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newtboy (Member Profile)

Let's talk about Trump going to the hospital....

newtboy says...

It happened, it was halted, it's happening again. As long as lower education is so disparate between mostly white and mostly black schools, it's proper. Revamp the education system so all high school graduates have the same educational opportunities, I would support removing it again, but we are moving the opposite direction. No link required, I explained....but from the link you provided....

Did you read the link you provided about the one place supporting a day of absence? Evergreen? Their "day of absence" was 100% voluntary, not enforceable and not enforced, contrary to your claim.

The reporter chased out wasn't chased out, he was confronted, and he had left the media area to interrupt the event by "interviewing" people who didn't want to be interviewed in the middle of the event. Trump's campaign has adopted this tactic and added violence, and often physically assaulted reporters even when they comply and stay in the media area. This particular event was akin to a reporter jumping on stage and insisting the speaker let him interview him then and there, disrupting the sanctioned event.

Um....this was a discussion of why people would vote for Trump, not what's happening in Canada. That said, you can't expect a university to give a platform to a person who would use it to degrade and denigrate the university and it's policies. I wouldn't expect a religious school to host atheistic pro-life lectures, and I wouldn't expect publicly funded universities to host anti inclusion lectures.

Duh...your alleged "whiteness" class was not defining whiteness as inherently negative, it was this....
CSRE 136: White Identity Politics (AFRICAAM 136B, ANTHRO 136B)
Pundits proclaim that the 2016 Presidential election marks the rise of white identity politics in the United States. Drawing from the field of whiteness studies and from contemporary writings that push whiteness studies in new directions, this upper-level seminar asks, does white identity politics exist? How is a concept like white identity to be understood in relation to white nationalism, white supremacy, white privilege, and whiteness? We will survey the field of whiteness studies, scholarship on the intersection of race, class, and geography, and writings on whiteness in the United States by contemporary public thinkers, to critically interrogate the terms used to describe whiteness and white identities. Students will consider the perils and possibilities of different political practices, including abolishing whiteness or coming to terms with white identity. What is the future of whiteness? n*Enrolled students will be contacted regarding the location of the course. And it was cancelled in 2016-17. Don't be dishonest, it will change my responses.

Not sure why you made up this falsely alleged definition of racism that appears nowhere in the definitions or class descriptions you linked, but you did. Calling bullshit....Again.

Critical Race Theory (7016): This course will consider one of the newest intellectual currents within American Legal Theory -- Critical Race Theory. Emerging during the 1980s, critical race scholars made many controversial claims about law and legal education -- among them that race and racial inequality suffused American law and society, that structural racial subordination remained endemic, and that both liberal and critical legal theories marginalized the voices of racial minorities. Course readings will be taken from both classic works of Critical Race Theory and newer interventions in the field, as well as scholarship criticizing or otherwise engaging with Critical Race Theory from outside or at the margins of the field. Meeting dates: The class will meet 7:15PM to 9:15PM on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday (January 7, 8, and 9), and the following Monday and Tuesday (January 13 and 14). Elements used in grading: Class Participation, Written Assignments.

Not anti white/pro minority/white=evil....but an examination of how laws as written and enforced may (or may not) be an example of racial injustice codified in law, whether by accident or intent. Again, you misrepresent the facts to pretend a class that examines the roll of race in law is a racist class teaching whites are bad and blacks are good.

If everyone BUT Asains do poorly because they aren't offered the same opportunities to excell, then yes, we need to step in to UPGRADE the opportunities of everyone else, that doesn't translate into downgrading the opportunities Asains are offered. Derp. This bullshit is the same racist trope the anti equality side has used for years, it's just bullshit. Asians aren't penalized for being competent at math nor for being Asian....neither were whites, which was V 1.0 of that same argument.

Identity politics are on both sides, played hard by the right too, to the detriment of society.

Affirmative action got national pushback from the racist right the day it was described as a plan, and constantly since.

It seems you may be confused by morons who would tell you racism is dead, reverse racism is out of control. When white women start being lynched by black mobs and blacks get a free pass for breaking the law, come back and try again. Until then, you sound like a bully whining about getting a time out for punching a smaller kid because they're a different race and proclaiming the whole system is unfair to white kids because you had a minor consequence forced on you.

bcglorf said:

-Including race as a determining factor in your admission score
as a 'liberal' ideal
This IS happening broadly, link to how and arguments for why it is 'good'

-Enforcement of a race based "day of absence" where based on your race you were to be 'kicked off' campus for the day
Specifically the day of absence was at evergreen:
Similarly reverse racist attitudes though are common enough, like chasing out a student journalist here for simply covering an event:

-"deplatforming" people for having dissenting opinions
Jordan Peterson is the biggest example, but my local uni has also banned pro-life student clubs too, so maybe I'm a little Canada biased on this?

-The entire circle-jerk of intersectionalism:
---"whiteness" needs to be defined as something inherently negative
Here's the Standford course on it if you or your parents wanna enrol:

---"Racism" needs to redefined as not simply racial prejudice, but racial prejudice PLUS power(you know, so only white people can be racist under the new definition)
Likewise offered at Stanford, unless this is the lone critical race theory course that doesn't champion the above prejudice+power definition.

---"systemic racism" getting defined as anything with unequal outcomes, so if asian students do too well in math it must mean the system is favouring them and we need to step in

And I'm out of time,

but seriously I'm a little baffled this was remotely controversial? Identity politics is a game the left has been playing at HARD for at minimum the decades since Affirmative Action was launched. The notion that the idea would eventually get national level push back should have been easy to see coming.

Let's talk about Trump going to the hospital....

bcglorf says...

-Including race as a determining factor in your admission score
as a 'liberal' ideal
This IS happening broadly, link to how and arguments for why it is 'good'

-Enforcement of a race based "day of absence" where based on your race you were to be 'kicked off' campus for the day
Specifically the day of absence was at evergreen:
Similarly reverse racist attitudes though are common enough, like chasing out a student journalist here for simply covering an event:

-"deplatforming" people for having dissenting opinions
Jordan Peterson is the biggest example, but my local uni has also banned pro-life student clubs too, so maybe I'm a little Canada biased on this?

-The entire circle-jerk of intersectionalism:
---"whiteness" needs to be defined as something inherently negative
Here's the Standford course on it if you or your parents wanna enrol:

---"Racism" needs to redefined as not simply racial prejudice, but racial prejudice PLUS power(you know, so only white people can be racist under the new definition)
Likewise offered at Stanford, unless this is the lone critical race theory course that doesn't champion the above prejudice+power definition.

---"systemic racism" getting defined as anything with unequal outcomes, so if asian students do too well in math it must mean the system is favouring them and we need to step in

And I'm out of time,

but seriously I'm a little baffled this was remotely controversial? Identity politics is a game the left has been playing at HARD for at minimum the decades since Affirmative Action was launched. The notion that the idea would eventually get national level push back should have been easy to see coming.

Let's talk about Trump going to the hospital....

newtboy says..., he isn't correct.
I'm sorry that you believe 2864974 fewer votes is a mandate by the people supporting your team. That is not what the word means. Clinton had the mandate from the people.

Because some deluded Trumpsters voted based on their belief that Trump would turn society back to the 50's based on exaggerated stories they hear about some liberal colleges doesn't make them right, that's not the job of a president, you need a dictatorial tyrant to force societal changes.

I've never even heard of most of your insane claims, like this racial "day of absence" bullshit, that's patently illegal in the U.S., so if it happened at all, it's not here.

Ok, widespread through academia, bullshit. My parents both worked for Stanford for decades, my sister is a teacher, none of what you claim happened there, most didn't happen in any schools in the U.S.. Some happened in Canada, most is bullshit right wing deplatforming, I'm guessing you're talking about some racist right wing agitators being denied a platform for their hate speech after massive protests at places like Berkeley, what you forget is they offered different venues and times for them when and where they could hold their events in safety and they refused, then lied and said they were just flatly denied a place to speak.

Wait, you're saying Trumptards are so delusional they claim Trump did nothing to solve these issues that enrage you and that you claim exist today, so people should vote for him again. So stupid.

You're suggesting voting to decimate America to save it from a few hundred delusional college students with no power. I hope you like the way the Chinese change things, they'll own America in a few years if we continue down this road.

Edit: People need to very seriously wake up and recognize how many of the quiet folks who openly detest Trump, are also going to silently still vote Republican because of their disgust and push back at the above ideals have been suckered, duped into believing this nonsense by liars who only want to increase their ignorance, listening to those without scruples but with agendas misrepresent the problems and never looking for themselves has created a national party incapable of thinking for themselves, incapable of the most basic investigation, incapable of even recognizing that they're being lied to constantly by their sources, even when those sources admit they lied about everything.

bcglorf said:

I think it's super important people recognize that Bob's point here is actually very correct.

A huge part of Trump's support IS reactionary against runaway liberal ideals.

The most blatant was on University campuses:
-Including race as a determining factor in your admission score as a 'liberal' ideal
-Enforcement of a race based "day of absence" where based on your race you were to be 'kicked off' campus for the day
-"deplatforming" people for having dissenting opinions
-The entire circle-jerk of intersectionalism:
---"whiteness" needs to be defined as something inherently negative
---"Racism" needs to redefined as not simply racial prejudice, but racial prejudice PLUS power(you know, so only white people can be racist under the new definition)
---"systemic racism" getting defined as anything with unequal outcomes, so if asian students do too well in math it must mean the system is favouring them and we need to step in

All of that filth was and still is almost universally wide spread through Academia as 'liberal' good ideas.

People need to very seriously wake up and recognize how many of the quiet folks who openly detest Trump, are also going to silently still vote Republican because of their disgust and push back at the above ideals.

Husband Drifts Van Around Street Corner

Ashenkase says...

Weak sauce. First good snow here in Canada I go out to a parking lot and practice hard braking and recovering from slide outs... comes in handy during the worst of Winter. I do miss my rear wheel drive Pontiac Acadian though... super fun for sliding around.

Joe Won't Stand Up For Us

newtboy says...

Isn't it hilarious how Trump's best argument is "If you elect Biden, things could be almost as bad as they are now under me." I particularly like the one with the riots and Jack booted thugs of Trump's American nightmare claiming this could be Biden's America....BUT THAT IS TRUMP'S AMERICA YOU IJITS.

Trump didn't stand up for us against China, he stood up for Ivanka, then asked China to interfere in our election. He tossed out a trade pact for trade wars costing Americans untold billions or trillions and totally failed at trade talks.

Every other nation except Russia and Saudi Arabia want Biden over Trump, especially our allies but even most of our enemies would rather we be rational and sane than unpredictably weak and irrationally scared.

If you want to talk about family members profiting from their parent's public office, let's talk about Trump's kids @bobknight33, who actually did take gifts directly from China (not profits on investments they made, gifts) of tens of millions, one worth a reported $35 million by itself, or the hundreds of millions collected from the middle east by Jarred, or the tens of millions collected by Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb from Canada and elsewhere...all based on promises made by the president to those foreign powers to scratch their back if they scratch his.


Face it, you cannot make a single accusation on any topic deriding Biden where there isn't direct evidence of Trump being exponentially worse than his usually false accusations about Biden. Not one. *fail is right, buddy, another failed Trump attempt to smear a good man.
BTW, another court has said Trump can no longer hide his tax frauds today. Never before has so much taxpayer money been spent to hide someone's taxes, constant court cases for years using government lawyers has likely cost taxpayers near $100000000 to hide his taxes if you count the cost of the lawyers and courts, of course never before has a president refused to release them before the election, but never before has a repeatedly convicted fraud, thief, and charity con man been president.

Edit : Aaaaaaaahahahahaaa!!!! Another Trump stooge, Steve Bannon (I don't know him, never met him, I've heard good things about him but no, I don't know Steve) and multiple other administration officials including the acting head of the DEA arrested on more fraud charges, this time for defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors out of >$25000000 they donated to Trump's "build the wall" campaign. The hits never stop coming with Trump. Tired of winning yet?

Mordhaus (Member Profile)

CN Tower - Lighting Canada's National Tower with LEDs

Lightning Strikes Transformer in Ontario

Lightning Strikes Transformer in Ontario


cloudballoon says...

The most accurate & fairer index is probably comparing death/million by country. Starting with the 1st known infection and measure how well countries respond after 3-6 months.

I like to use this site that my local (Toronto in Canada) TV's website put up to compare between several countries. # are updated almost daily so always up-to-date.

The GOP & Trump's concern is only & always about the economic numbers. That can be measured too, how each countries fare with their GDP output, unemployment & debt statistics. I bet Trumpworld isn't doing well in both the short & long game economically either, but sorry I don't have a site that can do comparisons like the covid cases/deaths like I had above.

newtboy said:

Almost certainly, but that's likely true worldwide. People without symptoms usually don't get tested, and that's something like 85% of infected and infectious people.

Doctor wears six face masks to debunk lack of oxygen myth

Doctor wears six face masks to debunk lack of oxygen myth

3 Researchers Break Down COVID19 Vaccines They're Developing

newtboy says...

TLDW, but I thought it should be mentioned, Russians have again been caught hacking America's, England's, and other countries (Canada's) research facilities in an apparent effort to steal vaccine research.
These are the same Russians who helped elect Trump, APT29 AKA Cozy Bear.
The Whitehouse is silent.

Free Speech Considered Support for Nazism

newtboy says...

Don't pretend to be so oblivious.
The gallery is one person making decisions on who to allow to hold private rallies in secret at her establishment, and she chooses Nazis and white power personalities. I thought you support taking individual responsibility.
The Nation of Islam, and I'm no fan at all, is a huge, multinational organization of millions I assume lead by some form of committee and encompassing a wide range of views and opposing extremes....They did not all choose to be associated with that one extremists nor did they all agree with him by far, then or now, only some did. That's similar to the same question but changing "nation of Islam" to "America". Obviously that's comparing apples to the president's drag queen makeup.

I won't comment much on Canada blm because I don't know them and don't choose to take the time needed to sleuth out some truths about them, but assuming what you say is correct it sounds like they have some racism in their midst that they should weed out before they become the monster they wish to destroy.

Brett Stevens, did you read any of the links? Or my quotes from them? Did you visit, his website, or his blog amerika? (i won't) Do you have a clue who he is and the racist mass murderer he celebrates?

They have a right to speak, the crowd has a right to protest and take any civil legal action they choose to remove the soapbox from their neighborhood. I never said different. You must have confused me with the protesters.
They don't have a right to shout or hold their signs emblazoned with their stupid wrong things intended to provoke at a protest and attempt to spark violence, even if they cleverly camouflage it so on the surface their message seems agreeable, which is what I think was his intent. If successful, he would gain more fuel for the argument that the racists and Nazis planning a violent race war aren't the problem, it's the fascist liberal grandma shovers and sign thieves we should really be worried about....just like the boogaloos in America that caused many if not most of the riots, shot cops, and planned multiple mass murders and bombings all of which they intended to pin on blm.

They don't actually need any place to speak today, there's a soapbox in every cellphone.


This facility was holding their alt-right events in secret, hiding their speech itself. They wanted it hidden. You can't bemoan their voices being silenced while also defending their secret rallies which no one who might confront or correct them was told happened, can you?

And side note
The government isn't stopping them, so it's not censorship before that idea crops up.

Again, your bar for crying violence in this instance is subterranean. No one would ever be prosecuted for the level of violence without injury that he suffered, nor compensated for his miniscule loss of cardboard. Do you see him hit, kicked, punched, shoved hard, anything? Time stamp please. I'll change my tune if he was actually injured, I didn't see it anywhere, just his sign yanked after being slowly shoved away from one specific spot.

Could you honestly say ANY right wing event, especially any alt-right event infiltrated by a fairly quiet blm activist with a sign bemoaning police corruption would be as gentle and non violent? Edit: I doubt it.

The point of this video as presented is to pretend that's the case, that the shove from grandma is societies downfall, a direct attack on freedom not a rejection of a defender and facilitator of racists and Nazis (if he's not one himself). The Nazis and racists resurfacing and arming themselves (happening here in America) are nothing to be upset about or oppose....they're good people, not like disgusting anti free speech granny and those other freedom haters.
I'm astonished I'm apparently the only one willing to object to that long ago debbunked distortion of reality.

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