: The sister-in-law of a former, high-ranking Republican leader in Michigan accused the lawmaker of sexually assaulting her for years when she was an underaged teen, officials said Monday.

Lee Chatfield, 33, who served as speaker of the state House of Representatives in 2019 and 2020, denies any criminal wrongdoing and instead admits to extramarital — but consensual — sex with the accuser, defense attorney Mary Chartier said. (he claims the affair began after his wife's sister turned of age)

“He destroyed me, and has controlled my life since I was 15-16, the past 10-11 years,” she told the non-profit news outfit.

a couple of items didn't list that add more 'ickiness' to the mix.
link to the story:

any wonder the Right thinks someone is after their kids - their own Party members are!

IMAX projection. 1000%

newtboy said:

100% Projection.

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

luxintenebris says...

FROM THE AP: McMorrow, who said she thought of most of the speech while giving her daughter a bath, said a conservative Christian woman from Texas and a gay man who grew up in rural Indiana were among those who contacted her office to thank her.

Asked why the speech resonated, McMorrow said: “There is a difference between politics and outright hate. I think people are frustrated that elected officials haven’t done enough to call that out, that maybe Democrats are afraid of talking about religion and faith openly and honestly and calling hate what it is. I think we have to.”

Theis, who declined to speak after the session, released a statement in which she did not apologize. (snowflakes melt under heat - only to run away)

Republicans’ use of “grooming” rhetoric comes as one of their own, former state House Speaker Lee Chatfield, is under investigation for allegedly sexually assaulting his future sister-in-law starting when she was a minor. (support for Newt's 'projection' theory)

...and damn it bob you had to get this stuck in me head;

MI Senator tells the truth in the face of a hateful lie

luxintenebris says...

“These are the people we are up against. Progressive social media trolls like Senator Mallory McMorrow (D-Snowflake) who are outraged they can’t teach can’t groom and sexualize kindergartners or that 8-year-olds are responsible for slavery,"

"Dear Lord, across the country we're seeing in the news that our children are under attack. That there are forces that desire things for them other than what their parents would have them see and hear and know," Theis said during the prayer.

compare the woman's speech above to the woman that made these comments.

truth versus hate.

debauchery: corruption, depravity, immorality, iniquitousness, iniquity...check, check, check, check and check.

drew the short straw on that, man.

bobknight33 said:

She belongs to the party of debauchery.

Big difference between hate and truth.

Too many straw man arguments .

Why Does My Dog... Walk in Circles Before Lying Down?

luxintenebris jokingly says...

perhaps you're highly susceptible to 'peer pressure'. it happens in many social circles. akin to why most women follow the same fashions.

so in the den, of your home, while it's just you and the dog, you're finding yourself circling while the dog finds itself losing and searching for the remote often.

good luck with learning the 'new' grooming habits. am envious if you succeed.

surfingyt said:

yes but why do *I* do it?

Sky Brown the 12 year old girl and her mega ramp

SFOGuy says...

Never been that adrenaline junky but I can see the attraction.

I gave up my fastest downhill skis last week; loved them, but too hard on the knees on anything other than a good groom and in the past two years, I've deliberately traded away 12-18 mph on my average downhill speed because: not willing to pay the tax on a high speed crash anymore .... I look at what she's dropping in on and I know that I would never do that on skis now...

newtboy said:

I had a friend in high school that had a 15' vertical ramp. He liked to climb to the roof of his 3 story Victorian to drop in, around 40'. Another friend's ramp had a big tree next to it, he liked to grab it >30' up and sit down to rest, then drop back in from the branch. He never looked scared at all.

When you're doing what you love, the fear of failure dissolves.

That's how I was able to drive 140 over unknown uneven terrain with +- 3% traction and feel good about it. It was horrifically unsafe, but some of the best times of my life I would repeat in a heartbeat if I was still able. Thanks to various broken parts including my back, that's a pipedream now. (Hilariously, maybe ironically, I broke it working on my house, not off road racing, not downhill biking, not whitewater kayaking, just removing a cast iron bathtub.)
At least there are some decent off-road video games now to keep me out of the buggy.

John Oliver - Mike Pence

newtboy says...

Thanks to asshats abusing their religious privileges, that's where we are today. Many places do require businesses offering a service to not discriminate based on personal preference.

If that Muslim baker makes Buddha cakes and Jesus cakes on request, he should limit his creativity across the board or not at all....or work in his mosque bakery.

If they make made to order pro choice cakes, yes, they should make made to order anti choice cakes.

If they make on request cakes for other notable figures, no....but I would expect Hitler to look pretty horrible.

Easy solution here, stop doing made to order cakes. Offer only what you're comfortable making, not requests, not personalized...have a catalog. Once you offer to make what the customer requests, you give up your right to be offended by it, for cash.

Edit: Keep in mind, this is often about being offended not by what they're asked to make, but who the customer is. Not rainbow wedding cakes with leather clad grooms and cocks everywhere, but fancy white cakes with flowers for a gay wedding.
Side note, Jews can't refuse service in their public establishments to any German, can they, and they have a much better reason to do so.

bcglorf said:

Do you mean no, you believe by force of law if your business is making cakes, you must print any and all messages requested by customers?

A Muslim baker should be required by law to produce a cake depicting the prophet?

Pro-Choice bakers should be required by law to produce cakes with graphic imagery of aborted fetuses?

Jewish bakers shouldn't be allowed to refuse to make a birthday cake for Hitler's birthday?

I get that right to refuse to do certain kinds of business can be touchy, but IMO it's even more dangerous to start demanding business owners lose the freedom to decline business that although legal goes against their own values.

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