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Poll on America's Opinion of Socialism

Porksandwich says...

>> ^chilaxe:

@Porksandwich "Socialism works in other countries, and works quite well."

Does this apply to socialist countries outside of northern Europe?
Socialism works in Scandinavia because it's full of Scandinavians. Scandinavians in the US - regardless of whether their family has been here 100 years or 1 year - are like East Asians and Jews in the US... they contribute to society at a rate far above other cultural groups.
If the US was full of Scandinavians it would rank similarly to Scandinavia, regardless of the differences in economic systems. US outcomes in general are driven by cultural groups.

It would be a lie to say you knew every aspect of every country without living in those countries to judge whether it "works" or not. You'd have to live at every income level and in various locations within each country to really KNOW for yourself. For example the US works quite well if you are a billionaire, but not so much if you make minimum wage. Your opportunity chance is going to be a magnitude higher as a billionaire, and if you fail you won't be destitute...versus the minimum wage worker.

With that said, there is a general theme in the US that if they don't believe they came up with the idea, plan of execution and implementation without basing any of it on "other" countries then we don't want it.

The common argument during the universal healthcare debate was that while other countries offer it, it wouldn't work in the US. And that's where the explanation usually ended, they would always follow up with the US needs to come up with it's own solution. And then inevitably it would be slight changes to the current system that already doesn't work for many. Then we would ignore that something like 30-35% of the US population is already receiving Medicare/Medicaid coverage that would typically be considered a universal healthcare program if it included everyone else.

It was a really disingenuous argument when you consider that they are trying to keep corporations involved in healthcare and never considered that maybe they should throw them out of the decision making process until they've come up with a plan. Then figure out how they could allow them in that wouldn't be detrimental.

I just think they never looked at other countries implementations to see what they could use for a framework in the US and see what would be required to implement it corporations or not.

But the point of all this is that, despite the evidence that things work in other countries. The US fosters the idea that borrowing ideas from other countries and suiting them to ourselves makes us inferior, and we'd rather stew in the mess we've created until we can come up with something wholly uninfluenced by things outside the country rather than try to fix it sooner by looking abroad. This would be a fine mentality if we didn't cut funding on things that were designed to give us the edge when it comes to discoveries of new things and ideas throughout various fields. There was a time when we were openly giving many of those findings to other countries to do what they will with them, but now we in turn are too good to look at them and consider what we could gain from their methods.

Our government is there to serve and protect it's people, but it doesn't protect them from corporations through regulations or limitations of the powers they have over us. SOPA and John Doe piracy lawsuits are good examples. Mortgage crisis is better. None of those serve the people or the society the people make up. And corporations are not people, so they are part of the society but they do not create the society. Corporations should exist as long as they are beneficial to society, not a minute longer.

It may be cultural group driven, but it seems the younger people are willing to abandon cultural beliefs to attempt something else so they have a chance at a future. We as a nation are unwilling to undo what we have done...we look at our past and despite there being evidence of marching down a slowly declining path that is becoming steeper and steeper.....we continue downward. Now we have to wonder if it's so dark we can't see the huge spiked pit with the very narrow walkway for the well off to tread upon. While the rest of us walk blindly into the pit.

Wool over our eyes, blinders, cart on a lead. Tracks to the cliffs edge. Whatever analogy you want to use.

Edited for clarity and thinking ahead and using the wrong word in a couple places.

Poll on America's Opinion of Socialism

chilaxe says...

@Porksandwich "Socialism works in other countries, and works quite well."

Does this apply to socialist countries outside of northern Europe?

Socialism works in Scandinavia because it's full of Scandinavians. Scandinavians in the US - regardless of whether their family has been here 100 years or 1 year - are like East Asians and Jews in the US... they contribute to society at a rate far above other cultural groups.

If the US was full of Scandinavians it would rank similarly to Scandinavia, regardless of the differences in economic systems. US outcomes in general are driven by cultural groups.

Japan vs. China: Porn

longde says...

I am not going to tell Asian Americans how to be offended by any word. And since in the states, people can't tell nationalities apart, every person of east asian descent gets called a chink. I think there is a world of difference between a tongue-in-cheek use of the word chink by the people it is targeted at, and someone using it in a hateful or hostile way towards asians.

edit: I have added a warning and NSFW.

TYT - Fox: OWS and Supporters are "parasites"

chilaxe says...

"A third unknown factor which causes both the economic gap and the wide array of social "decay" in country after country."

Nobody alive knows how to bring white people's average test scores up to the scores of north-east Asians and Jews, or NAMs (non-Asian minorities) up to the scores of white people. Naturally, permanent gaps in test scores cause all manner of social decay, all deriving from population replacement.

This chart concisely explains every problem the US experiences (the need for income redistribution, high murder rate & prison population, low test scores, high unemployment. On every societal factor, if you break it down by region of ancestry, the US scores equal to or better than the countries its population came from, and it's the population replacement responsible for problems.

Before I leave the sift, we should place a bet.

You bet is OWS will help fix these problems by creating a shift to the political left. If the next president after Obama is Republican, as I expect, or if the economic decline continues in liberal states, that would seem to be counter to your prediction.

My bet is the US is in permanent economic decline that will correlate (just as it already correlates) with 1. how liberal a state is and 2. the proportion of the state population that's not White/Asian/Jewish. Next time you notice statistics suggesting that the global fiscal crisis only occurred because it was assumed NAMs would manage their finances in the same way Whites/Jews/Asians do, question whether it's really in society's interest to pretend reality isn't the way it is. If these achievement gaps close within the next 100 years without the help of reprogenetics (reprogramming genetics will probably start via embryo selection around 2040, and liberals will oppose it until they finally reverse their position in the latter half of the century), that would disprove my prediction.

Some sources that Cenk would be furious we're talking about without applying deception:
NYT: Triumph Fades on Racial Gap in City Schools
The Great Dumbing Down: California Skills Decay Due To Immigration

Anyway, I'm off. This should be my last substantive comment on videosift. Best of luck on your path, Messenger.

Petition to Apply Affirmative Action to the Basketball Team

longde says...

Dude, really, the positive experiences of some east Asian groups does not negate the negative experiences of other visible minorities, nor does it disqualify their claims for justice. There is no zero-sum, or black/white (no pun intended) on this issue.

I'm glad that those asian groups don't experience discrimination or prejudice despite the fact that some come to the table without the required language skills or adequate income. Bully for them. Some of us have fluent and native english skills, and have all the supposed advantages of being in the middle class, yet somehow get passed over.

I also love that fact that you lump all Asian groups together to muddy the issue again. Hmong and Japanese groups have vastly different household income, health outcomes, education levels, discriminatory experiences, and so on. They are not the same in any way, yet you can use extremes in either group to create a distorted picture of the "Asian" experience.

And this video is just ridiculous. Who cares about the fucking NBA/NCAA? Let it all be white and chinese for all I care. That's not what really matters in our society for most people. Aside from the fact that making a jump shot is a direct measure of performance in basketball; no way to manipulate it, either you can or you can't. SAT, GPA, and other measures of so-called "merit" are deeply flawed.

>> ^chilaxe:
Most of what's been said in the comments above this isn't true because Asian Americans outperform Whites, even though Asian Americans are a minority, were very recently more poor than any groups in the US, and had greater language disadvantages than anyone in the US.
All the people in the above comments who support racist discrimination against Asian Americans don't believe in personal accountability and are in favor of a permanently hyper-racialized society.
This comment could be disproved if you can show that Asian Americans didn't have greater linguistic and financial barriers to overcome than any groups in the US, or that they don't outperform White people.

Epic Racist Moment on Game Show

longde says...

In California, all they did was trade one flawed system for another. They tweeked the dials and ended up with a system that was designed to give advantage to some groups (people of high income households of east asian descent and white descent) and disadvantage others (people of lower income household of african and chicano descent).

At a high level, it was just like the last system, just giving advantages to different groups. If the changes were truly about fairness (for individuals and for the state of cali) and not about stoking racial resentment for political expediency, they would have put in place some real reforms, like eliminating the SAT as a factor in admissions.

I must also note that there was/is no strong move to remove perceived racial advantages in other venues in California; like the enforcement of drug laws.

Killing Us Softly -- Volume 4

HadouKen24 says...

>> ^legacy0100:

Far East Asian media is dominated by feminine mentality simply because the female audience and fan participation vastly outnumber the male audience. Both men and women in public media are depicted as people with feelings and pretty hair and such. But this doesn't mean there's less domestic violence in Asian cultures.
In fact, there are more unreported domestic abuse in Asian countries than there are in United States. People also fight, people get hit by cars, people get killed in Asian countries with the same rate as any other countries. How do you explain that according to your ad images?

The valuing of the masculine over the feminine doesn't need to be advertised in East Asian culture; it's taken as read. Fish don't advertise water. In Japan, for instance, it's extremely difficult to find a career as a woman that would come close to the social status and earning potential that men can acquire.

I think you're conflating individualist values with masculine values, to be quite honest. There is nothing "masculine" about cooperation, and nothing inherently "feminine" about individualism. The reason the Northern European peoples were able to have female leaders going back centuries had everything to do with their individualism, and not much to do with their masculinism; they shared the latter with their military foes, and only with the valuing of the individual was it possible to conceive of, for example, Queen Boadicea, who gave the Romans so much difficulty in Britain.

Killing Us Softly -- Volume 4

legacy0100 says...

I'm not sure I wholly agree with what she claims at the 4th segment of the video about consequences of objectifying men and about femininity vs masculinity.

She claims that valuing masculinity over femininity leads to violence.

Far East Asian media is dominated by feminine mentality simply because the female audience and fan participation vastly outnumber the male audience. Both men and women in public media are depicted as people with feelings and pretty hair and such. But this doesn't mean there's less domestic violence in Asian cultures.

In fact, there are more unreported domestic abuse in Asian countries than there are in United States. People also fight, people get hit by cars, people get killed in Asian countries with the same rate as any other countries. How do you explain that according to your ad images?

She also complains that in her society masculine values are prioritized over feminine values, and that leads to violence.

Your culture of glorifying masculinity has brought universal suffrage mind you, while most other countries where they prioritize cooperation of community and other 'feminine' values end up oppressing women because they want to keep things the way they are.

Historically most Northern European countries valued masculine values over feminine. And yet these countries were the ones who brought women into battlefields in Roman times and also adopted the first Universal suffrage.

Stick to your original comments about media effecting women's body image lady. Don't get off track.

Racist Cat

Obama Bows to Japanese Emperor Akihito

JAPR says...

I upvote because Obama did the correct thing, in my opinion. I'm an East Asian Studies major, I bow and shake hands when I meet people in Japan. It's called being polite. This is exactly Obama's style, being less formal and openly friendly.

Malcolm Gladwell--Why Koreans Don't Make the Best Pilots

jerryku says...

Also, culture and race very much influence each other, so I don't think it makes any sense to try and separate the two into distinct camps. It's very difficult for a black woman to feel more than politely welcome in any white social setting, for example. Black women simply aren't considered as attractive as white women, as a whole, so the end result is that white women are going to be more influenced by the opinions of white men than black women, simply due to increased contact. You can't assimilate something you find unattractive and thus avoid, which means cultural messages cannot be as easily transferred between the two parties.

Look at all the "check out this video of sexy girls!" videos that make the Top ranks of Videosift, and you pretty much only see white and East Asian women. White men are not as interested in black women as they are white and East Asian women, so how can black women possibly adapt the same culture as white men or women?

The new sexual predator: young teen Canadian girls

The new sexual predator: young teen Canadian girls

Angry legacy0100 Shark Fin Soup Lady

legacy0100 says...

I don't understand what would incite an individual to brand an evidently distinct ethnicity so absolute to a wrong group when the original submitter clearly has zero knowledge of the specified ethnicity.

"Anyone who looks Far East Asian and speaks these kind of silly language must be Korean. Therefore, this lady is Korean. And since this lady is Korean, she must eat shark fins. Because that's what Far East Asian people eat.

And I will continue to think that any videos showing individuals who look Far East Asian and speaks languages that I don't understand here in Videosift, I will automatically assume that they are Korean."

So that got me thinking:

"Anyone who makes these kind of clumsy mistakes must be a very ignorant individual. Therefore, blankfist is a ignorant individual. And since Blankfist is a ignorant individual, he is a hick. Because that's how hicks think.

And I will continue to think that any ignorant comments I happen to witness and encounter here in Videosift, I will automatically assume that it was done by blankfist."

But then legacy0100 saw the flaws in his way of thinking. Blankfist has shown many qualities as a person, and is responsible for countless quality sift submissions. He is not an ignorant person, nor a hick.

legacy0100 felt ashamed of himself. He opened his diary for the first time in 764 years. And with a silver stylus he began scribbling down, pen quickly shifting across the parched paper, ink hastily rooting itself deep within the fibers to reveal the stories it carried:

"I shouldn't judge people so quickly over just one incident, because categorizing someone's character over one single trait would be biased, and wrong."

Legacy0100 learned his lessons today, and prayed to jesus he'd be a good little boy this year.

legacy0100 closed his diary and put out the lights,
off to his bed, dreamworld delight

Off in the far lands of North Pole,
Santa Claus gave out a jolly laugh.

"Ho Ho Ho!" he exclaimed.

"Legacy my dear, be of good cheer.
Your stockings be stuffed with presents this year!"

Leaving a Personal Ad on "The Meet Market"

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